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In the morning they came to the river.

The monk took saw your anguish and wanted to answer the questions that
out the vessel, made the sign of the cross over it, and put it tormented you. I know that you want to know why I did all
into the river. those things. I will start from the beginning.
By lunchtime the travellers had arrived at another village. “Why did I steal the vessel? I’ll answer you. Our host’s
They were invited to one of the houses for a meal. When grandfather stole it from one monastery church, and be-
they were leaving the house, a dog was barking in the yard. cause of that sacrilege his family was punished for three
The monk killed it. Immediately a boy ran out of the house generations with illnesses and other problems. As a sign
and started screaming. The hermit’s travelling companion
grabbed him by the right arm, yanked it and broke it, then
calmly continued his way. The indignant hermit wanted to
of gratitude for their hospitality I decided to deliver them
from this punishment. I signed the vessel with the sign of
the cross and put it into the river. Some monks will come
tell him what he thought, but remembering his promise he there to wash their clothes, find it and return it to the GreeK orThodox chUrch
again kept silence. monastery.
When dusk fell, the monk and the hermit decided to “I knew that the dog was already rabid. It would have bit- JUNE 16, 2019—HOLY PENTECOST

spend the night in a ramshackle house, which turned out ten its owners and that is why I killed it. And I broke their
to be inhabited by some children. Their parents had died son’s arm because I could foresee that when he grows up he N THE CHURCH’S ANNUAL LITURGICAL CYCLE, Pentecost is “the last and great day.” It is the celebra-
and they had no one to take care of them. The travellers would become a robber. But with a bad arm like that you tion by the Church of the coming of the Holy Spirit as the end - the achievement and fulfillment - of the entire
spent the night there, but in the morning before leaving the can’t do much robbing. history of salvation. For the same reason, however, it is also the celebration of the beginning: it is the “birthday” of
monk took a firebrand out of the furnace and burned down “Why did I burn down the children’s house? Those chil- the Church as the presence among us of the Holy Spirit, of the new life in Christ, of grace, knowledge, adoption to God
the house. And again the hermit was indignant, but again dren would soon have died without any care, and now in and holiness.
he could say nothing. the place of their burned house they’ll find the silver their
This double meaning and double joy is revealed to us, first of all, in the very name of the feast. Pentecost in Greek
They came to a third village. There they saw a ruined parents hid, and they can now go to Alexandria to their
church, but it was still possible to go into it and pray. The grandfather who is a bishop—he’ll take care of them. When
means fifty, and in the sacred biblical symbolism of numbers, the number fifty symbolizes both the fulness of time and
monk took up a stone and flung it through the church win- they grow up, the boys will become priests and the girls that which is beyond time: the Kingdom of God itself. It symbolizes the fulness of time by its first component: 49, which
dow, shattering it. Then he took his bemused brother to a will marry. is the fulness of seven (7 x 7): the number of time. And, it symbolizes that which is beyond time by its second compo-
tavern. When he entered, the monk made three prostra- “I know that you are puzzled as to why I threw the stone nent: 49 + 1, this one being the new day, the “day without evening” of God’s eternal Kingdom. With the descent of the
tions. The hermit by now had resigned himself to his com- through the church window and made prostrations in the Holy Spirit upon Christ’s disciples, the time of salvation, the Divine work of redemption has been completed, the fulness
panion’s strange behavior and just prayed. tavern. I saw that the demons were dancing at the church revealed, all gifts bestowed: it belongs to us now to “appropriate” these gifts, to be that which we have become in Christ:
On the last night the travellers were invited to spend the window and I chased them away with that stone. That participants and citizens of His Kingdom.
night in a house on the edge of a wood. There lived a young church will soon be repaired. In the tavern was a wealthy SAINT TIKHON, BISHOP OF AMATHUS, was born in the city Amathus on the island of Cyprus. His parents
couple who had no children. In the morning the couple set merchant who had promised the priest that he would pay
raised their son in Christian piety, and taught him the reading of sacred books. It is said that the gift of wonderworking
out to work in the field, and the travellers went on their the cost of repairing the church. That is why I bowed to
appeared in Saint Tikhon at quite a young age.
