System Design For Efficient Low-Load Cooling: Subsection

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Subsection 2.

System Design for Efficient Low-Load Cooling

The Measures in this Subsection are INDEX OF MEASURES

major changes to the chiller plant that increase 2.8.1 Install chillers and auxiliary equipment of
cooling efficiency at low cooling loads. The appropriate size to avoid extended operation at
three Measures are alternative approaches to low load.
this goal. Some of the Measures in other 2.8.2 Install local cooling units to allow shutting
Sections can improve the part-load efficiency down the central chiller plant during periods of
of a chiller system, but they are usually less low load.
2.8.3 If a facility has several chiller plants,
In most applications, the cooling load is provide cross connections that allow shutting
much lower than the peak load for most of the down the least efficient chillers.
cooling season. To achieve good efficiency
under all load conditions, you need chillers that RELATED MEASURES
are sized so that no chiller is forced to linger • Subsection 2.1, for controls and procedures that
at an inefficiently low load. In addition, you optimize the use of chiller plant equipment
may want a chiller of a separate type to satisfy • Measures 2.2.1 ff, chilled water temperature
low loads. reset, which improves chiller efficiency at
reduced loads
One class of energy waste that results from low-
• Measures 2.4.1 ff, improving condenser cooling
load operation is inefficiency of the chillers and their fan modulation
auxiliary equipment. Unfortunately, the types of
chillers that are most efficient at full load (centrifugal • Measure 2.5.2, variable-flow chilled water
and screw compressor types) suffer serious loss of pumping
efficiency at reduced loads. While modern versions • Measure 2.6.2, replacing the existing compressor
of these chiller types have greatly improved part-load with a compressor that has better low-load
performance, many machines that are presently efficiency
installed have poor part-load efficiency. (See • Measure 2.6.3, installing variable-speed drives on
Reference Note 32, Compression Cooling, for more existing compressors
about chiller efficiency characteristics.)
Another class of low-load energy waste is false
loading. This is done to avoid cycling chillers on and
off when the cooling load is less than their minimum
capacities. False loading throws away the portion of
the chiller output that is not required. This is an
extremely wasteful way of dealing with reduced
cooling loads. It is often encountered with centrifugal
chillers, because of their inability to operate at low
output. Especially with older centrifugal chillers, the
minimum load is a large fraction of full load. False
loading is also encountered with cooling machines
having other types of compressors, including screw
and reciprocating compressors.

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Chillers can be false-loaded internally, which efficiency will be especially low during this period.
is done by using hot gas bypass. Or, chillers can be For example, chillers that serve multizone units
false-loaded externally, by adding unnecessary must operate continuously in order to maintain a
cooling load. For example, chillers can be loaded constant cold deck temperature in the air handling
by increasing reheat in air handling systems, by units. You may be able to eliminate such waste by
increasing outside air quantities, or by cooling modifying the application. For example, Subsection
vacant spaces. 4.6 recommends modifications of multizone air
Defects in the chiller may restrict throttling handling units that eliminate the need for continuous
ability, raising the load at which false loading is chiller operation.
employed. For example, if the external linkage that Inefficient chiller operation at low load reduces
actuates the inlet guide vanes of a centrifugal chiller the benefit of energy conservation measures that
is not adjusted properly, the vanes may not close you accomplish to reduce the cooling load. For
fully, limiting turndown. Another problem is example, if you add expensive sun shades to reduce
instability of the control system, so that the chiller solar load, they provide no economic benefit during
output oscillates wastefully at low load. This can periods when false loading is used. When the
result from play in linkages, improper control cooling load rises above this minimum, the
installation, improper charge, and other causes. conservation benefit of the sun shades is limited to
If some parts of a facility continue to require the difference between the actual cooling load and
cooling outside the normal cooling season, cooling the false loading level.


