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Curriculum English Class Year 3/Stage Teacher’s signature

Topic Language Forms and Features used in Comic Novels Date Thursday 23/5 Time Morning Session

Learning Intention: Outcome(s) Prior knowledge

We are learning to experiment with figurative language to entertain Identifies and compares different Children will have previous knowledge of
kinds of texts when reading and the Bad Guys characters
viewing and shows an
Success criteria: understanding of purpose, Children have previous knowledge of
Students can use similes to describe what a character looks like audience and subject matter - literary devices used in texts to entertain
EN2-8B specifically similes
Thinks imaginatively, creatively
and interpretively about
information, ideas and texts
when responding to and
corresponding texts - EN2-10C
Time Teaching strategies Learning strategies Grouping Space Resources
Intro  Provide students with Whole class On the carpet Bad Guys character card – 4
10-15 mins characters 1 for each student
a Bad Guys character
 Model to students we ‘Wanted’ poster
will be creating a
‘wanted’ poster for the Scissors / Glue
character each child
receives ‘Legs’ wanted poster complete
 Model one simile for from previous lesson – A3 size
each character so for students to reference to
children understand
appropriate similes for
the characters
 Explain children are
to cut character
picture from character
card and stick to
wanted poster
Body  Students move back Children are using their Individual work At their desks Bad Guys character card x30
30-35 mins knowledge of similes and
to their desks and
create a wanted creating suitable similes for ‘Wanted’ poster x30
poster for this Bad their given character
Guys character – Scissors / Glue
poster should include
similes describing the Pencils
character as modelled
in previous lesson
with ‘Legs’ character

Conclusion  Teacher to gain Children are listening and Whole class On the carpet
10 mins responding to their peers
attention of children
and have class come work
back to the carpet
 Teacher to call upon
children to share
some similes they
came up with for their
o Ask class if
anyone had
the same
simile or
Differentiation: Summative Evaluation

Teaching notes Follow up

Ensure all children’s needs are catered too

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