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Summer Internship
Internship Report


Devara Joshua Sundeep
IIT Kharagpur
May-July’11 ’11
Report of summer Internship

M/s. Gayatri Projects LTD.

It is my pleasure to thank Mr. P. Sreedhar Babu (CFO), Mr. B. Venkata Reddy (Vice President - Projects),
Mr. V.V. Chandrasekhar, Mr. V.R.C. Abhineni (HR), Mr. V.L.S. Mahesh (Project Manager) who have not
only granted me the opportunity to work in their prestigious company but also for their support that
they have extended all along the way in terms of the transportation, reports, financials and not to
forget the mentoring. I would also like to thank Mr. V.L.S. Mahesh (Project Manager),
Mr. D.S.N. Murthy (Materials Engineer), Mr. K. Prabhakar (Asst. Material Engineer), Mr. Ganapathi (Lab
Technician) who have been very supportive at the site during my project work in the site and taking
their time to explain all the aspects related to the road laying who despite of their pressing schedule
and need at the lab has taken out their valuable time to explain all the tests that are carried out on the
soil, bitumen, Concrete mix design, cement etc. I thank all the lab technicians, staff and the
Mr. M. Aslam Sadiq (Planning Manager), Mr. G. Sri Harsha (CAD Engineer) who has provided me with
the CAD Drawings, Cross sections, FRLs, Surface Profiles and the logistics. Last but not the least I would
like to thank Mr. V.V.S. Ravindra sir (Deputy General Manager of IDBI Bank) without whom I would not
have been associated with the company and the great deal of work that it does.
About Gayatri
Gayatri Projects Limited (GPL), an ISO 9001 – 2000 Company established in 1975, has played a pivotal
role in the growth and development of modern India. They have aided this transformation, helping
India don a new façade, through their breakthrough projects. From infrastructure to housing
development, their areas of expertise cover the entire spectrum. Gayatri Engineering Company had
been undertaking civil and engineering works of various state governments, central governments,
public / autonomous bodies / corporations. The Company has become a listed Company on 17th
October 2006 by listing in the Mumbai Stock Exchange. GPL is engaged in the execution of major Civil
Works including Concrete/Masonry Dams, Earth Filling Dams, National Highways, Bridges, Canals,
Aqueducts, Ports, etc. The Company has also been awarded the Gold Medal by the then Prime Minister
Smt. Indira Gandhi for outstanding contribution to the construction of the world’s largest earth dam
Nagarjuna Sagar Project in Andhra Pradesh

Today they are one of India’s leading construction companies. And have been even awarded the
ISO 9001-2008 accreditation.
The report has been written taking into purview the Outer Ring Road Project wherein one of the
packages is undertaken by Gayatri projects Ltd. This is very important to note because of the fact that
the machinery and the availability of resources is site specific and it influences the report in a very big
way and it has no relevance with any other enterprise. The construction practices that are employed in
this company may or may not be practiced in any other project of this magnitude by any other
enterprise. The machinery used and the construction practices are very tentative and are subjected to
change according to the availability of the construction material, terrain, etc. The report is based on the
Company’s working style prevailing at the site.

I have tried to include all the possible observations, inferences, concepts that I have encountered in
the lab and at the site. In spite of all my sincere efforts to include many things, it is inevitable to miss
out on some of the aspects related to the project which is due to time crunch and also because of the
length and breadth of this project. Lastly, this is only an account of what i have learned and understood
from the various departments in the organisation. This may not be used as a guide or a reference
material of any sort.
Table of Contents
1. Quality Control
 Tests on soils
 Tests on aggregates
 Tests in Concrete
 Tests on Cement
 Tests on Bitumen
 Tests on pavements
2. Q.S (Quantity Survey)and Planning Section
 CAD Drawings
 Structures
 Box Culverts
 Pipe Culverts.
 Minor Bridge.
 VUP ‘s
 PUP’s
 Highways
 Typical cross sections
 Plan and profiles
 Contours
3. Site Execution
a. Surveying
b. Earthwork (Excavation/Embankment filling)
c. Laying of various crust (sub-base and bituminous) layers.
d. Structures
e. Miscellaneous Works.
4. Plants and Equipments
 Asphalt Plant
 Wet Mix Plant
 Concrete Batching Plant
 Crusher
5. Store and Garage
Before going into the details of each of the above mentioned sections, it is very important for us
to understand the inception of the project and how it goes for the completion. The project is conceived
by the government based on the idea that the particular project might cater to the needs of the public.
So here come the three most important stakeholders who would make the idea into a reality.
1. The Client/ Employer

2. The Supervising Consultant

3. The Contractor/ builder

CLIENT: The client is the organisation or a body that is responsible for the completion of the project
and handing it over to the public or the Govt. The project has been initiated by the Government of
Andhra Pradesh or Ministry of Roads at the union level. The completion of the project was entrusted to
the HMDA (Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority) which in turn passed it onto HGCL
(Hyderabad Growth Corridor Limited), a wing of the HMDA to see for the completion of the project.

CONSULTANT: As far as this project is considered, the consultant can be categorised as DPR
Consultant, Supervising consultant and as a Project Management consultant. When the project was
entrusted to HGCL, DPR consultants were approached by the client to do the survey of the land and
give them the cost estimation of the whole project. When the estimation has been prepared, the client
would call for tenders from Private contractors who are into infrastructure development and finally the
supervising consultant supervises over the work that is being carried out by the contractor at the lab
and in the site. The project management consultant will be hired by the client to submit a DPR
(Detailed Project Report) which includes the survey of the land, predicts the construction of structures
and preparing the financials for the project for subsequent tendering.

CONTRACTOR: The contractor is the one who mobilises the resources (machinery and man power),
who is responsible for preparing the logistics and Labs, who controls the Plants and equipment.
Under his regime we have the following sections without whom the project cannot be
completed. They are

1. Q.C (Quality Control) Lab

2. Q .S (Quantity Survey) and Planning section
3. Site Execution.

Let us discuss about them in detail so that we can get to an understanding of what each section does
and how they contribute to the successful completion of the project.
Q.C LAB: The lab happens to be an indispensable and an inevitable part as far as the commencement of
any project is concerned. The testing lab has all the facilities that they need for conducting tests on
soils, cement, concrete and bitumen. Let it be the Hot Mix Plant (for Bitumen), Wet Mix Plant (for the
aggregate), and Batch Mixing Plants (for the concrete), the testing has to be done in the lab and the
design mix has to be formulated accordingly and has to be sent to the respective plants for preparing
the design mix in the required amounts for the whole project or the part of the project that is being
done. Since i have seen the tests being done in the lab and have been taught during my training here, i
will not only be mentioning the procedure undertaken for each test but also the results, the suitability
i.e., the permissible values which have been formed based on the area which the project has been
started and the physical significance of each of these tests.

