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Class: I13A5


 Phạm Việt Hoàng

 Nguyễn Hà Thu
 Lưu Thùy Linh
 Bùi Tấn Nghĩa

Instructor: Ms. Thanh Bình


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................................... 3

INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 4

1. Background: ....................................................................................................................... 4

2. Purpose/Rationale .............................................................................................................. 4

3. Research Questions: .......................................................................................................... 5

4. Method And Scope: ........................................................................................................... 5

5. Literature review: .............................................................................................................. 5

MAJOR FINDING........................................................................................................................ 7

1. The causes of depression ................................................................................................ 7

2. Awareness of depression in IBD students .................................................................... 12

3. The consequences of depression ............................................................................. 16

CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................... 17

REFERENCE ............................................................................................................................ 19

APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................. 20

1. Survey questionare .......................................................................................................... 20

2. List of table....................................................................................................................... 24


We are thankful to our International Bachelor Degree program of International

school of Management and Economics at National Economics University.

We are also thankful to our instructors Mrs. Thanh Binh for their valuable
guidance, encouragement and co-operation during the course.

Last but not least, the co-operation and help received from friends and students at
IBD is gracefully acknowledged.


1. Background:
Life is getting more and more modern and developing at the drop of a hat. People are
easily taking on the rhythm of life, which required a high focus on working or studying. It
is agreed that pressure can develop our ability to work with high productivity, but too
much pressure is very dangerous, because it will cause depression if people have to work
with high pressure for a long time. Depression is an extremely dangerous disease that
affects badly not only to our physical but also mental. A lot of suicide cases are related to
depression. A lot of people are subjective and do not care much about depression.
Actually, depression is a popular disease all around the world, Especially in developing
country like Japan, Korea, Singapore, ... Although all age groups are open to depression,
teenagers are the most common to be heard of being affected by the disease. This is
probably because of peer pressure and the changes in their life.

2. Purpose/Rationale
First, we want to find the answer for question: “Why are students depressed?”. Then we
can know detail about what the depression cause to many students.
According to scientists, depression is the cause of learning disabilities in college students.
Feeling sad, upset, or uncomfortable make students always angry, irritable, sad or
anxious for no reason. Sometimes they feel that they are useless, so they just want to give
up everything, even they may even appear to have negative thoughts such as suicide or
aggression against others. Therefore, we need to calm to solve the problems and think
optimally in order to prevent this situation and avoid leading to unpredictable
Second, after knowing the cause of this problem, we will show more detail about the
affection of depression because of the consequences which depression could brings to
college students, specially IBD students. Finally, we decided to do a research about
depression of IBD’s students to raise awareness of students about this disease and hope to
solve this problem.

3. Research Questions:
1. What are the causes of depression?
2. What do IBD Students think of depression?
3. What are solutions to decrease the depression for IBD students?

4. Method And Scope:

In this report, we will use internet to consult and find the information. All of that have
been confirmed.
In addition, we also find more information through newspaper or books. This
advantage of this method is high perception of data.
Finally, we are going to survey undergraduate to find their knowledge, perception,
awareness of this issue and attitude participant for the survey include selected both male
and female student undergraduate in national economic university. There are more than
10 questions in our survey, which divided two parts. Part one is general question about:
knowledge, awareness about depression. Another one will ask about their feelings of this
issue. The benefit of this method is high authenticity of data.

5. Literature review:
In 2015, WHO estimated that Vietnam has around 3.6 million people had depression -
nearly 4% of Vietnam population, (WHO 2017)1. In ”Trầm cảm – hãy cùng nói chuyện”
conference at Bach Mai hospital, Dr. Nguyen Doan Phuong stated that “In Vietnam,
depression has a growing trend on young generation. Nowadays, there is about 30% of
the population has or used to have mental illness and 25% of that is depression”, (Thai
Ha 2017). In addition, depression held responsible for 40000 deaths a year in Vietnam,
(Nguyen Hue 2017) . According to, depression of university students is
caused by sudden and dramatic changes; intense pressure; increased accessibility to
college; lack of efficiency in handling mental health issues; increased responsibility,
(Brown 2017)

