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Human Interest
Exam #11 Language & Literature Research c. Proximity
d. Timeliness
12. Which news element best describes this story: We have decided
1. Which of the following is correct?
not to run a story about a school-wide fundraiser that took place
a. 2,000 students swarmed the field after the Mavericks won
at a high school in another state.
the playoffs.
a. Proximity
b. Last night, a 4-year-old boy was reported missing in San
b. Prominence
c. Human Interest
c. Bot Provoking has built and destroyed ten robots this build
d. Conflict
13. Which news element best describes this story: All freshmen
d. Stephen and Hillary announced that they found an average
hereafter will be required to take an arts course from among:
of 9 dirty plates every day after lunch.
Family and Consumer Sciences, technology education, music, or
2. What is the inverted pyramid structure of organization?
a. A style of writing that emphasizes the human interest angle
a. Consequence
b. Top heavy news story because the beginning contains
b. Conflict
the most important information
c. Human Interest
c. Bottom heavy news story because the conclusion contains
d. Proximity
the most important information
14. What is a lead?
d. No lede, just a nut graf
a. The conclusion
3. All of the following are reasons why we would include a quote
b. Most important part of a story
c. The people named in your story
a. The quote expresses an opinion
d. You are are the lead as the writer
b. The quote makes a prediction
15. What is journalism?
c. The quote declares something boldly
a. Reading
d. The quote provides statistics
b. Editing
4. What is a feature story?
c. The writing of newspapers, magazines, and news to be
a. A news story with a human interest angle
b. Entertaining material, like horoscopes or a top 10 songs of
d. Violent news story.
the month list
16. What do you need to avoid when writing a story?
c. An article that investigates a writer's opinion concerning an
a. Clear concise writing
important issue
b. A lead
d. An article with lots of pictures
c. Using second or third person
5. Which news element best describes this story: The principal has
d. Long paragraphs
decided that no students, not even seniors, will be allowed to
17. What are the three points of the News Information Cycle?
leave school grounds for lunch.
a. Public, News Organization, Government
a. Consequence
b. Government, News Organization, Advertisers
b. Conflict
c. Public, News Organization, Advertisers
c. Prominence
d. Public News, Organization, Readers
d. Human Interest
18. Which of these is NOT how we gather a good news story?
6. Sensationalism in journalism is all of the following except:
a. Keep up with current events
a. Making up news
b. Determining a good interviewee
b. Adding sensory details
c. Make Contact
c. Stretching the truth
d. Write your own ideas first and then fill in the blanks with
d. Making the news seem grander than it is to gain more
19. How can the public affect the news we see?
7. Which news element best describes this story: The city of San
a. Protest against the news organizations
Mateo is getting a 3-Michelin star restaurant.
b. Protest to the government
a. Prominence
c. Stop buying products of advertisers
b. Timeliness
d. Stop reading any news
c. Human Interest
20. When an editor tells a reporter her story “has legs,” that means
d. Proximity
the story ____.
8. Which news element best describes this story: One Cupertino
a. is potentially reliable, interesting and significant
teacher, over the course of 30 some years, has taken in over 200
b. needs to be put aside for consideration in the future
foster children.
c. is one many in the audience will find attractive
a. Prominence
d. All of the above.
b. Human Interest
21. A friend tells you a teacher has been arrested. You check with the
c. Proximity
police and the wife of the teacher, both of whom confirm the re-
d. Consequence
port. You have used ____ to verify the information.
9. Which news element best describes this story: Michelle Obama
a. Hearsay
will be visiting the school to speak at an assembly.
b. Triangulation
a. Proximity
c. a metasite
b. Prominence
d. credentials
c. Timeliness
22. The first link of the chain connecting the event you are covering
d. Consequence
and your published story or news broadcast is represented by
10. Which news element best describes this story: The soccer field
was vandalized last week; the bleachers were spray-painted with
a. witnesses or victims of the event
obscene words, and grass killer was spread all over the field.
b. reports made from contacts with the witnesses or victims
Students from a rival school are the new suspects.
c. rumors, gossip or other unverified information about the
a. Human interest
b. Proximity
d. analysis and interpretation of the event
c. Conflict
23. People and documents that interpret the evidence from primary
d. Consequence
sources are called ____ sources.
11. Which news element best describes this story: A senior student
a. Unreliable
reportedly shaves his hair into the shape of a Maverick for the
b. Secondary
homecoming game.
c. advocacy
a. Prominence

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d. expert a. What is your name and how do you spell it?
