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[15/4 20.

01] Risky Messyana: The lack of supervision and maintenance of the government is
always to the State of Indonesia.

Lately the people of indonesia dikagetkan with the video viral attention to food products of fish
sardines canned it contains a worm. This makes the authorities of the Republic of Indonesia take
firm steps to attract the twenty seven brand a sardine cans out of circulation in the market. The
terserbut, among others, ABC, IO, Hockey, farmerjack, and so forth. The food is a product from
China imported illegally to Indonesia. This product is found in Riau, Batam, Yogyakarta, even

The authorities of the Republic of Indonesia, Yozef. Dwi Irwan said that people there is no need
to fret because the worms are in the food is not too dangerous if cooked first. health minister
also said that a worm inside of the protein contains.

It is absolutely not productive given by a public official involved in health goverment. because
the statement also Indonesia can not remove the labels of kosher, and sardines.

The attempt by authorities to deal with this just with the license turn it, but only with the
withdrawal is not enough. This gives argument the negative by the community, such as Badan
Pengawas Obat dan Makanan lazy to work and take practical. authorities also taken steps further,
as did investivigasi the overall picture on the process of production.

The authorities confirmed that the community to remain cautious in choosing food. People have
to pay attention to the label, permission to turn, expiration date, the serial number, nutrients,
and others.

But what about ordinary people?

Do they know about these things?

It's not easy for people to know and follow the diujarkan by the local authorities.

In this problem, we need a real action from the government and is offset by ministers other in
order to minimize the problem in Indonesia and to prevent the entry of imported goods illegally
and the government should create an organizing people to do sosialasi about health in order to
improve the degree of public health in Indonesia.

[15/4 20.02] Risky Messyana: Kurangnya pengawasan dan penjagaan dari pemerintah membuat
masalah selalu menghampiri Negara Indonesia.

Akhir2 ini masyarakat indonesia dikagetkan dengan adanya video viral yang memperhatikan
produk pangan ikan sarden kaleng mengandung cacing. Hal ini membuat BPOM Republik
Indonesia mengambil langkah tegas dengan menarik dua puluh tujuh merek sarden kaleng dari
peredaran di pasaran. Produk terserbut antara lain, ABC, IO, Hoki, farmerjack, dan lain lain.
Makanan tersebut merupakan produk asal China yang diimpor secara ilegal ke Indonesia. Produk
ini ditemukan di Riau, Batam, Yogyakarta, bahkan Lampung.

Kepala BPOM Republik Indonesia, Yozef Dwi Irwan menjelaskan agar masyarakat tidak perlu
resah karena cacing yang berada dalam makanan tersebut tidak terlalu berbahaya jika dimasak
terlebih dahulu. Menteri kesehatan juga mengatakan bahwa di dalam cacing tersebut
mengandung protein.

Hal ini sama sekali tidak produktif dinyatakan oleh seorang pejabat publik yang berkompeten di
bidanh kesehatan. Karena pernyataan tersebut juga, MUI tidak dapat mencabut label halal pada
makanan sarden tersebut.

Usaha yang dilakukan BPOM untuk mengatasi hal ini hanya dengan mencabut izin edar saja.
Namun hanya dengan penarikan saja tidak cukup. Hal ini memberikan argument negatif oleh
masyarakat, seperti BPOM malas bekerja dan mengambil praktis saja. Seharusnya BPOM juga
melakukan langkah-langkah lanjut. Seperti melakukan investivigasi secara keseluruhan pada
proses produksinya.

Dinas BPOM menegaskan agar masyarakat tetap berhati-hati dalam memilih makanan.
Masyarakat harus memperhatikan label, izin edar, kedaluwarsa, nomor seri, zat gizi, dan lain-lain.

Namun bagaimana dengan masyarakat awam?

Apakah mereka tahu tentang hal-hal tersebut?

Akan tidak mudah mudah bagi masyarakat mengetahui dan mengikuti hal yang diujarkan oleh
dinas BPOM.

Maka dalam hal ini, diperlukan sebuah aksi nyata dari pemerintah dan jajarannya yang diimbangi
dengan menteri-menteri lainnya agar dapat meminimalkan masalah di Indonesia dan untuk
menanggulangi masuknya barang impor secara ilegal. Serta pemerintah harus membuat sebuah
pengorganisasian masyarakat untuk melakukan sosialasi tentang kesehatan agar dapat
meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat di Indonesia.

[15/4 20.02] Risky Messyana: Lack of supervision and guarding from the government makes the
problem always approaching the State of Indonesia.

Lately Indonesian people shocked about the viral video that watched sardine food products cans
contain the worms. That's makes BPOM Republic of Indonesia take firm step by pulling twenty
seven brand of canned sardine from circulation in the market. Products include, among others,
ABC, IO, Hockey, farmerjack, and others. The food is a product from China imported illegally to
Indonesia. This product is found in Riau, Batam, Yogyakarta, even Lampung.

Head of BPOM of the Republic of Indonesia, Yozef Dwi Irwan explained that people do not need
to fret because the worms that are in the food is not too dangerous if cooked first. The health
minister also said that inside the worm contains protein.

It is not at all productive to be declared by a competent public official in a health. Because of this
statement, MUI can not revoke the halal label on sardines.

The effort made by BPOM to overcome this is only by revoking the marketing license. But only
with withdrawal is not enough. This provides a negative argument by the public, such as lazy
BPOM work and take it practical. BPOM should also take further steps. As do the whole
investment in the production process.
The BPOM Agency affirmed that the community should remain cautious in choosing food. The
public should pay attention to labels, distribution permits, expiration, serial number, nutrition,
and others.

But how about the common people?

Do they know about these things?

It will not be easy for people to know and follow what is being said by BPOM.

So in this case, it takes a concrete action from the government and its staffs that are balanced
with other ministers in order to minimize problems in Indonesia and to tackle illegal importation
of goods. And the government should make a community organizing to do socialization about
health in order to improve the health status of the community in Indonesia.

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