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Posture is the position in which you hold your body and limbs when standing, sitting or lying

down. To have good posturemeans that you need to be aware of always holding yourself in a
way that puts the least strain on your back, whatever you are doing.

Standing with the good posture looks and feels fantastic, plus it's very healthy for your
joints, muscles, bones, blood circulation and most importantly, your self-esteem. That';s
why proud and confident people stand tall with excellent posture.
The best sitting position depends on a person's height, the chair they are using, and the
activity they are doing while sitting. A person can improve posture and achieve a proper
sitting position by: keeping feet flat or rest them on either the floor or a footrest. avoiding
crossing knees or ankles.

1. The act of hanging out in a group of three or more people on a .
2. A group of two or more people going from stoop to stoop for door to
door selling, doorknocking, or claiming their territory.

3. The act of pooping stupidly. The combination of the words stupid and pooping.

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