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SULIT UM Apex gr Second Semester Examination 2017/2018 Academic Session May/June 2018 BST308/3 - Tropical Ecosystem and Climate Change [Ekosistem Tropika dan Perubahan Cuaca] Duration: 2 hours [Masa : 2 jam) Please ensure that this examination paper contains THREE printed pages before you begin the examination {Sila pastikan bahawa kertas peperiksaan ini mengandungi TIGA muka Surat yang bercetak sebelum anda memulakan peperiksaan ini] Instructions: Answer FOUR (4) out of FIVE (5) questions, in English or Bahasa Malaysia, Each question carries 25 marks. [Arahan: Jawab EMPAT (4) daripada LIMA (5) soalan yang diberikan dalam Bahasa Inggeris atau Bahasa Malaysia. Tiap-tiap soalan bemilai 25 markah) In the event of any discrepancies, the English version shall be used, [Sekiranya terdapat sebarang percanggahan pada soalan peperiksaan. versi Bahasa Inggeris hendaklah diguna pakai]. wud SULIT ‘SULIT TEST 306/3) in 2017, President Donald Trump announced the withdrawal of US from the Paris Climate Agreement. Discuss the impact of oie actidn: towards, mitigating cimate change ee teetts Rt ‘Toe tahun 2017, Presiden Donald Trump mengumumkan penarikan balik AS daripada Perjanjian iklim Paris. Bineangkary kesan tindaken ink terhadap oe a en pate oe CORTE mitigasi perubatan ikiiin.] + ler cometeg, ahh eee rem tet (25 marks / 25 markah) Explain the characteristics of tropical peal swam forests. Riese dedi. ain [Terangkan cir hutan paya garnbut tropika.] b placd son - of them 20 eke (25 marks / 25 markah) 1 ck ‘Deforestation is an environmental issue resulting fram pressure on natural resources. [Penebangan hutan merupakan isu alam sekitar yang disebabkan oleh tekanan terhadap sumber asii] {a} Discuss the proxmmate and underlying causes of tropical defarestation [Bincangkan penyebab langsung dan lersembuny! penebangan bhutan boptiast waegncstturt (20 marks / 20 markah) ob] Give FIVE (8) environmental issues that arise as aresultof deforestation in the tropical region. [Berikan LIMA (6) isu persekitaran yang timbul akibat penebangan tutan di kawasan tropika.) (5 marks / 5 markah) le SULIT > [BST308/3) -3- Discuss the connection between global warming and El Nino that may lead to increased natural hazards. [Bincangkan perkaitan antara pemanasan global dan El Nino yang boleh membawa kepada peningkatan ancaman semulajadi.) (25 marks / 25 markah) fa] Explain the differences between a vatzea. zea forest and a terra firme forest found in the Amazon rainforest ee [Terangkan perbezaan ai antara hutan ‘varzea’ dan hutan ‘terra firme’ yang dijumpai di hutan hujan Amazon.} (5 marks / 5 markah) {b] Discuss the potential impacts of climate yate change 9 or{estuarine ) ecosystems. [Bincangkan potensi impak peruvbahan iklim terhadap ekosistem muara.} (20 marks / 20 markah) -0000c00 -

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