Development Plan 2013-2018 of The Estonian Scout Association

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Development plan 2013-2018 of the Estonian Scout Association

DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2013 - 2018 .....................................................................................3

INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................3
1. MISSION OF THE ESTONIAN SCOUT ASSOCIATION .......................................................3
2. VALUES ..........................................................................................................................4
3. VISION FOR 2018 ..........................................................................................................4
4. MAIN OBJECTIVE ..........................................................................................................5
4.1. Performance indicator: providing educational activities for young people ..............5
4.2. Performance indicator: organizational growth .......................................................5
5. SURVEY OF CURRENT SITUATION .................................................................................6
5.1. Ties with other relevant development plans ..................................................................6
5.1.1. Renewed framework of European cooperation in the youth field 2010-2018 .......6
5.1.2. Strategy of Estonian Youth work 2006-2013 and 2014-2020 .............................7
5.1.3. Physical Activity Development Plan 2011-2014 ...................................................7
5.1.4. Child protection concept ....................................................................................7
5.1.5. Civil Society Development plan 2011-2014 ........................................................7
5.1.6. Children and Family development plan 2012-2020 ............................................8
5.1.7. Estonian National Strategy on Sustainable Development ...................................8
5.1.8. Integration plan 2008-2013 ...............................................................................8
5.1.9. Operational Programme of Development of Physical and Social Environment .....8
5.2. General information about the Estonian Scout Association ...................................8
5.2.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................8
5.2.2 Membership ........................................................................................................9
5.2.3. Management ......................................................................................................9
5.2.4. Program ...........................................................................................................10
5.2.5 Events in Estonia .............................................................................................10
5.2.6 Events elsewhere ..............................................................................................11
5.2.7. Trainings .........................................................................................................11
5.2.8. Umbrella organizations and major partners and projects .................................11
5.2.9. The Estonian Scout Association website solutions ...........................................13
5.2.10. Income sources ..............................................................................................13
5.2.11. Real Estate and other scout centers ...............................................................14
5.3. SWOT- analysis ...................................................................................................14
5.3.1. Strengths and weaknesses ...............................................................................14
5.3.2. Opportunities and threats ...............................................................................15
5.4. Influence of external environment to the the ESÜ in a wider perspective .............15
5.4.1. Demography ....................................................................................................15
5.4.2. Community ......................................................................................................16
5.4.3. Changs in Value system ..................................................................................16
5.4.4. Economic trends ..............................................................................................17
5.4.5. Legal issues ......................................................................................................17
5.4.6. Politics..............................................................................................................18
5.4.7. Competition .....................................................................................................18
6. MANAGEMENT AND FIELD PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ...........................................18
6.1. Field: organization development and management ..............................................19
6.2. Field: Youth program ..........................................................................................20
6.3. Field: human resources ......................................................................................22
6.4. Field: administration.............................. ............................................................24
6.5. Field: communication .........................................................................................26
6.6. Field: public relations .........................................................................................27
8. ABBREVIATIONS ..........................................................................................................28
2018............................................................................................................................... 29


This document is the third development plan of the Estonian Scout
Association (the ESÜ). The first plan set the lines of activities for 2003-2008,
the second one for 2008-2013 and this one will specify the plan of activities for
The document defines the current situation of the the ESÜ taking into account
both the internal and external circumstances, visions, missions and values.
The core activities and the targeted general objectives are framed as the main
objective. The development objectives set to guarantee the sustainable growth
and administrative capability of the organization are reflected by the
subsequent fields: the development and management of the organization,
program, human resources, administration, communication, public relations.
The the ESÜ development plan is a result of a long-term process. First the the
ESÜ development plan for 2008-2013, the process of its preparation as well as
the results was analyzed. By the end of 2011 the schedule for preparing this
development plan was drawn.
The Spring Scout Leader Forum in March 2012; five regional meetings with the
units from Lääne- and Ida-Virumaa, Põhja-, Kesk-Eesti and Tallinn, Tartu and
Lõuna-Eesti, Läänemaa and Pärnumaa in April and May 2012 and the
autumn Scout Leader Forum in September 2012 have served as important
milestones for involving members in the process of preparing the development
plan. Additional input was received from the poll that was performed among
the members in spring 2012.
Contribution was also made by the the ESÜ development team, by the
members of the board, by the the ESÜ program renewal team, by the
introduction and public relations team and by the bureau.
The development plan was approved on the general meeting of the assembly of
the the ESÜ on 24th of November 2012.


The ESÜ mission as a member of the world scout movement is to preserve and
promote scout values, the scout way of thinking and activities in Estonia.
The ESÜ is guided in its activities by the mission of the World Organization of
the Scout Movement.
Mission of the World Organization of the Scout Movement
The Mission of the Scout movement is to contribute to the education of young
people through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Scout Law, to
help to build a better world and to help young people to develop a sense of
responsibility and become self-fulfilled individuals, who play a constructive
role in society.
To fulfill this objective, the scout movement as a source of non-formal learning
provides young people educational activities throughout the important
development stage of their personalities.

The activities of the Estonian Scout Association are based on important
values and encourage young people:
• To differentiate between the right and wrong and understand the impact
of their actions on themselves and the others
• To value human relations - family, friendship, community
• To differentiate between the material and real value of things
• To appreciate the importance and benefits of education
• To lead an active and healthy way of life
• To appreciate and honor their culture and respect other cultures
• To be self-confident and able to stand up for their beliefs and, if
necessary, to be ready to reassess these beliefs and change them
• To listen to the others and respect them, to be opened to the ideas and
beliefs of other people
• To be honest about themselves and their abilities
• To withstand difficulties and to ask for help and
advice if necessary
• To be able to make choices and set targets
• To be enthusiastic and innovative, full on new
When Peeter, Uudebert
ideas and capable of implementation of these ideas and Kärolin with Lembitu
• To give their best without fear of failure reached to the
• To respond to injustice and inequality, to help to schoolhouse, they were
all already wearing their
create a just world scout scarves*
• To value their society and community and to help
those in need.
• To preserve environment

2. VISION FOR 2018

The the ESÜ is a youth organization that is approved and appreciated on
national, local, family and individual level and in the actions of which every
young person in Estonia can participate regardless where she or he lives.
Our aim is to create by 2018
• a program that is engaging for all age groups and complements skills
and knowledge provided by home and formal education.
• Each county has at least one active unit, the cooperation takes place
in five regions.

*During the the ESÜ Scout Leader Forum held in Tagametsa in September 2012 an idea was put
forward that the scouting program could be a kind of literary story which draws the attention of
young people and is tempting for them. These lines paraphrased from a book that belongs to the
absolute top of the Estonian Classic Literature reflect our wish to attract growing numbers of
young people and to be opened for everyone right here and right now.


