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Current Biology


Feature As for the much-debated phosphate

rock reserves, M.C. Mew from the
Where is all the phosphorus? commodities consultancy CRU
International in London, UK, argues
Phosphorus is contained in every living cell and is thus widespread on our planet. that shortages aren’t an imminent
And yet, the depletion of the rare mineral resources of phosphate rock and the concern, especially because progress
eutrophication of water courses indicate that humanity’s unidirectional use of the in extraction technology still widens
element is unsustainable. Ideas for better phosphorus management are available, the range of materials that can be
but a successful global strategy will require keeping track of the element’s commercially exploited. Thus, “today’s
whereabouts. Michael Gross reports. tailings pile is tomorrow’s reserve, given
new technology,” Mew writes (Sci. Total
Environ. (2016) 542, 1008–1012).
Every living cell is surrounded by a up in the hydrological cycle, either as Still, Mew confirms that price spikes
phospholipid membrane, so it has run-off from the fields, or when we flush have happened and can happen
to contain phosphorus just to exist. our toilets. Enriching the environment again, due to economic reasons such
Most cells also have it in their DNA, with phosphorus creates its own set of as investment costs. In a globalised
in their energy carrier ATP, and in their problems, including eutrophication of agricultural market dependent on
signalling nucleotides such as GTP, as water courses. phosphorus as an essential and usually
well as in phosphoproteins and other Thus, the case has been made sparse nutrient for plants, price volatility
biomolecules. to rethink the entire global use of can directly translate to matching rises
This widespread use in essential phosphorus, and to replace the one- in food prices and thus threats to the
biological functions reflects the way supply chain with closed cycles to food security in the poorer parts of the
abundance of the element, which avoid the problems at both ends. Due world (Curr. Biol. (2011) 21, R795–R798).
makes up 0.09% of the Earth’s crust to the thin and uneven spread of the Outside the few places where the
by weight. Due to its high affinity to element around the globe, the situation element occurs in concentrated mineral
oxygen, it usually occurs in the shape is quite complex, however, and science form, the distribution around the planet
of phosphates such as apatites, which has to begin by asking where the is disperse and often unpredictable.
are often found as fossil deposits of phosphorus is, and in which directions Australia is a case in point, as
ancient life forms, but can also be of it moves. elaborated by Raphael Viscarra Rossel
geological origin and associated with and Elisabeth Bui from CSIRO at
basalts, which by their weathering may Sources Canberra, who present a new, highly
naturally release the element to the soil. A recent special issue of the journal detailed map of the phosphorus stocks
And yet, the fear that we may run Science of the Total Environment, in Australian soil (Sci. Total Environ.
out of phosphorus resources within organised by Andrea Ulrich from (2016) 542, 1040–1049).
decades resurfaces again and again. the Federal Office for Agriculture, In contrast to large parts of the
Mineral reservoirs of phosphate rock Switzerland, is dedicated to taking Northern hemisphere covered by
are concentrated in a few countries. stock of phosphorus sources, sinks and glaciation as recently as 20,000 years
As with oil reserves, geopolitics flows (Sci. Total Environ. (2016) 542, ago, Australian soils have had an
comes into the equation. Morocco 1005–1007). uninterrupted history of phosphorus
controls more than two thirds of the
reserves estimated to be commercially
exploitable, while China, Algeria and
Syria are the runners-up with shares in
the single-digit percentages.
The estimates are highly
controversial, and so the time span
that the resources would last based on
current usage may be several decades
or several centuries, according to
different sources. Even under the more
optimistic scenarios, however, the
uneven distribution of reserves is a
cause for concern, as political problems
in the main supply nations could drive
up prices and thereby affect global food
While some of the phosphorus that
is mined and used as fertiliser will
be incorporated into our bones and Rare resource: Although phosphorus is one of the more abundant elements in Earth’s crust, min-
teeth as well as our DNA and cell erals containing it in concentrated form occur only in very few areas, including North Africa. The
membranes, most of it is going to end image shows a phosphate mine in Selja Gorge, Tunisia. (Photo: Keith Roper/Flickr (CC-BY 2.0).)