Let us start with the soils. Any road let it be a National Highway, a State Highway, a District roads has to
be constructed on the top of the soil (Sub Base). The tests had to be conducted on the soil to
understand whether the soil can withstand the load or any modification has to be done. So in order to
study the properties of the soils, the following tests are conducted and the results that are obtained
help us to deduce certain characteristics about the area that we will or rather we are working on.


1. Free Swell Index Test (FSI)

2. Grain Size Analysis (GSA)
3. Atterberg Limits (L.L, P.L)
4. Modified Proctor Test
5. California Bearing Ratio Test (C.B.R)
6. Dilitirius Content Test.

Amongst all these tests, due to the unavailability of the equipment the dilitirius test is sent to the third
party (any Govt. Institute) to carry out this test.

One thing that is very profound to be noticed is that all the tests are carried out according to the
specifications of the IS Codes and the guidelines stipulated by MORTH (Ministry Of Roads and
Free Swell Index Test
(As per IS: 2720 - Part-40)
Objective: To determine the free swell index of the soils

Apparatus: 425 Micron Sieve, Glass graduated cylinders (2 nos. 100ml. capacity), Distilled Water
and Kerosene.

Procedure: Two 10gms. Specimens of oven dry Sample passing though 425-micron IS sieve are taken.
Each soil sample shall be poured in each of the glass graduated cylinders of 100 ml. capacity. One
cylinder shall then be filled with the kerosene oil and the other with distilled water up to the 100ml.
Mark. After removal of the entrapped air the soils on both the samples are allowed to settle. After 24
hours when soil has reached a certain equilibrium state of volume and there is no change in the volume
of the soils, the final volume of the soils in each of the cylinders is recorded.

Concept: Kerosene being a non-polar does not cause swelling of the soil because of which the Level
recorded in the kerosene-graduated jar is taken to be a standard.

Calculations: The Free Swell Index is given by,

𝑉𝑑 −𝑉𝑘
Free Swell Index Percent= 𝑉𝑘
∗ 100


Vd = Vol. of soil specimen read from the graduated cylinder containing distilled water.
Vk = Vol. of soil specimen read from the graduated cylinder containing kerosene.

The fig. shows the Asst. Material Engineer checking for the swelling in the soil.
The calculations and the tabular representation of the experiment

According to MORTH specifications,

FSI < 50 %
Otherwise the soil is not suitable for road construction
Grain Size Analysis (IS 2720 - part-4)
Most of the methods used for soil identification and classification are based on certain physical
properties of the soils. The commonly used properties for the soil classification are the Grain size
distribution, Liquid Limit and Plasticity Index. These methods have been used extensively in designing
the empirical methods for the design of flexible pavements and also to test the suitability of the Sub-
Grade soil.

The soils received from the field are divided into two parts. One, the fraction retained on the 2 mm
sieve and the other passing the 2mm sieve. The sieve analysis may be carried out separately for these
two fractions. The fraction retained on 2- mm Sieve may be subjected to dry sieving using bigger sieves
that passing 2mm sieve may be subjected to wet sieving; however if this fraction consists of single
grained soil with negligible fines passing 0.075mm size, dry sieving may be carried out.

Various apparatus include set of standard sieves of different sieve sizes, balance, rubber covered pestle
and mortar, oven, riffle and sieves shaker.

The Fig. Shows the sieves that are used in the gradation of the aggregates (at the top) and
soils (at the bottom)
Table showing the different amounts of various aggregates in a given soil sample
The fig. shows the piles of aggregates of different sizes retained or passed through different

We also come to know the amount of silt and clay that is present in a given sample and that
we come to know how important it is for us to understand their presence. The reason being that the
presence of silt and clay would mean that in case of any rain or water, the silt or the clay tries to move
away making the soil very dynamic resulting in settlement and also there is a good possibility for the
vehicle also to skid.
Atterberg Limits (IS 2720 – Part-4)
The physical properties of fine-grained soils, especially of clay differ much at different water contents.
Clay may be almost in liquid state, or it may show plastic behaviour or may be very stiff depending on
the moisture content. Plasticity is a property of outstanding importance for clayey soils, which may be
explained as the ability to undergo changes in shape without rupture.
Atterberg in 1911 proposed a series of tests, mostly empirical, for the determination of the
consistency and plastic properties of fine soils. These are known as Atterberg limits and indices.

Liquid limit: defined as the minimum water content at which the soil will flow under the application
of a very small shearing force.

Plastic limit: defined as the minimum moisture content at which the soil remains in a plastic state.

Plasticity Index (PI): is defined as the numerical difference between the liquid limit and plastic limits
(PI = LL-PL). PI thus indicates the range of moisture content over which the soil is in a plastic condition.
The plasticity index (PI) is a measure of the plasticity of a soil. The plasticity index is the size of the
range of water contents where the soil exhibits plastic properties. Soils with a high PI tend to be clay,
those with a lower PI tend to be silt, and those with a PI of 0 (non-plastic) tend to have little or no silt or

PI and their meanings

 0 - Nonplastic
 (1-5)- Slightly Plastic
 (5-10) - Low plasticity
 (10-20)- Medium plasticity
 (20-40)- High plasticity
 >40 Very high plasticity

Consistency limits and the plasticity index vary for different soil types. Hence these properties are
generally used in the identification and classification of soils.
Liquid limit test :( Mechanical liquid limit device)

Determination of the liquid limit of soil by mechanical liquid limit device.

i) Mechanical liquid limit device consists of a cup and arrangement for raising and dropping through
a specified height and standard grooving tools.
ii) Balance of 200 g capacity and sensitive to 0.01 g.
iii) Oven to maintain 1050 to 1100C