According to American Psychiatric Association, depression is a popular and serious
mental illness which negatively change the way you think, act and feel, (Ranna Parekh,
2017)2. Therefore, the person’s performances at university or at work and even at home
will be affected due to the wide range of emotional and physical problems, it can even
lead to suicide. Without an appropriate treatment, the symptoms can last for months, even
There are many contributing factors that can lead to the symptoms of depression. We
can devide it into two main viewpoint: psychological, and biological (Shabad-Ratan, K.,
et al 2011) (Link
22b5.pdf). From the former viewpoint, there are even more things to be considered, as the
belief about the causes of depression varies from culture to culture. But they usually are:
social and personal cognitive problems. As for the biological viewpoint, depression may
be caused chemical unbalance in an individual physiology, or it could stem from other
Being depressed is tough but to overcome it is tougher, it needs a lot of help from
many factors. First and foremost, the most important solution is the depressed have full
awareness of his/her condition. There must be appropriate treatments for each individual,
as they might prefer counselling over medications and other kinds of treatments (Richard,
C., et al 2000) (Link ) In order to treat
depression properly and effectively, we must learn more about the background
information of the patient, therefore this research is done to assess the ongoing state of
this illness in IBD students to provide proper treatment.


1. The causes of depression:

A survey was made for IBD’s students to see the awareness of depression from
pressure. After publishing the questionnaires, 150 legitimate surveys have been
received from IBD students. Among 150 participants, 60% are undergraduate
from intake I13, and the percentage of I12. I11, I10 contain are 27%, 10% and 3% .
We asked them if they knew anything about depression and then,66,7 % of
participants said Yes,26,7% of them said Not too much and 6,6% said No.The
reason why the percentage of I13 is the highest because the first year student are
not familiar to the studying at University and they have to get used to with it.
From I13 to I10,the percentage becomes lower and lower.The last year student
have not easily get depression like the first year student because after 4 year
learning in IBD,they all know what they have to do,get enough knowledge and
being ready to land a job after graduating. The survey shows that the differences
between 4 courses.The more time you study at school,the more knowledges and
experiences you get.




I13 I12 I11 I10

Chart 1: which intakes join the survey

For IBD students, pressure is the biggest reason lead to depression. We asked
them what reasons make they get depression . They are all students so the most
reason lead to depression is the pressure from study . They have many problems
such as can not pass the exam,can not catch up with friends,… The top of chart

show that the percentage of those students is 66% . On the other side,21% of
IBD’s students said that they get pressure from the parttime job because they can
not do both study at school and work parttime job.As a result, the time
management is a key to solve the problem. If they knew how to manage time, they
wouln’t get pressure anymore. 13% of students said that the depression comes
from their relationship. Every student in IBD who did this survey knew that
problem, IBD’s students are very friendly and then, one student can have a lot of
friends. But,the problem is they often tell many things with each other such as a
couple had just loved for 3 days or a man had a new girlfriend after broking up
with his ex 4 days,…Those conservations are usually not lead to the good things
because it can easily make misunderstanding. Arccording to the survey,the most
reason of depression is study (66%) because they’re all student so they have to
study more and more. Relationship and parttime job are two smaller problems than
study because they aren’t the major reason,you can easily fix them.

Realationship Parttime job

13% 21%


Chart 2: Depression come from

a. Study:

First and foremost, the cause also the biggest pressure is study. As you can see in the
following chart, nearly half of participants (49,3%) students in IBD thought that parents
put the biggest pressure on them. This result is to be expected due to the Vietnamese
culture in which parents have high expectation of their children’s academic achievements.

Vietnamese also attach more importance to marks than the knowledge. Consequently,
students get more and more tension from these aspects.

Marks and the amount of materials are also to be expected as large contributors to IBD
undergraduates’ stress, with marks making up 25% of the answers and 17% of responses
are the amount of study.

Some of participants informed that their pressure come from their teachers, friends,
deadline and some people also put pressure on themselves, which have been given by 5%
of the participants.

Amount 5%
of materials



Chart 3: The biggest pressure on studying

Furthermore, we have also requested more detail on what participants feel when they get
bad marks. It is not suprising that 78% people who took part in this survey answer “yes”.
Those who answered “yes” were provided more question that what they did after they
have had bad marks. The result were equally divided between they will study harder to
get a better mark(54,4%) and keep dwelling into their despair.

