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Product Data Sheet adapted by the Export Department

Edition October, 2006

Number 2.11
Version no. 136.2006


A multi-purpose superplasticizer / high-range water-reducing
agent for ready-mixed concretes.

Conforms to standard NF EN 934-2 Tab. 1, 3.1 and 3.2

Presentation SIKA VISCOCRETE TEMPO 12 is a new generation, non-chlorinated, acrylic

copolymer superplasticizer / high-range water-reducting agent

Areas of use _ SIKA VISCOCRETE TEMPO 12 enables the making of concretes – from plastic
to self-compacting concretes – that need to be transported over long distances
and pumped.
_ In self-compacting, SIKA VISCOCRETE TEMPO 12 improves stability, limits
segregation of the concrete and makes the formulae less susceptible to variations
in water and constituents.
General Characteristics SIKA VISCOCRETE temp 12 is a powerful superplasticizer which gives concretes
the following properties :
_ long rheology (>2h),
_ resistance to segregation
_ good quality facing

Appearance A light brown liquid
Packaging _ 230kg drum
_ 1000L container
_ Bulk
Storage Store in an enclosed space, away from direct sunlight and front, at bewteen 5 and
30oc. SIKA VISCOCRETE TEMPO 12 may freeze, but, once defrosted (slowly)
and rehomogenized, it will regain its original qualities.
Shelf-life 1 year if packaging intact
Technical data
density 1.06+ 0.01

pH 6+1

Na2O Eq. content ≤ 1%

Dry extract 30.2 + 1.3%

CI-ions content ≤ 0.1%

Conditions for use Recommended operating range: 0.2 to 3% by weight of the binder or cement
Dosage according to the fluidity and the desired performance.
Usual operating range: 0.4 to 1.5% by weight of cement or binder.
How it is used SIKA VISCOCRETE TEMPO 12 is added – either at the same time as the mixing
water or at a later stage to concrete that has been pre-moistened with a fraction of
the mixing water.

Precautions for use In the event of contact with the skin, rinse with plenty of water.
Consult the safety data sheet available via Minitael 3613, code SIKASECUR or on
the Internet at


Legal information Product reserved strictly for professional uses
Our products are covered by a third- party liability insurance.
«The information in this data sheet and, specially, the recommendations concerning the application and the
final use of SIKA products are provided in all goof faith and are based on the knowledge and the experience
that the SIKA company has acquired to date of its products, when they have been properly stored, handled
and applied under normal circumstances. In practice, the differences between the materials, the substrates
and the specific conditions on site are such that this information or any written recommendation or advice
given do not imply any warranty of marketable quality other than the legal warranty against hidden defects.
Our agencies are at your service, should you require any further precision. Our liability should in no way be
involved, in case the use is not compliant with our warnings. The ownership rights held by third-parties must
absolutely be complied with. All orders are welcome ,subject to our current conditions of Sale and Delivery.
Users must absolutely refer to the latest version of the technical data sheet matching the product concerned
; it shall be sent to them on request.»

Organisme de certification :
Sika France S.A. 11, avenue Francis de Pressensé
101 Rue de Tolbiac Tel. : +33 1 53 79 79 60
BP 377 Fax : +33 1 53 79 79 69 93571 Saint-Denis La Plaine cedex
75626 Paris Cedex 13 France


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