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Scene: //Vacant seats are present at the center, and students enter the room//

Person 1 : Dude, last night was so lit!

Person 2 : Omg ikr, did y’all see how drunk he was?

Person 3 : He even got his shirt off and danced on top of a freakin’ table,

Rafael : Yo, yo, yo. Wanna read each others’ papers?

Person 1 : *Face gets all panicked* What paper??

Rafael : Uhm, the essay we’re gonna pass today?

Person 2 : Don’t tell me you forgot about it? *Gets all worried*

//Person 1 spaces out and cusses in bicol// (puta/hayop/shete/ whtvr u like HEHEHE)

Person 3 : Yep, sucks to be you. *Pats person 1 at the back and they all go on

Person 1 : *catches up* Hoy seryoso!! Paaruge na nindo ako! **desperate**

//The teacher arrives and everyone goes to their seats//

Teacher : Okay, seems like everyone’s seated already. First things first, i
have a meeting to attend to in 12:00 and since the meeting place is far
from here, I have to leave 10 minutes before, meaning we only have 20
minutes today and I will spend that 20 minutes for merely recitation.

//Students celebrate in a subtle way// (yes! Or nag smile ngaya)

Teacher : I presume that before I leave this room, the essay that I told
you all to do will be here on my table. Failure to comply? No worries, you’ll
only have to drop out of this subject. *smiles*

//Everyone passes their paper on the table//

Person 2 to Person 1 : Baks hoy pano ka niyan??

Person 1 : Sh, ‘wag mo ako istress!!

Person 3 : ML pa more.

Teacher: Okay so the essay that I told you to write about was Traditional Medicine
versus Modern Medicine. Can anyone differentiate the two?
Rafael: Traditional medicine employs herbalism or even the utilization of crops
or herbs and methods, while modern medicine treat conditions with
pills, fluids, sprays and gels created through decades of study and
reports in pharmaceutical labs to result in 100% accuracy.

Teacher: Correct. Modern medicine is simply how patients are treated in

hospitals and clinics. Traditional medicine differs, though. What are
these “methods” that traditional medicine refer to? Give one
*searches the crowd*, Irish.

Irish: The practice of inserting needles into the body to reduce pain or induce
anesthesia, which is Acupuncture. More broadly, acupuncture is a family
of procedures involving the stimulation of anatomical locations on or in
the skin by a variety of techniques.

Teacher: Indeed. Another one?

Aejine: Homeopathy. It is a medical system based on the belief that the

body can cure itself. Those who practice it use tiny amounts of natural
substances, like plants and minerals. They believe these stimulate the
healing process. For example, red onion makes your eyes water. That’s
why it’s used in homeopathic remedies for allergies.

Teacher: Yes, so by traditional medicine, we’re referring to the use of herbal

medicine and practices that do not involve pills like in the modern
medicine. And for the final question, which is more effective? The
traditional medication or the modern one?

Rafael: Modern Medicine has extended our lifespan and we can now treat
diseases and illnesses with more ease. Traditional medicine involved herbs
and plants which were not always effective since people still died of
simple illnesses such as chickenpox or even the common cold. Nowadays,
medicine cannot always cure us, but it can lessen the effectiveness of our
symptoms and improve our condition.

Aejine: Also, Traditional medicine is called Traditional for a reason: it is old

fashioned and outdated. It is not as effective as Modern Medicine. Some
traditional treatments work well but modern medicine just takes these
traditional treatments and makes them more effective. Modern medicine
can have side effects, but if taken with regulation and not in overdose,
modern medicine can be the most effective way to help yourself.

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