Current Biology 27, R1141–R1155, November 6, 2017 R1141

Current Biology


depends on the lake ecosystem for its

Ulrich and colleagues report that
the application of phosphate fertilisers
in the Lake Winnipeg Basin has
quadrupled since the 1970s and that
the total phosphorus load arriving into
the lake per year is estimated to be
8,000 tons. As a result, large blooms
of cyanobacteria (in the environmental
context still referred to as blue-green
algae, although they are bacteria)
occur in the summer months and have
expanded steadily since the 1990s.
They are now covering a surface of
more than 10,000 km2, or more than
40% of the surface of the entire lake.
These blooms can release toxins that
become dangerous for wildlife and
Colourful continent: Australian soil is generally poor in phosphorus, but in certain areas the
While Canada has limited
weathering of volcanic minerals provides a natural source. The map can be downloaded from phosphorus reserves of its own, the Figure from Viscarra Rossel, R.A., and Bui, E.N. (2016). A new detailed scale on which it is used for fertilisation
map of total phosphorus stocks in Australian soil. Sci. Total Environ. 542, 1040–1049. means that the country depends on
imports and could become vulnerable
extraction and erosion lasting millions thereby create dead zones, making the to market volatility. Thus, the authors
of years and are thus generally more water uninhabitable. This phenomenon, argue, essentially all the problems
limited in the nutrient than European eutrophication, has been known for surrounding the unsustainable use of
soils, for instance. Native Australian decades and is well-characterised phosphorus are combined in this one
plants have evolved to cope with ecologically. In the 1970s, the use of area.
phosphorus-poor soil conditions and phosphates in household detergents On this basis, they have studied
may not thrive in the artificially enriched was a key cause, which has since then the social context of the issues and
surroundings created by the age of been largely abolished. Nevertheless, found that different groups of people
fertilisers. the increasing use of fertilisers has tend to be aware of different parts
However, the Australian brought eutrophication back on the of the problem. The challenge to
continent also has areas that are agenda. science and society, they conclude,
rich in phosphorus, thanks to the Since the 1960s, the number of will be to create a discourse that joins
weathering of phosphorus minerals dead zones known has increased the dots and creates a sustainable
found in association with basalt dramatically from around a dozen to phosphorus stewardship regime that
in volcanic areas. These natural more than 400. Andrea Ulrich from ETH safeguards both supply security and
phosphorus sources are mostly Zurich, Switzerland, and colleagues the environment.
in the Eastern part of Australia. have highlighted the situation of Lake
By contrast, the authors found no Winnipeg in Manitoba, Canada, and Flows
latitudinal trend in the data. its watershed which covers parts of While agricultural lands and the
Uncertainties remain especially in Canada and the United States, as a case rivers that capture their run-off are an
areas with high phosphorus content, study of connecting the well-known important part of the global phosphorus
requiring further analyses. Moreover, environmental problem with the society cycle, cities are equally important, as
monitoring of nutrient levels and and political issues around it (Sci. Total they now accommodate more than
run-off from Eastern Australia is Environ. (2016) 542, 1030–1039). half of the world’s population, and
important for the conservation of the Lake Winnipeg is the world’s twelfth urbanisation is rising further (Curr.
surrounding marine habitats including largest lake and, like many other large Biol. (2016) 26, R1205–R1208). In
the Great Barrier Reef, which is lakes (Curr. Biol. (2017) 27, R43–R46), it general, cities import phosphorus in the
already in acute danger (Curr. Biol. is a focus of environmental concerns. It shape of food and release it into the
(2016) 26, R257–R259). is particularly vulnerable due to its large environment via their waste disposal
watershed and mostly quite shallow streams.
Sinks waters. It epitomises our conflicted A number of studies have already
Excess phosphorus fertiliser applied relation with nature in that it receives analysed the phosphorus flows in
to the fields risks running off into water run-off from large agricultural areas, Swedish cities including Gothenburg,
courses and ending up in rivers and as well as treated wastewater from big Linköping and Stockholm. Jiechen Wu
lakes. It encourages algal blooms cities, while a significant indigenous and colleagues from the KTH Royal
which deplete the water of oxygen and population resides on its shores and Institute of Technology at Stockholm

