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A. Background
Water is a very important aspect in life support. Even the building blocks of most
living things are water. Human activity that requires a lot of water to do so such as
drinking, bathing, cooking, washing, building houses, irrigate the fields, making pottery
from clay, watering plants, to flush the toilet, or just wash your face can not be done
without water. On average a person requires 1500 liters of water to meet all his needs. But
in modern era, a viable source of water used for daily necessities is getting a little hard to
Diseases like plague, crisis in clean water and decent have now become a serious
problem in almost all corners of the world, including Undaan the region in Kudus. Now
many rivers that initially source of clean water for the community become polluted and
aromatic odor. Not to mention the taste and effects that can be given to the body to
consume. Approximately 80% of global wastewater generated from both human and
industrial activities cannot be handled and processed properly. Water quality in rivers is
considered not meet the basic standards of the World Health Organization or the World
Health Organization (WHO) could even say dangerous. Currently one third of the earth's
population is still consuming water that can threaten their health.
Another problem that arises is the existence of water sources located far away from
residential areas. This resulted in much time and effort needed to move the water to the
settlement before use. It is obviously difficult for residents to get clean water and
decent. It can be said also what is not comparable to what was obtained. Given all of these
issues is also needed a solution to address it. A device which we call the "Lifting and
Water Filtering System" is a tool that if it can overcome the two main problems in
obtaining clean water and decent consumption. Lifting System using Bernoulli's principle
in the pipeline anglers to lift and move water from the source to the place where
settlements are located. While Filter System uses materials from nature to filter to make it
more feasible to use. The materials used must be easily available and affordable.
B. Problem Formulation
The formulation in this study, namely:
1. How to design a water carrier without effective electrical draw water?
2. How to design a good water filter?

C. Research Objectives
The primary objective of this study is as follows:
1. Lifting water without additional power (electricity).
2. Filtering water into potable water.
3. Creating a water carrier that is cheaper and environmentally friendly.
D. Advantage of Research
 For authors:
1. Adding knowledge particularly in the field of Physics.
2. Adding skills in researching authors.
3. Give satisfaction after the author's mind can channel.
 For the community:
1. Can assist in getting clean water.
2. Can assist in getting water from distant places.
3. Provide a more affordable alternative.


1. Fluid
In everyday life, we identify three circumstances a matter: solid, liquid, and gas.
Although different in some ways, the gas and the liquid have some similarities that
distinguish the solid forms, namely its ability to flow. So that both state of matter is called
substance flow (fluid). Fluid is a substance that would flow if there is a shear force acting
on it. So that the fluid is silent no shear force acting on the fluid.

2. Static and Dynamic Fluid

In studying the fluid, we break it down into two parts namely a static fluid (fluid at
rest) and fluid dynamic (moving fluid). Be reviewed on a static fluid is the fluid that is
being silent when the equilibrium state. While the fluid dynamic, we will review the fluid
as it moves. The laws prevailing at the moving fluid (hydrodynamic) are different from
the laws of stationary fluid (hydrostatic). For example, in addition depends on the density
of the fluid and the height (depth) of observation point, the pressure in a moving fluid is
also influenced by the speed of the fluid flow.

3. Atmospheric Pressure
Atmospheric pressure is the pressure at any point on the Earth's atmosphere.

Ph = (Pu - h/100) cmHg

Ph: Pressure at height h

Pu: The pressure at sea level
h: The altitude
From this equation appears that air pressure decreases at greater heights.

