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Mendelay digunakan(Hibbert, n.d.

) sedangkan menurut (Baydala, 2010) kalau anak(Baydala, 2010;

Mahoney, 2011) menurut(Duncan et al., 2008)asyasha(Salwen, Hymowitz, Vivian, & O’Leary, 2014)
dalam perawatan kesehatan(Henilayati, Ni Putu Nova, 2015) kesehatan jiwa meruajan(Baradero, Mary,
Mary Wilfrid Dayarit, 2016)

Daftar pustaka

Baradero, Mary, Mary Wilfrid Dayarit, A. M. (2016). Seri Asuhan Keperawatan Kesehatan Mental
Psikiatri. Jakarta: EGC.
Baydala, L. (2010). Inhalant abuse. Paediatrics and Child Health.
Duncan, A. E., Sartor, C. E., Scherrer, J. F., Grant, J. D., Heath, A. C., Nelson, E. C., … Bucholz, K. K. (2008).
The association between cannabis abuse and dependence and childhood physical and sexual
abuse: Evidence from an offspring of twins design. Addiction, 103(6), 990–997.
Henilayati, Ni Putu Nova, D. (2015). Jurnal Media Medika Muda. Media Medika Muda, 4(3), 218–228.
Retrieved from
Hibbert, A. (n.d.). Psychiatry.
Mahoney, J. (2011). Types of Abuse. Nursing Clinics of North America.
Salwen, J. K., Hymowitz, G. F., Vivian, D., & O’Leary, K. D. (2014). Childhood abuse, adult interpersonal
abuse, and depression in individuals with extreme obesity. Child Abuse and Neglect, 38(3), 425–

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