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● Most important word claim and right.

● We talk about man, conviction, claims and rights which could be an introduction to the text.
● We talk about conflict, enemies and adversaries. A man whoops in conflict with these
● we also have imprisonment, the man is able to imprison another man, when a man fights
another man one is maybe put in prison.
● American literature we always have conflict
● Second paragraph, we are always fighting, what do men want. They want property, wealth
and power because the word king and price represents power.
● Men fighting for material things in vain because you cannot appropriate yourself nature
● He should study nature,
● God is everywhere, every single creature is able to integrate some kind of stability
● You have to feel yourself as part of nature, so nature becomes an engine of equality
● Nature is promoting equality and not a hierarchical society, nature as a sourced to
advocate equality
● Third paragraph: the orphan prince is the man
● Fourth paragraph: nature is always a source e of knowledge
● Sage: someone who has knowledge. Law giver: someone who has rules
● All these transcendental writers are going to achieve truth through nature and art
● The philosophers are also to communicate: serves as a kind of medium between human
being and divinity, how to be a spiritual being.
● Knowledge, truth, spirituality have a divine instinct
● Pre-existence harmony serves a pre-existent plan, always fighting
● You have to be innocent to grasp the truth
● The philosopher ant to discover the essential truth, offer an interpretation of reality and of
human existence, Who created us, What happens when we die, what is the purpose of life
● All these people want to discover the truth but they do it in different ways
● Every single person has a role to play in society
● The word (el verbo) - God’s voice
● Angels, holy men, dark prison – holy men whether a metaphorical or a real prison ​à reform
of prison in America
● We have prison in human, it is a metaphor. She wanted to reform prisons in America.
● ​Life can be a prison, but word can reach any person (even if they are in prison)

● We are all the same = we have to abolish slavery and sexual discrimination; to stop killing
native Indians
● ​Singing implies celebration/happiness

● God as a source of happiness

● ​Nature= source of knowledge and balance

● o​ ​Nature= as a representation of God

● ​God teaches us how to sing

● We have to celebrate nature and that we are followers of some sort of universe(?)
● ​Shepherds → dignified. Intellectually relevant people; they are students ​à the study the sun and

the stars; selected by god.

● ​Mary Fuller wants to highlight that they were the first (when Jesus was born, they were the first
who visited him)
● Representation of excellence (in terms of religion)
● Jesus Christ as a model ​à​ not God (abstract)
● ​Nature follows a pattern, as men tend to follow a pattern.

● To communicate with nature ​à​ to live and harmonious life.

● Transcentalismo = romanticism al que se le añade un patiz más espiritual.
● Ir más alla de la realidad, entrar en otro plano espitirual ​à​ comunión con la naturaleza
● Dios está presente en toda la naturaleza.
● Somos más buenos que malos, somos la representación de dios.
● Los pastores están más cerca de la naturaleza, cuidan de ella y por tanto son más puros.
● Pastores son los que primeramente van a visitar a Jesús, además cuanto más cerca estás de
la naturaleza, más harmónica es tu vida.
● Principio de igualdad – todos somos iguales, indistintamente del color o el genero.
● Those who live in a more artificial way they might be corrupted
● Civilisation implies corruption, nature implies spirituality
● Tempted by owning property, corrupts you
● ​The man who sleeps: he is selfish and eager to get more assertions

● Margaret Fuller is a superstitious person. She believed in supernatural elements.

● Those who live in a more artificious way, might be corrupted ​à civilisation =corruption/
nature = purity
● Death yourself from nature and the fact of you wanting to own possessions makes you a
● Man is going to inherit nature (the only thing that matter)

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