4. Continuity
Continuity equation is connecting the fluid velocity in a place with other places.
Continuity equation: A1 V1 = A2 V2
Multiplication amusing cross-section and the fluid velocity at any point along a flow tube
is constant. (Surya, Yohanes. 2010. Mekanika dan Fluida 2. Tangerang: PT Kandel)
5. Bernoulli Principle
In a simplified form, in general, there are two forms of the Bernoulli equation, the
first applies to non-compressed flow (incompressible flow), and the other is for a
compressed fluid (compressible flow). Flow is non-compressed fluid flow characterized
by not changing the amount of mass density (density) of the fluid along the flow.
Examples of non-compressed fluid are: water, various types of oils, emulsions, etc. Form
of the Bernoulli equation for non-compressed stream is as follows:

Description: h = height relative with a reference

v = velocity of fluid p = pressure of the fluid
g = gravity ρ = density of the fluid
The above equation applies to non-compressed stream with the following
• The flow is steady (steady state)
• There is no friction
In another form, the Bernoulli equation can be written as follows:

6. Power
Power in physics is the rate of energy delivered or work done per unit time.
Power is denoted by P. Following this definition of power can be formulated as:

Description: P: Power
W: Work
T: Time

7. Filtering
Water filtration is a method used to purify water, with the aim of obtaining clean
water by making a filter. Making clean water filter is not as difficult as we imagine.
Because there are still ways to make traditional water filter that is easy to do, the
ingredients are cheap and easy to come by.

8. Sedimentation
Sedimentation is the separation of the soothing water in the tub or tank, so that
substances that are large solids (suspended) will settle at the bottom of tub because of
the force of gravity. Sedimentation function is:
a) Relieve the burden on the next purification process
b) Operating costs at a later stage that coagulation is reduced
c) Variable at a later stage (coagulation) will decrease.
d) The chemicals needed for the next stage slightly

9. Activated Carbon
Activated carbon is carbon that is in the process such that the pores are open, and
thus will have a high absorption. Activated carbon is a form of charcoal that has been
through activation using CO2 gas, steam or chemicals so that the pores open and thus
higher power absorption of the dyes and odor. So, in the water treatment activated
carbon really works to purify and reduce the hardness to absorb odors, flavors, colors,
chlorine, lime (CaCO3), heavy metals.

10. Gravel/ Stone

Small stones have diameter about 5-10 mm and large stone have diameter about
10-30 mm. The main function of the stone in the water filtration process is particle
filter or something so restrained by stone or stick to the stone so that the water
filtration occurs well.


A. Research time
This research was conducted in October 2013 until January 2014. And,
will be refined again in February 2014. This time is done from the beginning
to the invention of the idea of planning research, literature, design planning
and preparation of reports.

B. Materials and Equipment

• Tools and materials used to make this instrument are
1. Plastic pipes (0.25”, 0.5”, 0.75”, 1”, and 1.5”)
2. Keni (connector of plastic pipes)
3. Overshock (installed near the faucet. facilitate charging for water)
4. Doop (closes pipe / make the small tube)Water softening expenses
5. Shock drat
6. Pipe glue
7. Full valve (installed in pipe water source)
8. Bucket
9. Hose.
10. Container
11. Sand (sedimentation / siltation)
12. Activated Carbon (Charcoal)
13. Large rocks
14. Small rocks
15. Water faucet

C. Implementation Research
At first the authors used capillary fibers
to move water from lower to higher position.
Besides being able to move the water,
capillary fibers will also filter the water by

itself. But when the authors were doing the experiments there were several
factors that made the system did not run efficiently. The Discharge out of the
capillary fibers is very small, the design of the research was changed into the
design that has two methods. The first method is the process of moving water
with inducement techniques, and the second method is the process of filtering
water with 3 stages.
• The first method
The goal of the method is to move the water from the river to the top or
edge of the river surface. The mechanism of the first tool is based on the working
principle of using the model inducement to put a bucket on the banks of the river
for fishing up river water. Then the pipes are connected to A and B (inducement
buckets) filled with water up to fully.
After the tool and the material collected, assemble the tool as shown. Then
connect the filter container. Put the water inducement tool on the edge of the river,
so the river flow can be reached by pipeline. Furthermore opening the faucet 1
and 2then input the water inducement into the first faucet, when the water is fully
charged then the second faucet to be closed. Then the water at the main valve is
opened. The water will flow continuously until the water runs out at the source.
Although the water in the inducement runs out, the water will flow from
the source itself. And water will continue to fill the inducement. This process does
not require electricity were.
 The Second Method
The purpose of this second method is
to filter the river water into the water suitable
to be used and fit for consumption. By using
filtering techniques, we will get clean water.
Filtering at this stage through three processes
there are; sedimentation, activated carbon,
large stone and small stone. It is as if the well-
 Steps
1. Collect the tools along with the materials.

