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Building Brand Awareness in Dynamic Oligopoly Markets

Prasad A. Naik, Ashutosh Prasad, Suresh P. Sethi,

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Prasad A. Naik, Ashutosh Prasad, Suresh P. Sethi, (2008) Building Brand Awareness in Dynamic Oligopoly Markets. Management
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Vol. 54, No. 1, January 2008, pp. 129–138 doi 10.1287/mnsc.1070.0755

issn 0025-1909  eissn 1526-5501  08  5401  0129 © 2008 INFORMS

Building Brand Awareness in Dynamic

Oligopoly Markets
Prasad A. Naik
Department of Marketing, University of California, Davis, Davis, California 95616,

Ashutosh Prasad, Suresh P. Sethi

School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas 75083

C ompanies spend hundreds of millions of dollars annually on advertising to build and maintain awareness
for their brands in competitive markets. However, awareness formation models in the marketing literature
ignore the role of competition. Consequently, we lack both the empirical knowledge and normative understand-
ing of building brand awareness in dynamic oligopoly markets. To address this gap, we propose an N -brand
awareness formation model, design an extended Kalman filter to estimate the proposed model using market
data for five car brands over time, and derive the optimal closed-loop Nash equilibrium strategies for every
brand. The empirical results furnish strong support for the proposed model in terms of both goodness-of-fit
in the estimation sample and cross-validation in the out-of-sample data. In addition, the estimation method
offers managers a systematic way to estimate ad effectiveness and forecast awareness levels for their particular
brands as well as competitors’ brands. Finally, the normative analysis reveals an inverse allocation principle
that suggests—contrary to the proportional-to-sales or competitive parity heuristics—that large (small) brands
should invest in advertising proportionally less (more) than small (large) brands.
Key words: marketing; competitive strategy; advertising and media; nonlinear Kalman filter; dynamic games
History: Accepted by Jagmohan S. Raju, marketing; received October 29, 2005. This paper was with the
authors 1 year and 3 months for 2 revisions.

1. Introduction ignored the role of competition (see Mahajan et al.

The real assets of companies are often intangible, such 1984, Naik et al. 1998, Bass et al. 2007). Consequently,
as brand names, rather than physical, such as plant the literature contains sparse empirical knowledge on
and machinery. For example, the Ford Motor Com- the effectiveness of own and competitors’ advertis-
pany recently sold physical assets and invested over ing in building awareness for mature products; it also
12 billion dollars to acquire prestigious brand names: lacks normative guidelines for the optimal strategies
Jaguar, Aston Martin, Volvo, and Land Rover. As to pursue for enhancing brand awareness.
reported by Forbes, To address these issues, we investigate awareness
formation in dynamic markets with multiple competi-
None of these marquees brought much in the way of tors. In §3, we propose an N -brand awareness forma-
plant and equipment but plant and equipment aren’t
tion model, which extends the models of Sethi (1983)
what the new business model is about. It’s about
and Sorger (1989) by not only allowing competition
brands and brand building    Ford has been selling
things you can touch and buying what exists only in
across N > 2 brands, but also incorporating market
the consumers’ minds. (Akasie 2000, p. 30) expansion and brand confusion effects. We empirically
validate the model using market data on awareness
To maintain and enhance intangible assets, man- of five car brands over time. Because this model is
agers spend hundreds of millions of dollars annually a simultaneous system of coupled nonlinear differ-
on advertising to build brand awareness, which is a ence equations, we have to estimate its parameters by
major component of brand equity (Keller 2002, p. 67) applying the extended Kalman filter (e.g., Xie et al.
and it can be measured (e.g., Interbrand rankings of 1997). The empirical results furnish strong support for
100 global brands). But competing brands also seek the proposed model in terms of not only in-sample
to increase brand awareness; hence managers must fit, but also out-of-sample forecasts. In addition, man-
take into account the presence of multiple competitors agers can use the estimation approach to estimate ad
in determining their best course of action. However, effectiveness and forecast awareness levels for their
extant awareness formation models in marketing have product markets; §4.2 describes the approach.
Naik, Prasad, and Sethi: Building Brand Awareness in Dynamic Oligopoly Markets
130 Management Science 54(1), pp. 129–138, © 2008 INFORMS