MEASURE 2.8.1 Install chillers and auxiliary RATINGS
New Facilities Retrofit O&M

equipment of appropriate size to avoid extended

operation at low load. A C
Your primary method of avoiding inefficient SUMMARY
operation at low loads is to select the chiller sizes
Avoids a major cause of inefficiency with
carefully, and to match the sizing of the chiller auxiliary
centrifugal, screw, and absorption chillers.
equipment to the individual chillers. Your goal is to
select a combination of chiller sizes that allow the plant May also reduce maintenance and labor costs.
to operate efficiently under every level of cooling load May cost nothing in new construction.
that may occur for a significant length of time. Expensive as a retrofit.
For example, if the chiller plant provides air SELECTION SCORECARD
conditioning, it should be able to handle spring and fall Savings Potential ...................
loads as efficiently as summer loads, and it should handle
nighttime loads as efficiently as daytime loads. This Rate of Return, New Facilities
may seem obvious, but you probably don’t have to travel Rate of Return, Retrofit .........
far to find a chiller plant that violates this principle.
Commonly, you will find a plant that has two enormous Reliability ...............................
chillers. One is sized for the peak cooling load, plus a Ease of Retrofit ......................
large margin. The second chiller, identical to the first,
sits there as a standby unit. For most of its operating
hours, the one chiller that runs is operating at greatly In a group of chillers, the one that operates first is
reduced efficiency. called the “lead” unit. This chiller is the most efficient
at the low loads that it serves. It is usually the smallest
In both new construction and retrofits, you face a
unit in the plant. As the cooling load increases to the
dilemma when selecting chiller sizes: the chiller types
point that the lead chiller cannot carry the load alone,
that are more efficient at full load tend to be most limited
another chiller starts. The best distribution of the cooling
in their ability to operate efficiently at low load. This
load between the chillers depends on their relative
conflict between full-load and part-load efficiency is
efficiency characteristics. See Measure 2.1.1 for details.
most severe with centrifugal chillers, and it is also
significant with screw compressors. The best of the
newer models of centrifugal and screw chillers have
Base Your Decision on the Future, Not the Past
greatly improved their part-load efficiency, but this factor In retrofit applications, an apparent disadvantage of
is still important. this Measure is that it keeps more of the original chiller
In new construction, you can usually select an capacity idle. This is a matter of psychology rather than
efficient combination of chiller sizes and types without engineering or economics. There is a natural inhibition
adding much to the cost of the plant. You can typically against correcting a chiller sizing mistake if the original
maintain efficient chiller performance with only one or equipment remains as a monument to the mistake.
two chiller sizes. In a large plant with a highly variable However, from a purely economic standpoint, the
load profile, you may wish to use three chiller sizes. correct approach is to view the original investment as a
You may actually save some money by using a sunk cost, and to consider only the economics of the
combination of sizes. This is because you need less new investment. Your economic analysis should
reserve capacity if you combine chiller sizes consider the salvage value of any chillers that you may
intelligently. be able to sell as a result of adding the new lead chiller.
Retrofit applications are more challenging. You
probably already have all the chiller capacity you need. Efficiency Features of the Main Chiller Types
The cost of installing another chiller to handle low loads See Reference Note 32, Compression Cooling, and
is high. Cost usually limits you to one additional chiller. Reference Note 33, Absorption Cooling, for the
This chiller will usually be smaller than the existing characteristics of different types of chillers. The
chillers. It must be small enough to handle the lowest following discussion deals primarily with the chiller
loads efficiently, but large enough to avoid operating an characteristics that matter when selecting chiller sizes
existing chiller at inefficiently low load. Modern chillers to maximize efficiency.
are substantially more efficient than older units. If the Although the chiller type is the main factor in part-
existing chillers are old, you want to make the new chiller load efficiency, there are major differences among
larger so that it carry more of the cooling load. different models of a given type. Pay attention to the

© D. R. Wulfinghoff 1999. All Rights Reserved.


