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Throwing away our garbages somewhere is a rampant activity

now a days. We usually see trash everywhere, in every corner of

the streets, and most especially in every side of the shore clustered
and floating all over. And to imagine that our garbages could
change and create a great impact to our environment and of course
in our lives.
What do you think the effect of throwing your waste anywhere?
it could create pollution. In every year there are more and more of
plastic filling up the landfills. We know that it is not immediately
biodegradable, but it takes long time to be degrade. Imagine now a
days the lifespan of human is 80 years old and you are lucky
enough to reach the age of 90 while the plastics remains hundred
years and we are wretched in this case.
The accumulation of plastic can affect wildlife, wildlife habitat
and human. Many plastics remain floating on the surface of our
waterways , the place where many food sources lie making the
attractive to species of marine life. Plastic pollution and marine
debris are harmful to marine life, the environment and human
beings and it is dangerous for the entire future on the earth. Lets
think about it, being a student we can create and contribute to help
our environment . We can start in a simple way like minimizing
our waste, proper segregation, clean the surrounding and other
things that help to clean our environment. Its time to love our
mother earth for the sake of the next generation.

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