Do Study
housework 3%
7% 61%
Watch TV 39%

Go out with Normal Boring

67% Chart5: Stundents
feelings if they can't
Chart 4: Activities afterschool do pastime activities

We asked people who joined this survey what their hobbies after school hours.
According to the pie chart, 67% participants hang out with friends after studying, 36%
are divided into 3 relatively equal parts, which are watch television, do housework, go to
extra classes. The rest 11 percent they will do other activities such as doing part-time jobs,
playing sports, reading books or drawing...
People who answered this question were also asked about their feelings if they couldn't
do what they prefer to do. The majority (61%) answered they felt discomforting if they
had to stop what they usually do or compromise for other unfavorable activities.
Participants were required to provide reasons and more information about their feelings
for such discomfort. To those who often goes out with their friends, this was due to the
need to fulfill social interactions. People who felt uneasy if they have to give up watching
TV, browse the internet or play sports after school mostly answered that it was their main
source of entertainment, and eliminating this would cause their daily life to be less
enthusiastic. The extra information provided by those who study more after school, read
books and work at part time jobs were mostly alike to each other. They suggest that their
sense of accomplishment would be compromised if they were prohibited from doing the
mentioned activities. All of the mentioned needs are considered to be basic human needs.
Futhermore, those who answered they have encountered this problem before felt
disheartened and if they have to stop their habits completely they would be in a frustrated
state identical to depression

GROUP 1 10
b. Parttime jobs:

This pie chart shows the percentage of IBD students working part-time.
As can be seen, nearly a half of the participants (48,7%) have a part time job while
studying in university. The percentage of students having a part time job while studying
in university is not as many as the other who don’t have a part time job. In fact, this is an
excessive figure though working part time is getting more popular these years. The figure
has shown a high level of students’ awareness about finding a job besides participating
in school studies.

1-2 hours
3-4 hours
More than 5 hours

Chart 6:Time per day students spent for their


The chart illustrated time IBD students spend for on jobs.

As we can see in the pie chart, they are mainly working from 3 to 4 hours (71,2%). There
is 24 hours in a day. Minus 4 hours of working, at least 4 hours of studying at school, 1
hour of studying at home, 8 hours of sleeping, 3 hours of eating, 1 hour of taking a
shower and personal hygiene, 1 hour of traveling from school to home, from school to
home, from home to work place and reverse, we only have 2 hours left. 2 hours are not
enough for us to relax after a hard-working day. If students have to work with high
pressure, they will be stressed, and stressed can lead to depression.
The chart shows the percentage of IBD students find difficulty balancing between
studying and working.
87,7 % of IBD students who work part-time admitted that they found it difficult to
balance between studying and working. It is easy to understand. IBD students always

GROUP 1 11
have to face a huge amount of homework and materials. Not only do they have to study
at school, they also have to study at home so that they can revise and understand what
they have to study. People thought that part-time jobs are easy, you only have to work for
about 3-4 hours and there will be no pressure on you. This fact is false. Like full-time
jobs, Part-time jobs also have high requirements that you must fulfill. While there are lots
of pressure in studying, extra pressure from part-time jobs would be too much and
students might not be able to handle. Students know that they don’t have to work but they
don’t want to quit because by working part-time, they will have some money to buy
stuffs, or hang out with friends. When you feel like it is Monday every day, you’re being
pushed over the edge.

c. Relationships:
Nowadays, relationships are very important in our life. A successful person is one who
has lots of successful relationships. As can be seen, nearly a half of the participants
(47%) have some problems with their relationships. In fact, this is the result of
inconsiderable relationships. People, especially teenagers are making friends too easy.
Facebook, Instagram,… are tools which help them make friends with others much easier
than the time before their existence. As a result, it would cause problems because they
don’t usually find out about their friends.

Hardly ever

Chart 7: The frequency of students feeling

tired of the relationship
The chart shows the frequency of students feeling tired.

As we can see, the percentage of participants with the answer “Always” or “Usually” is
pretty high. Beside more than 40 people (41) answered that they sometimes felt tired of
relationships, they don’t always feel tired about their relationships, but there are some

GROUP 1 12
problems with their relationships. Each person has different relationships, such as friends,
lover, parents, teachers , … And each relationship has its own problem to deal with.
No one will believe that there is a connection between relationships and depression.
Actually, bad relationships brings lots of problems can cause depression. On the contrary,
when we are struggling with depression, it is hard to understand why anyone would want
to be with us. We feel utterly unlovable, and may lash out or withdraw. Our depression
can be so all-consuming it feels easier just to push our loved ones away.

2. Awareness of depression in IBD students:

The chart below shows the data which is affected seriously by depression.

Both of them

Chart 8: The part students thought to be

effected by depression

It is clear that both mental and the physical capabilities are affected by depression. While
mental health has 16,7% votes, physical health just has 11,3% votes. The number of
people who voted for both of them accounted for 70%, indicating that they have a lot of
impact on our daily lives.

