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Ana Munive Moreno

Creative Book

Cell phone: 044-55-45-40-69-93
Home number: 52-91-55-50-34
Dreams are relevant because of the unconscious mind. It reveals and express itself in that channel
feeding the conscious thoughts. It’s a projection.
Reality is, sometimes, a double dream: People dreaming the dream of people. A symptom
in this alternative world is also a symptom in the common life. So, the storyteller creates confusion
between fantasy and reality through an almost imperceptible border narrated as a symbol in the
The clue to know what is fantasy and what is real is the dream in all versions of the story,
and maybe the protagonist can confuse it in a screw turn. Dreams are important in order to
understand reality in which the receptor lives and to have a way of justifying it.
There are ocations where dreams are so nitid that they could confuse past actions with no
resolved ones, and the dreamer operates in a frame where he doesn’t know if he did something or
just imagined it. Stories work exactly in this trance.
Dreams show what people want to be, but this is a reticent desire so the unconscient reveals
it through imagination. For scripts, dreams are crucial because they create or show insights; and
people identificate theirselves with that forming a predisposition of something. This is an easy way
to bring closer a product, a story or a sold idea.
Each insight is formed by past experiences and a personal perception of life. It reveals,
hides, projects, in the same way as dreams do. The most important idea of a tale is the connection
between fantasy and reality from a mental image presented in a screen. This is why I want to
become a storyteller, most important, a screenwritter. My dream is to fill the world with good and
significant stories.


When she closed her eyes

This is a story like any other. Once upon a time, or rather, this time I’m going to tell you
something… A secret, a fairytale, one of those that you keep listening, one of those you tell
yourself in these moments, you know what I’m talking about. You know when to open yor mind.
All started with a tiny light, a little shy. She used to live in a big coffer, so golden as a stellar glint,
so deep as the universe itself.
This little light had the task to illuminate two villages, one at the beginning of night, and the other
far away midnight. This is what she was doing most of the time sailing in space. She always
fulfilled her commitments and I have to say she had a secret attribute, she came out of her coffer
to express herself only when she wanted to. It was her haunt.
One time, the light was chatting with the clock. This was a big, shinny clock, full of color, with a
large and sharp-pointed timer.
- “I know what I want to do, I want to find me, define the exact point”, she said. “I have nothing”.
- “You have a plan to achieve it!”. Exclaimed the clock pointing out a space in the spatial calendar
with his sharpy clock hands.
- “What is your point? Where will you begin?” Asked the clock.
- “I take many points and I lose myself in the end”. Said the light stunned and depressed, slightly
lowering her brightness.

After that, the light continued sailoring, seeing things in her way, talking to herself, thinking that
she couldn’t quit her job of providing light to the two villages; but also understanding that she had
to leave her sorroundings behind, find a peaceful place, take her coffer to some misterious location
in order to achieve the goal that implied the clock.
In her stellar path, the light and the focus collided. A gigant crash was heared, it almost fragmented
the soul where all elements where connected. All of the contained information began to spread
out; focus angrily standed up and with his feathers dragged the light to the other side of the galaxy.
There she was… without her coffer, without her haunt, lying around all the letters that conformed
the knowledge. She closed her eyes, shaking, feeling desperated. In this very moment she began
to see all time fragments falling of her and to her… She cristalized.
In this intrinsic, frozen, lost point, the biggest light of the milky way showed up. She was the
principal source of ethereal magic, light and peace.
- “Who are you?” Questioned the light.
- “I am the place where you are from, the place where you are going”, said the source opening her
colors and her fluctuant energy. – “I just appear in a few occasions and I know that this is true. It
isn’t about the place you are, is about your inner place what you are looking for. There are all the
answers”. Whispered the source beside her while lifting the light up and flowing with her.
The light kept talking. Suddenly she realized that the source beside her had gone… and that she
was talking to herself all this time.
And without noticing it, the light flowed, it wasn’t tiny anymore. In a twinkle she illuminated the
infinite paradise with energy.

By Ana Munive


Ofelia, completely dressed as a bride comes out of her room. Nataly, Santi and Mary can’t help
aplaussing her.
- “Son, isn’t Ofelia the most beautiful bride you’ve ever seen?” Says Mary with pride. Nataly looks
at her mother in law with resentment. Santi just keeps admiring Ofelia.
- “Your future husband is a lucky man”. Responses sincerely Santi.
Nataly plays indifference but walk to the door hurrying up. When she opens the door she comes
face to face with Patrick, who is really dirty.
Ofelia is stunned. Patrick, without looking anyone else, comes closer, take her hands and stare
with love. Without saying a thing just sigh, and after a few seconds, he unhand her.
Nataly smiles excited, but Mary worries while Santy seems to get angry. A crowd of people on the
scene, a multitude of emotions.
- “What are you thinking about?” Whispers Ofelia.
- “I dreamt of you. I dreamt that you got married, but not with me… Let’s talk.
In that instant Ofelia and Pactrick run out of the house into the woods, in the very place where the
sun hides. Nataly’s smile fade off her face, a little bit disappointed and thirsty for reasons not to
run after them.
- “Do you remember the beginning? The first time?” Faces Patrick.
- “Patrick stop this nonsense, we are getting late to the wedding. Why are you so dirty? Dress up
now!” Says Ofelia desesperated.