Section 5 derives the closed-loop Nash equilibrium game-theoretic concepts to obtain normative solutions
strategies for every brand in a dynamic oligopoly. to managers’ decisions. For surveys of this literature,
This normative analysis reveals an inverse alloca- see Feichtinger et al. (1994), Dockner et al. (2000),
tion principle, which indicates that large (small) Sethi and Thompson (2000), Erickson (2003), and
brands should invest in advertising proportionally Jorgensen and Zaccour (2004). Most studies in this
less (more) than small (large) brands. The novelty of genre analyze duopoly markets (e.g., Erickson 1992,
this principle is the proof we furnish that inverse allo- Chintagunta and Vilcassim 1992, Chintagunta and
cation is optimal, which is contrary to the textbook Jain 1995, Fruchter and Kalish 1997, Prasad and Sethi
recommendations based on proportional-to-sales or 2004), while a few notable studies on oligopoly mar-
competitive parity heuristics. Finally, §6 concludes by kets include Teng and Thompson (1983), Fershtman
suggesting avenues for further research. But first, to (1984), Dockner and Jorgensen (1992), Erickson (1995),
identify gaps in empirical and normative understand- Fruchter (1999), and Naik et al. (2005). In these
ing, we review the marketing and management sci- oligopoly models, closed-form solutions for optimal
ence literatures. decisions are rarely available. In contrast, we will
provide closed-form results in oligopoly markets by
2. Literature Review extending the Sethi (1983) model.
We describe the extant findings from both awareness The dynamics in Sethi (1983) can be expressed as
formation and differential game models. 
dA t
/dt = u t
1 − A t
− A t
 A 0
= A0  (1)
2.1. Awareness Formation Models
Awareness formation models describe the growth and where A t
represents awareness at time t, and  and
decay of a brand’s awareness over time in response denote ad effectiveness and decay constant, respec-
to advertising efforts. Mahajan et al. (1984) reviewed tively. Similarities between Sethi (1983) and Dodson
the marketing science literature on awareness forma- and Muller (1978) are as follows. Specifically, both
tion models. Here we present models developed by models consider monopoly markets; the awareness
Blattberg and Golanty (1978) and Dodson and Muller change, dA/dt, in continuous time is analogous to
(1978), whose key features we incorporate in our At in the discrete-time version; the last term − A

formulation. characterizes the decay in awareness due to forget-

Blattberg and Golanty (1978) develop a model ting effects. Furthermore, to provide an interpretation
called TRACKER, where change in brand awareness of the square root in (1),√Sorger (1989) and Erickson
is driven by advertising effort that influences the (2003, p. 24) observe that 1 − A ≈ 1−A
+kA 1−A
unaware segment of the market. Denoting the frac- where the best-fitting value of k = 13/14 for A ∈ 0 1
tion of an aware segment by At and advertising effort (as noted by an anonymous reviewer); the first term
by ut (operationalized by gross rating points (GRPs)), 1 − A
represents the unaware segment, and the
the model is expressed as At = At − At−1 = f ut
· second term captures the word-of-mouth interaction
1 − At−1
, where the concave response function f u
effects. We next extend this monopoly model to
captures diminishing returns. mature markets with multiple brands.
Dodson and Muller (1978) extend the TRACKER
specification by incorporating word-of-mouth and
forgetting effects. They specify awareness change as 3. Model Development
At = f ut
1 − At−1
+ At−1 1 − At−1
− At−1 . Specif- We first review the duopoly extension and then for-
ically, the term At−1 1 − At−1
captures the word-of- mulate an N -brand extension. Sorger (1989) extended
mouth effect because of the social interaction between the Sethi model to duopoly markets as follows:
the aware segment At and the unaware market
dm1  √
1 − At−1
. The last term − At−1
reflects the loss of = 1 u1 1 − m1 − 2 u2 m1  m1 0
= m10  (2)
awareness due to forgetting effects. dt
Overall, the common feature across these models, dm2  √
including the recent ones (e.g., Naik et al. 1998, Bass = 2 u2 1−m2 −1 u1 m2  m2 0
= 1−m10  (3)
et al. 2007), is the absence of competitive brands and
their strategic responses over time. Because differen- where for each brand i, i = 1 2 mi t
represents mar-
tial game models shed light on dynamic competitive ket share, i denotes ad effectiveness, and ui is the
strategies, we next review this management science ad spending level of brand i that depends on both
literature. own and competitor’s shares (i.e., ui m1  m2
). Both
the spending levels and market shares are assumed
2.2. Differential Game Models to be strictly positive and positive fractions, respec-
Differential game models facilitate the study of mar- tively. In addition, by summing (2) and (3), we obtain
ket dynamics by applying differential equations and m1 t
+ m2 t
= 1 for all t, which represents the logical
Naik, Prasad, and Sethi: Building Brand Awareness in Dynamic Oligopoly Markets
Management Science 54(1), pp. 129–138, © 2008 INFORMS 131

