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087 china

Chang in the
Church he built
in Shanghai

suspended from the ceiling), Wang says

Praying for Success

she is impressed and plans to return.
“There is a lot of kindness in this place,”
she says.
That’s good news for Richard Chang,

In Shanghai
the Taiwanese-American chief execu-
tive of SMIC. Chang, who eschews
the expensive suits, flashy watches,
and other bling favored by China’s
new business class, says spreading the
Short on profits but long on Christian faith, gospel is a key part of his work. He and
his colleagues “were called to China
chipmaker SMIC evangelizes its workers to share God’s love,” Chang says. That
sort of talk is rare in a country ruled by
a Communist Party that is officially
By Bruce Einhorn and Chi-Chu Tschang new-employee training program. atheist and has a long history of hostil-
SHANGHAI It didn’t hurt that top SMIC execu- ity toward Christianity. Yet Chang,
On a gray Sunday morn- tives had helped set up the church. 60, feels no hesitation in describing
ing, some 800 people are “The leaders care about us,” Wang says. the role his faith plays in his business
crammed into Thanksgiving Church “Apparently everyone is a Christian, life. “The Lord says, ‘Do good things to
in Shanghai. Among the congregants so we wanted to take a look.” Adds her those in need,’” he says.
is Wang Cuimei, a 21-year-old from friend Liang Shuihong, 21: “We have a Chang could use some help himself.
a village in northern China. She just responsibility and a duty as employees He spent nearly three decades at Texas
started working at Semiconductor to go.” So the pair made the five-minute Instruments and other semiconductor
Manufacturing International Co., walk to the church from their SMIC companies before launching SMIC in
whose headquarters are down the dorm. Following a sermon from the 2000. Since then, he has built the com-

street. While Wang isn’t a Christian, government-approved pastor, and pany into China’s largest chipmaker,
she decided to attend the service after much singing of hymns (with Chinese with operations in five cities, and the
hearing about it from the leader of her lyrics projected onto giant screens world’s No. 3 foundry, or contract man-

BUSINESSWEEK I J U LY 14 & 21, 2008

is growing in
China, despite

ufacturer of semiconductors. But even CEO of the World Evangelical Alliance,

with a slew of A-list customers such as traveled to China in April, and Franklin
Qualcomm, Toshiba, Broadcom, and Graham, Billy Graham’s son and heir,
Freescale, Chang has struggled to make gave a Sunday sermon in May to 12,000
the company profitable. SMIC lost people in the eastern city of Hangzhou.
$19.5 million on sales of $1.5 billion last Few mix the Bible and business as
year, and its New York-traded Ameri- openly as Chang. He helped fund the
can depositary receipts have dropped church in Shanghai—which opened
more than 80% since the company’s on Christmas Day 2005—and several
initial public offering in 2004. others across the country. He empha-
sizes that the money is his own, not
help from above SMIC’s, and says the company doesn’t
Righting the ship is now Chang’s big- force anyone to attend services. “If they
gest business challenge. In April, SMIC want to know more about Christianity,”
announced it had phased out memory he says, “we encourage them.” Adds
chips, which once contributed a major-
ity of the company’s revenue, because
it’s so difficult to turn a profit in that Richard Chang
cyclical business. Instead, SMIC is
Born: 1948, Taiwan
focusing more on higher-end chips. In
December the company signed a deal Job: CEO, Semiconductor Manufac-
to license advanced chip manufactur- turing International
ing technology from IBM. And SMIC
says it’s talking with potential strategic Education: PhD, Southern Methodist
investors interested in taking a stake in University
the company to help fund new, multi-
billion-dollar chip plants. “We knew Career: Spent three decades at Texas
Instruments before returning to Taiwan
there would be challenges [in China]
in 1998 to launch Worldwide Semicon-
but we knew the Lord would help us to ductor Manufacturing. Sold that
solve the difficulties,” Chang says. company in 2000, then moved to
Chang’s efforts are part of a grow- Shanghai to start SMIC.
ing focus on China by evangelical
Christians from the West. Although Religion: At age 3, Christianity
Beijing requires all congregations to became more important after his
adhere to a one-size-fits-all Protes- mother recovered from TB. Says he
tant church that doesn’t differentiate was “born-again” as a teenager.
Str / AP Photo

among Methodists, Baptists, or others,

Guiding belief: “We were called to
there are signs that evangelicals are China to share God’s love.”
gaining popularity. Geoff Tunnicliffe,

BUSINESSWEEK I J U LY 14 & 21, 2008


Pastor Shen Xuebin, associate general because we hope to spread the Gospel,” And SMIC provides stock and op-
secretary of the Shanghai Christian he says. tions to every worker. “With the Lord’s
Council, the government body that For his part, Pastor Shen says he’s blessing, we believe that stock options
oversees official Protestant churches in happy to get support from Chang may significantly benefit employees,”
the city: “This is not a foreign company and other SMIC executives. There’s he says. And if more of those employ-
that built a church here. China’s church no conflict, he says, between the ees drop by Thanksgiving Church on
built this church.” Party’s goals and what the Christians Sunday mornings, all the better. ^
are doing. “We are contributing to
christian leadership economic reforms,” says Shen. Indeed,
Chang, who says he was born-again as for a government that antagonizes the
a teenager in Taiwan, has helped draw Vatican by appointing its own bishops, Links
many other evangelicals to Shanghai. suppresses the indigenous Falun Gong
Matthew Szymanski, an evangelical religious movement, and vilifies the A Blessing for Food Exports
Christian who joined SMIC in 2007 Dalai Lama, Chang and his Christian Although China has almost no
after working as a legislative aide on community at SMIC might even be Jews and few Chinese know the
Capitol Hill for the Republican House helpful. “The government realizes the meaning of “kosher,” the country is
the world’s fastest-growing
leadership, estimates there are 1,000 value of good religion,” says Chang. producer of kosher food. Nearly
Christians among the company’s Still, religion is a sensitive subject, 1,500 mainland factories now
12,000 employees, including “a sub- and Chang makes it clear that his good make kosher products, National
stantial minority” of top managers. works aren’t just church-related. He Public Radio reported on Feb. 5.
That’s not because Chinese diners
For instance David Lin, the 54-year- has, for instance, funded schools and
are giving up pork and shellfish,
old senior director of chip design set up training programs for young but because it’s good for
services, became a Christian in 1993 SMIC workers, and the company do- business. After the recent spate of
while working for AT&T Bell Labs in nated $140,000 to victims of the May tainted-food scares, kosher
Pennsylvania. Lin and his wife have earthquake in central China. He boasts certification helps boost
confidence in foods and additives
been active in various churches since that SMIC was one of the first Chinese exported from China.
arriving in Shanghai in 2002. “Our de- companies to provide psychological
cision to come to China was primarily counseling services for employees.

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