- Today I bury our memories, deary. I bury the love, the ages, the magic that we use to promise
each other every first time.
- “What’s wrong with you? I hate that way of talking, so yours. Why are you doing this to me the
day of my wedding? Of my wedding with you”. Screams Ofelia, and yet, her mind flies out of
there, to someone else…
Patrick can’t hear her, maybe he can’t love her either. In what moment Ofelia stops being who she
has always been? That conqueror of illusions and collector of ambiguous words, that woman
without sense that finds it in everything. The woman Patrick falls in love with again and again to
the rest of eternity, forgiving it all.
This story begins a little further back, without wedding dresses and dirty hands of wet ground.
Exactly on September 4, a cloudy day, and it’s no needed to say that in autumn eve all feelings
find each other. Is almost dusk, I can see the sky covered in orange with blue blurred tones while
I tell you this story.
Nataly and Ofelia are walking in the street, they have always been friends, a sisterhood unites them.
They are happy. Nataly is in love with Santi since they are children, since I can remember; and
Ofelia… well… that girl has never been of one man only, even after pronouncing her ever lasting
love for Patrick.
- “Look at the clock, Ofelia. Stop playing you catch the time”. Complains Nataly rationally. –
“Hurry up, today I get engaged”.
- “You lack of wings”, whisper Ofelia full of smiles while she turns around and leave.
In her way, Ofelia finds a note flying from some place to her, what are the chances? Maybe you
can guess that we are in a magic town, people know each other, but a text? It doesn’t occur everday,
not even in the world of letters.
“Nataly, I need to talk to you before your marriage. I need to tell you that I breathe you when I
wake up, and I wake dreaming of more, more of your dreams, more of your life, more of your light.
And in this sight I need to ask you not to marry. I will see you today where we often meet, at the
agreed time. Your beloved Santi”.
- “Will Nataly marry someone else?” Asked Ofelia surprised. – “Today I get to the bottom of all
And that night, Ofelia leaves. She meets Santi, and with no explanation she kisses him, like if those
words would be written for her, and not for Nataly, like if she could fall in love in three lines. Santi
kisses her too, like if he could fall in love in three seconds.
- “Do you remember the beginning? The first time?” Cries Patrick again.

By Ana Munive

Reality strategy

Why is it so difficult to talk about love? It is complicated not to write a common place about a so
unique experience, what a paradox, isn’t it?
Is this a thought in the collective unconscious state of mind? Insight? Magic? Faith? A universal
value? I don’t know.
And I couldn’t talk about the first time I fell in love because it isn’t as impregnated in my cells as
this one, that I live, fight, pulse and live recently…
He doesn’t have a name, and the only thing I can say is that when his skin is next to mine I bristle,
all of me is electrified, and I can do nothing but closing my eyes.
- “Did I kiss you or did I make it up? I can’t continue with this uncertainty, with the blurred
memory, the fantasy. It’s like a mental trick. I don’t know what’s real and what is not anymore…
They say that there’s no formal difference between fantasy and reality, that perception is reality.
Nevertheless, I need a strategy to find it out; feel what I feel, what I see, what I hear, what I smell…
I know your flavour, every pore of your skin, your creases, every sparkle in your eyes, your
trembling and muted voice, your doble messages, your incongruence. And I know that you know
every line in my dreams, every ghost, every fear, you know the meaning of each tear. I couldn’t
make-believe it, could I?
One day I woke up remembering the taste of your lips, in that instant I knew that all you deny is
- “Nothing is real” He says in a sharp but insecure tone of voice.
And maybe I don’t wanna listen. I wanna touch his hair, his eyes, his breath, his soul. I wanna
wake up.
Maybe, for you to understand, I’ll say that I see him one time per month, and when I know I’m
not seeing him, I perspire like if it were the last, I live kind of a grief in the distance, a quite
attached goodbye. Many kilometers in the highway and one detachment of the heart. A micro love
story everytime I get the chance. Emptiness. Memories. Hankering. Would he miss me?
- “I am not ready”, he said as long as he came closer and closer. –“ I need therapy to fix me up
before loving again, is not my intention to hurt… friend”.
I just turned around with my hair and my mind made a mess, I could feel how I was breaking up
and letting a part of me in every grey street, raining. Here is when I realized that I would stop time,
fire all seas and scream until my last breath melts with the wind.
- Do you hear that silence? Those keys? The pen crashing the paper? The leaves moving with the
blow? The rain and the breeze? That music? The intern melody always there? The voices of
dreams? Pay attention… Beyond these. Do you feel that frizz that freezes is all? The inspiration?
The expectation? Pay attention… There, just there, in the light and silence, in the shadows and
murmurs, maybe that would be the reach of my letters that shine and color this night… Pay
attention, there, where the echo of the rocks and the waves of the sea resounds, there I am… And
I know that even if you do not dare to mention it, even in the last drawer of your mind, you also
dye to be there, with me… in the edge… in the limbo… in the infinity.
To be continued….
By Ana Munive