consistency property. Although logical consistency is Table 1 Descriptive Statistics

a desirable property for market share data, it may not
Awareness levels Gross rating points
hold for awareness levels or brand sales data. Hence,
we also allow “market expansion” effects. Finally, we Brands Mean Std. deviation Mean Std. deviation
note that the exogenous decay constant in (1) is re- Fiat Punto 810 353 17174 23554
placed in (2) and (3) by an endogenous loss due to the Opel Corsa 186 079 6507 14031
competitor’s advertising. However, in the context of Peugeot 206 162 103 5891 13540
awareness formation, competitor’s advertising might Renault Clio 332 146 9397 15959
Ford Fiesta 146 097 7441 11716
increase the awareness for own brands, for example,
due to “confusion effects.” Consequently, Pauwels
(2004, p. 604) urges researchers to permit both posi- week throughout the year (i.e., “continuous” track-
tive and negative effects of competitor’s advertising. ing). Also, as Batra et al. (1995, p. 20) note, ad agen-
To incorporate market expansion effects, first we cies prefer tracking data on “purer” intermediate
extend the Sorger (1989) formulation and allow the measures (e.g., brand awareness, purchase intent) to

total awareness M t
= Ni=1 Ai t
to vary over time. assess advertising impact because nonadvertising fac-
Thus, for the N -brand oligopoly markets, we propose tors such as salesforce effort or retail availability affect
a generalized Sethi model the final measures like brand sales or market shares.
 In this tracking study, 350 phone interviews were
dAi  N
conducted every day on a random sample of families
= i ui M − Ai − ij uj M − Aj 
dt    j=1    in Italy. The information collected “   covers all play-
Gain due to own action j =i Loss or gain from competitor’s action ers [i.e., brands] in the market. It covers the state of
i ∈ I = 1 2     N  (4) the play for that week in regard to people’s behav-
ior, attitudes, brand awareness     This [awareness
where ui ·
denotes the advertising effort based on data] is then related to other information such as
prevailing awareness for all brands in the set I = media data indicating what advertising was on dur-
1 2     N . As before, the spending levels and ing that week   ” (see Sutherland 1993, Chap. 10,
awareness are assumed to be strictly positive. Sec- p. 112). Specifically, we use brand awareness of the
ond, to incorporate brand confusion effects, we five car brands—Fiat Punto, Opel Corsa, Peugeot 206,
capture potentially positive effects of competitor’s Renault Clio, and Ford Fiesta—in response to the
advertising (e.g., comparative advertisements) by per- question: “Which of these brands of cars have you
mitting ij < 0 so that own awareness Ai can increase seen advertised on television recently?” Besides the
as the other brand’s ad spending uj increases. Finally, multibrand awareness time series, the other piece of
if logical consistency is necessary (e.g., when using information—the media spending patterns—consists
market share data), researchers can set ij = j / N − 1
of the weekly GRPs, which measures the exposure
 of advertisements to the target audience. GRPs are
and M = 1 to ensure i∈I Ai t
= 1.
In sum, the proposed model not only allows com- directly related to dollar expenditure and can be
petition across N > 2 brands, but also incorporates related to intermediate measures such as awareness
market expansion and brand confusion effects. We (Rossiter and Percy 1997, p. 586). For example, Batra
next assess the empirical validity of this model in et al. (1995) fitted a logit model of awareness as a
describing brand awareness dynamics of competing function of GRPs across 29 campaigns. Thus, our anal-
brands. ysis of awareness-GRPs data comports with both the
company’s information set and the extant practices
(e.g., Sutherland 1993, Batra et al. 1995, Naik et al.
4. Empirical Analyses 1998).
Below we present the awareness data, the estimation Thus, weekly time series of awareness and GRPs
method, and the empirical results. over 83 weeks for each of the five brands comprise
the data set (see Luati and Tassinari 2005 for details).
4.1. Continuous Tracking Data Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics. To analyze
To understand the awareness dynamics, we analyze this time-series data, we next describe an approach for
field data for compact mid-priced cars from a contin- estimation, inference, and model selection of dynamic
uous tracking study. Tracking studies offer the ben- oligopoly models.
efit that, even when brand managers do not have
access to weekly sales data for competitors’ brands, 4.2. Extended Kalman Filter Estimation
they can commission market research companies (e.g., In marketing, Xie et al. (1997) and Naik et al. (1998)
Millward Brown, Arbor Inc.) to conduct phone inter- pioneered the Kalman filter estimation of dynamic
views and gather competitive awareness levels every models. Specifically, Xie et al. (1997) studied nonlinear
Naik, Prasad, and Sethi: Building Brand Awareness in Dynamic Oligopoly Markets
132 Management Science 54(1), pp. 129–138, © 2008 INFORMS