R1142 Current Biology 27, R1141–R1155, November 6, 2017

Current Biology


have analysed different scenarios for

the future development of flows in
the city, under different assumptions
regarding the changing behaviour
of its inhabitants (Sci. Total Environ.
(2016) 542, 1094–1105). They note that
only 10% of the phosphorus currently
flowing through the city is recycled.
Understanding the flows and improving
the situation, the authors say, requires
taking account of both upstream and
downstream processes.
The rapid growth of the urban
population, however, is mainly
happening in the megacities of the
developing world, around the tropics.
Due to their unbridled expansion,
infrastructure and waste disposal
systems are often lagging behind, and
data on resource and waste streams
are also difficult to obtain.
Chongchin Polprasert from Tulane
University at New Orleans, USA, with
colleagues based at Thai institutions,
has quantified the phosphorus flows Smelly stuff: Using manure as a fertiliser can be a laudable contribution to phosphorus recycling,
of Bangkok (Sci. Total Environ. (2016) but is sometimes misused as waste disposal on land where fertiliser wasn’t necessary. (Photo:
542, 1106–1116). Very little information Alan Findlay/Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 2.0).)
was available about the situation there
beforehand, so the authors had to lay involving institutions from the UK, small facilities and septic tanks. The
the groundwork and establish where Ireland, Benelux, France, Germany and idea is that the algae end up forming
the phosphorus goes, and which of the Switzerland, aims to tap the potential biofilms which can then be processed
waste streams containing the element for phosphorus recycling in this region. into phosphorus-rich fertilisers.
may be suitable for recycling. As a The region is entirely dependent In a sense, the use of manure as
country with very little phosphorus on imports for its need of phosphate fertiliser also constitutes an example
minerals, Thailand has a vital interest in minerals. It is estimated, however, that of phosphorus recycling on the
identifying opportunities for recycling, 45% of this demand could be met by local scale. However, in modern,
to become less vulnerable to fertiliser closing the phosphorus cycle. The industrialised agriculture, animal
price increases. goal is that when the project ends in production is often geographically
On a national and supranational 2020, the region can realise 3.5% of the distant from crop production, meaning
level, Kimo van Dijk and colleagues estimated recycling potential, 35% in that there are logistical problems and
from Wageningen University in the 2025, and 90% in 2030. there have been reports of unnecessary
Netherlands have analysed phosphorus To this end, the project chaired by the application of manure to fields as
flows in the European Union and its Lippeverband (the water management a way of disposal, which of course
member states (Sci. Total Environ. association of the Lippe, a tributary only exacerbates the environmental
(2016) 542, 1078–1093). Of these, of the river Rhine) in Germany problems caused by fertilisers.
only Finland has a significant amount supports 44 enterprises by producing On the larger utilities scale, sporadic
of phosphate minerals. Thus, overall demonstrators in real-life conditions of examples of promising solutions
the EU imports large quantities of six phosphorus-recovery technologies already exist, for instance at the water
phosphorus as raw material, fertiliser for municipal sewage water and five treatment plant in Minworth, UK, which
or food, and much of this is either new products from phosphorus- serves a population of 1.7 million
accumulating in soils or released to recycling processes for fertiliser. people in the Birmingham metropolitan
the environment. Thus far, only a small The project also involves the area. Adapting a technology first
part of the phosphorus is recycled, but development of new technologies applied in Delft in the Netherlands,
efforts are underway to change that. adapted to the local requirements. the plant has recently switched to
In Scotland, for instance, where efficient removal of both nitrogen and
Solutions wastewater treatment in thinly phosphorus from the water it treats, a
The EU-funded Northwestern European populated areas happens on small change that had become necessary as
initiative Phos4You recently had scales, the research group of Ole Pahl the nutrient content of its outflow was
its official launch at the European at Glasgow Caledonian University exceeding environmental limits.
Nutrient Event at Basel, Switzerland, is developing an algae fermentation The biological process used is based
from October 18 to 20. The project, process to retrieve phosphorus from on anaerobic ammonia oxidation