About 120 g of dry pulverized soil sample passing 425 micron IS sieve is weighed, and mixed thoroughly
with distilled water in the evaporating dish to form a uniform thick paste. The liquid limit device is
adjusted to have a free fall of cup through 10 mm. A portion of the paste is placed in the cup above the
lowest spot, and squeezed down with the spatula to have a horizontal surface. The specimen is
trimmed by firm strokes of spatula in such a way that the maximum depth of soil sample in the cup is
10 mm. The soil in the cup is divided along the diameter through the center line of the cam followed by
firm strokes of the grooving tool so as to get a clean sharp groove. Grooving tool (b) may be used for all
soils, where as grooving tool (a) may be used only in clayey soils free from sand particles or fibrous
materials. The crank is rotated at the rate of two revolutions per second (either by hand or electrically
operation) so that the cup is lifted and dropped. This is continued till the two halves of the soil cake
come into contact at the bottom of the groove along a distance of about 10 mm, and the number of
blows given is recorded. A representative soil is taken, placed in the moisture container, lid placed over
it and weighed. The container is dried in oven and the dry weight determined the next day for finding
the moisture content of the soil. The operations are repeated for at least three more trials with slightly
increased moisture contents each time, noting the number of blows so that there are at least four
uniformly distributed readings of number of blows between 10 and 40 blows.

Taking the number of blows in the log scale on the X-axis, and the water content in arithmetic scale on
the Y-axis plots the flow curve. The flow curve is straight line drawn on this semi-logarithmic plot, as
nearly as possible through three or more plotted points. The moisture content corresponding to 25
blows is read from this curve, rounding off to the nearest whole number and is reported as the liquid
limit (LL or wl) of the soil.
The slope of the straight-line flow curve is the flow index. It may be calculated from the following

𝑤1−𝑤2 𝑤10−𝑤100
Flow Index (If) = 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑛 2−𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑛 1 = 𝑙𝑜𝑔 100 −𝑙𝑜𝑔 10
w10 = water content at 10 blows.
w100 = water content at 100 blows.
Liquid limit test: (Cone penetration Method)

To determine the liquid limit of the soil by cone penetration apparatus.

i) Cone penetration apparatus confirming to IS: 11196-1985 (cone angle 300+/-0.50) and weight of
assemble is 80 +/- 0.5 g including all).
ii) Balance of 200 g capacity and sensitive to 0.01 g.
iii) Oven to maintain 1050 to 1100 C.

About 150 g of dry pulverized soil sample passing 425 micron IS sieve is weighed, and mixed thoroughly
with distilled water in the evaporating dish to form a uniform thick paste. The soil paste shall then be
transferred to the cylindrical mould of the cone penetrometer apparatus and leveled up to the top of
the cup. The penetrometer shall be so adjusted that the cone point just touches the surface of the soil
paste in the trough. The scale of the penetrometer shall then be adjusted to zero and the vertical rod
released so that the cone is allowed to penetrate into the soil paste under its weight. The weight
should be 80 +/- 0.5 g and the penetration shall be noted after 5 seconds from the release of the cone.
If the difference in penetration lies between 14 and 28 mm the test is repeated with suitable
adjustments to moisture either by addition of more water or exposure of the spread paste on a glass
plate for reduction in moisture content. The test shall be repeated at least to have four sets of values of
penetration in the range 14 and 28 mm. The exact moisture content of each trial shall be determined.

A graph representing water content on the Y-axis and the cone penetration value on the X-axis shall be
prepared. The best fitting straight line is then drawn. The moisture content corresponding to cone
penetration of 20 mm shall be taken as the liquid limit of the soil and shall be expressed to the nearest
first decimal place. The graph is shown in the subsequent pages.
Plastic limit test

The plasticity index (PI) is a measure of the plasticity of a soil. The plasticity index is the size of
the range of water contents where the soil exhibits plastic properties. The PI is the difference between
the liquid limit and the plastic limit (PI = LL-PL). Soils with a high PI tend to be clay, those with a lower PI
tend to be silt, and those with a PI of 0 (non-plastic) tend to have little or no silt or clay.

Objective: Determination of the plastic limit of the soils.

Evaporating dish, spatula, glass plate, moisture containers, rod of 3 mm diameter, balance sensitive to
0.01g and oven controlled at temperature 105℃ to110℃.

About 20 g of dry pulverized soil passing 425 micron IS sieve is weighed. The soil is mixed thoroughly
with distilled water in the evaporating dish till the soil paste is plastic enough to be easily moulded with
fingers. A small ball is formed with the fingers and this is rolled between the fingers and the glass plate
to a thread. The pressure just sufficient to roll into a thread of uniform diameter should be used. The
rate of rolling should be between 80 to 90 strokes per minute counting a stroke as one complete
motion of hand forward and back to the starting position again. The rolling is done till the diameter of
the thread is 3 mm. Then the soil is kneaded together to a ball and rolled again to form thread. This
process of alternate rolling and kneading is continued until the thread crumbles under pressure
required for rolling and the soil can no longer be rolled into a thread. If the crumbling start at diameter
less than 3 mm, then moisture content is more than plastic limit and if the diameter is greater while
crumbling starts, the moisture content is lower. By trial, the thread that starts crumbling at 3 mm
diameter under normal rolling should be obtained and this should be immediately transferred to the
moisture container, lid placed over it and weighed. The container is kept in the oven for about a day
and dry weight found to determine the moisture content of the thread. The above process is repeated
to get at least three consistent values of the plastic limit (PL or w p).


Plasticity Index (PI or Ip) = Liquid limit – Plastic limit.

= 𝐿. 𝐿 − 𝑃. 𝐿

Liquidity Index ( LI or Il) = (w – wp) / Ip

‘w’ is the natural moisture content of the soil.
Table representing the results of Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index
Modified Proctor Test (IS: 2720 – PART–7)
Objective: To determine the Optimum Moisture Content using Modified Proctor Test.


a. Cylindrical mould of capacity 1000 cc, with an internal diameter of 10cm and height 12.73 cm
or a mould of capacity 2250 cc, with an internal diameter of 15 cm and height of 12.73 cm. The
mould is fitted with a detachable base plate and removable collar or extension of about 6 cm
b. For light compaction, a metal rammer having 5 cm diameter circular face, and weight 2.6 kg is
used which has a free drop of 31 cm. For heavy compaction, the rammer has 5 cm diameter
circular face, but having weight 4.89 kg and free drop of 45 cm.
c. Steel straight edge having be leveled edge for trimming the top of the specimen.
d. Other accessories include moisture containers, balances of capacity 10 kg and 200 g, oven,
sieves and mixing tools.