way. But suddenly the monk returned and burned down him.
that house as well. “And finally, about the last house. I burned it down in or- His father was the owner of a bakery, and whenever he left his son alone in the shop, the holy youth would give free
Finally they arrived at Alexandria. The hermit could no der to save the young couple from the curse of childlessness. bread to those in need. Learning of this, his father became angry, but the son said that he had read in the Scriptures, that
longer wait to understand the essence of what had hap- The husband had made a dirty deal and built that house in giving to God one receives back a hundredfold. “I,” said the youth, “gave to God the bread which was taken,” and he
pened to them on the road. So he asked his companion, “Tell with the money he got from it. That is why they didn’t have persuaded his father to go to the place where the grain was stored. With astonishment the father saw that the granary,
me after all, who are you?” any children. I saw that he is repenting of his deed and which formerly was empty, was now filled to overflowing with wheat. From that time the father did not hinder his son
“I am an angel,” the other replied. doesn’t know how to get rid of his house. Now he will build from distributing bread to the poor.
“You! An angel?!” the hermit scoffed disdainfully. “You a more modest house but on honestly earned money. And A certain gardener brought the dried prunings of vines from the vineyard. Saint Tikhon gathered them, planted
are a real devil! Only a demon could do all those dreadful the Lord will bless them with children.” them in his garden and besought the Lord that these branches might take root and yield fruit for the health of people.
things you’ve done. Those good people showed you hospi- Do you understand? God’s mercy for people is shown in
The Lord did so through the faith of the holy youth. The branches took root, and their fruit had a particular and very
tality you repaid them all with black ingratitude. You were a everything, but they don’t see it and can’t understand it. The
thief, an arsonist, a murderer, and a sacrilegious desecrator. Lord never commits evil. But people look at His works as
pleasant taste. It was used during the lifetime of the saint and after his death for making wine for the Mystery of the
And you even wear monastic clothing!” misfortunes and sorrows, while the Lord does these things Holy Eucharist.
“You are mistaken,” the travelling companion answered. only for the sake of good and for their correction. Therefore
“I really am an angel. And I was sent to you because the Lord do not look at the external side, but try to see God’s all-
encompassing justice in everything. 1510 audubon drive A columbia, missouri, 65201 A tel. 573.817.0050
email: info@saintlukecolumbia.org A web: www.saintlukecolumbia.org
his holy prayers were answered by God. Whenever any- Several years after his death, the holy relics of Saint
one praised him for anything, he would smile and say, “I Moses were found to be incorrupt.
do not agree with you. I have my doubts.” The Moscow Patriarchate authorized local veneration
On June 15, 1862 Father Archimandrite Moses became of the Optina Elders on June 13,1996. The work of un-
very weak, and had to be supported by others when he covering the relics of Saints Leonid, Macarius, Hilarion,
received Holy Communion because he did not wish to Ambrose, Anatole I, Barsanuphius and Anatole II began
the hymns of the antiphons partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ while lying down.
That evening he listened as the Gospel according to Saint
on June 24/July 7, 1998 and was concluded the next day.
However, because of the church Feasts (Nativity of Saint
John was being read for him. At midnight he received John the Baptist, etc.) associated with the actual dates of
First Antiphon. Before the Entrance…
Holy Communion again, although this time he received the uncovering of the relics, Patriarch Alexey II desig-
VERSE: The heavens declare the glory of God: the firma- Apolytikion of the Feast. lying down. nated June 27/July 10 as the date for commemorating this
ment proclaims the work of his hands. mode 4. A few hours later, Saint Moses raised his right hand event. The relics of the holy Elders now rest in the new

By the intercessions of the Theotokos, Savior, save us. and those in the room came to receive his blessing. He church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.
lessed are You, O Christ our God. You made
continued to bless, even when there was no one there. The Optina Elders were glorified by the Moscow Pa-
VERSE: Day to day utters the word: and night to night pro- the fishermen all-wise, by sending down upon
Evidently, he was blessing people he knew in other places. triarchate for universal veneration on August 7, 2000.
