BAT308 Limnology USM Examination Paper Academic Session 2017 - 2018

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x BAT 308/3 SULIT -2- ts er Describe the vertical zonation in a temperate lake using a diagram. [Huraikan pengezonan menegak tasik temperat dengan menggunakan gambar rajah.] (15 marks / 15 markah) , Based on the diagram above (1a), explain the process of “summer kill” . [Berdasarkan gambar rajah di atas (1a), terangkan proses “kematian musim panas” ] (te (10 marks / 10 markah) ta List all the parameters used to calculate Carlson Trophic Index 4 (CTI. [Senaraikan semua parameter yang digunakan untuk mengira Indeks Trofik Carlson (CTI).] (3 marks / 3 markah) [b) Discuss oligotrophic and eutrophic lakes based on abiotic and biotic factors. [Bincangkan tasik oligotrofik dan eutrofik berdasarkan faktor abiotik dan biotik.] (12 marks / 12 markah) [c] ) “Small and shallow lakes can be more productive compared to big and deep lakes”. Discuss this statement. [Tasik kecil dan cetek boleh menjadi lebih produktif berbanding tasik besar dan dalam”. Bincangkan kenyataan ini.] (10 marks / 10 markah) $$ 13, SULIT BAT 308) -3- Ina freshwater ecosystem, elaborate the transformation of nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle. i j nit dal [Dalam ekosistem airtawar, huraikan transformasi nitrogen nitrogen.] lam kitar (25 marks / 25 markah) changes between headwaters and its itudi i f A rivéry and explain how the physical ee Elaborate the longitudinal zonation of Livery Sr ES eemUten of phytoplankton and benthic invertebrates. [Huraikan zon memanjang sungai, dan jelaskan bagaimana perubahan fizikal di antara hulu dan muara sungai mempengaruhi taburan fitoplankton dan invertebrata bentik.] Be ‘ne (25 marks / 25 markah) hverne lawtrine ‘ [a] Define internal loading of phosphorus. Why is internal loading of phosphorus a concern for lake managers? [Takrifkan muatan dalaman fosforus. Mengapa muatan dalaman fosforus memberi masalah kepada pengurus tasik?] (13 marks / 13 markah) [b] Explain four factors that affect the solubility of oxygen in water. Terangkan empat faktor 7 . dalam air.) ms yang mempengaruhi keterlarutan oksigen My? $26, > Lot HF 4 ju02- - 0000000 - (12 marks / 42 markah

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