Preparation of samples:
For heavy compaction, about 45 kg of the representative soil is air-dried, mixed pulverized and sieved
through 37.5 mm IS sieve. The fraction retained on 37.5 mm is not used in this test. If there is note
worthy proportion of materials retained on 37.5 mm sieve, allowance for large size materials is made
by replacing it by an equal weight of material passing 37.5 mm and retained on 4.75 mm sieve.
For compacting the soil in the mould every time the required quantity will depend on the soil type, size
of the mould, moisture content and amount of compaction. As a rough guidance, for each test 2.5 kg of
soil may be taken for light compaction and 5.8 kg for heavy compaction. The estimated weight of water
to be added to the soil every time may be measured with a graduated jar in cc. Enough water is added
to the specimen to bring the moisture content to about 7% less than the estimated OMC for sandy soils
and 10% less for clayey soils. The processed soil is stored in an airtight container for about 18 to 20
hours to enable moisture to spread uniformly in the soil mass.The mould with base plate fitted in is
weighed. The process soil-water mixture is mixed thoroughly and divided into eight equal parts.
(i) For light compaction the wet soils is compacted into the mould in three equal layers, each layer
being given 25 blows of the 2.6 kg hammer, if 10 cm diameter mould is used. When the 15 cm diameter
mould is used, 56 blows are given to each of the three layers by the 2.6 kg hammer.
(ii) For heavy compaction, the wet soil mix is compacted in the mould in five layers each layer being
given 25 blows of 4.89 kg hammer when the 10 cm diameter of mould is used. When the 15 cm
diameter mould is used, 56 blows are given to each of the five layers by 4.89 kg hammer.
The blows should be uniformly distributed over the surface of each layer. Each layer of the compacted
soil is scored with a spatula before placing the soil for the succeeding layer. The amount of soil used
should be just sufficient to fill the mould leaving about 5mm to be struck off on the top after
compacting the final layer. The collar is removed and the compacted soil is leveled off to the top of the
mould by means of the straight edge. The mould and the soil is then weighed. The soil is then ejected
out of the mould and cut in the middle and a representative sample is taken in airtight container from
the cut surface. The moisture content of this representative specimen is determined by finding the wet
weight, keeping in the oven at 1050 to 1100C and finding the dry weight the next day.
This procedure is repeated five to six times using fresh part of the soil specimen and after adding a
higher water content than the preceding specimen every time so that the last compaction is carried out
at moisture 7 to 10 percent higher than estimated optimum moisture content.

Let the weight of mould with moist compacted soil = W g
Weight of empty mould = Wm g
Volume of the mould = Vm cc
Moisture content = w %
Specific gravity of the soil = G
Wet density, m = (W – Wm) / Vm g/cc
Then dry density, d = m / (1 + w/100) = (W – Wm) / [Vm (1+w/100)] g/cc
Porosity, n = 100 ( Vv/V) % = (1 - d/ G w)x100 %
Voids ratio, e = (G w / d) - 1

Points are plotted with moisture content on the X-axis and dry density on the Y-axis and a
smooth curve is drawn connecting the points. From this curve, the maximum dry density (MDD) is
noted and the corresponding value of moisture content taken as optimum moisture content (OMC) of
the soil. The graph and sample readings are attached in the subsequent pages.
The Fig. Shows the tabulated values and the graph of OMC (Optimum Moisture Content) Vs
Dry Density
California Bearing Ratio (IS 2720 – Part-16)
The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test was developed by the California Division of Highway as a
method of classifying and evaluating soil-sub grade and base course materials for flexible pavements.
The CBR is a measure of resistance of a material to penetration of standard plunger under controlled
density and moisture conditions. The test procedure should be strictly adhered if high degree of
reproducibility is desired. The CBR test may be conducted in re-moulded or undisturbed specimens in
the laboratory. The test has been extensively investigated for field correlation of flexible pavement
thickness requirement.
Briefly, the test consists of causing a cylindrical plunger of 50mm diameter to penetrate a pavement
component material at 1.25mm/minute. The loads, for 2.5mm and 5mm are recorded. This load is
expressed as a percentage of standard load value at a respective deformation level to obtain CBR value.
The standard load values were obtained from the average of a large number of tests on different
crushed stones and are given.

Penetration (mm) Standard load (kg) Unit Standard Load (kg/cm2)

2.5 1370 70
5.0 2055 105
7.5 2630 134
10.0 3180 162
12.5 3600 183

Laboratory CBR test:

a) Loading Machine: Any compression machine, which can operate at a constant rate of
1.25mm/minute can be used. A metal penetration piston or plunger of diameter 50mm is attached to
the loading machine.
b) Cylindrical moulds: Moulds of 150mm diameter and 175mm height provided with a collar of
about 50mm length and detachable perforated base are used for this purpose. A spacer disc of 148mm
diameter and 47.7mm thickness is used to obtain a specimen of exactly 127.3mm height.
c) Compaction Rammer: The material is usually compacted as specified for the work, either by
dynamic compaction or by static compaction. The details for dynamic compaction suggested by the ISI
are given