claims knowledge them the Holy Spirit, and so through them You
Later the monastery received a letter from a person in
Ταῖς πρεσβείαις τῆς Θεοτόκου, Σῶτερ, σῶσον ἡμᾶς. drew the world into Your net. O Lover of mankind,
Saint Petersburg who said that he had seen Saint Moses in WHY DOES GOD ALLOW EVIL?
glory to You. (x4)
VERSE: There is no speech or language: where their voices a dream at the very hour when he was dying and blessing A Parable by Elder Cleopa
are not heard. After the Entrance… those who were absent. He seemed to see the Elder ly- A long time ago in the Egyptian desert there lived a her-
ing on a bed and blessing each individual member of this mit monk. Sometimes he would go to Alexandria to sell
By the intercessions of the Theotokos, Savior, save us. Apolytikion of the Feast.
person’s family. the baskets he wove. The hermit would give almost all the
VERSE: Their sound has gone out into all the earth: and mode 4. money he made on his baskets to the poor, leaving only
Then it was decided to resume reading the Gospel over

their words to the ends of the world. lessed are You, O Christ our God. You made enough to buy himself the bare necessities.
Father Moses. The monks took turns reading until about
the fishermen all-wise, by sending down upon One day while walking to the city he asked himself the
Ταῖς πρεσβείαις τῆς Θεοτόκου, Σῶτερ, σῶσον ἡμᾶς. ten o’clock when the Elder breathed a little sigh and sur- question, “Why does the Lord allow evil in people’s lives if
VERSE: Glory...Both now... them the Holy Spirit, and so through them You rendered his soul to God. At that very moment, the monk He is Good, Just, and Almighty?” His mind was disturbed
drew the world into Your net. O Lover of mankind, who was reading reached the end of the sixtenth chapter because he had seen so much unhappiness and sorrow
By the intercessions of the Theotokos, Savior, save us.
glory to You. of the Gospel of Saint Matthew: “For the Son of man shall when he was last in the city.
Second Antiphon.
Kontakion of the Feast. come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then Along the road he met another monk who was also go-
VERSE: The Lord hears you in the day of trouble: the name he shall reward every man according to his works. Truly I ing to Alexandria. They talked with each other, and he told
mode pl. 4. his new travelling companion about his anguish. Seeing that
of the God of Jacob shield you. say unto you, there are some standing here who shall not

W hen the Most High God came down and con- taste of death until they see the Son of man coming in his the hermit was troubled, the monk comforted him and told
Save us, O good Comforter, we sing to you alleluia. him that the Lord will reveal the truth to him when they ar-
fused the tongues,* He divided the nations.* kingdom.” (Matthew 16:27-28).
VERSE: May he send you help from the sanctuary: and sup- When He distributed the tongues of fire,* He called rive at the city, but he will have to pray ceaselessly and never
Early in his life, when he visited the Sarov monastery
port you out of Sion. ask questions, no matter what happens.
all to unity.* And with one voice we glorify the all- and saw the life of the monks there, he resolved not to The hermit promised to do as the monk said, and they
Save us, O good Comforter, we sing to you alleluia. holy Spirit. possess anything during his life. Ironically, he was forced continued along their way. They stopped at one home to
VERSE: May he remember your every sacrifice: and accept Instead f the Trisagion… to deal with raising money for building projects, and with spend the night. The householders received them with love
your burnt offering. paying the workers at Optina. After his death the money and generously fed them. On the table was a beautiful silver
All those who have been baptized… coffer in which he kept the monastery funds was opened. vessel. Before they left to go to sleep, the monk surrepti-
Save us, O good Comforter, we sing to you alleluia. Communion hymn Inside they found a single ten kopek coin stuck between tiously took that vessel and put it in his rucksack. The her-
VERSE: Glory…Both now… the bottom and side of the chest. His brother Saint An- mit wanted to reproach his companion, but he remembered
Your good Spirit shall guide me in the land of up- his promise and said nothing.