2. Prepare the container and plug the water faucet at the bottom of the
3. Wash out materials (sand, activated carbon, big and small stone)
4. Make sure the material has been washed clean.
5. Arrange the ingredients into the reservoir container in accordance with
the sequence.
6. The tool is ready to use filter method.

D. Working Principle
First Method
When the authors pay attention to the draining aquarium with a long hose, the
water in the aquarium will come out by itself through the hose until the water in
the aquarium runs. But before, it sucked the hose first. This shows the hose is
useful as a "water inducement”. That event accordance with the Bernoulli’s
Bernoulli’s principle
"For liquid substances that cannot be compressed and the flow is stationary,
the number of motion, force and energy where the pressure is constant"

Bernoulli equation at point 1 and

point Output (2)
P1 + ρgh1 + 2ρV12= P2 + ρgh2 +
1 1
P1- P2 + ρg (h1- h2) = 2ρV22-2ρV12
ρg (h1- h2) + (P1- P2 ) = ρ(V22-

(V22-V12) = 2g (h1- h2) +ρ(P1- P2)…

because the influence of air pressure and height differences between points 1
and 2it can be said that P2> P1. If (P1- P2) is worth the negative, to produce (V22-
V12) larger so (h1- h2) should be high value as well, or otherwise.

Bernoulli equation at point 0 (input) and point 2 (output)
1 1
P0 + ρgh0 + 2ρV02= P2 + ρgh2 + 2ρV22
P0 - P2 + ρg(h0- h2) = 2ρ(V22 - V02)

Because (h0- h2) comparable with

(V22 - V02). So if value of h0smaller
then the value of(h0- h2)also will be
smaller. It would resulted the
discharge at point 2 will also be
Bernoulli equation at point 0
(input) and point Output 1
P0 + ρgh0 + 2ρV02= P1 + ρgh1 +
1 1
ρgh1 - ρgh0 = P0 - P1 + 2ρV02 -2ρV12
ρg (h1- h0) = (P0 - P1) + 2ρ (V02 - V12)

The requirements to satisfy the calculation if V1<< V0 and V2>>Vo it would

require connection pipe and support pipe so as V1< V0<V2
According to the continuity equation
Q1 = Q2
A1 V1 = A2 V2
To obtainV22>> V12then we have to enlarge the diameter of the pipe A1 (input)
and reduce the diameter of the pipe A2 (output).
Second Method
The purpose of this second method is to filter the river water into the water
suitable to be used and fit for consumption. By using filtering techniques, we will
get clean water. Filtering at this stage through three processes there are;
sedimentation, activated carbon, large stone and small stone. It is as if the well-

First Method
 First Condition
h0, h2 = constant
Table Experiment 1, Influence h1 value to discharge water released.

Difference Discharge
Trial Height of h1 Volume Time
of height (L/s)
1 0.55 m 1.98 m 3.27 L 60 seconds 0.0545
2 0.55 m 1.6 m 5.28 L 60 seconds 0.088
3 0.55 m 1.5 m 5.77 L 60 seconds 0.096
4 0.55 m 1.28 m 6.25 L 60 seconds 0.104

If h1 is greater, the height of point 1 will be increased and cause the decrease of
discharge. Less height will need a little amount of energy to lift the water that
result in the increase of discharge.
Based on data from; Table Experiment 1. Can be set up a graph that shows the
effect of height h1 of the discharge is generated.