Compaction Type No. of layers Hammer Wt. Fall No. of Blows

Light Compaction 3 2.6 31 56
Heavy Compaction 5 4.89 45 56

d) Adjustable stem, perforated plate, tripod and dial gauge: The standard procedure requires that the
soil sample before testing should be soaked in water to measure swelling. For this purpose the above
listed accessories are required.
e) Annular weight: In order to simulate the effect of the overlaying pavement weight, annular weights
each of 2.5 kg weight and 147mm diameter are placed on the top of the specimen, both at the time of
soaking and testing the samples, as surcharge.
The CBR test may be performed either on undisturbed soil specimens obtained by fitting a cutting edge
to the mould or on remoulded specimens. Remoulded soil specimens may be compacted either by
static compaction or by dynamic compaction. When static compaction is adopted, the batch of soil is
mixed with water to give the required moisture content; the correct weight of moist soil to obtain the
desired density is placed in the mould and compaction is attained by pressing in the spacer disc using a
compaction machine or jack. The preparation of soil specimens by dynamic compaction or ramming is
more commonly adopted and is explained below.
About 45 kg of material is dried and sieved through 19mm sieve. If there is note worthy proportion of
materials retained on 19mm sieve, allowance for larger size materials is made by replacing it by an
equal weight of material passing 19mm sieve and retained on 4.75mm sieve. The optimum moisture
content and maximum dry density of the soil are determined by adopting either light compaction or
heavy compaction as per the requirement.
Each batch of soil (of at least 5.5 kg weight for granular soil and 4.5 to 5.0 kg weight for fine grained
soils) is mixed with water up to the optimum moisture content or the field moisture content if specified
so. The spacer disc is placed at the bottom of the mould over the base plate and a coarse filter paper is
placed over the spacer disc. The moist soil sample is to be compacted over this in the mould by
adopting either the light compaction or heavy compaction.
(i) For IS light compaction or Proctor compaction the soil to be compacted is divided into three equal
parts; the soil is compacted in three equal layers, each of compacted thickness about 44mm by
applying 56 evenly distributed blows of the 2.6 kg rammer.
(ii) For IS heavy compaction or the modified Proctor compaction, the soil is divided into five equal
parts; the soil is compacted in five equal layers, each of compacted thickness about 26.5mm by
applying 56 evenly distributed blows of the 4.89 kg rammer. After compacting the last layer, the collar
is removed and the excess soil above the top of the mould is evenly trimmed off by means of the
straight edge. It is important to see if the excess soil to be trimmed off while preparing each specimen
is of thickness about 5.0mm; if not the weight of soil taken for compacting each specimen is suitably
adjusted for the repeat tests so that the thickness of the excess layer to be trimmed off is about
5.0mm. Any hole that develops on the surface due to the removal of coarse particles during trimming
may be patched with smaller size material. Three such compacted specimens are prepared for the CBR
test. About 100g of soil samples are collected from the each mould for moisture content
determination, from the trimmed off portion. The clamps are removed and the mould with the
compacted soil is lifted leaving below the perforated base plate and the spacer disc, which is removed.
The mould with the compacted soil is weighed. A filter paper is placed on the perforated base plate,
the mould with compacted soil is inverted and placed in position over the base plate (such that the top
of the soil sample is now placed over the base plate) and the clamps of the base plate are tightened.
Another filter paper is placed on the top surface of the sample and the perforated plate with adjustable
stem is placed over it. Surcharge weights of 2.5 or 5.0 kg weight are placed over the perforated plate
and the whole mould with the weights is placed in a water tank for soaking such that water can enter
the specimen both from the top and bottom. The swell measuring device consisting of the tripod and
the dial gauge are placed on the top edge of the mould and the spindle of the dial gauge is placed
touching the top of the adjustable stem of the perforated plate. The initial dial gauge reading is
recorded and the test set up is kept undisturbed in the water tank to allow soaking of the soil specimen
for four full days or 96 hours. The final dial gauge reading is noted to measure the expansion or swelling
of the soil specimen due to soaking.
The swell measuring assembly is removed, the mould is taken out of the water tank and the sample is
allowed to drain in a vertical position for 15 minutes. The surcharge weights, the perforated plate with
stem and the filter paper are removed. The mould with the soil sample is removed from the base plate
and is weighed again to determine the weight of water absorption. The mould with the specimen is
clamped over the base plate and the same surcharge weights are placed on the specimen centrally
such that the penetration test could be conducted. The mould with base plate is placed under the
penetration plunger of the loading machine. The penetration plunger is seated at the center of the
specimen and is brought in contact with the top surface of the soil sample by applying a seating load of
4.0 kg. The dial gauge for measuring the penetration values of the plunger is fitted in position. The dial
gauge of the proving ring (for load readings) and the penetration dial gauge are set to zero. The load is
applied through the penetration plunger at a uniform rate of 1.25 mm/min. The load readings are
recorded at penetration readings of 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 and 12.5 mm. In
case the load readings start decreasing before 12.5mm penetration, the maximum load value and the
corresponding penetration value are recorded. After the final reading, the load is released and the
mould is removed from the loading machine. The proving ring calibration factor is noted so that the
load dial values can be converted into load in kg. About 50g of soil is collected from the top three cm
depth of the soil sample for the determination of moisture content.

The swelling or expansion ratio is calculated from the observations during the swelling test using the

Expansion ratio or swelling = 100 (df – di) / h

Where, df = final dial gauge reading after soaking, mm
di = initial dial gauge reading before soaking, mm
h = initial height of the specimen (127.3 mm), mm

The load values noted for each penetration level are divided by the area of the loading plunger
(19.635cm2) to obtain the pressure or unit load values on the loading plunger. The load-penetration
curve is then plotted in natural scale for each specimen. If the curve is uniformly convex upwards, no
correction is needed. In case there is a reverse curve or the initial portion of the curve is concave
upwards, necessity of a correction is indicated. A tangent is drawn from the steepest point on the curve
to intersect the base at point, which is the corrected origin corresponding to zero penetration. The unit
load values corresponding to 2.5 and 5.0 mm penetration values are found from the graph. The CBR
value is calculated from the formula:

𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑠𝑜𝑖𝑙 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑡 𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙

CBR (%) = 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑡 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑟𝑢𝑠 𝑕𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑡 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑛 𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙
∗ 100

The CBR values at 2.5mm and 5.0mm penetrations are calculated for each specimen from the
corresponding graphs. Generally the CBR value at 2.5mm penetration is higher and this value is
adopted. However if higher CBR value is obtained at 5.0mm penetration, the test is to be repeated to
verify the results; if the value at 5.0mm is again higher, this is adopted as the CBR value of the soil
sample. The average CBR values of three specimens are reported to the first decimal place.
The Fig. tabulates the experimental values obtained from the California Bearing Ratio Test
The first graph shows MDD (Max. Dry Density) and OMC (Optimum Moisture Content) and
the second graph gives the C.B.R value for 10 blows
The above graph gives us the C.B.R value at different 30 blows
The above graph gives us the C.B.R value at different 65 blows
Q.S and Planning Section

Q.S refers to Quantity Survey. This is a BOQ project. Every work that is carried on the site is assigned an
item number. The quantum of work that is done or the number of items that are completed is checked
by the surveyor. The amount associated with this quantity is calculated and a proper document is
submitted to the consultant. The consultant certifies the bill and the funder (In this case the funder
being the JICA-Japan International Cooperation Agency) pays the bill. Before leaping any further, a brief
understanding of the type of projects is very essential. The projects undertaken are broadly classified
into two types based on the type the project is financed.

