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Year 10 Science, 2018

Topic 1: Motion

Student Indicators: Motion Yes

● Describe the difference between distance and displacement using examples 
● Calculate the distance and displacement of an object 
● Interpret and draw distance-time graphs 
● Interpret and draw distance and displacement diagrams ​(NO
Trigonometry, use scale diagrams) 

● Explain the difference between instantaneous and average speed

● Use the speed/distance/time formula to calculate missing values
● Explain the difference between speed and velocity
● Use a ticker timer to ​qualitatively​ and ​quantitatively​ describe speed
● Draw and interpret speed-time graphs
● Define acceleration as rate of change of velocity
a= (v-u)/t 
● Calculate acceleration using an equation and/or a graph by correctly
determining gradient from v-t graph using a line of best fit.

● Define force, inertia and net force

● Interpret and draw simple vector diagrams in ​1 dimension only
● State and understand Newton’s 1​ , 2​ and 3​ Laws
st​ nd​ rd​

● Identify friction as a retarding force (always opposing motion)

● Define Newton’s second law as the rate of change of momentum:
F= (mv-mu)/t 
● Describe the relationship between force, mass and acceleration in terms of
Newton’s 2​ Law

● Use the force/mass/acceleration formula to calculate missing values

● Explain Newton’s 3​ Law using real life examples

● Identify action-reaction force pairs

● Recall conservation of energy

● Explain the differences between energy transfer and transformation
● Explain conservation of energy using an example
● Explain conservation of momentum using an example (Rocketry)

● Describe how and why the transformation of usable energy is never 100%
● describe specific energy transformations and transfers in sport eg hitting or
kicking a ball

● Explain how seatbelts, crumple zones and airbags reduce the effect of a
collision in terms of work (W=Fs and change in E​ ) and Newton’s Laws.

● Identify that the force experienced by a passenger can be decreased by

Increasing the stopping distance and/or by Increasing the time taken to stop

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