but univariate dynamics of the Bass model, while where p ·  ·

is the conditional density of Yk given
Naik et al. (1998) estimated multivariate but lin- the information history up to the last period, Hk−1 .
ear dynamics of the modified Nerlove-Arrow model. The vector ) contains the model parameters (i  ij

However, the dynamic model in (4) constitutes a mul- and the error variances and the initial means of 0 .
tivariate system of nonlinear differential equations. We maximize (7) with respect to ) to obtain the
Hence, this paper marks the first nonlinear multivari- maximum-likelihood estimates
ate dynamic system estimation in marketing.
By discretizing Equation (4), we obtain a set of five ,̂ = Arg Max L )
equations for i = 1     5 as follows:
For correctly specified models, we obtain standard
  errors from the square root of the diagonal elements
Ai k+1 = Aik + i uik Mk − Aik − i2 u2k Mk − A2k
 of the inverse of the matrix:
− · · · − i5 u5k Mk − Aik  (5) 2

ˆ ' L )

J= −  (9)
where Ai is a typical element of the five-dimensional ')')
state vector k = A1k      A5k

and weeks k = 1
where the Hessian of L )
is evaluated at the esti-
    T . Equation (5) denotes a row of the simultaneous
mated values ,̂. However, for misspecified models,
system of nonlinear difference equations with poten-
we seek to make inferences robust to misspecifica-
tial cross-equation coupling (i.e., it is not a typical
tion errors. To this end, we conduct Huber-White
regression model). The interequation coupling  arises, robust inferences (see White 1982) by computing the
for example, due to the presence of Mk = Ai k ; the
so-called sandwich estimator
nonlinearity comes from the square-root formulation.
To estimate this nonlinear multivariate dynamic Var ,̂
= Jˆ−1 V
 Jˆ−1  (10)
system, we apply the extended Kalman filter, which
consists of four steps. (For several benefits of state where V is a K × K matrix of the gradients of the log-
space modeling, see the review chapter by Dekimpe likelihood function; that is, V = G
G, and G is T × K
et al. 2007.) First, to compactly represent the matrix obtained by stacking the 1 × K vector of the
dynamic system in a state-space form, we let k = gradient of the log-likelihood function for each of the
A1k      A5k

denote the state vector, and Yk = T observations. In correctly specified models, J = V

Y1k      Y5k

be the observed awareness levels. Then, and so both Equations (9) and (10) yield exactly the
the nonlinear multivariate state-space form is same standard errors (as they should); otherwise, we
use the robust standard errors given by the square
Yk = zk + !k  root of the diagonal elements of (10).
k = k−1 + G k−1
+ #k  Finally, for model selection, we evaluate multiple
information criteria (e.g., AIC, AICC , and BIC),
where z is a 5 × 5 identity matrix, and G ·
is a vector- which balance the trade-off between fidelity (enhance
valued function of k−1 . The error terms !k ∼ N 0 $!
goodness-of-fit) and parsimony (employ few param-
and #k ∼ N 0 %#2 I
, where I denotes the 5 × 5 identity eters). Specifically, we compute AIC = −2L∗ +
matrix. These errors can be interpreted as net effects 2K, AICC = −2L∗ + T T + K
/ T − K − 2
, and
of myriad factors not explicitly included in the model. BIC = −2L∗ + K Ln T
, where (L∗  T  K
denote the
Second, the standard Kalman filter is not applicable maximized log-likelihood, the sample size, and the
because G ·
is a nonlinear function of state variables, number of parameters, respectively. The model to be
and hence we apply the extended Kalman filter (EKF). retained is associated with the smallest values of the
The EKF recursively determines the mean and covari- information criteria. By using multiple criteria, we
ance of k , given the observed information history gain convergent validity when these criteria suggest
Hk−1 = Y1      Yk−1  for each k = 1     T . We use the the same model as the best one, thus enhancing con-
model-specific transition matrix I+'G/'
in the well- fidence. However, when multiple criteria indicate dif-
known EKF recursions (see Harvey 1994, p. 161) to ferent models to be retained, researchers may apply
obtain the sequence of means and covariances of k the following guidelines: use AIC-type criteria to select
for k = 1     T . models involving many parameters and small sam-
Third, based on the means and covariances of k , ple sizes (i.e., large K/T ratio) because they possess
we compute the log-likelihood of observing the the “efficiency” property; use BIC-type criteria, which
awareness sequence HT = Y1  Y2      YT