1. BOT, which stands for Built Operate Transfer. In this type of projects, after the completion of
the project, it will be under the company for a certain period of time called the concession time
during which Toll gates are installed and the revenue thus generated is retained by the
company. After the concession time the project is handed over to the government.
2. BOQ, which stands for bill of quantities. As described above, each work (and the cost
surrounding it) that has been agreed by the contractor is assigned an item no. When the work
will be finished, the bill is prepared based on the item nos. and the contractor is paid.

This section is responsible for raising R F I. Now what is an R F I.? An R.F.I is an abbreviation for Request
for inspection. When a certain work is done let it be an earth work, Laying of any of the crust layers,
cube testing, concrete design mix the consultant is requested to visit and inspect the work that is being
done or that has been done.

The Planning section is responsible for the logistics, the scheduling of the work and producing the
drawings and designs of various elements in the site. Logistics has to do with the Handling of an
operation that involves providing labour and materials to be supplied as needed. The responsibility of
producing CAD drawings, Geometric designs, Typical cross section of the pavements, Topography rests
with this section. Any modifications to the drawings given by the consultant hired by the client are
done by this section.

The Q.S section is involved in preparing DPR and MPR for the particular project.DPR means Daily
Progress Report. It gives us an idea of the work that is scheduled for that particular day and how much
progress has been achieved. MPR means Monthly Progress Report which indicates the monthly
progress of the project. On a regular basis whenever the board meets, a detailed project report
containing the progress of the project, the problems that are encountered at the site and accordingly
the necessary changes that might have occurred and the related cost is submitted and discussed.
Site Execution

The site work is the execution of the task in the site. The necessary testing of the materials that are
encountered in the site is tested in the lab and the financial feasibility is taken care by the Q.S section.

The site work in this project pertains to

1. Surveying
2. Earth work
3. Laying of various crust layers
 Embankment
 Sub Grade
 Sub Grade Top
 WMM top
 DBM (Single Layer of DBM is constructed for service roads)
 DBM top
 B.C
4. Structures
 Bridges
 VUP (Vehicle Under Pass)
 PUP (Pedestrian Under Pass)
 Box Culverts
 Pipe Culverts
 Wing Walls
 R.E Walls
 Retaining Walls
 Return Walls
 Dirt wall and bracket
 R.E panels
 Deck Slab
 Approach Slab
 Friction Slab

One of the main important features is the machinery that is being mobilized in getting the tasks done.
I will be discussing very briefly about the machinery that i have encountered in this project. The
machinery not only eases the work load on the labour but also the work is done efficiently and also at a
faster rate.
Surveying Department

Surveying happens to be the heart and soul of this project. Without surveying it is hard for us to know
any detail pertaining to the project. In the beginning of the project where the F.R.L’s are given by the
client i.e., HMDA. (Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority). The main aspects of surveying in
this project are

1. Auto levelling
2. Total Station

Abbreviations that must be known before taking up surveying.

O.G.L  Original Ground Level

F.R.L  Finished Road Level

F.S  Fore sight

B.S  Back Sight

I.S  Intermediate Site

H.I  Height of the Instrument.

There are levelling sheets that help us in excavation and filling. These level sheets are obtained from
the CAD drawings which are obtained from the consultant and also sometimes edited because of the
site conditions by the CAD engineer (contractor). For embankment filling and excavation, Auto levelling
is used. Whereas for giving points, levels especially during the construction if the piers, abutments of
the bridges Total Station is used.

Fig shows the surveyor with the total staion

equipment. Held in his hands are the level
sheets obtained from CAD designs to give the
markings and points.
The instrument (Total Station), Surveyor feeding the points to the equipment and the
persons standing are trying to hold a prism and adjust it so that the signal from the
equipment focuses correctly at the center of the prism.

The figure clearly shows the prism used for focussing the signal

The Survey Methodology has been described and information related to the level sheets has been
attached hereunder: survey methodolgy.doc
Excavation/Embankment filling

Why do we need earthwork?? Suppose we have too many undulations. The land that has been
surveyed is not at all good. There are pits at some places. There are hilly areas with steep slopes at
some other places. I don’t think it is even possible for us to think of constructing a road. The road
however has to be built. For that reason all these variations in the land topography must be removed
by filling and excavating wherever is necessary. This filling and excavation of the land in order to
provide a level play field is known as the Earth Work.

The remaining land is hauled to a disposal area outside the road line

Embankment is said to be a high embankment when the height for which the filling has to be done is
greater than 6m lest it shall be known as a normal embankment.
For every 1m filling, 4 layers are done with each layer comprising of 250cm.

After reaching to the prescribed OGL, two more layers of soil (250cm each) are laid as embankment
top. From the embankment top the laying of different layers for the preparation of the pavement
continues. Before going into that let us know about the BED PREPARATION and the processes circling
around it.
BED PREPARATION: Let it be creation of an embankment or the embankment top, when each layer is
spread, the compaction must be carried out. This compaction should be done by rollers. There are
different types of rollers.

1. Tandem Rollers
These rollers have steel drums on both the sides.
2. Vibromax Rollers
They have rubber tyres in the rear. They are used for compacting the soil as shown in the above
3. Pneumatic Rollers
They have plastic tyres. They are primarily used for covering the voids and cracks in D.B.M , B.C
layers (commonly known as B.T works)
4. Sheepfoot Rollers
The tyres resemble a sheep foot. They are used in compacting Sandy soils.
After the soil has been spread, the roller is made to pass on the layer and compacted. Each layer is
subjected to four types of rolling starting with plain rolling, Low vibration Pass, Medium vibration pass,
High Vibration pass. The rolling should start from the edge of the pavement to the median kerb. The
edge has to get two passes of each rolling so that there is sufficient confinement of the soil and to
avoid any slipping. The Lap has to be 1/3 rd of the previous path.
Now that the bed preparation is done, R.F.I (Request for Inspection) will be raised and the consultant is
asked to come and check the bed that has been prepared. The compaction that is achieved can be
known by two methods.

1. FDT (Field Density Test)

2. NDG (Nuclear Density Guage) Test
Plants and Equipment
A project of such a magnitude would require the help of many plants i.e.,

1. Asphalt Plant
2. Wet Mix Macadam Plant
3. Concrete Batching Plant
4. Crusher

Now these plants cater to the need of the project by engineering the end products that is the design
mixes that are useful to make the rigid and the flexible pavements. Since we know now the significance
of the plants let us now look into the details of the plants

Asphalt plant
The main idea behind establishing this plant is to make the design mix of DBM (Dense Bituminous
Macadam), B.C (Bituminous Concrete). The design mix is already prepared in the lab and is sent to the
plant. The design mix would contain the proportions of 10mm, 20mm, 40mm and dust respectively.

