Tarif Rehab Medis Dan FT

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9231 Sngle source photon rudiosurgery

High energy x- rays 2,L87 . 4@
Linear accelerator (LINAC)
92 32 trtulti-source pholron rodiosuqgcry z,2E't.4oo
Cobalt 60 radiation
Camma irradiation
r9233r porficu.lorc rodiosurgcry I ,Z$7 lW
Particle beam radiation (ryclotron)
Proton accerlerator
9i39 gereo?qctic rodiosurgcry, notelsewher.e clossified 1 , tg 7 4OO

92 4 htro-operutivc rodiation prucedurus

92.41 hlro-opcr"otive elechon rodiotion lfreropy & L ,Lg? , 4PO
That using a mobile linear accelerator

93 Physical ltrerupy, r?spirqtor? fienopy, rrhobilitution, and

r.eloted procedures
93O Diagnostic physicol lheropy
93O1 Funcfionol:voluofion //J 8A0 .
93O2 fflrotic cvoluorion lqA . 1 00
9393 Pr"osttrcfic cvoluation L04 .'t@
93.O,1 lianuol lrsling of musclefunction QZ, L@
93,05 Rongeof motion tsting lll . tW
93O6 ilcasuremcnf of limb lengltr tgX . t00
93O7 Bo_dy.mcasqrcment [qXJ . 100
Measurement of skull circumference
93.o8 Ecctrcmyography llb .W
Excludes eye EMG 195.29 LbL ' ?@
93-O9 Othcr diognosfic physicol ilrcrapy procadurc
\b " W
93.1 Physicol lhcnapy exercises
93.1 1 Assisling cxcrcisc lql. \OO
Excludes assisted exercise in pool ,93.3t)
l\L . 00O
93-12 Ol{reraclivc mqsculoskclctal cxercise ll5 .XOO
93.13 Rcsistivc cxcrcise It5 . EOO
93.14 Tr.oining in pi,,ir";;r.;; Wb , g@
93.15 liobilizotion of spine ll$ .flQO
93.16 lAobilizotion of otlrerlrints l\b -gO0
Excludes: manipulation o temporomandibular joint 06.g9 ll9 - Z@
93-17 olherpassivc musculoskalztol exercisa t( 9' €OO
93.1 8 Breolhing exercis: tqk' QOO
93-19 Excrrise,notelsewhcre clossifia6 tttQ ' brc
932 Olher physicol therapy musculoskeletol monipulotion
9321 lAonuol ond mechonicol troction \tq ' @6
{xcIudes skeletal traction (93.43'93.44)
ski n troction (9 3.4 5'9 3.4 5)
sPinal traction (93.4 l-93.42)
9322 Arnbulolion ond goitt*inin9 \V)-' 600
9323 Filting of orthotil dcvice i tz' 8oo ^ .r^
9324 Trqining in usc of proslhclic o. oJofi" devicc ttB r Uoo
Training in crutch uralking
9325 Forccd cxtnsaon of limb t(aI BOo
9326 monuql nrpture of lrintodhcsion" ttl r8O<'
9327 .Srr"thing of .rr"l" o1 tcndo4 ttg t 6@
9328 $rcrching of foscio Lt5 r SOO
93 29 Olherforcible correction of deforrnity t t? r 6oo

933 Other physicol iheropy tharcpeutic pr"ocedures

9331 Assisted exertise in pool tt5. OCo
(a, 8oo
9332 ttthirlpool lrcotrnent (
9333 Ottrerhydrotheropy l\9r 8W
9334 Diothenny t t? t 8q:
9335 other hcot lheropy tt9 t 6Po
A(upuncture with smouldering moxa
Hot packs
Hyperthermia NEC
lnfrared irradiation
Paraffin bath
Excludes. hyperthermia for treatment of cancer i99.85)
9s36 Cordiac relroining t \te' @o
93i7 Pncnotol lraining Lq l, L@
Training for natural childbirth
9338 Conbincd physicol ltcropy wiltroutmcntion of ltc componcnts U9,Boo
9339 orher physical lhenopy lt9 | V@
93-4 Skclctal ltroclioa ond olficr trraction
93-41 Spinollroclion using skull dcvicc
tJA ' tOo
Traction using:
caliper tongs
Crutchfield tongs
halo device
Vinke tongs
Excludes. insertion of tongs or halo traction device (02.94)