Only begotten son… rightness. Alleluia… thony remarked, “Father Moses probably did not notice
it, otherwise he would have spent it.”
In 1821 Bishop Philaret of Kaluga (later Metropolitan During a time of famine there was scarcely enough
of Kiev) suggested that the Putilov brothers move to the food to feed the monks. It was just then that Father Moses
Optina Hermitage with a few monks and establish a skete began the construction of guest houses on the monastery
near the monastery, where they could live in greater soli- grounds and hired people from the neighboring towns
tude. Saints Moses and Anthony arrived at Optina on July and villages to do the work. The monastery not only paid
6, 1822 to begin their labors. Their first task was to clear their wages, but also fed their families. One of the monks
away some trees from the place they had chosen, and to
uproot the stumps. They built a small cell and enclosed
was concerned that the coming famine would force them
to postpone the construction and lay off the workers.
the readings of the day
it with a fence, and also built a church dedicated to Saint Saint Moses told him that the people would not starve,
epistle reading gOspel reading
John the Baptist. because as long as God sent gifts to the monastery they
Bishop Philaret suggested that Father Moses be or- would share them with the people. The Acts of the Apostles (Acts 2:1-11) John (7:37-52; 8:12)

dained, but he absolutely refused to consider it. The Though he was short-tempered by nature, Saint Mo-
bishop said, “If you do not agree to this, I will call you to ses struggled to acquire patience and meekness. If he ow when the day of Pentecost came, they ow on the last and greatest day of the feast,
account for it at the Dread Judgment of the Lord.” Only felt himself becoming angry, he would leave to pray by were all with one accord [gathered] in the Jesus stood and spoke loudly, “If anyone is
then would Father Moses consent. He was ordained as a himself for a while. Once he had calmed down, he would same place. Suddenly, there came from thirsty, let him come to me and drink! From
deacon on December 22, 1822, and to the holy priesthood return. He would also advise people to keep the rule of heaven a sound like the rushing of a mighty wind, within whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has
on December 25. At the same time, he was appointed Fa- Saint Dorotheus (June 5) for being at peace: “Do not de- and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. said, will flow rivers of living water!” But he said this
ther Confessor for the whole monastery. sire that things turn out the way you would like, but de- Divided tongues that seemed like fire appeared and concerning the Spirit, which those believing in him
Father Moses was chosen to be the Superior of Optina sire whatever happens. That way you will be at peace” one [tongue] rested on each of them. Then they were were to receive. For the Holy Spirit was not yet given,
Hermitage in 1826 when he was forty-three, serving in (Seventeenth Instruction). all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in because Jesus was not yet glorified. When they heard
this capacity for thirty-seven years. He was prepared for Saint Moses did not sleep much. He would arise before other languages, as the Spirit gave them the ability this saying , many of the people said, “This is truly the
this service by his years of living in the wilderness under midnight, and usually came to church for Matins. He said to speak. At that time, devout Jews from every nation prophet!” Others said, “This is the Christ!” Still others
the guidance of his Elder, and by his study of patristic that the Bloodless Sacrifice was offered for us at Liturgy, under heaven were staying in Jerusalem. When this said, “What? Does the Christ come out of Galilee? Has
writings. He was mature in years, and he had also ac- and so the monk should sacrifice his own rest at Matins. sound was heard, a crowd formed and people were not the Scripture said that the Christ comes from the
quired a spiritual maturity through his patient endurance During Father Moses’ time the monastery published bewildered because ev- eryone heard the disciples seed of David and from Bethlehem, the village where
of tribulations and acceptance of God’s will in all things. sixteen volumes of patristic writings under the direction
speaking in his own language. They were all amazed David was?” And so, there arose a division in the
Optina underwent many changes during this time, and of Saint Macarius (September 7). Saint Moses would send
and marveled, saying to one another, “Behold, are not crowd because of him. Some of them would have ar-
the number of monks increased. The size of the monas- these books free of charge to various monasteries and in-
all these who speak Galileans? 8How is it that we hear rested him, but no one laid hands on him. And so, the
dividuals for their spiritual benefit.