, which is possess the consistency property, for settings with few

given by parameters and large sample sizes (i.e., small K/T
ratio). For further discussion of efficiency versus con-

sistency, see McQuarie and Tsai (1998, p. 3) and Naik
L )* HT
= Ln p Yk  Hk−1

et al. (2007, Remark 2).
Naik, Prasad, and Sethi: Building Brand Awareness in Dynamic Oligopoly Markets
Management Science 54(1), pp. 129–138, © 2008 INFORMS 133

Table 2 Model Selection Using Multiple Information Criteria Table 3 Extended Kalman Filter Estimates and Robust Inferences

Model AICC AIC BIC Parameters of the Filtered Robust Filtered Robust
retained model ( = 6) estimates t-ratios estimates t-ratios
Complete model 63779 35364 41895
Brands Ad effectiveness, i Observation std. dev. i
Nested models (ij = j /)
=1 43808 23717 26378
Fiat Punto 04732 669 15063 570
=2 40144 20052 22713
Opel Corsa 04847 592 00909 488
=3 36190 16098 18759
Peugeot 206 05821 634 00004 060
=4 33836 13745 16405
Renault Clio 08138 662 03547 000
=5 32890 12798 15459
Ford Fiesta 05049 347 01415 315
=6 32671 12580 15240
Transition × 103 02295 570
=7 32747 12655 15316
=8 32924 12832 15493 Max. log-likelihood −5190
=9 33125 13033 15694
 = 10 33320 13229 15889
Full covariance model
37808 13235 18315
and robust t-ratios for the retained model. We find
that all parameters have correct signs. Also, ad effec-
tiveness of each of the five brands is statistically
4.3. Empirical Results significant, indicating that the spending on televi-
sion GRPs does affect a brand’s awareness. Further-
4.3.1. Model Selection and Parameter Estimation. more, this impact of GRP on brand awareness differs
We apply the above approach to market data on five by brand. Next, we consider how well this retained
Italian car brands. We estimate the proposed model model predicts out-of-sample observations.
in (5), i.e., the complete model with five i parame-
ters (one for each car brand), 20 ij parameters (four 4.3.2. Out-of-Sample Forecast. Using the retained
for each car brand), and $! = % 2 I5×5 . To determine model, we compute the one-step-ahead forecast of
the best model to retain, we compute multiple infor- awareness levels via the cross-validation approach.
mation criteria and display the results in Table 2. We Specifically, we re-estimate the model using the sub-
find that this complete model is overparameterized. sample of the first 52 observations and hold 31 obser-
Specifically, it gets high scores on AIC, AICC , and BIC vations to assess its predictive validity. Figure 1
(see Table 2). Further inspection revealed that several displays the cross-validation results for the five
of its estimated parameters were insignificant. brands (see the holdout period for actuals versus fore-
We then estimate 10 nested versions obtained by casts). These graphs show that the proposed model,
letting ij = j /1, where 1 = 1 2     10. Given the fitted with subsample data, predicts the awareness
parsimonious specifications, we allow nonconstant levels in the holdout period satisfactorily. Table 4
variance across brands by relaxing the covariance quantifies the quality of forecast performance. For
matrix $! = diag %12      %52
. These nested versions example, correlation between actual and forecasted
have smaller scores on the information criteria (see awareness levels are high, ranging from 0.67 to 0.88
Table 2). Particularly, the model with 1 = 6 (shown in across five brands; similarly, forecast performance on
boldface) attains the minimum AIC, AICC , and BIC, other metrics (e.g., percentage observations within the
so we retain this model with ij = j /6. More impor- confidence interval, mean squared error (MSE), mean
tantly, all three criteria recommend the same model absolute deviation (MAD)) are satisfactory. Thus, the
to be retained, thus achieving convergent validity and proposed model not only fits the sample data, but also
enhancing confidence in this retained model. exhibits strong predictive performance.
If we want to estimate the full covariance matrix, 4.3.3. Model Comparison. We close this section
we specify $! = PP
, where P is a lower triangular by comparing the retained model with an alternative
matrix so that $! is positive definite (i.e., all its eigen- model, namely, the N -brand Lanchester model whose
values remain positive regardless of the magnitudes specification is given by the following simultaneous
or signs of the elements in P in every quasi-Newton system of coupled differential equations (see Fruchter
iteration of maximizing the log-likelihood function). 1999, Naik et al. 2005):
However, our results show that most of the estimated       
elements in P are not significant, resulting in the rejec- ṁ1 f1 F ··· 0 m1
      