The main objective of the Estonian Scout Association for the period of the
development plan is to provide young people with educational activities that
are based on a solid value system and to expand the platform of the

Performance indicators for evaluation of achievement of the main

2.1. Providing educational activities for young people
• The program is closely related to young people's needs and aspirations
and provides non-formal learning activities that are complementary to
the formal education and help to acquire competences to become active
(valuable) citizens.
Performance indicator*: the association member satisfaction poll reveals that
90% of the members admit that scouting has given to them valuable skills and

• New methods, technical solutions and measures implemented in the

program take into consideration the environment trends and aspirations
and needs of young people.
Performance indicator: every year an event is organized for each age group,
regular monthly activities are held in each of the units and 50% of the
members will participate in at least one national event; according to the
results of the satisfaction poll 90% of the members evaluate activities as being
diverse and thrilling.

• Estonian scouts take an active part in international projects.

Performance indicator: the number of participants in international youth
events has doubled and there is a wider range of events in which Estonian
young people participate.

2.2. Organizational Growth

• The number of the the ESÜ members and units has grown.
Performance indicator: the scouting units exist in every county; the growth of
membership is 10% a year covering all age groups.

• Representation in cooperation networks.

Performance indicator: the the ESÜ and all local units have compatible
partners for carrying out the program; scouts are represented in the Inclusion
Centers of youth work and our voice is heard both on national and local level;
the views of the ESÜ about development trends of the world scouting are
represented and taken into account on the level of the WOSM.

• The image of scouting is positive.

Performance indicator: the image survey carried out in 2013 and 2017 and the
image of scouting are in compliance with our value system. Awareness about
the scout movement has grown in society.

*Performance indicator or measure of indicator is a measurable characteristic or indicator that

enables us to evaluate whether the desired objective is achieved.


5.1. Ties with other relevant development plans

This development plan takes into consideration the strategic priorities of the
WOSM and the following strategic documents.

5.1.1. Renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field

2010-2018 (the European Union)
The Council of the European Union recognizes that young people should be
given an opportunity to act independently; their freedom and possibilities to
contribute to the sustainable development of society and the European values
and objectives should be promoted. The objective of cooperation in youth field
is to promote the active citizenship of young people, their social inclusion and
solidarity. The the ESÜ contributes to resolving the problems that were
pointed out in the European Union Youth Report 2009, such as
unemployment, non participation in education and trainings, poverty, low
participation and representation in democratic processes and various health
Scouting as a movement offering non-formal education is directly involved in
fulfilling one of the objectives of youth field, promoting and fostering the non-
formal education of young people and associating the non-formal and formal
education thus making it simpler for young people to find jobs and preventing
them from dropping out of the schools. The scouting is opened to everybody
regardless of sex, nationality, social background, etc. and helps thus reduce
gender and other stereotyping.
The the ESÜ youth program and activities of youth in groups under the
guidance of adults is tightly connected with the objective to support, starting
from an early age, the learning of participation and volunteering as an
important part of informal education, promoting thus through voluntary
activities solidarity between generations. The youth program also helps to
promote the health and well-being of young people emphasizing on improving
mental and sexual health of young people, on sports, physical activities and
healthy way of life and stressing the importance of avoiding injuries, eating
disorders, addictions and drug abuse.
Outdoor nature activities, respect and preservation of the environment are
relevant part of the scouting movement, which is directly related to the
European youth field cooperation framework inspiring young people to
participate in voluntary "green" activities and spreading "green" consumer and
production habits (e.g. recycling, energy conservation) and at the same time
raising their awareness of sustainable development, human rights and other
global problems. Scouting is a part of the world youth movement and helps to
develop mutual understanding among young people of the world, which is one
of the objectives of the cooperation framework.

5.1.2. Strategy of the Estonian youth work 2006-2013 and 2014-2020

(the Ministry of Education and Research)
The objective of scouting coincides with the general objective of the youth work
strategy 2006-2013 which is to promote versatile development of young
persons. Therefore we pay great attention to the diversity, increased
availability and better quality of the youth work. The objective of scouting is to
develop young people through interesting activities to become active citizens.

The the ESÜ activities are related to the fields of youth work defined in the
youth work strategy 2006-2013: the special youth work, youth hobby
education, youth work education, continuing education and retraining,
healthy and educational vacation, work education and international youth
At the time of preparing of this development plan the strategic plan for 2014-
2020 is not available and thus we will, after the national strategy plan has
come into force, upon necessity make respective changes.

5.1.3. Physical Activity Development Plan 2011-2014 (the Ministry of

Health has a direct impact on our abilities to cope with day-to-day life; it
influences our social and economical input to the country and community in
The ESÜ objective coincides with the goals of the development plan to evaluate
healthy way of life, to create sport and physical activity habits and to provide
activities and events that are accessible for everyone, attractive and create
social integration between young people from different social groups, ages,
nationalities, gender and religions, and of different mental and physical health.

5.1.4. Child protection concept (the Ministry of Social Affairs)

The Objective of the concept is to create a wholesome system of legislation
regulating the child protection and rights. One of the main goals of the ESÜ is
creating opportunities for children to participate in educational hobby
activities and feel safe regardless of their origin and economic state.

5.1.5. Civil Society Development plan 2011-2014 (the Ministry of the

The objective of civic education is to foster formation of caring and supportive
communities. In this respect the importance of the vitality of citizens'
associations, their policy of involvement and voluntary activities can’t be
underestimated. As the objective of scouting is to up bring active citizens, we
consider it essential to teach young people early the functioning mechanism of
a democratic society, importance of participation, importance of finding
courage and opportunities of participation and civil responsibilities. The Scout
approach teaches young people to respect others, to responsibility and involve
others in decision making. Belonging to a scout organization gives young
people an opportunity to feel themselves as a part of free society, to involve
and be involved in decision making related to issues that concern them and to
get a managing experience in a non-governmental organization, which may be
of great value in further life.

5.1.6. Children and Family development plan 2012-2020 (The Ministry of

Social Affairs)
The ESÜ supports principles of the development plan - every child is precious,
mutual caring, equal opportunities and gender equality are the pillars of
modern society. The ESÜ supports the objective defined in the development
plan to guarantee the rights of each child and create a well working child
protection system. The ESÜ gives every child an opportunity to express his or
her opinions, take part in the decision making process and make changes.