24. Because not all sources are equally reliable, an effective journal- b. Do you agree with the new policy?
ist is ____. c. How has your opinion changed about the new policy?
a. Nervous d. Who will be affected most by this new policy?
b. Skeptical 37. A story that does NOT contain the writer's personal opinion is
c. Impartial said to be
d. Confident a. Biased
25. Reliable websites are characterized by all of the following except b. Subjective
____. c. Objective
a. transparency about their identity and interests d. Editorialized
b. strong proofreading 38. At 5 am, a car was driving down 95 near the Miami Gardens exit.
c. highly emotional language What is this lead missing?
d. accurate information a. it's complete
26. Information which is new, unusual and interesting or significant to b. how it happened
the recipient. It is usually about people or related in some way to c. where is happened
their lives. d. who did what and why
a. Story 39. This piece of news happened a week ago. It is lacking which
b. News element of news?
c. Article a. Proximity
d. Editorial b. Prominence
27. A journalist who gathers information - including researching and c. Human Interest
interviewing people - and writes news stories. d. Timeliness
a. Anchor 40. If a news story is about something local, it is using which element
b. Editor of news?
c. Producer a. Timeliness
d. Reporter b. Prominence
28. To prepare raw material - such as text or recorded vision - for c. Proximity
publication or broadcast, checking aspects such as accuracy, d. Human Interest
spelling, grammar, style, clarity etc. 41. Which of the following is the best example of a headline for
a. Broadcast HARD NEWS?
b. Production a. Police Storm Sydney Cafe, Ending 16-Hour Hostage
c. Studio Siege
d. Edit b. Philippines, Who Are We?
29. A person who presents a news bulletin from a television studio, c. Toppers take week off before bowl prep
usually on a regular basis. d. Best traditional Thanksgiving recipes
a. Reporter 42. A direct quotation
b. Anchor a. presents less than a full sentence of the speaker’s exact
c. Director words in quotation marks
d. Journalist b. presents a single word used by the speaker and placed in
30. Someone who finds and presents information as news to the quotation marks
audiences of newspapers, magazines, radio or television stations c. presents the speaker’s ideas but in the reporter’s words
or the Internet. d. presents the speaker’s exact words in quotation marks
a. Journalist 43. A partial quotation
b. Reporter a. presents less than a full sentence of the speaker’s exact
c. Anchor words in quotation marks
d. Researcher b. presents a single word used by the speaker and placed in
31. What is the first paragraph of a story called? quotation marks
a. Introduction c. presents the speaker’s ideas but in the reporter’s words
b. Lead d. presents the speaker’s exact words in quotation marks
c. news story 44. An indirect quotation
d. inverted pyramid a. presents less than a full sentence of the speaker’s exact
32. What is slander? words in quotation marks
a. This crime occurs when someone spreads falsehoods b. presents a single word used by the speaker and placed in
about others quotation marks
b. Spoken words that can do harm to a person's reputation c. presents the speaker’s ideas but in the reporter’s words
c. Malicious gossip which destroys all credibility d. presents the speaker’s exact words in quotation marks
d. All of the above 45. The most effective way to use quotations in a news story is to
33. What is the order of content for a story written in the inverted- a. paraphrase almost everything the speaker says.
pyramid? b. combine quotations and paraphrases in a pleasing man-
a. Most to least important ner
b. Least to most important c. to quote exactly almost everything the speaker says.
c. Chronological order d. use only those quotations that are unlikely to arouse anger
d. Reverse chronological order or emotion in readers.
34. What do we mean when we say "open-ended" questions are the 46. Which of the following is NOT a good reason for using a direct
best kind? quotation?
a. Questions that require more than a one-word answer a. The quotation ties a controversial statement to the source.
b. Questions that cause a source to open up b. The editor tells you to have at least five quotations in
c. Questions that require yes or no answers every story.
d. Questions that probe into a source's deepest feelings c. The speaker says something with unusual emotion, wit,
35. What is the best way to interview a student source for a Focus rhythm or color.
story? d. The quotation reveals something of the speaker’s character.
a. Interrupt their second hour class 47. Reporters should use indirect quotations whenever the speaker
b. Text them your questions a. says something short and packed with emotion.
c. Email your questions b. says something in a way no one else would.
