Definition of Primary Roads

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Q1- Functional classification refers to the classification in which roads are categorized
according to the role it plays in the road network. Typical functional classification would be
such that classifies roads into major arterial, minor arterial, collector/distributor and local
roads. Such concept has been adopted in the Highway Design Manual of the Sultanate
(HDM). HDM classifies the roads into Primary Streets, Secondary Streets, Local Streets and
Access Streets (for urban streets), and into Primary Roads, Secondary Roads, Local Roads
and Access Roads (for rural roads). In the classification of urban roads, four classes of roads
constitute hierarchy of road network, serving from nation-wide or long-distance traffic to
local or short-distance traffic. There are two main corridors; one in east – west direction
along the north coast and another in north – south direction connecting Dhofar and Al Wusta
with the northern Regions and Governorates. The proposed primary and secondary networks
are strategically planned to efficiently secure the movement of passengers and commodities
under all expected conditions.

Definition of Primary Roads

- Long distance road for fast moving traffic.

Feature (Requirement) of primary roads

- Backbone of the road network of the Sultanate.

- Connect the main towns and regions.

- Join the neighboring countries.

- Alignment should be planned to bypass and avoid separating communities.

- Design speed 80 – 120 km/h. - Right of way 80 – 120 m.

- Access to property should be generally from service roads.

- Junctions can be either grade-separated or at-grade.

- Minimum spacing of junctions: 3 km (dual carriageway road); 1.5 km (single carriageway

- Measures should be taken to reduce noise and visual impact when the road is close to
residential area.

- No parking or stopping.

Examples of Primary Roads

-Rabat street.

-Al Nahda street.

Definition of Secondary Roads

- Provide access from primary roads.

- Connect towns and villages.

- Should give priority to traffic.

Feature (Requirement) of secondary roads

- Design speed 100 km/h where feasible.

- Right of way 50 – 80 m.

- At-grade priority junctions or roundabouts.

- Direct access to properties permitted.

- Parking permitted off the carriageway.

Examples of secondary Roads

-Al montazah street.

-Al Nur street.

Definition of local Roads

- Provide access from secondary roads to villages.

Feature (Requirement) of local roads

- Design speed 80 km/h where feasible.

- Right of way 30 m.

- Junctions are simple priority junctions.

- Direct access permitted.

- Parking permitted off the carriageway.

Examples of local Roads

-Awgad street.

- Al Imam Ali Bin Abi Talib street.

Definition of Access Road - Provide access to hamlets and farms.

Feature (Requirement) of Access road

- Design speed 60 km/h where feasible.

- Right of way 30 m.

- Junctions are simple priority junctions.

- Direct access to properties allowed.

- Parking permitted off the carriageway.

Examples of Access Roads

- Al Rifaa street.
- Al Fath street.

Q2. Ariel photography:

Aerial Surveys for Transportation Engineering -the taking and use of aerial photography and
other imagery for accomplishing the engineering and associated work. On such maps the
highway engineer will make accurately measured preliminary road locations. He will locate
the roadway, bridges, and drainage structures, and will classify preliminary contract items,
and make calculations of quantities and comparative estimates of cost on all feasible alternate
road locations. Property lines will be laid down with determination of ownership, right of
way, and land damage costs. The road location will be fitted in alignment, profife grade,
cross section and structures into the topography. Having completed this and the preceding
highway location stages in consecutive order, the engineer will have obtained

the essential" facts required to compare all preliminary locations and select the final road
location. For the final location selected, alIgnment and profile grades will be computed and
recorded on the preliminary alignment plan and profile.


Toposheet is Map which provides information all main topographical features with specified
legend and symbology. with various scales of maps according to user requirements. This data
will acts as a baseline data for any geographical related studies.

In modern mapping, a topographic map is a type of map characterized by large-scale detail

and quantitative representation of relief, usually using contour lines, but historically using a
variety of methods. Traditional definitions require a topographic map to show both natural
and man-made features.

Stereo plotting equipment:

A stereoplotter uses stereo photographs to determine elevations. It has been the primary
method to plot contour lines on topographic maps since the 1930s. Although the specific
A stereoplotter uses stereo photographs to determine elevations. It has been the primary
method to plot contour lines on topographic maps since the 1930s. Although the specific
devices have advanced technologically, they are all based on the apparent change in position
of a feature in the two stereo photographs.

Stereoplotters have changed as technology has improved. The first stereoplotters where
projection stereoplotters they used only the light rays and optics to adjust the image. The
Kelsh Plotter is an example of the projection stereoplotters. The analog stereoplotters came
next and were more sophisticated in that they used more sophisticated optics to view the
image. The analytical stereoplotter is used today. It incorporates a computer which does the
work of mathematically aligning the images so that they line up properly. The analytic
stereoplotter also allows for storing the data and redrawing at any desired scale.


Electronic distance-measuring equipment have made it possible to obtain higher degrees of

accuracy in surveys for mapping. Electronic equipment has therefore become a far-reaching
and powerful tool when used for establishing geodetic control in remote areas, between
distant triangulation stations, over impassable terrain, and through intervening vegetation,
where it is impossible to connect stations by visual methods. As a result of this broader
coverage made possible by electronic measurements, more extensive geodetic connections
are provided for the determination of the size and shape of the earth and consequent mapping
of paths of missiles and of satellites.