differences between different models. Be specific about especially if they are operating in parallel with other
acceptable model numbers when acquiring a chiller by types of chillers.
using a bid specification. Otherwise, contractors or Scroll Compressor Chillers as Lead Chillers
suppliers may substitute cheaper equipment that is less Chillers that use scroll compressors control output
desirable in efficiency, features, or reliability. by cycling on and off. They are presently similar to
Centrifugal Chillers as Lead Chillers reciprocating chillers in efficiency. They may gain an
Some centrifugal chillers now combine variable- advantage in the future because they do not have all the
speed drives with conventional inlet guide vane inherent efficiency limitations of reciprocating units.
throttling. This substantially improves their COP at Like reciprocating chillers, they generally control output
partial loads. This improved part-load performance may based on return water temperature, and therefore they
make a centrifugal chiller appropriate for use as a lead have the same problems in operating in parallel with
chiller, if it is small enough in relation to typical low throttling types of chillers. At present, scroll
loads. Centrifugal chillers are available in sizes as small compressors occupy the bottom end of the size range,
as 100 tons, although their cost per ton is high in small but they can be ganged together to achieve any desired
sizes. capacity.
Screw Compressor Chillers as Lead Chillers Absorption Chillers
The peak efficiency of screw compressor chillers is Absorption chillers are unsuitable as lead units in
less than the peak efficiency of centrifugal machines, most applications. Start-up and shutdown is slow, and
but they are able to operate at reduced loads with less requires a careful sequence to avoid crystallizing the
loss of efficiency. Furthermore, most modern screw salt absorbing solution, as well as to avoid other troubles.
chillers are tolerant of cycling on and off at minimum Absorption chillers are best used to exploit an
load, unlike centrifugal machines. Screw machines are inexpensive source of heat, and to minimize electricity
available in sizes as small as about 25 tons, although demand charges.
their cost per ton is relatively high in smaller sizes.
Reciprocating Chillers as Lead Chillers Exploit Low Condensing Temperatures
The full-load efficiency of reciprocating chillers is Chiller efficiency improves radically at lower
substantially less than that of centrifugal and screw condensing temperatures, provided that the chiller is
compressor machines. This difference in efficiency designed to exploit low condensing temperature. This
exists for fundamental physical reasons, and it will feature is especially important for chillers that operate
probably widen as centrifugal and screw chillers become at low loads, because low loads typically occur at times
more efficient. Reciprocating chillers unload more when the outside air temperature is low. Make this an
efficiently than centrifugal chillers, but even their important factor in selecting your lead chiller. Be aware
advantage at low load is disappearing. The remaining that chillers typically have limitations in their ability to
niche for reciprocating chillers is small cooling loads, exploit reduced condensing temperature. See Measure
less than about 100 tons. Most reciprocating chillers 2.2.2 for details.
tolerate cycling well, and they lose relatively little
efficiency down to zero load. How to Select Chiller Size
A difficult control problem arises if a reciprocating Sizing is most critical for the lead chiller, because
chiller is used as the lead chiller with centrifugal chillers it operates at the lowest percentages of load. If the lead
or screw compressor units. Reciprocating chillers use chiller is a throttling type and if it is too large, it too will
step control of capacity, so their output is usually operate inefficiently at low loads. If the lead chiller is
controlled by sensing return water temperature. In too small, the next chiller may operate at inefficiently
contrast, centrifugal and screw chillers typically control low load when it starts. Consider these factors in sizing
output by sensing supply water temperature. a lead chiller:
One way to use a reciprocating chiller as a lead unit • cooling load profile. Analyze the cooling load
is to shut down the reciprocating chiller when a larger profile in detail, and match it to the part-load
non-reciprocating chiller is started. However, this efficiency profiles of the chiller types you are
approach makes the lead chiller useless for carrying part considering. In existing facilities, measure the
of the load in the event that one of the larger chillers cooling load profile with hourly measurements of
should fail. chiller load over the course of a cooling season.
Another approach is to use supply water temperature The cooling load pattern varies from one season to
control with the reciprocating chiller. This requires the another, so try to get data from several years. If
control system to anticipate the changes in supply chilled the plant is new, or if you do not have load data,
water temperature as the compressor stages. This is a you have to calculate the load profile. In most cases,
touchy method of control for reciprocating chillers, you should use an energy analysis computer
program for this.