tion of this specification based on the information cri-                
  =  −       (11)
teria (see Table 2).       
To further safeguard inference from other misspeci- ṁN fN 0 ··· F mN
fication errors, we compute the robust standard errors

via (10) for assessing the significance of estimated where mi = Ai / Ai denotes brand i’s awareness
parameters. Table 3 presents the parameter estimates share, ṁi = dm/dt fi = i ui is its marketing force, i
Naik, Prasad, and Sethi: Building Brand Awareness in Dynamic Oligopoly Markets
134 Management Science 54(1), pp. 129–138, © 2008 INFORMS

Figure 1 In-Sample Fit and Out-Of-Sample Forecasts for Car Brands

Fiat Opel
20 Holdout sample 5 Holdout sample


15 4
5 1
0 0
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81
Weeks Weeks

Peugeot Renault
5 Holdout sample 8 Holdout sample

4 6
1 2
0 0
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81
Weeks Weeks

8 Holdout sample

6 Actual
4 Full sample
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81

and ui represent  ad effectiveness and GRPs, respec- Table 5 Out-of-Sample Forecast Performance of the Lanchester Model
tively, and F = Ni=1 fi is the total marketing force of
Correlation Observations within
all the brands. between actuals the confidence
To estimate the dynamic system (11), we apply Brands and forecasts interval (%) MSE MAD
the Kalman filter estimation described earlier to
Fiat Punto 056 645 140350 33072
the estimation sample of 52 weeks. Next, based on Opel Corsa 084 968 11122 08844
this estimated model and average total awareness Peugeot 206 070 968 10074 07957
for the estimation sample, we predict one-step-ahead Renault Clio 070 935 51102 18569
awareness levels of each of the five brands for the sub- Ford Fiesta 085 968 15538 08717
sequent 31 weeks (i.e., the holdout sample, as before).
Table 5 indicates the prediction results for the five- Collectively, the empirical results furnish strong
brand Lanchester model. Comparing the correspond- support, in terms of both fit and forecast, for the
ing quantities in Tables 4 and 5, we observe that (i) the proposed N -brand model. Moreover, the estimation
proposed model performs competitively on metrics method—based on the extended Kalman filter for fit-
such as correlation between actuals versus forecasts or ting nonlinear dynamic oligopoly models to market
percentage of observations within the 95% confidence data—offers managers a systematic approach to esti-
interval; and (ii) the proposed model outperforms the mate ad effectiveness and forecast awareness levels
alternative model on the formal metrics of MSE or for their particular brands. Next, we derive the opti-
MAD. mal strategies to pursue in a dynamic oligopoly.

Table 4 Out-of-Sample Forecast Performance of the Generalized

Sethi Model
5. Normative Analyses
We derive the optimal strategies and elucidate their
Correlation Observations within substantive implications, relegating all the proofs to
between actuals the confidence the online appendix (provided in the e-companion).1
Brands and forecasts interval (%) MSE MAD
Starting from an initial awareness level Ai0 , in re-
Fiat Punto 067 806 91920 24129 sponse to advertising decisions to be made by all
Opel Corsa 083 903 03333 04469
Peugeot 206 081 935 02190 03656 1
An electronic companion to this paper is available as part of the
Renault Clio 088 935 05186 05466
online version that can be found at http://mansci.journal.informs.
Ford Fiesta 088 806 04306 04828
Naik, Prasad, and Sethi: Building Brand Awareness in Dynamic Oligopoly Markets
Management Science 54(1), pp. 129–138, © 2008 INFORMS 135
other brands simultaneously, each brand manager 
decides the best course of action u∗i to maximize the r9ij = − 41 i + ii
9ii − ki 9ik
brand’s total discounted present value (e.g., Fruchter  
and Kalish 1987, Sorger 1989),  
+ 1
s + ss
9ss − ks 9sk
  s∈Is =j k∈I
Vi Ai0
= e−rt R t
− c u