5.1.7. Estonian National Strategy on Sustainable Development (the
Ministry of the Environment)
The Scout program emphasizes appreciation of Estonian history and culture,
as well as protection of the nature and environment. In the Estonian National
Strategy on Sustainable Development the main objective in the national
development goals is the survival of Estonian nation. All our activities are
guided by the principles of sustainability of the environment starting from the
field camps and ending with using recycled paper and nature-friendly colors
for prints.
5.1.8. Integration plan 2008-2013 (the Ministry of Culture)
The objective of the Estonian integration policy is to create for all Estonian
residents regardless of their nationality and mother tongue equal opportunities
of participation in social life. The ESÜ activities are guided by the principles of
the integration plan: involving of all residents in the progress of society, which
is based on giving equal opportunities for all permanent residents of Estonia
and on reduction of segregation.
5.1.9. Operational Program of Development of Physical and Social
One of the principal values for the ESÜ is the environmental education and
environmental consciousness that are underlined in the program. The program
stresses the significance of competitiveness of regions, which is important for
the ESÜ. By developing the Tagametsa permanent camp, as stipulated in the
program for 2007-2013, the ESÜ enables to improve the attractiveness of the
local visiting environment.
5.2. General information about the Estonian Scout Association
5.2.1. Introduction
The scout movement started in 1907 in Great Britain. First scout units in
Estonia were formed in 1912. In 1922 Estonian Scouting was one of the
founding members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM).
As a result of the Soviet occupation of Estonia, scouting was banned from
1940 onwards and restored in 1988. The Estonian Scout Association was
founded in 1995 and recognized as a member of the World Organization of the
Scout Movement (WOSM) in 1996. The Estonian Boy Scout Association joined
the ESÜ in 2007, thus making the history of the Estonian scouting continuous
again. In 2012 the ESÜ celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Estonian
5.2.2 Membership
Scouting is a youth movement that provides un-formal education and is
opened to everyone regardless of nationality, gender or religion. The objective
of scouting is to provide for young people consistent intellectual, social,
emotional, physical and moral educational activities.
The ESÜ action program is aimed at young people aged 6-26 years. 27 years
old and older members belong to the ESÜ membership as program organizers
and support young people in implementation of the action program. At age of
16 the young people get an opportunity of taking more responsibilities and
become scout leaders, however, they are guided by an adult until they enter
the adult age.

Age groups of the ESÜ membership are: target groups - cub scouts 6 - 10,
scouts 11-14, ventures 15 - 17, rovers 16 - 27 and program executors starting
from 27.
Young people make 86% of the members of the ESÜ. The number of members
was at its peak by the end of 2010/2011, reaching 1499 members. In several
regions the number of regular activities of units has decreased, the young
members of target group have grown up and discontinued to participate in the
activities of the unit. The reasons may be on one hand the change of residence
or new interests and requirements and on the other hand a partly poor
situation with required guiding manuals and with the training of instructors.
Although we have members in 13 counties, not everywhere there is a unit
operating on regular basis. As at 2012, the scouting units are missing in the
following counties: Hiiu-, Võru-, Jõgeva- and Põlvamaa.
About 25% of the members are young people whose native language is not
Estonian. They live mainly in Tallinn and in Ida-Virumaa. From 2010 the ESÜ
has a unit of young people with visual disability.

5.2.3. Management
The ESÜ is guided in its course of actions by the strategy of the World
Organization of Scouts and the European Scout Region, adapting this strategy
to suit the needs of Estonian youth, to the national priorities in youth policy
and to the development of civil society.
The highest management body of the ESÜ is the General Assembly, which
selects for management tasks a board of 6 - 10 members. The ESÜ rents an
office in Tallinn, Lembitu 7-10, with two full-time paid employees: an office
manager and an assistant. The most important supporting documents of the
ESÜ are: the articles of association, special instructions, instructions, the
internal rules of procedure and development plan. From 2010 there is an
ongoing dispute about rearranging the work of the board and the office. The
current posts in the board do not any more meet the requirements of the
association and there is also a need to specify the rights and obligations of the
board and the office as well as the terms and conditions of running for the
management bodies. The Associations everyday actions are supported by
various workgroups, some of which are arranged by fields and without a term,
such as the introduction and public relations workgroup, the program renewal
workgroup and the editorial board of the magazine Eesti Scout; and some are
project-based and founded for a certain term only, such as Estonian Scouting
100. Some work groups have a permanent membership and are created for
organizing annual events, such as the ERNA hike work group.
As a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement and the
European Region the representatives of the ESÜ participate in the World Scout
conferences, in the preceding Youth Forums and in European Conferences and
have a say in development of scout movement on the international level and in
taking into consideration the needs of young people
5.2.4. Program
The ESÜ is guided in its activities by the scout method, which is composed of
the following elements:
• learning by doing - experience and practice, implementation of theory in
• activities in small groups – the sense of unity, expression opportunities,
management and team work experience;
• scout oath (promise) and laws / scout principles - solid values;
• flexible program that supports personal progress – the challenging age
and ability appropriate activities that lead to self-discovery
• symbolic framework - team spirit and recognition of achievements
• nature and outdoors – the exploration of nature, the respect and
protection of the environment, physical activities;
• safe and supportive environment – the support of adults that is based on
mutual respect and trust between adults and young people.
The existing age group system that is the basis of the youth program and has
been with minor changes in use for more than 10 tears, does not meet the
requirements of today's young people and society. Therefore a program
renewal work group was created in 2011 that started work on the basis of the
Renewed Approach to Program (RAP) toolbox developed by the WOSM and took
methodical guidance from the program of the Irish Scout organization SPICES
that has drawn worldwide attention. Playful activities that are based on the
choices, responsibility and awareness of young people help them to
understand which way of development is best for them.
The internet based scout leader manual enables scout leaders to make
remarks to the manual and comment on the existing chapters. In addition to
direct instructions about execution of the youth program, the manual includes
instructions on themes that are related to issues of being a scout leader in a
broader sense (communication with the local government and with parents,
involving parents in the activities, compiling applications for sponsorship,
child and youth psychology, communication with the media and public, etc.).

5.2.5 Events in Estonia

Every year several national events are held in Estonia, some of which are
aimed at a specific age group (for example the Christmas Tree in the Woods for
cubs, the skills competition ÕKV for scouts and the Spider camp for ventures)
but most of the events are opened for all age groups. The biggest annual event
is St. George's day camp. Every other year traditional summer and winter
Olympics are held. The international ESÜ jamboree is held every 4 year with
up to 1000 participants. So far the jamborees are organized in cooperation
with the Estonian Guide Association but due to the ending of the accession
negotiations and according to the decision of the General Assembly the next
Jamboree in 2013 will be organized independently. Young people, who are
non-members of the ESÜ, but interested in scouting, can also participate in
the events, however their percentage is small (less than 5%).
The majority of events take place on local level and in cooperation of the
regional units (the squad and group hikes, regional summer camps, etc.)