• reserve capacity requirements. In an existing • condenser water pumping. If the new lead chiller
chiller plant, adding a small lead chiller always has a water-cooled condenser that is served by an
increases reserve capacity. If you are installing a existing cooling tower and condenser water system,
new chiller plant, cost limitations may force you to you can save pumping energy by installing a
compromise between part-load efficiency and condenser water pump sized specifically for the new
reserve capacity. chiller.
For example, with a design load of 2,000 tons, it • condenser cooling fans. If the condensers are
would be common to install three 1,000 ton chillers, cooled by water, the fan energy used by the cooling
one of which is a spare unit. In contrast, a towers is proportional to the cooling load. So,
combination of a 400 ton lead chiller and two 1,000 adding a lead chiller probably will not save much
ton units would be considerably more efficient, and fan power. However, if you improve fan capacity
it would cost less. The disadvantage is that failure modulation (see Measures 2.4.1 ff) when you install
of one of the 1,000 ton chillers would reduce the the lead chiller, this will save fan energy.
available capacity to 1,400 tons. However, with a
typical load profile, this capacity would suffice most Base Your Decisions on Detailed Calculations
of the time. Even if a chiller failure occurred during The cooling load fluctuates continuously in most
a peak load period, capacity would probably be applications. Dealing with this accurately requires you
adequate to keep the facility operating while the to calculate the moment-to-moment energy consumption
failed chiller is repaired. of the plant over the course of a year. Repeat the
• other cooling conservation activities. Consider the calculation for different chiller size combinations to find
effect of other energy conservation measures on the the most economical combination. In a retrofit
cooling load, especially measures that reduce application, calculate how a system with a lead chiller
cooling load during low-load conditions. For would compare to the existing system. To simplify these
example, eliminating reheat in air handling systems tedious calculations, use an appropriate computer
(see Section 4) and window treatment (see program. See Reference Note 17, Energy Analysis
Section 8) dramatically reduce the cooling load Computer Programs, about these programs.
during mild weather. These improvements reduce
the total plant capacity requirement and provide Control the Chiller Loading Efficiently
more freedom in selecting the lead chiller for Clever equipment sizing will not provide the
efficient part-load performance. expected benefit unless you arrange to start and stop
• efficiency of the other chillers. When sizing a lead the chillers in the sequence that satisfies the cooling load
chiller for an existing facility, consider which chiller most efficiently. Doing this reliably requires operator
will be started second. It might be the smallest of training, effective documentation of procedures, and
the original chillers, or a different one that is more continuing supervision. Or, it requires reliable controls.
efficient. Select the relative sizing of the first and In plants that have a variety of chiller types and/or sizes,
second chillers so that both can operate efficiently you need to decide the proper sequence in terms of the
at the point where the second chiller starts, or the percentage of load at which each chiller is turned on or
second can operate efficiently if the first is turned off. See Measures 2.1.1 ff for details.
off. If one or more of the original chillers is
especially inefficient, consider increasing the size Consider Using the Lead Chiller for Heat Recovery
of the new lead chiller to allow the inefficient You may be able to use some of the heat that is
machine(s) to be placed out of service either rejected by the chillers. Sometimes, this is done with a
permanently or on a seasonal basis. small chiller that has special characteristics for heat
recovery. The heat recovery chiller is usually loaded
Ability to Reduce Auxiliary Load ahead of the other chillers, so consider combining the
In retrofit applications, adding a smaller lead chiller functions of a lead chiller and a heat recovery chiller.
may or may not give you an opportunity to reduce the See Measure 2.10.3 about chiller heat recovery.
energy consumption of auxiliary equipment. It depends
on these factors: Comparison to Measure 2.8.2
• chilled water pumping. You can reduce chilled Measure 2.8.2 deals with a particular situation in
water pumping energy only if one of the chilled which a chiller plant is kept in operation at inefficiently
water pump is sized to match the capacity of the low loads to serve a few small applications. To deal
lead chiller. Also, the end-use equipment needs to with this situation, it may be more efficient to shut down
use throttling control valves instead of bypass the chiller plant entirely during periods of low loads,
valves. See Measure 2.5.2 for more about this. and to provide local cooling units for the small

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applications. For a comparison of the two approaches, TRAPS & TRICKS

see Measure 2.8.2. PLANNING: The design procedures are routine, but
you need to make an exceptionally thorough analysis to
ECONOMICS select the optimum chiller sizes. If you combine different
SAVINGS POTENTIAL: 5 to 20 percent of chiller plant types of chillers, be sure that you can control them to
operating cost, in typical applications. Savings are operate together efficiently. Design the auxiliary
greatest if false loading is presently used to reduce chiller equipment to minimize the auxiliary load.
output. SELECTING THE EQUIPMENT: Select the lead
COST: In new facilities, selecting chiller sizes for chiller(s) with an emphasis on high turndown ratio. Invest
optimum efficiency may cost little or nothing extra. In in efficiency options.
retrofit applications, an additional chiller costs from $300 TRAINING AND FOLLOWUP: The benefit of this major
to $1,000 per ton of capacity, including design, auxiliary aspect of plant design may be lost if the plant operators
equipment, and installation. do not understand how to sequence the chillers
PAYBACK PERIOD: In new facilities, the payback period efficiently. Make sure that they are properly trained. Put
may be short. In existing facilities, the payback period clear instructions in the plant operating manual. Check
ranges from several years to many years. The payback the chiller plant log periodically to verify that the chillers
period may be immediate if a new lead chiller replaces are being sequenced and loaded efficiently. Review
a chiller that needs to be replaced. Measures 2.1.1 ff.