GROUP 1 13
As can be seen, the majority of IBD’s students chose both mental and physical (70%)
because they really have a lot of effect in our life . In fact, this is an excessive figure seen
from everyone these years. The figure shows a high level of students’ depression.

6% 4% 5% Sadness that doesn’t go away.

Loss of self-confidence and self-esteem.

21% 14%
Difficulty in concentrade.

Not being able to enjoy things that are usually pleasurable or

Feeling anxious all the time

22% Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.

Very strong feelings of guilt or worthlessness

11% Thinking about suicide and death

Chart 9: Mental preblems when you are being


This pie chart shows many kind of problems when you are being depressed.

GROUP 1 14
When sadness that doesn’t go away just has 3,5% votes, Not being able to enjoy things
that are usually pleasurable or interesting rates 22% votes. With regards to the feedback,
the proportion of students in IBD who considered from the strong feelings of guilt or
worthlessness ( 20,9% ) to the things that people not being able to enjoy pleasurable or
interesting ( 22% ) is relatively equal. The students chose the problem that are related to
the things they have gone through.
Looking at the positive side, responses that percentage of students who choose thinking
about suicide and death ( 6,1% ), loss of self-confidence and self-esteem ( 5,2% ) and
sadness that doesn’t go away ( 3,5% ) are very small so we can still control it and
somehow prevent the worst situations that can happen to those who want to suicide and
think about death. About the number of people who choose between Difficulty in
concentrate ( 13,5% ) and Feeling anxious all the time ( 11,4% ) is understandable
because when we put we in their place, we would think the same things.

Physical aches
and pains
18% Feel tired or little
Eat less or more
than normal
Have trouble in

Chart 10: Physical problems when they are

being depressed

This pie chart illustrated physical problems when students are being depressed.
Among the 4 main physical problems of being depression: Physical aches and pains,
feeling tired or little, eat less or more than and having trouble in sleeping. It can be seen
that the largest percentages (30,4%) belong to have trouble in sleeping. Feeling tired or
little accounts for 29,8% of the pie charts, which is placed on the second rate. Follow that

GROUP 1 15
is eating less or more that which have 21,3% The lowest proportion belongs to get aches
and pains, at 18,4%.

3. The solution to decrease depression for IBD students:

Solution to decrease depression

Try to solve that problem alone

Go out with friend

Share your problems with

people who you trust
Play games


Arccording to our research on 150 participants who are IBD’s students show that most of
them know the way how to break through depression . 36,1% of the students said that
they would go out with friend,go to the coffe-shop,go shopping,go to festivals because
those activities can make them fell relax,happy,chill,... On the other side,27,1% of the
students said that they would talk with parents and then they could get the answer for
their problems and admonition from family . Some students don’t have many
relationships choosed the way to solve the problem is just sleep because they just want to
have their own space to relax and break through the problem themselves .The research
show that the percentage of the students choose a solution is sleep is 5,6% . 16,7% of
men students said that they would play role-playing games when being depressed . This
solution is both good and bad because at the begining they can break through depression
easily and quickly but then they can be addicted to the games and don’t want to do
anything except playing games . Others solution are smoking,using weed,watching
movies,asking expert or doctor,which have been given by 2,8% of the students .

GROUP 1 16

After researching, we can not deny that students in Vietnam have not understood all
about depression. Depression is still a sensitive problem in Vietnam. People don’t want to
talk about this problem, and perhaps they thought that depression is not a disease.
Moreover, they are afraid that they are depressed and they do not want to believe it.
However, we have to admit that depression does exist in Vietnam, especially among IBD
students. It is a dangerous disease, and the fact that people don’t want to talk about this
would make depression become more and more dangerous. Schools, families and
students must join hands to prevent this disease.

Word Count: 2306 words

GROUP 1 17

1. 2016. “ Sad”. This way up. Available from:<


2. Ranna.P, 2017. “ What is depression”, American Psychiatric association.

Available from:
depression [ January 2017]

3. Dương Liễu, 2017. “3,6 triệu người Việt Nam mắc chứng trầm cảm”. Tuổi trẻ
online. Available from:
cam-1293822.htm [ 07 April 2017]

4. Thái Hà, 2017. “Người mắc trầm cảm ở Việt Nam đang trẻ hoá”. Báo mớ
Available from:
hoa/c/21953604.epi [ 07 April 2017]

5. Nguyễn Huệ, 2017. “Gần 40.000 người tự sát ở Việt Nam mỗi năm”. Người đưa
tin. Available from:
cam-tai-viet-nam-moi-nam-a320930.html [ 05 April 2017]

6. 2017. “Causes Of Depression & Anxiety In Teens/ Among College Students” .