Inner light

Once upon a time, there was an exotic flower in the desert, unique in its type. Her color was
purple, color of mutation. The wildest flower, the more beautiful. Colored with petals and thorns.
Soft and strong. Temperamental and sentimental. One curious thing about her was that she didn´t
live in a garden, she lived under water, in the Sahara Desert, where the miracles lie; because, yes,
it is a spectacle to have water in a desert, and that the most powerful flower is found under water.
In this lake, the flower had neighbors that created all kind of magic, mini aquatic dragoons, little
flashing fairies, fire, a lot of fire. So the flower was accustomed to magic coming and going.
Every dawn was the same for her, paradoxically, even all the magic of her habitat, she didn’t
enjoy it. Don’t misunderstand me, she was so happy but mystery, pursuit and perhaps time, were
Dragoons said that her perfect task of recollecting star dust to feed the lake was tedious. Because
that’s what she did, in secret, all nights she came out of the water towards the stars… She
recollected her magic dust in order that the next day, when all suns raised, her magic world and
habitat could be fed.
It came a point in time in which the magical flower began to turn off, the sphere of light that lied
in the dome ceased to exist. And a petal fell. The worry (and the gossips) scattered all over the
- “The flower lost her charming”. Said reason, dressed up with golden feathers, dragging
everything she could in her path.
- “It’s rare that she hasn’t wasted nothing”. Said time, incessant and violent.
- “Let’s take a look”, said the mirror shaking subtly his brightness. – “This way of acting is part
of her scene”.
In that moment, the flower (that was haughty enough to lose eternal control, because she handled
it very well), decided to walk away for a while, two micro seconds, one lifetime, one eternity,
She started a trip to the rude dessert, there she met her force, herself, her center, her inner
dialogues, her moves, her beliefs, her boundaries.
- “I don´t know how to do it”, said to herself.
And almost like a miracle happened… By art of destiny, a starfish appeared, as in the legends of
the oldest sages.
- “I am wondering why you lost your starlight...” Inquired the starfish.
- “Don’t talk about light, I’m tired, stressed, I do not see everything in purple”. Said the flower
resigned. – “Now is gray, all is gray”.
- “I’m wondering why you lost your starlight…” Repeated the starfish. That question made an
echo in the environment, in the very scene of the flower.
- “I have seen you love the other magic specters so much that you forgot yourself, flower. Look
at you, you are missing a petal. You are losing your inner wise mind, what will you do when
there won’t be more petals? Kept asking the starfish.
- “I don’t know how to do it”. Murmured the flower.
- “Do you know that the beings of your lake are magical?
- “No…”

- “Because they are connected with the universe, each core of their magic resides in their will of
letting flow the energy in order to connect it with the cosmos. Do you know which is the true
magic?” Asked the starfish. – “Forget all of the stuff that time, reason or even the mirror tell you.
Let your heart talk, because soon there will be no more petals or stardust”.
Suddenly, an inner voice waked the flower up. “I have changed so much”. Thought the flower.
And so on, in a twinkle the flower returned to the lake, more rested, refreshed, energetic, vibrant
than ever. Peace irradiated all the ecosystem; fairies and mini dragoons ceased to represent a
burden, harmony and relaxation were breathed, extreme relaxation.
- “What changed in me”. Asked the flower to herself. – “Now I know where lies true magic, I
know how to open my door”.
And that’s how the starlight came back.

By Ana Munive

POEMS (Or free prose)


The sage, may be the magician.

The desert. The asphalt.
What happens when two maps get closer?

Stars as guide.
Beyond fantasy.
Hemispheres collapsing.
More and more reasons sighing.

Words that cross my mind.

Innocent influence language.
Or something beyond.
Beyond bad.
Beyond good.

Horizon. Madness. Expectation. Rapport.

