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UN Apex © Second Semester Exammnat 2017/2018 Academe Session May/June 2018 BST307/3 — Population and Comm: unity Ecol [Ekologi Populasi dan Komuniti] sal Duration 2 hours [Masa 2 jamj Please ensure that this examination paper contains FIVE pnnted pages before you begin the examination [Sila pastikan bahawa kertas pepenksaan 1;i mengandung: LIMA muka surat yang bercetak sebelum anda memulakan pepenksaan ini.) Instructions: Answer FOUR (4) out of FIVE (5) questions, in English or Each question carries 25 marks. Bahasa Malaysia [Arahan: Jawab EMPAT (4) daripada LIMA (5) soalan yang diberikan dalam Bahasa Inggens atau Bahasa Malaysia. Tiap-tiap soalan bemilai 25 markah.] In the event of any discrepancies, the English version shall be used [Sekiranya terdapat sebarang percanggahan pada soalan peperiksaan, versi Bahasa Inggens hendaklah diguna pakail. wud SULIT [887307/3) An ecolo “2. Bukit P, HS! Sampled the bird populations in Perfis State Park Perlis and "anchor State Park, Penang to assess their diversity in the forest Below are the results [Sserang ahi ekologi telah menyampe! populas! burung ot Taman Neger Perlis Perlis dan Teman Negeri Bukit Panchor, Pulau Pinang untuk moni kepelbagaian spesies di dalam hutan Berkut adalah keputusannye. 1 ——aqereyore tris TI 1 ~_iaal 7 as sala7] wlas[s] os v' [Birds Species (Spesies Burung) || e| F ALI IKIE Fo. of individuals (Jumiah individu) — | 3{12| 17 | 35 nol 13/59 hs fo) lelal sites using Shannon's Index | [a] Calculate the species diversity for both ‘Which site has higher diversity? e oO [Kira kepelbagaian spesies untuk kedua-dua tapak kajan ‘manggunakan Indeks Shannon. Tepak kajian mana yang mempunyai kepelbagaian yang lebih tinggi.) (15 marks / 15 markoh) Calculate the species richness for both sites using Margalefs Index Which site is richer? haw oo [Kira kekoyaen spesies untuk kedua-due tapak Kajien mengguneken indeks Margalef. Tapak kajian manakeh yang lebih ‘kaya"?] wuay og (10 marks 10 markah) mus 2 {al ‘A forest manager wants to determine the distribution of the Dryobalanops lanceolata trees in Deramakot Forest Reserves in Sabah. The data collected are as follows: iSeorang pengurus hutan ingin menentukan taburan pokok roarons di Hutan Simpan Deramakot di Sabah. Det yang diperoiehi adalah sepert berikut) —T pi] b2 1 D3 | D4 [Ds | D6 | D7 | DS | DY 7 [1917 [te [5 [9 J ra * ¢ x 1] [Plot (plod [Observation (Pemerhatian) (x) 5 =“), Tees sur (es307/31 was ‘Based on the data, answer the following questions: (Berdasarkan kepada data, jawab soalan benkut,) [i] Calculate the total number of sampling unit (N)? 1 IKira jumiah unit persampolan (N)?, me ingen O74 (1 marks / 1 marke) [ii] Calculate the total number of individuals (nm)? [Kira jumiah individu (n)?] 5 (2 marks / 2 markah) [iil] Calculate the sample mean (3)? 6) [kira purata sampel(3)?} 7° 4 (2 marks / 2 markah) [iv] Calculate the sample variance (S*)? [Kira varians sampel (S*)?] 7 (6 marks / 5 markah) [vi What is the suggested distribution pattem based on the variance to mean ratio? = [Apakah jenis corak taburan berdasarkan nisbah varian kepada purata?} yantonet 5 e ewe (2 marks | 2 markah) [vi] Based on your answer for question 2a.v, the distribution pattern should follow which dispersion model? [Berdesarkan kepada jawapan anda pada soalan 2a.v, corak taburan sepatutnya mengikuti model penyebaran yang mana?) (2 marks | 2 markah) [b] There are 300 eagles living in a forest reserve at the beginning of 2015 rate pattern. If every year 50 eagles with an exponential growth rate hatched and 30 eagles died, answer the following questions. hutan rizab pada awal tahun [Terdapat 300 ekor helang yang tinggal di corak kadar pertumbuhan eksponen. Jika setiap tahun 2015 dengan 30 ekor helang menetas dan 30 ekor helang mat, jawab soalan berikut:] eee gee cc be a. " # a 1 G Obert > » i) ine suuit

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