10/1/18 Merry Kristel Dureas Grade 11 Stem D

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Merry Kristel Dureas Grade 11 stem D

Reaction Paper
1.) Diego taught his daughter Maya to use a gun to make her, be responsible when the
time Diego will be gone or will be passed away.

1.1) Yes, it served it purpose but in a wrong way , in a way Maya did’nt
even know what she’s doing was already illegal. It is because of her of lack of
knowledge about the law and also her stubbornness.

2.) At first Domingo was a reliable, honest, confident and wise or, I must say he WAS a
perfect Police Officer. But being a Police Officer is not easy for him, he got trapped to
a situation where his family and work are at stake. So he rather save his family’s than
his life. Who would’nt be pressured if there’s a threat for your family (which you had
started) will just sit idle and do nothing? NO ONE. And because of his superiors (his
senior and his chief) which are the ones who I think threatened him, also made him a
dirty Police Officer when I say Dirty not literally but mentally, like torturing people
without an accurate evidence.

3.) Everything in the movie can be related into our real life. Like I have observed and also
experienced, Many people today think like “ without money there’s no life” because
like in the movie, money can bite people’s hands to do things in the sake of having a
big amount of money. And it makes the ones’ who are not rich, suffer and crawl for
their dear lives while the rich ones’ were just standing there looking down and
mocking them. The issues in our society today can be reflected to this story which
inequality are arising. It can be anywhere maybe at school, home, or even to yourself.

4.) For Diego he value his daughter’s life like a gem which he preciously secured her. For
Domingo he value his wife and his child’s life more than his own. For Domingo’s senior
he value their cases like money if there’s no money there’s no solution for the case.
These are explain that each and every kind of people value ones’ life differently and
also according to their motives or desires.

5.) The part where Maya killed the eagle, this is the part where I can relate myself the
most, like Maya she did where she think she can help but not knowing it is actually
wrong, like me I did things without knowing that the people around me, were already
hurting. This is also where I learned that “think before you act”.

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