5.2.6 Events elsewhere

The ESÜ enables its members to participate in the international scout events
(for example the Roverway, the world jamboree, etc.). The ESÜ has a closer
cooperation with the Finnish and Baltic scout organizations. A Baltic jamboree
was held in 2009 in Lithuania, the next one will be held in Estonia in 2014.
The ESÜ members have volunteered in the international scout centre in
Kandersteg, Switzerland. In addition to youth programs and management
events the ESÜ members participate in international trainings and have
together with the Finnish scout organization arranged a joint training for
Estonian and Finnish scout leaders.

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Cooperation with scout organizations in exile has lately decreased. The ESÜ
management takes still part in the “Kajaka” training and jamborees held in
exile. Several ESÜ scout units have twin units in other countries and regular
cooperation takes place for example with Finnish, Russian, Lithuanian and
French scouts.

5.2.7. Trainings
The existing training system needs renewing the same way the program does.
In recent years there has been a new approach to the training of leaders and a
creation of a flexible modular training system has been discussed, but so far
no changes have been made.
It is necessary that the renewal of the program takes place hand in hand with
the development of the training system, part of which is aimed at organizers of
the youth program and at adults managing the units, part at volunteers who
are involved in arranging events and part at special skills training (e.g. rope
knots and scout buildings).

5.2.8. Umbrella organizations and major partners and projects

The ESÜ is a full member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement
(WOSM) and our members can therefore participate in several events and
actions around the world. The membership of the World Organization is today
more than 30 million. The ESÜ program is guided by the priorities defined in
the frame program of the WOSM i.e. the objective is to have a voluntary,
contemporary, flexible organization, to involve young people, to support them
in their journey to adulthood, to take into account gender characteristics, to
assure equality of treatment, to involve all social groups, to strengthen
communication, partnership and resources.
The ESÜ is one of the founding members of the Estonian National Youth
Council and participates in changes and development trends of the Estonian
youth work and youth organizations acting thus as a guardian of its members.
Most important themes have recently been the youth assemblies and the
lowering of the voting age, which would promote cooperation especially on
local level. The ESÜ expects from the ENL foremost guardianship and standing
for the interests of the youth associations. The ENL development plan specifies
and sets strategic objectives for the coming period, the ESÜ is participating in
this process by forwarding its expectations to the umbrella organization. The
ESÜ has designated contact persons for all major partner organizations to
establish better regular inter-organizational communication and to ensure
sustainable cooperation.
In 2011 the ESÜ was awarded by the ENL with the title of the Actor of the Year
for starting a dialogue about the necessity of controlling the background of
people, who are working with children and young people. On the initiative of
the ESÜ a roundtable dealing with the safety issues of young people was
summoned with the aim to draw attention to shortcomings in the field and to
complement legislations so that the institutions and organizations involved in
the work with young people would have the right to inquire information from
the punishment register about the persons signing up as volunteers. The
assuring of a safe environment for young people and the controlling of the
background of volunteers working with young people is a top priority for the
ESÜ and the organization has taken in this regard relevant measures.

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The ESÜ is member of the NENO (Network of Estonian Nonprofit
Organizations) with the aim to be informed and to contribute to the actions of
civil society. The ESÜ took part in the development plan project organized by
the NENO "Efficient non-governmental organizations, vital society" that was
aimed at the sustainability of civil organizations, at their greater
professionalism and at increasing their impact in society. As the result of this
project we started cooperation with Ina Tepp who has a long experience in
staffing and who has helped us to find new supporters and introduced us to
professionals of various fields. As the result we have had a high-level training
for the ESÜ management and have conducted a satisfaction poll among our
In 2011, the international year of volunteers, the ESÜ participated in a pilot
program arranged by the Ministry of the Interior, the mission of which was to
promote the volunteering of employees, institutions and public sector and to
offer them opportunity to contribute their skills and time to the non-
governmental organizations participating in the program. In the framework of
this program the partner of the ESÜ was the Elion Ettevõtted AS. The objective
of the cooperation was to get competent advice for mapping of the needs of the
ESÜ website solutions and for the renewal of our website, as well as
consultation on communication and marketing issues.
In the European year of volunteers the ESÜ started to involve more volunteers
in organization's activities. If previously the ESÜ was seeking scout leaders for
long term commitments through the portals which mediate the volunteers,
then now the policy has changed and we involve also short term and project
based volunteers.
In 2011 the ESÜ started cooperation with the Tartu University Hospital
Children's Foundation. The objective of this cooperation was to organize an
information campaign drawing through Christmas cards attention to the needs
of children with diabetes, to the Children’s Foundation and the ESÜ. In
addition, the ESÜ donated 50% of the Christmas card sales revenue for the
purchase of the insulin pumps for Children's Foundation, who will deliver
those to the parents of children with diabetes. This fruitful cooperation is going
to be continued.
The accession negotiations with the Estonian Guides Association began in
2006 and ended in 2010 with a joint decision that the two organizations will
not be joined.
Since the beginning of 2011, the Estonian Chancellor of Justice was appointed
the Ombudsman for Children, with the task is to protect children's rights and
be the spokesman for their rights in society. In addition of the Children's
Rights Department, which fulfils the tasks of the Ombudsman for Children an
Advisory Committee was created, the members of which are under 18-year old
children from various youth organizations including the ESÜ. The aim of the
Advisory Committee is to include children in discussions on important issues
relating to them, to give them a chance to express their opinions and to raise
children related issues. ˇ

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5.2.9. The Estonian Scout Association website solutions
The website of the ESÜ provides a lot of information, but according to the
feedback from our members, it is not easy to navigate and finding the
necessary information is often difficult. A new internet-based database has
been recently launched and the scout leaders have a limited access to it for
administration purposes and for updating the information about their units.
This has simplified the administrative work and created new opportunities for
the data management. Development of the database in cooperation with our
current partner has been difficult, but this work has to be done regardless of
the partner in order to simplify the data management to meet the
requirements of the organization.
The ESÜ has also an account in the popular social media network Facebook,
for addressing young people through modern communication channels and for
communicating necessary information and messages to the wider audience.
Using several information channels has proven to be very time consuming so a
need for a new comprehensive solution is obvious and important on our

5.2.10. Income sources

The ESÜ activities are mainly financed through the operating and project
funding by the Ministry of Education and Research, the Council of Gambling
Tax and the Ministry of Defense, but we have also received financial support
for carrying out various projects from different foundations (VÜF, WOSM,
PDGF). The Ministry of Education and Research supports youth organizations
with annual grant to help them to achieve the national objectives of youth
work and youth policy; the ESÜ applies for this grant on an equal basis with
the other youth organizations. Annual grant is awarded to those youth
associations, whose activities are evaluated for quality and which have at least
500 members in five counties, and to the youth work associations that
represent large groupings on different fields. The State grant is awarded to the
ESÜ once a year and the amount is beyond our control, so it is most important
to extend our revenue base and find new permanent and one-time donors. The
Ministry of Defense supports and encourages activities of non-governmental
organizations whose agenda is connected with national defense issues and
who are aimed at stressing the importance of country protection, thus
involving young people in issues of national defense and helping to reinforce
our independence. The Ministry of Defense supports the ESÜ with various
grants for training and adventurous activities for the ventures age group (e.g.
the Spider courses, ERNA hike and scout leader trainings).
Small part of the income comes from the membership and participation fees,
private donations and from the ESÜ's own revenue.

