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Leadership profile

Steve Jobs

By: Jashan.D
Who was steve jobs
➔ Co-founder of Apple, Pixar and
➔ Birth: February,24 1955
➔ Birthplace: San Francisco
➔ How was he:
◆ determined
◆ Not scared of failure
◆ Hard working
◆ Innovative
◆ A Load mouth
How did Steve jobs become the guy he was
★ Adopted
○ The pain made him work
○ He wanted to prove himself
★ Love for technology
★ His failures
★ Being bankrupt
What type of leader is steve jobs
➔ Autocratic leader
◆ Didn't take anyone's opinion
into consideration
◆ Kept all power
◆ Push the workers to their
◆ Get work done don't ask
questions or add anything
◆ Loved to work only with like
minded people
Why did people view Steve Jobs as a leader
★ He lead a company
★ He was a leader in the tech
★ He was a leader in the music
★ His speeches
How did steve Jobs become a leader
➔ He fell into the role of a leader
because of life choices
◆ He was a leader because of
how innovative he was
◆ A leader because of the
products he made
◆ A leader because of the
company life's choices gave
Good impact
★ Simplified technology
★ Revolutionized phones
★ Revolutionized music
★ Changed the way we used phones
★ Preached good messages
Bad impact
➔ Anger issues
◆ Yelled at workers
◆ Yelled at media (reporters)
◆ Yelled at random people
➔ Had very high expectations
➔ Was kind of selfish
Ugly impact
★ They way he was to his daughter
○ Small fry

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