MEASURE 2.8.2 Install local cooling units to allow RATINGS
New Facilities Retrofit O&M

shutting down the central chiller plant during

periods of low load. B C
A common problem is that a few small cooling SUMMARY
applications require the operation of a large chiller for
Appropriate where the duration of chiller
long periods of time while the rest of the facility is shut
operation is extended substantially to serve
down. For example, the computer rooms in an office
complex typically need continuous cooling, even though lesser cooling requirements. Improves overall
most of the complex is shut down more than half the efficiency, and may significantly reduce chiller
time. plant overhead costs.
The same problem occurs on a larger scale if a SELECTION SCORECARD
central chiller plant serves an extended facility, such as Savings Potential ...................
a college campus or a military base. For example, if a
college campus is mostly shut down during the hot Rate of Return, New Facilities
summer months, the chiller plant may still have to Rate of Return, Retrofit .........
operate to serve one administrative building.
In such cases, consider installing separate small Reliability ...............................
cooling units to serve the applications that operate on Ease of Retrofit ......................
longer schedules. This allows you to shut down the
central chiller plant entirely for a large part of the time.
which differ by hour, day, and month. Reference Note
Potential for Energy and Cost Savings 21, Electricity Pricing, explains demand charges. To
The benefit of this Measure is based on marginal account for the fluctuations in electricity prices, you may
differences in efficiency and energy costs. When you need to use an energy analysis computer program to
calculate the potential benefit, take the following factors calculate your total yearly costs. These programs are
into account. explained in Reference Note 17, Energy Analysis
Relative Energy and Demand Costs Computer Programs. Even then, you face the possibility
The energy used by local cooling units may not cost of large future changes in the relative cost of electricity
the same as the energy used by the central plant. Even and other energy sources.
if the central chillers and the local cooling units both Relative Efficiencies of Central and
use electricity, the electricity cost may differ if the local Local Cooling
cooling units are not served by the same electricity meter. To calculate the comparative performance of central
The cost difference is greatest if the different meters and localized cooling, you have to know the detailed
are subject to different rate schedules. For example, a efficiency characteristics of both sets of equipment.
central chiller plant may be served under a lower rate Smaller, standard cooling units made in the United
than the other buildings in a complex. States and some other countries are rated for efficiency.
Even if the rate is the same, differences in the See Reference Note 31, How Cooling Efficiency is
amount of electricity consumed through each meter may Expressed, about the types of ratings being used. Be
affect the average cost. This effect does not occur if the clear about the energy consumption that is covered by
consumption through all meters is consolidated before the efficiency ratings of local cooling units. For example,
the rate is applied. the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating of a split system
If the central chillers and the local cooling units use may or may not include the energy consumption of the
different energy sources, the energy costs are certain to condenser cooling fans. Include the energy needed for
be different. The most common example of this situation any external equipment, for example, for a separate
is that the central plant uses absorption chillers that are condenser cooling water system.
direct-fired or operated by steam. For larger, engineered cooling systems, don’t depend
Another possibility is that the local cooling units on the efficiency figures in the catalogs. Require
use an energy source other than electricity. For example, certified performance data from the manufacturer.
small cooling units operated by fuel-fired reciprocating Remember that the COP’s given for large chillers apply
engines have gone through several episodes of popularity only to the chiller itself. They do not include energy
in recent decades. requirements for separate condenser cooling equipment,
Comparing the cost of electricity and other energy for chilled water distribution, or for the end-use
sources is complicated by electricity demand charges, equipment, such as air handling units and fan-coil units.