5.2.11. Real Estate and other scout centers

The ESÜ has a 7,8 ha permanent camp / training centre in Tagametsa, Rassi
Village, Türi municipality, which is a perfect place for the ESÜ and other
Estonian youth organizations for outdoor activities, camps and different
events. For easier management of Tagametsa a Kodumetsa Foundation has
been created together with the Estonian Guide Association. We have worked
for several years on a detailed plan of Tagametsa. This is important for further
development of the camp and for finding the financing.

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The ESÜ owns also a Mihkel Võsa 4,17 ha plot of land in Kurevere village,
Kihelkonna municipality, Saaremaa, which was granted to the association by a
private donator for holding youth camps.
The ESÜ owns in Pärnumaa, Vändra municipality a 2,1 ha plot of land, which
is a birthplace of Anton Õunapuu. We have an info board there and a
monument of the founder of Estonian scouting.
The ESÜ does not have a detailed plan of Saaremaa and Pärnumaa plots and
has not made a decision about their further use. The primary maintenance of
these plots is not organized.
In 2011 we renovated at the instigation of Tartu scouts our rented premises in
the center of Tartu and opened the Tartu Scout Center to meet the needs on
regional district. The premises are mainly used by the Scout and Guide
Associations of Tartumaa, but the ESÜ has also held there several activities
(i.e. forums, trainings).

5.3. SWOT- analysis

5.3.1. Strengths and weaknesses

Key strengths of the ESÜ are: strong organization, good organizational spirit,
voluntary members, regular regional activities, national events for young
people, international ties, strong ideological base and scout method, stable
financial status, cooperation with various organizations, multiple opportunities
for self-realization, strong traditions from the very beginning and new
initiatives after gaining independency, permanent camp in Tagametsa,
internet-based membership database, professional staff and office.

The main weaknesses of the ESÜ are: shortage of leaders on every level;
dismissive attitude towards nonmembers and changes; low involvement of
nonmembers on all levels; low consideration of suitability, skills and
competence of elected officials; shortage of control measures and non
implementation of the ones there are on every level; involvement of members in
taking operational decisions, which slows down the process of decision-
making; non functioning inner communication, decrease of regular regional
activities; uneven regional structure; congestion and fatigue of the leaders;
lack of IT-concept; shortage of teaching materials; outdated youth program
and training system; small number of activities aimed at young people with
special needs; low involvement of families.

5.3.2. Opportunities and threats

The main opportunities of the ESÜ are: valuation of a growing number of
outside voluntary activities, contribution and support (both money and
knowhow) of institutions to non-governmental organizations. The ESÜ can
provide opportunities of practical training both to young people and adults,
maintain or create work habits and provide lifelong non-formal additional
training and retraining opportunities to all age groups. Cooperation with
various organizations, monetary support of the local government to the local
scout units, large number on non-organized young people who could be
involved, cooperation with schools and colleges, umbrella organizations,
parents, open youth centers, media and sponsors.
The main threats are: inactivity and lack of consistency of young people, small
interest of parents in activities of their children, competitive organizations and

- 14 -
activities (other youth organizations, non organizational activities, the internet,
computer games, TV-games, entertainment, chargeable adventure events);
information explosion, other challenges that the leaders have, low support of
employers to the volunteering of scout leaders, confusion of concepts: mixing
up regular volunteering with one-time contribution (good deed), with awarding
grants and with helping one's family members.

5.4. Influence of the external environment to the ESÜ in a wider

The ESÜ is like every other organization influenced by the environment, in
which it acts. This environment with its demographic processes, community,
changes in value system, economic trends, legal issues, politics and
competition provides opportunities and involves threats that will be hereafter

5.4.1 Demography
Demographic changes have direct impact on membership of the ESÜ. The
Estonian natural population growth has been till 2010 negative for 20 years
and therefore the number of young people has decreased. The decrease of the
number of young people has influenced the target group of the ESÜ. However,
taking into account that only 7-10% of Estonian young people belong to youth
organizations, it shouldn't be the reason of decrease of the membership. While
in 2005 the number of 7-26 year old people in Estonia was 366 914, it will
according to prognoses be by the end of this development plan less than 300
000 (source: the Estonian Youth Institute). Decreasing number of young
people has an effect on the membership of the ESÜ.
The size of the population is influenced primarily by the birth rate, which in
turn is influenced by the family policy; by the mortality rate, which is
influenced by the health policy and by the emigration, which is influenced by
the migration policy.

5.4.2. Community
The Estonian community does not have a clear picture about what scouting
really (e.g. understands that scouts are boys only). Therefore the scout
movement has to be introduced using both local and national media channels.
Although the Youth Monitor Poll held among 10-26 year old people revealed
that 91% of young people participate in at least one of the youth work
activities, participating in the work of youth organizations is one of the less
popular activities (with the smallest amount of participants). About third of
young people engaged in youth work activities participate in the work of youth
organizations, and the participation in younger age groups is a bit lower than
in older age groups. The most common reason of non participation according
to the poll is poor information about interesting activities or lack of interest in
provided activities. In the areas that demand bigger initiative from the young
people, such as youth organizations and various youth projects, the
participation is substantially lower than average.
Young people are increasingly engaged in adventure events and hobbies that
are attractive and not so demanding in the sense of consistency. The most
popular free time activity in all age groups is sports in which young people are
engaged most often. For younger age groups participation in art and

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handicraft classes and in choir singing is quite common. Student firms,
technique, nature and acting are of smallest interest (participation only couple
of times per year). For older age groups accuracy and quality of information is
of great importance. Almost 70% of young people, not participating in youth
work, surf daily the internet (young people involved in youth work do the
same), which although being a quick and cheap way to communicate both in
local and international level, leads to sedentary lifestyle. Moreover: numerous
technical appliances make young people to think and use their memory less.
Parents are not sufficiently engaged in their children's free time activities and
are often not aware about scouting.