Total station :
A total station can be used in a variety of ways during a survey. They are (these days) capable

 Measuring distances, including both vertical and horizontal azimuths, to record a

3d point in space
 Measuring angles only, when distance is too great to measure
 They can store data internally to download later (no need to physically write down
each measurement
 Can also be used manually (writing down the output)
 Most also include calculation routines, to be able to compute lines, curves,
intersection points, etc
These days, a lot of total stations have gone one step further, and are what can be called
‘robotic’, which means they use a radio to communicate with a controller not immediately
behind them, this allows for one person operation, as the total station will track a target and
doesn’t need an operator behind it to aim. Some are also capable of operating in a mode
similar to a 3d scanner.

The benefits of a total station:

 much quicker to do a survey compared to manually writing down azimuth,

distance, vertical angle, etc, and doing calculations later
 Can be used indoors, down mines, etc (not reliant on satellites such as GPS and
GLONASS systems)

 Line of sight is required… if you cannot physically see your target from the total
station, you cannot measure it.

Q 3- Human error is a top cause of car accidents. Knowing this, many auto manufacturers are
working hard to equip their vehicles with features that will help reduce the potential for
drivers to make mistakes that lead to accidents. Here are some key technologies that are
helping to prevent car accidents and injuries right now.

Automatic Emergency Braking Systems: Two types of braking assist technologies fall into
this category. Both are designed to help prevent injuries from rear-end accidents, which
typically account for about a third of all car accidents reported to the police each year.
Dynamic Brake Support kicks in when a driver is braking, but not hard enough to avoid a
collision. Crash Imminent Braking detects an impending crash with another vehicle sooner
and stops or slows the car even if the driver takes no action.

Backup Cameras: Rearview video systems or backup cameras are designed to prevent
backup crashes. These types of accidents often involve pedestrians or bicyclists being hit by a
car pulling out of a parking spot or driveway. The camera turns on whenever the car is in
reverse and allows the driver a view of the area directly behind the vehicle. This technology
is so highly regarded for car accident prevention that it will be mandatory on all new vehicles
by May 2018.

Lane Departure Warnings: This safety technology uses cameras to keep track of the
vehicle’s position within the lane markings. If the vehicle starts to drift out of the lane and the
turn signal is not on, it will give a warning. This can be very helpful for getting distracted
drivers’ attention back on the road before they can cause a sideswipe accident. Some versions
of this technology actually go so far as to take control of the vehicle and keep it in the lane
for the driver.

Blind Spot Detection: This technology helps drivers make sure that there are no vehicles in
their blind spots when changing lanes. Some versions of the technology provide constant
updates on the status of the blind spots, while others only provide information and warnings
when the turn signal is on.

Forward Collision Systems

Forward Collision Systems are radar systems built into cars that take control of the vehicle
when the driver is edging too close to the vehicle in front of them. The FCS can reduce how
severe the impact of a collision is and can reduce the severity of injuries. Statistics show that
the rate of accidents is 15 percent less in vehicles that have a Forward Collision System.

Lane Departure Warning Systems

Lane Departure Warning Systems are manufactured to warn the driver if the vehicle begins to
veer away from its lane unless the directional signal is on. The warning systems are
mechanized to kick in at anywhere from 30 to 40 miles per hour.

Adaptive Headlights

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has disclosed that traffic accidents are down by
10 percent in vehicles that have adaptive headlights. The technology allows for the headlights
to swivel when you make a turn, making it easier to see obstacles that may be on the road
after dark. The headlights are designed, so they rotate before you reach the curve in the road.

Mercedes Driverless Car

The Mercedes Driverless Car is totally ready for the road, unlike some models currently on
the market.The Luxury in Motion F015 is designed for smart cities in 2030 but has been
unveiled in Las Vegas at the Consumer Electronics Show. Pilot programs are scheduled for
Florida, North Carolina, and Seattle.

Chevrolet Safety System

The Chevrolet Impala Accident Avoidance System makes your car totally stop if a car in
front of you comes to a stop suddenly. The system is designed to make the car break if there’s
anything hazardous in the road ahead of you

GM Electric Car

The new model created by General Motors The retail manufacturer’s price of the new electric
car is $30,000. The car can run 200 miles before it has to be charged. The manufacturer states
that 200 miles are when most people are afraid they’ll run out of power and have to charge
the engine.

Toyota Safety Sense

The Institute for Traffic Accident Research and Data Analysis states that Toyotas that have
the Toyota Safety Sense and the Intelligence Clearance Sonar systems installed have 90
percent fewer rear end crashes than vehicles without the systems. The vehicles that feature
the Safety Sense system alone have 50 percent fewer crashes.

Although you may be cautious when you’re driving, you always have to be aware of what’s
going on around you. Knoxville has its share of dangerous roads, and although everyone is
aware of what can happen on the interstate and state highways, you should be cautious when
traveling on the county roads. Driving a vehicle equipped with new technology can reduce
your risk of being involved in a serious accident

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