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1. Text formatting
o Font: Arial, size 11,
o Single spaced
o Left justified, no indents
2. Heading
o All transcripts will have the following heading at the beginning of the first page

File Name:
Duration of interview:
Participants: (Position or beneficiary of which program)
Interviewer Initials:
3. Labelling
o Interviewer is marked by “I:”
o Participant is marked by “P:”, in cases of dyads and FGDs, a number is added to say
“P1:”, “P2”
o In cases of groups and speaker is not identifiable: “Px”
o Transcription
4. Will be done semi-verbatim; only essential core statements will be transcribed. Fillers like
“uhm”, “eh” will not be transcribed. Repetitive statements like “I, I don’t know. I don’t
know” will be transcribed as “I don’t know”
5. Relevant non-verbal sounds, emotional utterances or emphasis will be indicated in
parenthesis: (short laugh), (loud voice), (long pause), (sigh)
6. Whenever possible and relevant, external occurrence will be inserted in the document in
brackets: e.g. [director enter the room], [participant stepped out to take a phone call]
7. Incorrect words or pronunciation will be corrected in brackets and backslash: e.g. “When I am
stressed, I watch Netflix to rewind [/unwind/]
8. To mark short pauses, ellipsis (…) will be used
9. Do not transcribe filler words from interviewer such as “yes”, “right”, “mm-kay”
10. Words given special emphasis should be CAPITALIZED
11. Incomprehensible words will be indicated by [inc.]. The reason should be stated whenever
apparent [inc., ambulance siren]. The transcriber should indicate the duration of which the
recording is incomprehensible e.g. [ inc., rustling sound, 1 min]
12. Speech overlaps are marked by // at the point of the interjection and end of the present
speakers contribution.
13. If a participant uses his or her own name during the transcription, this should be replaced by
the participant signifier (e.g. P1). Eg. ‘My teacher said to me, P1, wash your hands.
14. If a participant provides sensitive information which could identify them such as names of
locations or organizations, the transcriber should enter an = just before and after the sensitive
information so that this can be substituted by the analyst (e.g ‘regular feeding is conducted at
= Congressman Dizon’s= residence at = Forbes Park=)
15. A time stamp should be added every five minutes in green as a separate line
16. “END OF INTERVIEW” at end of transcription
1. Translation to English will be done in the same document, line by line or per statement of
speaker, and will be done in blue font.
2. Local language (Tagalog, Bisaya, etc) should be in black font, English will be in blue font
3. Translation will be checked by a person other than the primary translator. Track changes
function should be used when checking.
4. Translation and checking of translation will be done will listening to the audio recording.

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