5.4.3. Changes in value system

Despite prioritizing of material values in society, issues related to family and
young people are getting more and more attention. For example active free
time activities, volunteering, etc. are being highly appreciated.
A growing trend is to support charity. Society's attitude towards volunteering
has improved, awareness is better and volunteering is more and more
appreciated. Volunteering is quite widespread among Estonian young people -
almost half of them have participated in voluntary actions of some kind.
Voluntary work means usually helping someone or participating in a bee
(communal work) and is often rather random than regular and planned
everyday activity.
Young people have a lot of rights and little responsibility, which makes it hard
to influence them. Young people are not accustomed to take the responsibility
of a citizen (for other people, their country, environment, etc.) and therefore
finding new members may be difficult. The number of young people who act
selfishly and don't care about the consequences of their actions may have
increased. Huge amount of information that is easily accessible and lack of
ability to evaluate this critically may have negative impact on the formation of
the value system of young people. Religion that has traditionally been in the
role of the bearer of values is not popular in society any more, especially
among young people, and the need to find alternative ways how to teach
values in urgent. Youth work creates conditions for personal progression. More
mature persons who are aware of their preferences and abilities would be
capable of making decisions that are thought-through and more reasoned,
thus making them feel better about themselves and others and through that
bringing along a balanced development on the level of society.

5.4.4. Economic trends

The ESÜ is part of society and when planning its activities has to consider
general economic background both in national and international level. Due to
global economic recession the state grants have been partly frozen and partly
decreased during the recent years; on local level the grants to youth work have
decreased or completely gone. At the same time there are several third sector
support funds, which consider it important to support the development and
sustainability of non-profit associations and the percentage of this kind of
support opportunities has been constantly increasing.
Joining the euro zone has led to rapid inflation which has increased the cost of
activities. Due to economic recession the wages have in general not increased,
in many cases rather vice versa. Although the unemployment of the period of
economic downturn has receded, the rate of unemployed persons is still high,

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especially among young people. Therefore it is not possible to raise
substantially membership and participation fees.
The prerequisite for providing diverse activities is finding for that purpose
economical means. To date the ESÜ has used both grants awarded by
ministries, such as the support of the Ministry of Education and Research to
youth organizations, and supports provided by charity foundations, such as
subsidies provided by the Open Estonian Foundation NGO Fund. It is
essential to extend and diversify the revenue base of the ESÜ and to toil
incessantly to guarantee sufficient financial means necessary for the operation
of the organization.

5.4.5. Legal issues

Changes can be made in Estonian legislation as in all developed countries and
this affects directly the activities of the ESÜ.
To date issues related to volunteering and volunteers are not provided for in
Estonian legislation. Great part of work done in the ESÜ is voluntary, today
tax policy does not enable to differ the covering of expenses of employees,
board members and volunteers, which is an additional cost either for the
volunteers or for the organization.
The ESÜ can participate in legislative drafting in cooperation both with youth
organizations and other third sector organizations, in particular with the
guardianship umbrella organizations NENO and the Estonian National Youth

5.4.6. Politics
To date political trends have shown the increase of valuation of youth work by
political parties, the state also supports youth work more than ever. Joining
the European Union has guaranteed greater stability in foreign policy, opened
for us access to recourses of several international foundations and provided to
young people opportunities to travel and to participate in international
Continuous direct communication and cooperation with the Ministry of
Education and Research is most important when we want to be actively
engaged in issues related to youth work. It is essential to inform on state level
that youth organizations are the best way of doing youth work and
acknowledge their importance and role in society.

5.4.7. Competition
The ESÜ has to take into account that there are a lot of attractive activities for
young people, so in order to be competitive, the provided activities have to be
interesting and diverse. There are 61 youth organizations in the Estonian
National Youth Council only, but the total number on organizations is even
bigger. Active young people are often overloaded with activities for they are
engaged in several youth organizations and movements. The number of
projects targeted specifically for young people has increased as well as support
to young peoples’ own initiative. Young people have more courage to
participate in international youth projects (including volunteering). At the
same time many young people have consumer mentality and prefer rather to
go to work and make money than to participate in social activities. Often there
is just a lack of interest in organized activities.

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There are several youth associations in Estonia with scout-like principles and
for same age groups, so it is essential to differ and maintain organization's
identity. Medias little interest in youth work makes it difficult to draw
attention and therefore efforts have to be made to contribute in media



Planning and organizing the ESÜ activities covers six fields:

1. organization development and management
2. youth program
3. human resources
4. administration
5. communication
6. public relations

These fields are divided to subfields with their own objectives and performance

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6.1. Field: organization development and Objective: expedient structure of the organization. Effective functioning, up-to-date processes and
management preparing of action plans are secured.
Subfield Sub-objective Performance indicators
Objectives and priorities The ESÜ has strategic short Every year an action plan for the next year is prepared which is approved by
and long term objectives that the General Assembly.
are in accordance with needs Partners are chosen both on Estonian (e.g. other youth organizations) and
of young people, with national international level (incl. the NSO). Cooperation principles with the Estonian
strategy and with strategy of Guide Association have been specified and implemented.
the WOSM. The structure and development perspective of the ESÜ regional subunits has
been defined.
Cooperation principles with educational institutions providing education for
young people have been developed, in training programs the scouting is
approached in a modern way.
Description of processes: standards, source Essential processes and For organizing the ESÜ activities quality standards are used, essential
documents (statute, special instructions, standards are described, actions and principles are systematically described (instructions, etc.) and
instructions, the rules of procedure), quality relevant forms have been adhered to.
management. made. Control of adherence is System of evaluation of compliance of actions with the objectives (e.g. in case
guaranteed. of public events) is created and adhered to.
On management level the "best practices" of the ESÜ and other organizations
are noted and shared.