There will be feeder bins which stack the required proportions of the material needed. From the feeder
bins the material is carried by a conveyer belt called as ‘Collecting Conveyer’ and then deposited onto
‘Slinger Conveyer’. From here the material is dumped into a dryer. The dryer has a very high
temperature in the order of 150-160 . Here the aggregate mixture is heated to remove for any traces
of moisture content. With the help of lifters in the hot elevator the mixture is dumped into the
vibrating screens. These screens are sieves of different sizes. The mixture after passing through these
sieves will be segregated into different bins according to the sizes of the aggregates. There is a control
cabin just adjacent to the dryer. This cabin holds all the system required for the making of the design
mix. It has a panel where the data is fed into the system and the same instructions are given to the
mechanised parts in the plant. Hence according to the proportions there will be a weighing system
which will pour out the aggregates into a mixer. Apart from the aggregates there will be bitumen
stored in a cylinder which will be added to that mixture according to its amount as fed by the system.
This whole mixture of aggregates and bitumen and also cement will be mixed thoroughly and will be
allowed to fall onto the dumper (10 wheel lorry) or a tipper (an 8 wheel lorry) in terms of batches. Each
lorry will carry a load of about six batches and that means it would account for around six tons.

The fuel used is mainly LDO (Light Density Oil), FO (Furnace Oil). The LDO is used in the dryer for
heating the mixture.

Specifications: Hot Bin Temp.: 170

Bitumen Temp.: 160

Wt. Of one batch: 1600 Kg (including the bitumen)

Wt. Of bitumen (VG-30): 4.53%= 4.53 × 100
= 82𝑘𝑔
There are ducts at various locations which will try to reduce the amount of dust that was being
released onto the atmosphere. The dust thus collected in the ducts is sent into the silo and is subjected
to high revolutionary speeds by the air and the material in the order of microns will be sent into the
filters where it is let out as a waste. The 1mm and 2mm stones are fed into the elevator and
subsequently thrown into the vibrating sieves.

The plant though its capacity is around 3lac tons, it is presently been able to produce more than 4lac.
ton material with some minor repairs.

The figure shows the Front View of the Hot Mix Asphalt Plant

This is the view showcasing the dumper

waiting for the load to be unloaded onto it.
The fig. Shows the feeder bins containing aggregates (10mm, 20mm and 40mm) and dust

The fig. Shows the Generator (power

source for the HM plant)

The fig. Shows the control cabin and the

personnel operating the Hot Mix Plant.
The pictures gives us information about the Temperature of the feeder bins, Amount of
material being discharged every day and the front view of the Hot Mix Asphalt Plant.
Wet Mix Plant
The main purpose of Wet Mix Macadam (WMM) plant is to produce Wet Mix Macadam which
constitutes the layer between GSB (Granular Sub-Base) and DBM (Dense Bituminous Macadam). The
main constituents of WMM are 20mm, 10mm and dust. Hence the requirement of the WMM plant is a

The WMM plant, unlike the HM plant is very simple not only in its operation but also in its
configuration. The plant consists of Feeder bins where the aggregates of different sizes are stacked. The
bins have a conveyor belt at the bottom where the required amount of aggregates is released onto it
and carried into the pug mill where the paddles make a homogenous mixture of all the aggregates by
adding water. This mixture is thus sent through the bottom outlets into another conveyer belt which
dumps the material into a surge hopper through which the aggregates are loaded onto the dumper for
carrying it to the site.

Fig. Shows the he Wet Mix Plant –Feeder bins, Conveyer belt, Pug mill, Second conveyer
belt, Surge hopper, Dumper underneath the hopper, Control Cabin (Left to Right)
Pug Mill (containing paddles) for mixing the aggregates by adding water to make a uniform
homogeneous mixture

The figure showing the

dumping of load(Wet
Mix Macadam) in terms
of batches into the
Concrete Batching Plant
Concrete  cement + aggregates + sand +water + admixtures
There are many types of concrete available (M15, M20, M30, M40, M50) created by varying the
proportions of the main ingredients above. The concept that governs all these types is called “Design

Design Mix: - The process of selecting suitable ingredients of concrete and determining their relative
amounts with the objective of producing a concrete of the required, strength, durability and
workability as economically as possible, is termed the concrete mix design. The mix design depends on
the type of structure being built, how the concrete will be mixed and delivered and how it will be
placed to form this structure.

Figure gives us an idea of what a design mix is about. Shown here is M-50 design mix

The design mix thus prepared according to SP-23 and IS 10262 when approved on the basis of the
workability and consistency tests (Slump Test, Compression tests) has to be produced in bulk quantities
to meet the requirements of the field. For that purpose we need a concrete batching Plant that would
cater to this need.
A concrete plant, also known as a batch plant, is a device that combines various ingredients to form
concrete. There are two types of concrete plants: ready mix plants and central mix plants. A concrete
plant can have a variety of parts and accessories  mixers, cement batchers, aggregate batchers,
conveyors, radial stackers, aggregate bins, cement bins, heaters, chillers, cement silos, batch plant
controls, and dust collectors (to minimize environmental pollution).

The center of concrete batching plant is the mixer. There are three types of mixer, Tilt, pan, and twin
shaft mixer. The twin shaft mixer can ensure even mixture of concrete and large output, while the tilt
mixer offers a consistent mix with much less maintenance labor and cost.

A ready mix plant combines all ingredients except for water at the concrete plant. This mixture is then
discharged into a ready mix truck (also known as a concrete transport truck). Water is then added to
the mix in the truck and mixed during transport to the job site.

A central mix plant combines some or all of the above ingredients (including water) at a central
location. The final product is then transported to the job site. Central mix plants differ from ready mix
plants in that they offer the end user a much more consistent product, since all the ingredient mixing is
done in a central location and is computer-assisted to ensure uniformity of product. A concrete plant
becomes central mix with the addition of a concrete mixer.

The plant where I was working was a Central Mix Concrete Batching Plant.