Exploration. Silence. Reimprinting. Calibration.
And suddenly… that light.
The incessant image
I can’t erase.
Wake up… Wake up… Wake up.

By Ana Munive

JOURNAL free prose)

Neuro-Linguistic Programming applied to advertising speech

This article talks about the influence language and the Neurolinguistic Programming used in
advertising; reports the findings of three instruments (quantitative and qualitative) that seek the
NLP elements involved in the realization of succeed advertising campaigns and their impact,
know how it works when it is combined with the target insights to generate Communication and
NLP strategies applied in spots.
This research is also looking for opinions of advertiser creatives that report the factors
involved in the creation of this communicative process.
The method was about four depth interviews, where the advertisers established the factors
contained in the campaigns to generate impact (NLP transcript); there were realized two focus
groups in which two campaigns were compared to find out their most influential elements, one
campaign with NLP and the other without it, observing its differences; there were realized 100
surveys to know the NLP factors more common used and effective in Advertising.
The results showed that the more remembered language is the ambiguous; visual
submodeling is the best to create association; Identity is the most important level in the speech,
it expresses itself in behaviors; paradoxes are present in the predicates and less included
structures. Mind reading elicits insight revelations, therefore more identification. Timeframe
orientation creates perspective about the present. Relationship and problems orientation also
define what receiver observes.
These results open a new action field which can become a generative model.

Key words: Influence language, Neurolinguistic Programming, Advertising.

The present article is about an academic research starting from three instruments (depth
interviews, focus groups and surveys) to understand how is that influence language,
submodalities, neurological levels, reframes and metaprograms influence advertising playing a
role of observables in Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
The general goal was to define the NLP elements that are involved in the making of successful
advertising campaigns as well as the target’s reaction to them in order to generate
Communication and NLP strategies applied in that campaigns.
The testing hypothesis was: Symbolic (visual and spoken) language used in advertising can
improve and provoke a real impact in the consumer mind if we change the perceptual model of
influence with NLP.
The research had five observables: influence language, submodalities, neurological levels,
reframes and metaprograms (these are part of NLP theory) and also metaphoric communication
and perception. These are the units of analysis.
As results, there were found that:

Purchase motivators have to do with the external metaprogram of relationships, with membership
and with satisfaction of wishes.
Ambiguous language it’s completed with the subjective experience. Read minding is also an
insight revelation and this produces identification and the relationship with the client.
Double lecture language provokes more stimulation in the receptor.
The most active representational system is visual; either in advertising above the line, below the
line, or thorough the line.
Music is also an anchor trigger, so as images. The less words the better, it’s called simplicity.
More slogans are remembered in the neurological level of behavior; context is in second place.
Aspiration provokes connection. Reference and membership (be part of the group) are involved
to each other and this goes to identity. Ambiguous and metaphorical language provoke
connections at the identity level.
One advertising campaign can have all neurological levels and provoke changes from behavior
to identity. Concepts are values to the target and they have to be exalted as they are, beyond
The most important thing is the history and the identification with it. A collective insight hast to
be revealed. Using metamodeling violations works to generate influence language (as
paradoxical it may sound).
The character has to be repeated in all executions on order to produce anchors and campaign
unity. Emotional messages are preferred over rational ones. Stories are also visual and auditory.
They have to have internal reflection and this is the trigger of kinesthetic sensations.
So, in order to create a successful campaign there are some Marketing factors that have to be
used, such as: empathy, identification and projection through the character, humor, simplicity,
universal values, added value, storytelling based in a particular reality, color, AIDA (attention,
interest, desire and action) as trigger and mirror neurons, experiential content, emotional
messages, precise and clear. Fantasy, nut turns, words in timing with the other elements,
aspirational role, remembering by emotions, differentiation, insight in the slogan and storytelling,
introspection, change of perspective (limits), surprise factor; create desires no needs.
Also words anchored to sensations, rapport, going from actual state to desire state I order to
provoke changes at some neurological level. All representational channels have to provoke a
positive kinesthetic sensation at the end. Desire is aspirational, it involves all neurological levels
and it could be processed by all channels. Include a restorative message, it could be resented in
a metaphor too. In conclusion, storyteller has to create states of change, between positive and
These were the results of this research. So once the story maker knows the know-how, he or she
has the responsibility to transfer this in her/his area, with total ethics about how an inner
experience could be changed in favor of wellness.
It is also a generative model between advertising and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. A certain
model transcends when more strategies or models are generated from it. An important thing is
that a model has to be simpler than the reality it represents in order to be transferred.
It isn’t about the resources as well, it is about the why, what are they used for? Which is the inner
message that the transmitter wants to seed in the receptor’s mind? What inner desire are people
going to potentiate?
By Ana Munive (All rights reserved®)

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