Vkool. Available from: [ 01 February 2017]

7. Bhadari.S, 2017. “Untreated depression”. Web MD. Available from: [17
August 2017]

8. Michael.K, 2012. “Depression and College Students”. Healthy line. Available

from: [29
March 2012]

9. Bella.W, 2017. “Depression On Campus; What’s The Solution?”.The good man

project. Available from:
awareness/depression-on-campus-whats-the-solution-cmtt/ [31 October 2017]

10. 2017.“Overview teen depression”. Mayo Clinic. Available from:
[ 17 August 2017]

GROUP 1 18

1. Survey questionnaire
Hello, we are from IBD Intake 13 Fall, class I13A5. We are carrying out an
investigation into IBD@NEU students’s knowledge about depression, so we would
like to know about our opinions on this topic. All the information you provide will
be highly appreciated and hept confidential for the purpose of this survey only.

1. Which intake are you in?

□ I13
□ I12
□ I11
□ I10

2. Do you know anything about depression?

□ Yes
□ Not too much
□ No

3. What make you feel stressful the most?

□ Study
□ Relationships
□ Part-time Jobs
□ Other (please specify):…………………………….

4. When you have some problems, do you have anyone so that you can share your
problems with?
□ Yes
□ No

5. What is the biggest pressure on studying?

□ Grade
□ Amount of study
□ The expectation of parents.
□ Other (please specify):…………………………….

GROUP 1 19
6. What did you feel when you get bad marks?
□ Yes
□ No

7. If it “yes” , what did you do after you get a bad marks?

□ I will study harder to get a better marks
□ I will keep dwelling into their despair

8. What do you often do afterschool?

□ Study
□ Do housework.
□ Hang out with friends.
□ Listen to music, watch movie...
□ Other (please specify):…………………………….

9. What do you feel when you can not do what they like afterschool?
□ Normal
□ Boring

10. How do you feel after each failure?

□ Upset.
□ Hopeless.
□ Movatived
□ Other (please specify):…………………………….

11. Have you ever felt tired of relationships?

□ Always
□ Sometimes
□ Never
□ Usually
□ Hardly ever
□ Other (please specify):…………………………….

12. Do you have a job? ( If you don’t have a part time job, you don’t have to answer
questions from 11 to 13 )
□ Yes
□ No

GROUP 1 20
13. How much time per day do you spend for your job?
□ 1-2 hours
□ 3-4 hours
□ More than 5 hours
□ Other (please specify):…………………………….

14. Have you ever found difficulty balancing between studying and working?
□ Yes
□ No

15. Do you feel any pressure in your job?

□ Yes
□ No

GROUP 1 21
16. Please fill the table

a. Which one is effected seriously by depression?

□ Mental
□ Physical
□ Both of them

b. After ticket one box in the question a, please choose one comlumn. If you
choose “Both of them” , you tick all

What are mental problems when you are What are physical problems when you
being depressed? are being depressed?

□ Sadness that doesn’t go away. □ Feeling tired or little energy.

□ Loss of self-confidence and self-esteem. □ Having trouble in sleeping.
□ Difficulty in concentrade. □ Eat less or more than normal.
□ Not being able to enjoy things that are □ Physical aches and pains.
usually pleasurable or interesting
□ Feeling anxious all the time
□ Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.
□ Very strong feelings of guilt or
□ Thinking about suicide and death.

17. How much time per day do you spend on relaxing?

□ 1-2 hours.
□ 3-4 hours.
□ Half an hour before going to bed.
□ Almost of the time.
□ Other (please specify):…………………………….

GROUP 1 22
18. What will you do to relax?
□ Sleep
□ Read a book
□ Go out with friend
□ Talk with parents or friend about what you underwent
□ Play game

2. List of table

which intakes join the survey

I13 I12 I11 I10




GROUP 1 23
The biggest pressure on studying

Amount 5%
of materials

25% Parents

GROUP 1 24
Activities afterschool Study
11% Do
Watch TV 7%

Go out with

Stundents feelings if they can't do

pastime activities
Normal Boring


GROUP 1 25
GROUP 1 26
GROUP 1 27
GROUP 1 28
GROUP 1 29
GROUP 1 30

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