Il New cocle @ Revised code (l +* digit required 251

!{{}-9-{itt i,J57-OF pROaf,i{,rS[5 iFv i t]
e3.42 othcrspinoltcctio
Cotrel's traction ^ ?b7 *OO'
Excludes: cervical collar (9i.52) , -

93.43 hr"rnil.ientskcletsl trcclion ?0/ tt0O"

70? //ro
93.44 Olhar skelctal lroction
Bryant's traction
Dunlop's traction
Lyman Smith traction
Russell's traction /,,^n
9315 Thomas'splintlracfion ?b?' ryW
93116 otircr skin troction of limbs q69 k0
Adhesive tape traction /-|
Boot ffaction
Buck's traction
Gallows traction

93 5 Olher im m o bil izotion, prcssu re. on d allrenlion lo u ound

Exc I ud e s : exter na I f ixator dev ice ( 84. 7 I -84. 7 3 )
wo und clea ns ing (96. 5 8 -96. 5 9t
9351 tpplication of plostcr jncket Zq/ - 000
Excludes: Minerva jacket (93.52)

"u' ^iooff:I?J""*l** 'uPeo* 'L// ooo '

cervical collar
Minerva jacket
molded neck support
9353 Applic"rtr" ,i"i""""tt ;4/. P00
9354 ARdicdion.of splint Xq/
Tray splint
Exc I ud es : periodonta I s ptint ( 24. 7)
9355 Dentol wiring
Excludes: that for orthodontia {24.7)
9356 Applicolion of pressurcdrcssins
Application of: ry4 ?00
Gibney bandage
Robert Jones' bandage
Shanz dressing
93.57 Applicofion of ollrerwound dressing
Porcine wound dressing
9358 Applicolion of pnesssFe lrouscr.s
Application of:
anti- shock trousers
MAST trousers
vasopneumatic devire


9359 Olter inmobili:otion,pressunz, ond ott€nlion to woqnd

Elastic stockings
Electronic gaiter
lntermittent pressure device
Oxygenation of wound (hyperbaric)
Stereotactic head frame application
Velpeau dressing

93.6 Osteopathic m an ipu lafiva lr"ealm ent

93.61 Osteoplrt i". rnanipulafive tr"entmentfor gencr.ol mobilizafion f/ 6OO
General articulatory treatment
93-62 Osleopottric nonipulolive lr€alrneat using high - velocity, 6OO
low -onplitude frrces 7/, J/K4 f40-
Thrusting forces
93-63 Oslsopolfri_c nr.anipulofive ,r:ccltrert using low - vclocity, 0 OO
high-amplitrde forces 7/ /r// atrtpDtw
Springing forces
93.64 Oslaopoltric nonipulofive lrrcotncnt using isotonic. isornclric
7/ . 6
forces ?r/ai froTirY
9365 Osleopollric nanipulolivc treatmentusing indirectforrces 6 O0
7/ Tuun
,rrt oig;#t:c monipulofive t€otm2nt to moyc tissue ffuids
7/ 6OO

93b7 Oiher specificd osteopcthic manipulotive lreotment

937 Spezch ond reodinq rchobilitotion cnd rehabilitation of the blind
e37r Dystcxio tmiaile /46 6OO
9372 Dysphosio troinins tbb /OO
9373 Esophogcol speech traifiing
9371 3peech defectlroining //.,, /-t
e3r5orher*0";';;;;;;kkrr*r?r0 ,. t
9376 Tmining in usc of l:od dog frr lhe blind /Ab b 0O
9377 Troining in braillcorfloon /4b 6OO'.
9378 olherrehabilitalion forl{rc btiaa
145 6m
93 I Othar rchobilitation thcrupy
93.81 Rccrcotion theropy
Diversional therapy
Play therapy
Exclud es : play psychotherapy {94.36)
9382 Educationol llrcropy
Education of bed- bound children
Special schooling for the handicapped
9383 Occupalional l*reropy
Daily living activities therapy
Exrludes; training in activities of daily living for the blind (93.781
9384 ltlusic l{rerrcpy

iEl Nernr code @ Revised code O +* digit required 253

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