Current Biology 27, R1141–R1155, November 6, 2017 R1143

Current Biology


(anammox), a natural process in the Q&A

oceans that was only discovered
in the mid-1990s. It involves the
conversion of part of the ammonia
Geerat Vermeij
to nitrite by Nitrosomonas bacteria,
then anaerobic (anammox) bacteria Geerat J. Vermeij was born in
react nitrite with the remaining the Netherlands and is professor
ammonia to form molecular nitrogen. of paleobiology at the University
This second step occurs on a large of California at Davis. Blind from
scale in oxygen-depleted parts of the the age of three, he graduated
oceans and is estimated to account from Princeton in 1968 and received
for between a third and a half of the his Ph.D. in biology from Yale in
natural production of nitrogen gas. The 1971. As an evolutionary biologist
installation of the anammox process and paleontologist, he studies fossil
at Minworth also enabled the efficient and living molluscs and has published
biological removal of phosphate within more than 250 scientific papers on
the same sludge stream. Other utilities subjects ranging from taxonomy to
use magnesium oxide to precipitate functional morphology, patterns in the
phosphate as the mineral struvite, history of life, invasion, the causes of
which can be used as fertiliser. extinction, and the relation between
In some ways, the problems around economics and evolution. His books
the fertiliser elements phosphorus include Evolution and Escalation:
and nitrogen, although very different, An Ecological History of Life; A
are connected to each other. Since Natural History of Shells; Privileged
the industrial roll-out of the Haber Hands; Nature: An Economic History, Photo: UC Davis.
synthesis, just over a century ago, and The Evolutionary World: How
human activities have more than Adaptation Explains Everything from dramatically different vegetation that
doubled the global amount of reactive Seashells to Civilization. He received I began to ask what might account
nitrogen compounds in circulation a MacArthur Fellowship in 1992, and for the variety of noisy, fragrant, and
(Curr. Biol. (2012) 22, R1–R4). This has the Daniel Giraud Elliot Medal from sometimes even poisonous creatures
enabled the explosion of the human the National Academy of Sciences in our new home. A fourth-grade
population in the 20th century, and also in 2000. In 2006, he received the teacher, who brought shells to her
harmed ecosystems in multiple ways. Paleontological Society Medal. He was classroom from Florida, kindled my
However, as nitrogen is abundant a member of the Board of Trustees at scientific interest in shells. With
and free to take from the atmosphere the California Academy of Sciences the help of my mother, father and
and will eventually return to it, there is from 2006–2015. brother, I began to read everything I
no supply shortage for this element, could about shells, the sea, biology,
and ecological impacts of its excess What turned you on to biology in and general science. My path to
application remain the main concern. the first place? I cannot remember academia was thus an exceptionally
Where nitrogen is abundant, a time when I did not love natural straight one.
phosphorus is bound to become history. My parents were both avid
limiting, and with this element the nature lovers, and my father had If you would not have made it as
situation is much more complex. training in arboriculture. When still a a scientist, what would you have
Natural cycling of the element between small boy in the Netherlands, I picked become? It is almost inconceivable to
the living world and geology runs on the up shells from the beach. Even at me to have been anything other than
timescale of millions of years. Fertiliser the school for the blind, where I a scientist, but my life-long love of
producers trying to keep up with the spent most of the first five years classical music might have propelled
pace set by nitrogen are at risk of using of my education, I was fascinated me into a musical career. Whether I
up limited resources while excess by the pines and the birds on the would have had the talent for it will
application pollutes our waters. school grounds, though my existence forever remain unanswered.
We have outrun the big, slow geo- there was a most unhappy one. My
biological cycle with a quick and dirty parents, who had been thinking about Do you have a scientific hero? If
one-way street. The challenge now is emigration for some time, looked I had to choose a single scientific
to replace that again with many small for a situation where I could go to hero, it would be Alfred G. Fischer,
phosphorus cycles, each adapted to school while living at home, and whose courses I took at Princeton
the local resources, requirements and settled on a plan to emigrate to New and whom I came to know quite
flows. Jersey, which at that time had one well as an undergraduate there.
of the most progressive philosophies Fischer was a palaeontologist and
Michael Gross is a science writer based at about integrating blind children geologist who had spent time in Peru
Oxford. He can be contacted via his web page into public schools. Once in the and Ecuador as well as working out
at United States, I was so taken by the geological problems in the Alps.

R1144 Current Biology 27, R1141–R1155, November 6, 2017

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