d. Arrange a face-to-face interview c. is someone important and you don’t want to make him or
36. An example of a bad interview question would be her angry.

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d. says something newsworthy in an unremarkable way. b. HOW lead
48. The best place to put the attribution for a direct quotation usually c. WHEN lead
is d. WHERE lead
a. at the very beginning of the quotation. 60. This is a plain exposition setting forth a single situation or a series
b. at the very end of the quotation. of closely related facts that inform. It is written in the inverted
c. at the first natural break in the first sentence of the quota- pyramid design.
tion. a. Fact Story
d. after the first four words of the quotation, no matter how that b. Action Story
affects the flow of the sentence. c. Soft News
49. A passage of direct quotation should be enclosed in d. Quote Story
a. single quotation marks no matter whether it is a full sen- 61. The summary lead answers the most important W’s depending
tence. on which of the W’s is the most prominent among them.
b. double quotation marks no matter whether it is a full a. Fact Story
sentence. b. Action Story
c. double quotation marks if it is a full sentence. c. Spot News Story
d. single quotation marks if it is less than a full sentence. d. Straight News Story
50. Which of the following is among the kinds of statements that do 62. Rarely used as the reader presumes the story to be timely. How-
NOT need attribution? ever, this lead is useful when speaking of deadlines, holidays,
a. Statements of opinion and important dates.
b. Statements of fact that are controversial. a. WHO lead
c. Descriptions of events the reporter has not witnessed. b. HOW lead
d. Descriptions of events the reporter has personally wit- c. WHEN lead
nessed d. WHERE lead
51. Consists of the page number, date of publication, and name of 63. This is a narrative involving not merely simple facts, but dramatic
the newspaper, usually written on top of the page. This is also actions – incidents, description of persons, perhaps testimonies
found in the other pages. of witnesses, as well as explanatory data.
a. Folio a. Fact Story
b. Masthead b. Action Story
c. Editorial proper c. Soft News
d. Letter to the editor d. Quote Story
52. The news that takes place within the country. 64. A traditional news writing form in which the key points of a story
a. Weather news are put in the opening paragraph and the news is stacked in the
b. Weather news following paragraphs in order of descending importance.
c. Foreign news a. Pyramid Style
d. National news b. Inverted –Pyramid Style
53. An editorial page illustration expressing opinion and interpreta- c. Box Style
tion. d. Hourglass Style
a. Feature 65. A short item of news interest, written like a brief telegraphic mes-
b. News sage, giving mainly the result with details.
c. Sports News a. News brief
d. Editorial cartoon b. News Bulletin
54. News published before its occurrence, sometimes called dope or c. Flash
prognostication. The reporter foretells events expected to occur d. Feature
at a definite time in the future. 66. Is a legacy from a more leisurely age when writers could sit and
a. Spot News scribble and muse in light or purple prose.
b. Coverage News a. The gossip column
c. Follow-up News b. The “opinion” column
d. Advance News c. The essay column
55. Some people are more remarkable than others by reasons of d. The hodge-podge column
wealth, social position, or achievements. What element of news is 67. Where the author lumps together odds and ends of information, a
this? poem here, an announcement there, a point paragraph, a mod-
a. Prominence ernized proverb, a joke, or an interesting quotation.
b. Names a. The gossip column
c. Romance b. The “opinion” column
d. Timeliness c. The essay column
56. A sequel to a previous story. Having a new lead of its own, it is a d. The hodge-podge column
second, third or subsequent chapter of a serial. 68. Uses an interjection or an exclamatory sentence.
a. Spot News a. Astonisher lead
b. Coverage News b. Epigram lead
c. Follow-up News c. Punchline lead
d. Advance News d. Parody lead
57. In 1912 the graduates of Manila High School published their Eng- 69. Is an art of asking questions to obtain information
lish writings in a. Interview
a. The Coconut b. Lead
b. The Gazette c. Newscasting
c. The New York Times d. Newspaper
d. The Torch 70. Used when the event or what took place is more important than
58. also called breaking news stories – usually follow a standard the person involved in the story.
formula for writing called the inverted pyramid. a. WHO lead
a. Fact Story b. WHAT lead
b. Action Story c. WHEN lead
c. Spot News Story d. WHERE lead
d. Straight News Story
59. Used when the manner, mode, means, or method of achieving
the story is the unnatural way.
a. WHO lead

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71. What is this? 83. A piece of malicious writing, a personal written satire that attacks
and ridicules.
a. lampoon
b. editorial
c. caricature
d. cartoon
a. Quote Story Structure 84. The purpose of this is to a) To form or help to form public opinion
b. Action Structure b) To inform, interpret and fiscalize.