Automation and controls

The concrete batching plant employs a computer aided control to assist in fast, accurate measurement
of input constituents or ingredients, as well as tie together the various parts and accessories for
coordinated and safe operation. With concrete performance so dependent on accurate water
measurement, systems will often use moisture probes
to measure the amount of water that is part of the
aggregate (sand and rock) material while it is being
weighed, and then automatically compensate the mix
design water target.
The dosing of the materials (aggregate, sand) is done by the JCB or loader. Then the scrapper is used to
feed the material to the bin according to our requirements. All the material from the bin is again sent
into the collector. The cement which is brought from the cement plant by Bulkers is transported into
the silos using motors. From the silos the cement is added into the collector using a conveyor belt.
There is a water tank in place to add the necessary amount of water. Now all the material that has
been collected is sent into the mixer and by adding admixtures the mixture is mixed thoroughly. Then
the mixer is poured into the Transit Mixer to carry it to the site. The time of dispatch is noted so that
the time of pouring the concrete is well within the setting times.

Figure shows the batching plant (Silos, Bulker, Scrapper, Feeder bins, Collector, Mixer)

The Fig. shows the Transit Mixer

which carries the concrete
The crusher is the most important and indispensible one for the project especially for this one. For any
layer of the road, the main ingredient or the constituent happens to be the aggregate. Now we have to
examine the source of the aggregates. They are obtained from Quarries.

What is a Quarry?
A quarry is a type of open-pit mine from which rock or minerals are extracted. Quarries are generally
used for extracting building materials, such as dimension stone, construction aggregate, riprap, sand,
and gravel. They are often collocated with concrete and asphalt plants due to the requirement for large
amounts of aggregate in those materials. The word quarry can include underground quarrying for
stone, such as Bath stone.

What is a Crusher?
The large rocks thus obtained from the quarries (i.e., that are obtained on blasting) are fed into the
crusher. The crusher is designed to reduce these large rocks into smaller rocks, gravel, or rock dust.
Crushers are used to reduce the size of a solid mix of raw materials (as in rock ore), so that pieces of
different composition can be differentiated.

The crusher was using a metal surface to break or compress the rocks. There were two crushers which
were being used, can be called as primary and secondary crushers. They are mainly classified based on
the basis of the point to which the rock was being fragmented.

The Two crushers being used are

1. Jaw Crusher
2. Cone crusher

In operation, the raw material (of various sizes) is delivered to the primary crusher's (Jaw
Crusher) hopper by dump trucks, excavators or wheeled front-end loaders. A feeder device, in
this case a vibrating grid controls the rate at which this material enters the crusher. Primary
crushing reduces the large pieces to a size which can be handled by the downstream machinery.

Jaw crusher
Operation of a jaw crusher

The jaw crusher consists of a set of vertical jaws, one jaw being fixed and the other being moved back
and forth relative to it. The jaws are farther apart at the top than at the bottom so that the material is
crushed progressively smaller and smaller as it travels downward until it is small enough to escape from
the bottom opening. The movement of the jaw can be quite small, since complete crushing is not
performed in one stroke. The inertia required to crush the material is provided by a weighted flywheel
that moves a shaft creating an eccentric motion that causes the closing of the gap.

The figure explains clearly the operation of the Jaw crusher starting from the dumping of
rocks into the hopper followed by the crushing which is powered by the flywheel.
Cone crusher

The cone crusher is used as a secondary crusher wherein the crushed aggregates from the primary
crusher are fed into it and the processed aggregates are then discharged from the bottom onto the
conveyer belt through which they are carried on to the vibrating screens. The screens are nothing but
mechanized sieves that differentiate the desired aggregates from the undesired ones. The undesired
aggregates are again sent back for crushing.

Figure shows the cone crusher where the crushed material was coming into it from the top
and the processed material was delivered from the bottom discharge

Figure shows the vibrating screens

used to differentiate the aggregates
based on their sizes (20mm, 10mm
and dust)
The hopper acts as a junction
where the desired aggregates
are sent to the subsequent
processes and the undesired
ones are sent back to the

Behind the hopper, the control cabin is seen where the controls of the equipment are

The figure might give

us an idea of the
magnitude of the
surrounding the
crushing system at the
Store and Garage
The function of store is to provide all the materials that are required for the completion of the project.
Starting from the Aggregates, Cement, Bitumen, etc till the point of installing HDP pipes, Chain Link
Fencing, crash barrier the store supplies the materials. The store also is responsible of providing the
replacement of parts for the machinery at the plant like the Tyres, Tubes, etc. The store and the
Account section will function in coordination with each other to meet these material needs.

Weigh Bridge and Diesel Bunk:

The weigh Tran is also under the care of the Store. The weigh Tran is used to record the amount of
load that is coming into the camp site. The weigh Tran is usually kept at the starting of the camp site in
order to measure the quantity (in tons) of material (Aggregates, Cement, Steel) coming inside and
going out. The diesel bunk is also under the care of the store. The amount of fuel for each vehicle is
jotted down and the mileage is noted down. Any Discrepancies related to these will be sorted out and
the necessary action will be taken. The quantity (in tons for material/in litres for the fuel) is fed into the
database and the same is forwarded to the account section for billing and to audit the expenses.

The figures show the store and the different items that are bought by it.
The Figure shows the dumper stopped on the Weigh Tran to record the weight

The fig. shows the mobile Diesel bunk for the fuel requirements of the vehicles working at the
The garage
The camp is located away from the civilisation. The site work takes place far away from the normal
habitat. There is no way that for any repair (minor/major) we can take the vehicle to the mechanic or
fetch the mechanic to the place where the vehicle got failed. Those are heavy machinery and we can’t
think of doing either of the things mentioned above. It is time consuming and not an effective solution
to the problem. It might be that the vehicle may stop suddenly even after the repair. Well, in order to
mitigate such problems a garage is kept in place so that it could address all the problems and
grievances reported by the drivers of that heavy machinery.

(From Top Left to Bottom Right) The figure shows the Garage, the Kirloskar engine (Second engine),
the spares and equipments, the mechanic with the batteries.
The lab tests and the site execution helped me in my understanding of various concepts especially
the correlation between the lab tests and the site work which I was very unsure and unclear. The lab
tests like FDT, Proctor, Concrete design Mix, B.C Mix Design garnered my understanding. The execution
of the work at the site was an immense help to me in understanding how the civil engineering
especially the transportation industry functions. The CAD drawings helped me in visualising the
structure and the typical cross section of the roads.

All in all the two months stay at Gayatri has been an unforgettable experience in terms of the
technical knowledge that I have gained and also the beauty of the work culture here at this

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