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These are large energy loads, so be sure to include them operate unnecessarily for long periods of time. This
in your calculation. For example, with a central chiller can dissipate much of the potential savings. Therefore,
plant, the saving in chilled water pumping may be the provide reliable controls to limit operation of the local
major factor that justifies installing local cooling units. units to times when they are needed. Refer to Subsection
In retrofit applications, you may or may not be able 5.1 for methods of controlling local units.
to get reliable chiller efficiency information from the Even cooling units that are supplied by a central
manufacturer. Reliable data may not be available for chiller plant can operate when they are not needed.
older chillers, and older machines may have lost However, units served by the central plant cannot waste
efficiency for a variety of reasons. Since a lot of money energy when the plant is not operating, whereas local
is at stake, make the effort to measure the efficiency of cooling units can waste energy at all times.
installed chillers. Install an accurate BTU meter in the Ability to Provide Condenser Cooling
chilled water output, and use a reliable method of Any local cooling unit requires an external
measuring the energy input. See Reference Note 16 for condenser or heat rejection unit. Simple split systems
methods of measuring energy output, and Measure 2.1.1 are usually satisfactory if the cooled space is located a
for various methods of measuring chiller energy input. short distance from a suitable condenser location. For
The efficiency of chillers varies with load, especially longer distances, consider water-cooled units that are
if they have modulating control. To calculate the energy served by a small cooling tower. This configuration
consumptions of both system configurations over a has the advantage that a single cooling tower can serve
yearly cycle of operation, you may need to use an energy any number of local cooling units.
analysis computer program. In extreme cases, you may have to cool condensers
Ability to Reduce Central Plant Operating Cost using domestic water. This requires about 50 gallons of
Shutting down the central plant may eliminate most domestic water per ton-hour. If you use this method,
of its non-salary overhead costs, including chiller try to save water cost by recovering the used water for
maintenance, water treatment, and housekeeping energy further use. Even better, try to exploit the heat collected
consumption, such as lighting and ventilation. in the water. See Measure 5.5.9 for details.
Labor is usually the largest overhead cost. It is Space and Appearance
difficult to get skilled plant operators on a seasonal basis, Local cooling units take up space and affect the
so the chiller plant staff may have to be kept on the decor. A large variety of units are available that may
payroll all year. One possible way of reducing labor minimize the space requirement, or even avoid it. For
cost is to reassign chiller operators to seasonal duties example, some units are made for installation in ceiling
that normally would require other personnel. plenums. Others are available with attractive evaporator
enclosures that are mounted on the wall above the
How to Select Local Cooling Units working level. Another possibility is installing the
See Measure 5.5.3 for tips on selecting local cooling cooling unit in an adjacent vacant space, and ducting
units for efficiency. See Reference Notes 32 and 33 for air into the cooled space.
details of different types of cooling equipment. Noise
For most applications, local cooling units are so The compressor makes most of the noise, so try to
small that they are limited to reciprocating or scroll select units that keep the compressor out of the occupied
compressors. In extended facilities where even the local space. Great strides have been made in reducing the
loads are large, it may be appropriate to use a screw noise levels of condenser and evaporator fans, so shop
chiller or even a centrifugal chiller to carry local cooling for a quiet unit.
loads. In this case, see Measure 2.8.1 about installing
smaller chillers to serve low loads. Wiring Amperage
Cooling units are large users of electricity compared
Installation Considerations for Local Cooling Units to other equipment in the spaces they serve, so you may
Central chiller plants are popular because localized have to increase the amperage capacity of the wiring
cooling units have a number of disadvantages, or at least, that serves the area you plan to cool locally.
they are more bother. If you install local cooling units, Distribution of Local Units
minimize the potential problems. Consider the following It there is more than one candidate for localized
points. cooling within an area, there may be several ways to
Ability to Control the Operation of Local Units provide the cooling. For example, there may be a choice
It takes more effort to monitor efficient operation between installing a number of small air conditioning
of a number of distributed cooling units. Local units units for individual spaces, or installing a larger local
are less apparent to the physical plant staff, so they may unit to serve several spaces.



Comparison to Measure 2.8.1 same computer program discussed previously to

In many cases, this Measure is an alternative to compare the two approaches.
installing a small lead chiller in the central plant, as
recommended in Measure 2.8.1. In deciding between ECONOMICS
the two approaches, consider these issues: SAVINGS POTENTIAL: 5 to 30 percent of total cooling
• how much the efficiency of the central plant will energy consumption. There may also be significant
be improved during the main cooling season. savings in central plant maintenance and labor costs.
Careful chiller sizing (Measure 2.8.1) can virtually
eliminate inefficiency caused by operation at low COST: The cost of local cooling units ranges from $5 to
loading. If you shut down the chiller plant for $15 per square foot ($50 to $150 per square meter) of
extended periods, such as the winter season, the conditioned space, for common applications. In new
chillers may still operate at inefficiently low loads, construction, local cooling reduces the capacity
although not as long. This is because periods of requirement of the central chiller plant, which partially
low load occur even during the seasons of heavy offsets the cost of the local cooling units.
cooling. Furthermore, removing some of the load PAYBACK PERIOD: Less than one year, to many years,
from the central chiller plant (Measure 2.8.2) depending on the amount of local cooling equipment
worsens the mismatch between the capacity of the that has to be installed.
chillers and the cooling load they serve.
• relative cooling efficiency during the low-load TRAPS & TRICKS
season. Measure 2.8.2 eliminates chilled water DESIGN: It may take lot of thought and analysis to get
pumping power, distribution losses, and auxiliary the most out of this approach. Investigate conditions at
equipment energy consumption during the chiller each of the locations where you would install local
plant shutdown period. On the other hand, the local cooling units, do load calculations for each location, and
cooling units may or may not be more efficient than figure out the best method of installing the new
the central plant chillers when they are operating equipment. Consider whether the units should also have
at low load. If the local cooling units are less heating capability, and coordinate this with Measure
efficient than the central chillers, this is not 1.12.2.
important if the local cooling units are small and SELECTING THE EQUIPMENT: There is a wider range
the low-load energy losses of the chiller plant are of efficiencies in small cooling units than in large central
large. It may be important if a substantial fraction chillers. Shop the market thoroughly. Stress efficiency,
of the cooling load is converted to localized cooling. along with other important characteristics, such as noise
• relative cost. If you need only a small number of level and control features.
local cooling units to shut down the central plant OPERATION: This activity increases the number of units
during low-load periods, this Measure may be much that need to be controlled, and hides them from the
less expensive than Measure 2.8.1. physical plant staff. Provide reliable controls to prevent
These factors balance in a complex way, so that it unnecessary operation. Use the appropriate control
may not be obvious which Measure is better. Use the Measures from Subsection 5.1.