· s + ss
9is − ks 9ik  j = i (16)

−rt 2 k∈I
= e mi Ai t
− ui t

Proof. See the online appendix.
i ∈ I = 1 2     N  (12) It is remarkable that the dynamic model (4), which
fits the market data well (see Table 3) and predicts
subject to the dynamic system (4). In (12), r denotes
the out-of-sample observations satisfactorily (see Fig-
the discount rate, and R t
and c u
denote the rev- ure 1), also leads to simple value functions, thus
enues from and costs of building awareness over time, yielding closed-form optimal strategies. To extend
respectively. Specifically, mi represents the revenues this analysis to mature markets (i.e., when mar-
from an awareness point of brand i, and c u
= u2 ket expansion is negligible) or analyze market share
is the convex cost function. Note that media com- data, we have to incorporate an additional constraint
panies (e.g., NBC, ABC) sell GRPs (denoted by u

i∈I A i t
= 1 for every instant t. To ensure this logi-
and the advertiser pays for it in dollars. In other cal consistency, we set ij = j / N −1) and M = 1 and
words, GRPs and dollar expenditure are two objects obtain the following result:
of the same exchange. As Tellis (2004, p. 45) notes,
“GRPs are the most common measure for buying Proposition 2. In mature markets, a brand’s optimal
media time in the market today.” Equation (12) spec- closed-loop advertising strategy is
ifies a quadratic relation between GRPs and advertis-   
i 1 − Ai N
ing expenditures. Consequently, if we substitute √ v=

ui = i
N9i − 9j  i
c u
= u2 in the objective function and u = v in 2 N − 1
the dynamic state equations, a formulation consistent
and its value function
with previous studies (e.g., Batra et al. 1995, Fruchter
1999), we learn that the notion of diminishing returns 
(i.e., early dollar increments are more effective than Vi = 9i0 + 9ij Aj  ∀ i ∈ I (18)
the later ones) is incorporated in this formulation. j=1

Finally, Vi ·
captures the total discounted present
where the coefficients (9i0  9ij ) are obtained from the follow-
value of brand i. To maximize (12), we solve the
ing (N + 1) relations:
induced N -brand differential game and derive the
closed-loop strategies in Nash equilibrium, which we N 
state in the following proposition. r 9j = m i  (19)
Proposition 1. Maximizing (12) subject to (4), the  
optimal closed-loop advertising strategy of brand i ∈ I is 2i  i 2
r9ii = mi − i
N9i − 9k  (20)
   4 N − 1
2 k∈I
M − Ai 
u∗i = i + ii
9ii − ki 9ik  (13)   
2 k=1 2j   i
j j
r9ij =− N9j − 9k i
N9j − 9k 
and its value function 2 N − 1
2 k∈I k∈I

∀ j ∈ I j = i (21)

Vi = 9ij Aj  (14) Proof. See the online appendix.
The optimal strategies in (17) reveal the inverse allo-
cation principle: the greater the awareness level, the smaller
where the coefficients 9ij are obtained from the following
the spending. A large (small) brand should spend
proportionally less (more) than small (large) brands.
 1 j  j Why? Because each brand spends proportional to
r9i = mi + 2
j + jj
9j − kj 9k the combined awareness of the remaining brands to
j∈I j =i k∈I
  compete optimally. This intuition comes from Equa-
 tion (17), which shows that the
· j + jj
9ij − kj 9ik  (15)  optimal budget is pro-
portional to u∗i
2 ∝ 1 − Ai = j∈I j =i Aj .
Naik, Prasad, and Sethi: Building Brand Awareness in Dynamic Oligopoly Markets
136 Management Science 54(1), pp. 129–138, © 2008 INFORMS