Guardianship and Young people Defending and taking into Young people can participate in the management of the organization and
representation account interests of young have their say in the way that is understandable for them.
people, Interests of young members are represented in the ESÜ umbrella
Units Favorable environment for At least half of local scout units cooperate with or are represented in the local
activities of local units is government and/or the county youth councils.
created (the local government,
the ESÜ, other youth Favorable environment for The ESÜ is represented in the cooperation network of the WOSM.
organizations, partner activities of youth Participation/representation in national youth work decisions and councils.
organizations (WOSM; ENL, organizations, including the The ESÜ interests are represented and taken into account by umbrella
NENO) ESÜ, on national level. organizations and Estonian youth work management.
Supportive international
scouting network for the ESÜ
6.2. Field: Youth program Objective: the ESÜ action plan is novel, innovative and educational.
Subfield Sub-objective Performance indicators
Program - objectives, methods, action in units In the ESÜ a new The ESÜ youth program is elaborated by age groups, complements the school
comprehensive youth program and differs by age groups. There are program solutions related to
program is developed. gender and special needs.
The activities of units are based on the objectives and methods provided in
youth program.
The ESÜ program takes into account improvements in the program of the
National events and events in units Youth activities are diverse The units meet on regular basis at least twice a month.
including regional Every unit has once in 6 months an event that is meant for all members of
cooperation the unit.
Each member participates during a year in at least one national or regional
Traditional events are held (such as jamborees, the ERNA hike, Winter games,
Kriimsilma camp, Cubs' Christmas Tree in the Woods, St. George's Day,
Olympic games, competition of scout skills.
In organization of each national event at least 3 partners are involved.
Units have involved in organization of their events every year at least one
partner (a hobby school, specialist of a specific area, etc.)
Every unit has at least once a year a joint event with some other ESÜ
(neighboring, of the same region) unit.
Scout manners (such as yells and cheers, scout campfire, wearing uniform or
scarf, badges of events, friendship circle and scout songs) are always
Russian units are involved in organization of the ESÜ events (at least JP and
jamborees) and during the ESÜ events and trainings translation into Russian
language is guaranteed.
If young people with special needs participate in an event, the program is
adjusted to their needs.
Insignia Insignia has to be youthful We use unitary insignia for recognizing and encouraging the program. Young
and support the program. people are fond of the insignia.
They are involved in creating insignia for at least half of the events.
Aids, learning materials Availability of aids and 100% of youth program is covered with methodical materials (for participants
for organizers instructions for organizers in the program).
for participants and participants is secured. 100% of the youth program is covered with learning materials that are
available both digitally and on paper (e.g. scout leader’s manual) (methodical
materials for persons conducting the program).

- 20 -
International youth program Estonian young people can Every year 10% of active members participate in international scout events.
participate in international The spectrum of international youth events/projects in which the members of
youth work incl. the WOSM the ESÜ participate has become more diverse, there are at least 2 new
events. cooperation forms.
Half of the units have an international friendship (twin) unit, with which they
have regular cooperation.
Every three years one young person from the ESÜ volunteers for season in
Kandersteg scout center.
At least one the ESÜ event a year is attended by scouts from other countries.
In international events that take place outside Estonia the ESÜ members of at
least 75% of the ESÜ units in scout and rovers age are represented.
Regular organization of JOTA and JOTI.
The ESÜ hosts during the period of development plan at least one of the
WOSM seminars/managing events or some other international scout event.
The ESÜ participates in 2015 jamboree with at least 10 young members.

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6.3. Field: human resources Objective: guaranteed growth of membership, new leadersDEVELOPMENT PLAN 2013 - 2018
Subfield Sub-objective Performance indicators
Participants in the program: The number of young people Every year more than 1000 young people participate in activities.
cubs and units has grown. The number of active members increases by 10% a year.
scouts New leaders evolve from the The number of young people leaving the organization is less than 5% a year.
ventures membership. The number of new members increases every year and exceeds the number
rovers of leavers.
70% of members have completed the program of at least two and 50% of
least three age groups.
The rovers are actively involved in organizing activities and 25% of them
have actually conducted program events.
Each county has at least one active unit.
Goals are set in which counties there will be districts and in which counties
local unit; by 2018 the goals will be achieved.
Membership of the ESÜ includes young people with special needs and there
is at least one unit for them.
Program executers: The number of persons who Every unit of 10 members has at least one adult scout leader and every
active members execute the program is in independent local unit has at least 2 adult scout leaders.
passive members compliance with development The ESÜ has at least 3 paid employees.
needs of groups, planned Volunteers are involved, where possible, in up to three tasks (including
Assistants (backup)/ work groups events and organization as a work with young people in units) to avoid congestion.
The office whole. Sustainability of organization of events and involvement of new doers is
monitored when organizing the ESÜ events.
Persons not engaged in units are also involved in execution of the program
and organization of events.
The competence of all scout leaders meets the requirements of professional
standard of youth workers and the character of the job.
New scout leaders participate during first three years every year in
respective training.
Every scout leader participates at least once in two years in some
refreshment courses.
The ESÜ employees take part in at least one training a year.
Among the organizers of national youth camps and events there is always a
certified educator or manager.
Information about participation possibilities is sent to passive members on
regular basis.
Scouts have every year been nominated in the recognition events of

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Project based volunteers and new volunteers Additional resources for Strategy of involving volunteers and parents, annual action plan and the
achieving goals, sustainability
person responsible for it. The ESÜ has a clear picture about work tasks for
in recruiting and involving project based volunteers.
volunteers. At least one volunteer outside scouting movement is involved in
organization of half of the ESÜ events (e.g. through the Portal of
Half of project based volunteers stay in scouting movement for at least a
year after finishing the project.
Every unit has at least one family event a year with participation of parents.
Record-keeping of members Detailed survey of membership Every year the General Assembly is presented with statistical analysis of
and awareness of details. membership of the ESÜ and its subunits, which gives an overview about
achievement of set goals.
Needs to upgrade the database have been mapped and implemented.
The database includes updated contact data of all members including their
e-mail addresses.

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6.4. Field: administration Objective: to guarantee sufficient recourses for current year and in perspective
5 years
- 2018

Subfield Sub-objective Performance indicators

Finances Sufficient financial capacity for The ESÜ has continuously been awarded with state grant; its activities are
implementing the program is additionally financed with the help of various funds.
secured Potential financing possibilities are used; financing comes annually from at
least four different types of sources.
Every year there is at least one new supporter helping to finance camps, etc.
Own revenue has annually grown, the sources of own revenue have become
more diverse.
The amount of financing without specific purposes and non project based
supports has increased.
The ESÜ has a reserve fund, which guarantees main activities for at least 6
The ESÜ supports financially principal activities of all local units and the
ESÜ project competition.
Participation fees are affordable for our members.
Real Estate/rented premises secured pleasant environment All units have premises for local activities. Regional units use the scout
for scouting. center (long term lease agreement, etc.)
The Tagametsa permanent camp and scout center:
• may be used for holding events of the ESÜ and the ESÜ units round
the year;
• income from the rent is sufficient for covering running costs and for
• the center is administrated by a paid employee;
• investments are guaranteed by additional funding from various
funds and donors;
• the development plan and annual activity plans are prepared.
The Saaremaa camp area:
• Plot can be used as a permanent campsite in summer;
• Development plan is ready.
The Birthplace of Anton Õunapuu:
• Maintenance of the plot on regular bases is guaranteed, plan for
usage is prepared.
Modern office and warehouse premises that meet our requirements.
IT IT-equipment, IT environment, IT infrastructure is ready (incl. necessary hard- and software, data analysis,
operating systems, data- data management)
processing means. Availability of IT services required for operation of the ESÜ is guaranteed
(communication, intranet, Internet).
The ESÜ IT solution is an example to other youth organizations.

