NEET UG EWS Reservation Circular MoHFW

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No. V.

11025 /10 / 2019-MEP

Governrnent of Inclia
Ministry of Health& Family Welfare

Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi

Dated the lgApril,2079

Sh. Vineet Joshi
Director General
National Testing Agency,
Block C -20/1Af B,Sector 62, IITK Outreach Centre,
Gautam Buddh Nagar, Noic{a - 207309.

subjcct: Clarificati.. regarc.ri^g EWS f.r NEET (uc) - 2019 _ reg.

I arn clirectecl to refer to e-rnail clatecl 22.03.2079 on the subject mentioneci above
autl to sav that the reservatiorr for EWS shall be applicable
to NEET (uG) subject to the
cc'rt'tciitiot-ts as melrtiotrecl irr this Miuistrl,'s
lettel clateri 29.07.2019(c.p' e,closecl). Further,
the qualifr''i,g perce'rtile for EWS categorv is
50 prglcenlilc ancl he^ce there is r-*r ,eecl t<r
trakt' auv changes in the orrline Application Fomr or
provicling separate merit list f.r
EWS categolv' The cantlitlates of EWS categorv
mav inclicate their categorv at the tirne of
registrartiotr for cour-rseling.

2' lt is also iuforurecl tl-rat tl-re EWS cluota lvill bc prroviclerl agairrst the increasec.l seats
antl the iigure of the itlcreasetl intakt'shall be krror,vr-r
b1,31.05.2019 r,r,hich is the last ciate
fot" srant of pen-nissiou for starting
/ iucreasc of intake. capacity for MBBS courses.
Further' the counseling authorities sl-rall itlerrtifr, the
Institutions giving EWS quota ancl
cc-rr-rriuct cou.seling for these seats as a
sepal.ate categorl,.

Yours faithfully,

(Amit Biswas)
Urlder Secretary to the Govt. of India

Encl: As above.
r.No.v.1 1025 / r0/ ?01 9.l|1EP

Nirman Bhawan, Ncw Delhi,

'l'n Dated: Z9th fanuary, ?019

PrincipaI Secretaries of arr Srates/urs, (MetJrr:aI

(As per tisrl

5uB: Reservation ktr Economically weaker seclicns (Ewss)

Educational Institutions * Regarding --r for
'--' admission in central

I arn dir*cred to enclose h*rewith
a copy of 0.1v1. dared 17 "0L.201g of the Ministry
of lluman Rtsottrce Devclopmcnt lbr implenrentation
of reservation for Economically
weal<er seclions IHWSs) in admissi(]n
to educationai inslitutions from acadcmic year
?019'20 onwards for students/candiclates
who are not cov*red under the exisling
schemes of reservation of sc/51'/0sc
and as per the n:andate of thc constitution (0ne
Flundred and Third Amendment)
Act, ?019 to say:

aJ The I Instilutions of excellence, research

instirutions and institutions of
national and strategic irrrportance
als spccified in the schcclule
firlucational Institutions to The central
fReseryalion in Admission] Act, 2006 and minority
etlucational institutions referred
ro in Articre 30{u of the constitution
exernpted from the operation are
of this Amendrnent Acr., 201g. lt
North flastern lndira caridhi is infornred that
Regional Insrirute of Llealth
shillong iNEIGRIHMsi is one anrJ lvfedical science,
of the B Institutions exemptecr
by the Acr, 2006,
b) uvery central L'ducational lnstitution shall,
appropriate authorrty as wrth the prior approval of the
defineri in clause (cJ or section
ittcrease the nurnber 2 the Act, 2006,
of 'teats rlver ancl above 'f' strength
iLs annual permitted
so that ,h* numher nr scars
;::1,.fi;T:.:',::::;fl,fi;'* avairabre.
- ber o r,,.h
u*, r,': ff ,:H:,:. ::H
il,:_ff [Tii;, I ffill"liX
;*: ldiatc[y preceding the tlate r:f corning
guidclines. into force of these

cj )'he appiicability nf this Atnenriment

Act, z0tg fur rire increase
ffi Ji::Xi:, T:,,J fi l,:,ff ;;;.of annuar
ca,r em c y**. ro, o*
*** e
a i r in

l;t'u r"lgt h (*t il n oi he itn pri

*l** n ti:,J f* r son, o f fi nr ll;:,,,X;;ffi
linrilarinn t-tt'i. *rt'riq:r'l*;r1,sip1x;:i*
Iirr strndarcls of education,
Ite lntgaf * nren t*# Li$*r such increase can
,t ;:rr.l.iL:il , ri {i.vr r ,.rrjars
beginning with the academic

session 2019.20, after the representation by the central Education lnstitution

grounds as
to the appropriate autho.ity and sublect to its satistaction on the
stated above. At any stage of implementation of EWS reservation'

d) It is mentioned that no reservation is applicab)e in Super Specialry

e) AII State Covernments/UTs have also been requested to give effect to the

provisions of the said Constitution Anrendrnent Act in respect of all


education insritutions funded/aided, directly or indirectly by the


Governmcnt staning from the academir year 2AL9'20'

The tsoard of Covcrnors in supersession of Medical Council

of tndia' National
Board of Examination, Dcntal council of lndia, tntlian Nursing
council and Pharmacy
Constitution (Amendment) Act,2019 wjth immediate effect'

provisions of the Amendment Act in the MedicallDental/Nursing/Pharmacy
I nstiturions/ Bod ies etc under their controi.

Encl: As Above.
Yours faithfullY,
(Amit Eiswas)
Under Secretary to Government of lndia
'lel: 011 2306 1120.
Copy to:
1. DS (Dental Education)
2. DS (Nursing&AHS]

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