c. Several Feature Structure a. News
d. Single-Feature Story Structure b. Editorial
72. It is similar to the lead of a straight news story. Its aim is just to c. Feature
give the gist of the news. d. Lead
a. News brief 85. Is a story based upon a news event that has already been cov-
b. News Bulletin ered by the newspaper. It’s the story behind the story.
c. Flash a. News Feature
d. Feature b. Human-interest feature
73. What to use in place of conjunction? c. Brites
a. period d. Personality Feature
b. question mark 86. A style of writing in which the major news of a story is reported in
c. semi colon the first few paragraphs and then a transitional paragraph intro-
d. comma duces a chronology of the events of the story.
74. A tagline placed above but smaller than a headline, also known a. Pyramid Style
as teaser. b. Inverted –Pyramid Style
a. Cutline c. Box Style
b. Kicker d. Hourglass Style
c. Creditline 87. Is the latest form of Philippine journalism. In this era of fast-mov-
d. Byline ing discoveries, inventions, and technical development
75. The three qualities of a good ___________: 1) interest, 2) brevity, ____________ has become a must.
and 3) force. a. News Feature
a. News b. Human-interest feature
b. Feature c. Brites
c. Lead d. Science Writing
d. Editorial 88. Is derived from two words: caricature and lampoon.
76. Should not be confused with feature articles (features) which are a. feature
sometimes called special features b. cartoon
a. News Feature c. news
b. Human-interest feature d. editorial
c. Brites 89. Caters to the inherent interest of human beings in human beings.
d. Personality Feature a. The gossip column
77. A bulletin that conveys the first word of an event. b. The “opinion” column
a. News brief c. The essay column
b. News Bulletin d. The hodge-podge column
c. Flash 90. If sports story has a lead and a body; The sports lead is the news
d. Feature in a_____________.
78. It deals with unscheduled information demanding immediate pub- a. nutshell
lication. The reporter himself is an eyewitness to the event that b. sports
took place. c. game
a. Spot News d. none of the above
b. Coverage News 91. The simplest form, it is a single line across the allotted space. Is
c. Depth news called streamer.
d. Advance News a. Crossline
79. News that takes place outside the country. b. Hanging indention
a. Weather news c. Jump Story Headline
b. Weather news d. Flush Left
c. Foreign news 92. Events, such as a lunch to honor a retiring school custodian or a
d. National news boy scouting jamboree are not usually considered immediately
80. Used when the person involved is more prominent that what he important or timely to a wide audience.
does or what happens to him. a. Fact Story
a. WHO lead b. Action Story
b. WHAT lead c. Soft News
c. WHEN lead d. Quote Story
d. WHERE lead 93. The first line is flushed left. This is followed by two indented par-
81. Also called the “signed editorial column”. Resembles an editorial allel lines.
in form but, in contrast with the editorial’s impersonal and anony- a. Crossline
mous approach, carries the personal, stamp of the writer’s own b. Hanging indention
ideas. c. Jump Story Headline
a. The gossip column d. Flush Left
b. The “opinion” column 94. It is also based on facts, but it entertains more than it informs. It
c. The essay column uses the suspended interest structure like the narrative; thus, it
d. The hodge-podge column cannot meet the cut-off test.
82. Example of this are man versus man, man versus animals, man a. Straight News
versus nature, or man versus himself. b. News-feature
a. conflict c. Follow-up News
b. drama d. Advance News
c. progress 95. One incident story such as an account of a speech, an interview,
d. emotion or an election, deals with an isolated event.

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a. Quote Story Structure
b. Action Structure
c. Several Feature Structure
d. Single-Feature Story Structure
96. A newspaper term for brief feature items – usually humorous.
a. News Feature
b. Human-interest feature
c. Brites
d. Science Writing
97. It present a philosophy rather than an argument or an explana-
a. Mood editorial
b. Special Occasion
c. Editorial of Criticism
d. Editorial of Information
98. This element emphasizes the newest angle of the story. The
more recent the event, the more interesting it is to the reader.
a. Prominence
b. Names
c. Romance
d. Timeliness
99. A kind of news-feature that contains, aside from the essential
facts attendant to a news story, background, interpretation, and
a. Spot News
b. Coverage News
c. Depth news
d. Advance News
100. Recognized as the first student publication in the English-speak-
ing world.
a. The Coconut
b. The Gazette
c. The New York Times
d. The Torch

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