everyone [speak] in our own native language? Parthi- officers returned to the chief priests and Pharisees,
tery’s property was doubled, orchards of fruit trees and
Although Saint Moses concerned himself with every
ans, Medes, Elamites, and people from Mesopotamia, who asked them, “Why did you not bring him?” The
berry bushes were planted, a library was established, and
Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia, Phrygia, Pamphylia, officers answered, “No one has ever spoken like this
many buildings were constructed, including a cathedral aspect of the monastery’s life, his greatest achievement
Egypt, the parts of Libya around Cyrene, visitors from man!” At this, the Pharisees replied, “You are not also
and two churches. was to establish eldership at Optina. He received Saint
Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabi- led astray, are you? Have any of the rulers believed in
Saint Moses did not have the money for all these proj- Leonid (October 11) and Saint Macarius into the monas-
ans: we hear them speaking in our languages [con- him, or the Pharisees? But this multitude that does
ects, but he undertook them anyway, trusting in God tery, yet he submitted his will to them. He made no de-
cerning] the deeds of power of God!” not know the law is accursed.” Nicodemus (who had
to provide the means. Sometimes he would even travel cisions, and would not tonsure any monk without first
come to him by night, being one of the Pharisees )
to Moscow to solicit donations to the monastery. When seeking their counsel. Saint Moses had the gift of elder-
said to them, “Does our law judge someone without
people asked if he had enough money for his projects, ship himself, but preferred not to offer spiritual counsel
first hearing from him personally to find out what
he would show them a few roubles. Someone would say, to the brethren. He left this to Father Leonid or Father
this person is doing?” They answered him, “Are you
“Father, that is nothing!” Then Father Moses would reply, Macarius.
also from Galilee? Search, and see that no prophet
“Are you forgetting about God? I may have nothing, but The saint endeavored to hide his spiritual gifts from
has arisen out of Galilee.” Then again, Jesus spoke to
He has everything.” others, but people knew that he was clairvoyant, and that
them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever
follows me will not walk in the darkness but will have
the light of life.”
They accepted the pious youth into the church clergy, the Most Holy Theotokos, which he headed. He guided
made him a reader. Later, Mnemonios, the Bishop of Am- the monastery until he reached a great old age, and he
athus ordained him a deacon. After the death of Bishop died in the year 1492, after receiving the great schema.
Mnemonios, Saint Tikhon by universal agreement was Saint Tikhon’s body was buried at the cathedral church
chosen as Bishop of Amathus. Saint Epiphanius, Bishop of of the monastery he founded. The celebration of Saint
Cyprus (May 12), presided at the service. Tikhon was established at the Council of 1584.
Saint Tikhon labored zealously to eradicate the rem- SAINT MOSES (PUTILOV) was born on January
announcements nants of paganism on Cyprus; he destroyed a pagan
temple and spread the Christian Faith. The holy bishop
15, 1782 in the city of Borisogleb in the Yaroslavl province,
and was baptized with the name Timothy. His siblings
UPCOMING SERVICES was generous, his doors were open to all, and he listened were called Jonah, Basil, Cyril, Anysia, and Alexander.
MONDAY, June 17, Monday of the Holy Spirit, Orthros / Divine Liturgy, 8:30am to and lovingly fulfilled the request of each person who John Putilov named all his children after the saint com-
SATURDAY, June 22, Great Vespers, 5pm came to him. Fearing neither threats nor tortures, he memorated on the eighth day after their birth, so the
firmly and fearlessly confessed his faith before pagans. future Saint Moses was named for the holy Apostle Tim-
Fr. John Tsikalas – Axios! INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE In the service to Saint Tikhon it is stated that he fore- othy of the Seventy (January 22). The children were edu-
Yesterday, His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael Thank you to everyone who made donations to saw the time of his death, which occurred in the year 425. cated at home, since their parents feared they would be
of Chicago ordained Dn. John Tsikalas to the Holy help cover the cost of our insurance deductible for The name of Saint Tikhon of Amathus was greatly corrupted in some way if they were sent away to school.