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Scout warehouse Operational means, Existence of essential means Relevant equipment for renting for the ESÜ events and units and suitable
small appliances for activities and for executing premises for safekeeping it.
of the program and their Each scout leader gets program related learning material free of charge.
expedient use is secured.
Library Supportive materials, Members are aware of available scout and youth work literature in the ESÜ
availability of scout literature library as well as of digital information.
Systematic approach to purchase of supportive materials and books.

Scout market Paraphernalia related to program (at affordable prices) and souvenirs on

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6.5. Field: communication Objective: to ensure communication between members and interest groupsPLAN
DEVELOPMENT / stakeholders (such as
2013 - 2018
parents) and partner organizations.
Subfield Sub-objective Performance indicators
Internal communication Children / young Information provided by the The ESÜ uses modern communication channels for all events (such as FB,
people ESÜ is clear, exhaustive and etc.)
available reaching the target All members of regional units in venture and rover age group take part in
group operatively. The needs of management events.
members are mapped. Satisfaction poll is held in every three years.
Scout leaders have contact data of all young people and their parents of
their unit.
Starting from scout age, 75% of members are using one of the ESÜ Internet-
based info channels (Facebook or list).
Adult scout leaders. Regional scout leader meetings (such as scout leader council) are held at
least once in 6 months.
The ESÜ Scout Leader Forum is held twice a year.
All adult scout leaders take part in at least one the ESÜ management event
a year.
Communication between units, existence of respective environment/IT
solutions (units are aware about cooperation possibilities with other units)
The ESÜ website has an intranet with necessary materials for program
executers that can be used as a communication channel.
Passive members are at least once a year approached personally and
informed about forthcoming important events.
Parents All units organize meetings with parents on regular basis at least once a
year in which at least 50% of the parents participate. Parents have contact
data of scout leaders of their unit and managers of the ESÜ.
The ESÜ website has a special section for parents.
Volunteers (who are not Volunteers are promptly informed about the ESÜ and possibilities of
members of the ESÜ) participating (the so to say work offers from the ESÜ), for that purpose
relevant info channels are used.
Communication with Ministry of Education Availability of information of Members are informed about essential developments in youth work on
umbrella and partner and Research different fields on the level of national level.
organizations. management and members is
NENO (Network Of ensured. Members are informed about essential developments in non-governmental
Estonian Non-Profit organizations, the NENO and the ENL.
Estonian National
Youth Council
WOSM, NSOs Members are informed about essential developments in international
scouting, the WOSM and the NSOs.

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Partner organizations Purposeful partnership, The members are informed about essential developments in partner
(such as ESL) keeping in touch (ESL), organizations including scouting in exile.
development of the program

6.6. Field: public relations Objective: scouting has an affirmative image and clear message.
Subfield Sub-objective Performance indicators
International Media communication Estonian society is well Every month scouting is at least once reflected positively in national media,
communication and and marketing informed (well aware) about incl. articles, portraits, etc.
marketing scouting, the image of scouting Sociological study has been conducted; in 2018 the ESÜ will be the best-
is positive. known youth organization in Estonia.
Every year at least one opinion story related to scouting issues written by a
member of the ESÜ is published in some newspapers opinion section.
The ESÜ is represented on at least three relevant fairs/ public events a
At least 10 introduction events a year have been organized.
Involvement of units The subunits and members are Every regional unit has a scout leader coordinating media communication,
actively engaged in marketing supported by introduction and public relation work group.
of scouting. Every year at least 5 "scout days" introducing scouting are held in different
Logo the ESÜ has unitary insignia. Logo is used on different levels (events, units, e-solutions).
Unitary insignia is used on every level of the ESÜ.
75% of members have items with the ESÜ insignia that can be used outside
Magazine Eesti Skaut Magazine is the messenger of It is published 4 times a year, has its own FB account, browse able digital
scouting. version and a separate section on the new the ESÜ website.
Half of the contributors (coworkers) are young people.
The target group of the magazine is specified / extended and this
determines the distribution. Website and FB play an active The ESÜ website is as a business card of organization and scouting, its
role in image building of structure includes a separate section for public and media contacts.
scouting. The ESÜ media work is reflected in FB.
Scout messages We use unitary messages to All volunteers are aware about the ESÜ instructions regarding scout
the public. messages and are guided by these.

- 27 -
The ESÜ development plan is a strategic source document on basis of which
actions are planned and development plans of regional units (districts, local units)
and others organizations (such as the Kodumetsa Foundation and structures (e.g.
the Scout leaders Council) related to the ESÜ are prepared.

The development plan is approved on the general meeting of the assembly. The
assembly has the right to make changes in the pan.

The Board is responsible for the fulfillment of the plan and is preparing annual
action plans.

The Board makes on every general assembly meeting a report about the fulfillment
of the development plan and presents the next year action plan for approval.

The ESÜ development plan is approved on the general meeting of the assembly of
the ESÜ on 24th of November 2012 in Viimsi.

EGL – Estonian Guide Association
EMSL - NENO (Network of Estonian Non-Profit Organizations)
ENL - Estonian National Youth Council
ESL - Estonian Scouting Union
HTM - the Ministry of Education and Research
JOTA – Jamboree on the Air (jamboree of the amateur radio operators)
JOTI – Jamboree on the Internet (jamboree through internet)
KOV - local government
NSO – National Scout Organization (national scout organizations)
PDGF – Partnership for Development and Growth Fund
VÜF- Fund of non-governmental organizations
WOSM – World Organization of the Scout Movement



The units of each region prepare a development plan for 2013-2018.

This plan contains as minimum the following:

• regional objectives till 2018.
• prognosis and the goal of membership (units, number of members);
• regional partners (who, for what purpose, coherence with local
development plans):
• action plan for young people (regional events, program, cooperation
projects with other regions);
• regional management and administration;
• communication (inner communication in local unit, media communication,
regional projects to make scouting more visible).

Regional structure of units is approved by the Board of the ESÜ.

Regional development plan is presented to the Board of the ESÜ for approval.
Preparing process is agreed in cooperation between regional units and the Board of
the ESÜ.

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