Graph of Experiment 1
Discharge (L/s)

1.28 1.5 1.6 1.98
Height of water tube (m)

 Second Condition
h0, h1 = Constant
Table Experiment2, the influence value of h2 (height of Output) to
discharge produced water

Trial Height of Height of Difference of Volume Time Discharge

output input (h0) height (L/s)
1 0 m 0.75 m 0.75 m 5.2 L 60 seconds 0.087
2 0.35 m 0.75 m 0.4 m 3L 60 seconds 0.05
3 0.45 m 0.75 m 0.3 m 2.75 L 60 seconds 0.046
4 0.65 m 0.75 m 0.1 m 1.8 L 60 seconds 0.03
5 0.75 m 0.75 m 0m 0 60 seconds 0
6 1m 0.75 m -0.25 m 0 60 seconds 0

When h2 is getting grater, the discharge will be more slowly. With the
difference of the height is getting smaller. If the value of (h1-h2) being enlarged
we have to extend the hose. And when the hose is extended will continue to
produce the stronger discharge. Long hose would be more useful for people who
live far away to the water source.
Based on the data from; table Experiment 2.Can be set up a graph that shows
the effect of the discharge height h0 generated.

Influence of the height difference point

for discharge
Discharge (L/s)

0 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.75
Difference (m)

 Third Condition
h0, h1, h2 = Constant
Trial Diameter Diameter Volume Time Discharge
Input Output (inch) (L/s)
2 0.5” 0,25 “ 1.8 L 60 0.03
3 0.75” 0.25” 1.9 L 60 0.0316
4 1” 0.25” 2.1 L 60 0.035

Input pipe that diameter is greater than the output pipe has less pressure
than the pipe output. Thus, to some extent affect the resulting discharge.

Influence of the Input Diameter for

Discharge (L/s)

0.5 " 0.75 " 1"
Input Diameter (inch)

Thus, to some extent affect the resulting discharge.

Power Saving
Tools Volume Time Discharge
water pump (125 watt/220 V) 8L 60 seconds 0.13 L/ s
inducement tool 5.2 L 60 seconds 0.09 L/ s

P = 𝑡

W1 = P1.t
= 125 watt x 60 s
= 7500 J
If the energy required to lift the 8 Liters of water is 7500 J, how much energy is
required to lift the 5.2 Liters of water?
8 L  7500 J
5.2 L  ?

By using the ratio obtained:

8 7500
5.2 𝑊2
W2 = 4875 J

P2 = 𝑡
4875 J
= 60 𝑠

= 81.25 Watt
From the comparison above, we can conclude that to pick 5.2 liters of water from
the source by using this tool we can save the electric power of 81.25 watts.

Second Method
Table Experiment 4, The Differences of water before and after filtering:
Trial Type of Water First Condition Volume Condition of The
1 River water murky and 1.5 L Not murky
2 Wastewater of Cloudy, fishy and 1.5 L Limpid. Odorless
household foul -smelling
3 Wastewater of Cloudy, pungent 1.5 L Not murky, smelly
agriculture remaining

It can be seen from the experimental results, it appears that this method can
reduce the turbidity and odor in the water contained.

A. Conclusion
Based on the research that has been done a few conclusions can be drawn as
1. The lower the settlement of the water source discharge produced water
increases. Similarly, on the contrary, the higher the settlement of the
source water discharge produced water getting smaller until no water
comes out when the altitude is higher than the height of residential water
2. The deeper the water the greater the source of produced water
discharge. Similarly, on the contrary, the more shallow the water source,
the smaller the flow of water coming out.
3. The Diameter that used in the input and output pipe, when the diameter
greater the difference, it will affect the resulting discharge.
4. In the use of this tool can save energy that we need in the transfer of water
from the source.
5. Filtering is applied also proven to filter out impurities in the water so it can
produce clean water and more viable.
B. Suggestion
For researchers:
1. It is expected that more detailed attention.
2. Cultivated more thoroughly in data processing.
For the community:
1. As an alternative to taking water from sources that are too far away.
2. Treat water that is less worthy of becoming more viable water consumption.

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“Karbon Aktif”


A review of the river in the Undaan area

Assembly of the tool A review of the river in the Undaan area

Calculations by author Set of tool

Filtration process

Comparison Work on Paper


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