Priesthood at Holy Apostles Church in Westchester, our stolen air conditioner! honored in Russia. Temples dedicated to the saint were When Timothy was nineteen, his father sent him and
IL, where Fr. John will be serving as an Associate Pas- constructed at Moscow, at Nizhni Novgorod, at Kazan his younger brother Jonah to work in Moscow. While
GIVE A MONTH Towards Our Future
tor. May God grant him, Presvytera Xenia and Ai- and other cities. But he was particularly venerated in the in Moscow they met the Elders Alexander and Philaret
Help offset our additional mortgage payment with Voronezh diocese, where there were three archpastors of the Novospassky Monastery, who had spiritual ties to
miliane a fruitful ministry and long life! Axios! Axios!
a donation of $640—we need 12 more payments for in succession sharing the name with the holy hierarch Saint Paisius Velichkovsky (November 15). Through their
2019. If you would like to sponsor one month for 2018, of Amathus: Saint Tikhon I (Sokolov) (+ 1783, August 13), aquaintance with these two ascetics of piety, the broth-
Happy Father’s Day please contact Fr. Michael. Tikhon II (Yakubovsky, until 1785) and Tikhon III (Mali- ers decided that they also wished to become monks. In
In honor of all fathers, grandfathers, and god fa- nin, until 1788). May of 1805 they visited the Sarov monastery (which their
thers, all fathers present today will receive an icon SAINT TIKHON OF MEDIN AND KALUGA, in widowed brother-in-law Cosmas Krundishev had en-
prayer bookmark and Father’s day card sponsored by Don’t forget the the purple barrel next time you his youth received monastic tonsure at the Chudov mon- tered in November 1804) and spoke with Saint Seraphim
Philoptochos. May our Lord continue to bless them are at the grocery store. Donations are picked up by astery in Moscow, but through his love for solitude he (January 2). The brothers remained at Sarov for two and
and guide them in their sacred obligation as physical the local food bank. Thank you! settled at an isolated spot near Maloyaroslavl. He lived a half years. At first they were assigned to the bakery, and
and spiritual caretakers and guardians of their chil- in asceticism in a deep dense forest, on the bank of the then to other obediences.
dren. River Vepreika, in the hollow of an ancient giant oak. In 1811, following the advice of Hieromonk Alexis of

Once, during a hunt, Prince Basil Yaroslavich (grandson Moscow’s Simonov Monastery, Timothy went to live with
Donations Requested of Vladimir the Brave), came upon Saint Tikhon, angrily the hermits of the Roslavl forests. There he was placed
Donations for the catering reception for the Or- Let us not doubt that, when on the day ordered him to leave his property immediately, and dared under the guidance of Elder Athanasius, a disciple of
dination and for the Hierarchical visit are being ac- of Pentecost the Holy Spirit filled the to raise his whip against the monk. At once, the hand of Saint Paisius Velichkovsky. In time, he received the mo-
cepted to help defray the costs. Please see Fr Michael disciples, it was not the beginning of the prince grew numb. Taken aback by such punishment, nastic tonsure from Father Athanasius and was named
or Randy Sade if you would like to make a donation. the gift but an addition to his gener- the prince repented of his conduct and with humility Moses. His sponsor at his tonsure was Elder Dositheus,

Thank you for your generosity! asked forgiveness. who had lived in the Rostov forests for forty years.
BOOKSTORE He received healing through the prayer of Saint Tik- Alexander, the youngest brother of Father Moses, came
—st. leo the great hon. The prince entreated the monk to remain always on to the Roslavl forest on January 15, 1816 to share the life
Visit our Bookstore today for a selection of beauti-
his property and to build a monastery there for monks, of the monks. Four years later, he was tonsured with the
ful new icons from St. John Chrysostomos Monastery.
promising to provide it with everything necessary. Saint name Anthony. He was placed in the care of Father Mo-
Tikhon built a monastery in honor of the Dormition of ses, to whom he remained obedient for the rest of his life.

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