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Dear Shareholders,

The multinational drinks group Universal Cola Corporation has made an offer
to purchase the company. The last two weeks among a group of
representatives of the company have been discussing about the future of the
company and they believe that the right decision is not to accept the offer; our
reasons for not accepting are as follows:

Our company Hernan & Corrie Teas since it was founded has had a
commitment to the environment and the population where it grew, making a
comparison with the company UCC we observe that its administrative policies
differ a lot from ours, not having much interest in the society. Another factor
that we take into account is the jobs of our workers, possibly with the sale of
the company they can lose their jobs, affecting hundreds of families, we know
the potential of our workers and the commitment they have with the

In conclusion, we would like to arrange a general meeting with all the staff of
the company to inform them of the decision that the company has taken and
also to make indications about some modifications that we will do for the
good of all.

Yours sincerely,

Chief Executive

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