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MEASURE 2.8.3 If a facility has several chiller plants, RATINGS

New Facilities Retrofit O&M

provide cross connections that allow shutting down

the least efficient chillers. C C
Larger facilities may be served by several SUMMARY
independent chiller plants. In new facilities, this may
Improves overall efficiency, especially at low
be done to allow separate areas to operate independently,
cooling loads. May reduce maintenance,
or to reduce distribution cost. In existing facilities,
separate plants may have been built as the facility reduce staffing costs, increase reliability, and/
expanded at different times, perhaps with insufficient or avoid the need to purchase additional
regard to the equipment that already existed. chillers. Usually very expensive, unless it
In all these cases, interconnecting the separate plants avoids the need to purchase additional chiller
may save energy by: capacity.
• allowing the most efficient chillers in any plant to SELECTION SCORECARD
serve the whole facility
Savings Potential ...................
• allowing large chillers to operate at higher, more
efficient loading during periods of low cooling load Rate of Return, New Facilities
• reducing the total energy required for condenser Rate of Return, Retrofit .........
cooling and plant overhead.
The savings potential of the first two points is Reliability ...............................
covered in Measure 2.8.1. The savings potential of the Ease of Retrofit ......................
third point is covered in Measure 2.8.2.
On the negative side, interconnecting the plants
requires extending the distribution piping. This may dominant factor in the cost of piping. Both material
require additional chilled water pump power, and it may and installation costs of piping are high.
increase heat loss. Design the interconnection to minimize pump
power. It is pointless to save energy in the chillers only
An Example to lose it in the pumps. Pumps have a hunger for energy
Consider a facility that has two separate chiller that is insidious because they are small and operate
plants. One plant has two centrifugal chillers rated at quietly. If a pumping system operates at full flow under
1,000 tons each, and the other plant has two centrifugal all load conditions, pump energy consumption can
chillers rated at 500 tons each. Both chiller plants become a major part of total plant energy consumption.
operate efficiently during the peak cooling season. Pump energy consumption in distribution systems can
However, during the transitional season, the larger plant be reduced by using variable-flow pumping, which is
has an average load of only 200 tons, and the smaller recommended by Measure 2.5.2.
plant has an average load of only 100 tons. These loads The pump power needed to overcome the resistance
are inefficient for both plants. of the added piping is sensitive to the pipe diameter.
If the plants are connected, the total average Bigger pipe allows smaller pumps. The cost saving with
transition season load of 300 tons is combined to become smaller pumps may substantially offset the higher cost
an efficient load for one of the 500-ton chillers. The of larger pipe. Do enough sketching and calculating to
larger chiller plant can be shut down for the entire find the best balance between pump power and piping
transition season, saving a considerable amount of plant cost.
auxiliary and overhead cost. Use these techniques to minimize piping cost:
During the warmest part of the year, you may be • be selective about the interconnections. In
able to shut down the small chiller plant except during facilities where there are several chiller plants, you
peak days, and to serve the entire facility with the larger may be able to interconnect them in various ways.
plant alone. If the plant sizes and other conditions are If cost were no object, the best approach would be
favorable, a single chiller plant crew might shuttle to create a large loop header that allows chilled
between the two plants as the seasons change. water from any chiller plant to flow to any user.
This may be an unnecessary extravagance. Most
Piping Design Issues of the benefit of this Measure occurs under low-
The major expense of interconnecting chillers is the load conditions, so the connections can be
cost of the piping, which in many installations can rival optimized to transmit water from the low-load
the cost of chillers themselves. Pipe diameter is the chillers to the low-load applications.