We clarify that the inverse allocation principle dif- Proof. See the online appendix.
fers from the competitive parity rule. Specifically, Although this proposition seems intuitively obvi-
for two firms X and Y , competitive parity requires ous, the result is opposite of the extant findings in
uX /AX = uY /AY , where (ui  Ai
denote ad spends and the literature. Specifically, Fershtman (1984) shows
awareness levels, respectively. Clearly, to maintain that category ad spending decreases as the number of
competitive parity, firms would spend proportional brands increases; however, unlike our study, his mar-
to their awareness levels (i.e., ui ∝ Ai
, which is not ket dynamics have not been empirically validated. As
only similar to the proportional-to-sales heuristic but, category ad spending increases as new brands enter,
more importantly, opposite of the inverse allocation an important question arises: Is there a maximum
principle. number of brands that a mature product category can
The substantive implication of this inverse alloca- sustain?
tion principle is that managers should build domi- To address this issue, we consider the total category
nant brands because they would face less competitive value
resistance and afford to advertise more efficiently in    
the long run. From a life-cycle perspective, small Vi = e−rt m − u∗i t

2 dt
up-and-coming brands should spend more on adver- i∈I 0 i∈I
tising to build awareness, whereas mature brands 4m −  91 − 92
2 N − 1

may “fly on automatic pilot” without advertising =  (23)
heavily and relying more on brand purchase and con-
sumption experience to maintain awareness. Jones where (91 − 92 ) is specified by Equation (D5) in the
(1986, 1990) furnishes empirical evidence to corrobo- online appendix. We observe that the category value
rate this principle, noting that “   For large brands, becomes negative as N increases, indicating that an
the market share normally exceeds the advertising upper bound for the number of brands exists. After
share; for smaller brands, the opposite is true” (Jones algebraic manipulations, we obtain an upper bound
1986, p. 100; emphasis in the original). (see the online appendix)
Interestingly, in mature oligopoly markets, equilib-
rium shares need not be of the form “us/(us + them),” N∗ = 3+   (24)
as one expects in a duopoly market. To gain this coun- r2 + m2 − r
terintuitive insight, we derive the equilibrium share
which reveals that product categories will sustain
of awareness:
three (or more) brands.
Proposition 3. For each brand in a mature market, the This finding—the smallest upper bound is three
equilibrium share is given by brands—closely relates to the so-called Rule of Three.
N −1 At the individual level, consumers choose brands
Āi = 1 −  ∀ i ∈ I (22) from a small consideration set, whose size ranges
Bi × Nj=1 Bj−1 from two to eight brands across various product cat-
 egories with a median of 3.0 for antacids, beers,
where Bi = 2i /2 N − 1

N9ii − Nj=1 9ij

deodorants, gasoline, over-the-counter medicines,
Proof. See the online appendix. pain relievers, and toothpastes (see Lilien et al. 1992,
Now consider a duopoly market (i = 1 2), where Table 2.11, p. 67). At the market level, Sheth and
the equilibrium shares are Āi = Bi / B1 + B2
. In con- Sisodia (2002) suggest that only three major brands
trast, we realize that the equilibrium shares in a will eventually dominate any industry—for example,
triopoly are Āi = 1 − 2B1 B2 B3 /Bi B1 B2 + B2 B3 + B1 B3
McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s in fast food;
(i = 1 2 3), which differs from the expression General Mills, Kellogg, and Post for breakfast cere-
“us divided by us plus them.” Hence, results als; and Nike, Adidas, and Reebok for sports shoes.
from N -brand models can differ from those obtained Because different customers may be aware of different
using duopoly models, highlighting the importance of brands, these findings are appropriate for less hetero-
studying oligopoly generalizations. When the Bi s are geneous markets. Our theoretical result that the small-
equal across brands, each brand earns an equal share est N ∗ = 3 not only affirms these empirical findings,
(Āi = 1/N ), as it should. but also reveals that managers can reduce the cate-
Finally, we investigate the effects of intensifying gory size to three brands by increasing ad effective-
competition in mature markets. To gain insights, we ness, but not the media weight. That is, N ∗ decreases
simplify the analysis by assuming that brands are as ad effectiveness increases ('N ∗ /' < 0), whereas it
competing with “equals” and prove the result for the remains unchanged with an increase in media weight
symmetric brands: alone ('N ∗ /'u = 0). Thus, effective advertising can
Proposition 4. In mature markets, the category ad serve as a strategic device to reduce competition in
spending increases as the number of brands increases. mature product categories.
Naik, Prasad, and Sethi: Building Brand Awareness in Dynamic Oligopoly Markets
Management Science 54(1), pp. 129–138, © 2008 INFORMS 137

6. Conclusions comments and valuable suggestions of the reviewers, the

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$57 billion when its book value was just $11 billion in versity of California, Davis.
revenues and $2 billion in earnings. Gillette’s intangi-
ble property—not reflected in its accounting books—is
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