• limit the use of the interconnections to periods of of the operators to control the flow of energy between
low cooling load, i.e., to periods when some of the plants will reduce or negate the purpose of the
chillers are turned off. Pressure losses increase modification. For this reason, proper training of plant
rapidly as the flow rate increases, so consider operators is a vital part of this activity.
limiting operation of the interconnections to times Automatic controls are better than people at
when flow rates are low. This is a practical “remembering” repetitive functions. Use them wherever
approach because the interconnections typically are it is practical to do so. Subsection 2.1 presents automatic
not needed during periods of high load, when all methods of sequencing chiller plant equipment.
the chiller plants are operating. However, this However, using automatic controls does not relieve
strategy adds control complications that may be managers of the responsibility of understanding the
difficult for plant operators to understand. control functions and ensuring that they are
• minimize average flow velocity with variable-flow accomplished. Automatic controls that are not
pumping. The higher cost of larger pipe is a strong understood will be overridden by plant operators.
motivation to reduce the average flow rate.
Variable-flow pumping is an effective way of doing Try to Reduce Central Plant Operating Cost
this. See Measure 2.5.2 for details. Shutting down a central plant eliminates most of its
In retrofit applications, if the connections are fairly non-salary overhead cost. These include chiller
short, you may be able to use the existing chilled water maintenance, water treatment, and housekeeping energy
pumps to push water through the connecting lines. consumption, such as lighting and ventilation. Labor is
Resistance to chilled water flow comes from the end- usually the largest overhead cost. Shutting down a chiller
use coils, control valves, chiller evaporators, and piping. plant provides a saving in labor cost only if the size of
The resistance of straight pipe is relatively low. If you the staff can be reduced, or if the staff can be assigned
use variable-flow chilled water pumping, the piping to other duties during the period of time that plants are
resistance drops when the cooling load is low, because shut down.
the resistance is proportional to the square of the flow
rate. Base Your Decisions on Accurate Calculations
Pipe resistance becomes a major factor if the This modification is very expensive, and it produces
connections are long, especially if the connections are its benefit by marginal improvements in efficiency.
used when the cooling load is high. In this case, you These improvements depend on the load profiles of the
may need additional pumps. Consider adding variable- facilities served by all the chiller plants, on the efficiency
flow pumping, especially if chilled water pump profiles of all the chillers, and on the other factors
modifications are required. This may substantially discussed here. Calculations that include all these factors
reduce the average pump power. are complex. To get the most accurate analysis, use a
computer program of the type covered by Reference
Exploit Interconnections to Improve Reliability Note 17, Energy Analysis Computer Programs. Most
and Capacity of those programs are not designed to handle separate
In deciding how to design the interconnections, chiller plants serving a distributed load, so you may need
consider the value of improving the facility’s overall ingenuity to get the program to model this configuration
reliability and capacity. If you foresee a need for with acceptable accuracy.
additional cooling capacity, interconnection may be a
less expensive alternative to purchasing new chillers. ECONOMICS
This possibility is enhanced if there is diversity of
SAVINGS POTENTIAL: 5 to 20 percent of total chiller
cooling loads, so that an interconnected system needs
plant energy consumption.
less total chiller capacity than isolated chiller plants.
Interconnections provide reserve capacity in the COST: Varies widely, from tens of thousands of dollars
event of a chiller failure in any of the connected plants. for short interconnections to millions of dollars for large
This reserve capacity is limited by the capacity of the facilities. This Measure may offer an immediate net
interconnections. This may argue in favor of larger pipe saving if it provides an alternative to installing new
sizes. chillers.
PAYBACK PERIOD: Several years or longer, except in
Optimize Control of the Entire System especially favorable situations.
Interconnection requires more sophisticated control
of chiller operation. Instead of simply starting chillers TRAPS & TRICKS
and letting them run, operators will have to continually PLANNING AND DESIGN: Although the concept is
start and stop chillers and control the interconnections simple, it is easy to be too hasty and overlook
in a manner that optimizes overall efficiency. Failure

© D. R. Wulfinghoff 1999. All Rights Reserved.


opportunities for improving efficiency and reducing cost. controls wherever it is practical to do so. Review the
A lot of money is at stake, so take your time. methods of Measures 2.1.1 ff.
TRAINING AND OPERATION: For this expensive EXPLAIN IT: Make it easy for system operators to
modification to be successful, chillers and system valves understand how the system is laid out and controlled.
at different sites must be sequenced in a precisely Install a large, well rendered diagram of the system at
defined manner. Operators in different locations must each operator stations. Install well designed placards
be well trained, coordinated, and alert. Automate the on the cross connection valves and controls.


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