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The Analysis of Family Values in “Christoper

Robin” Directed by Marc Froster

Formatted: Indonesian

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Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Yapari-ABA Bandung

Jl Cihampelas No. 194, Coblong, Cipaganti, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.

Kode Pos: 40131 Phone: 022-2035426

Tahun Pelajaran: 2018-2019

A. The Analysis of Family Values in “Christoper Robin” Directed by Marc Froster.

B. Background of the Research

Here are the various considerations in the selection of this research:

1. Movie is an audio-visual communication media that is commonly considered as the

easiest media to understand. The movie titled "Christopher Robin" is one of the
movies that contain various family values.
2. The audience of the movie should be able to understand the family values that the
movie wants to convey.
3. However, many audiences do not quite understand what family values are contained
in it.
4. If this research is done, the audiences of this movie can understand the family values
in it.
5. If this research is not done, then it is possible for the movie audiences to face
difficulty inor to do not understanding the family value contained in the movie.
6. In a paper entitled “ An Analysis of Moral Values Found in “Taken 3” Movie”
compiled by Arestya Aryani on 2015, can be concluded after analyzing the moral
value in the “Taken 3” movie, the writer found six moral values in the movie such as
Braverly, Honesty, Love and Affection, Loyalty, Peace-Loving, and Sacrificing for
other. The writer also gives some examples of how to implicate the moral value in the
real life and conclude that every movie has moral value, because it is a message from
the director to the audience.

C. Identification of the Research

To explain the meaning of family values in “Christopher Robin” movie, the writer has
identified the problems in the following questions:

1. What kinds of family values are can be found used in the “Christopher Robin”
2. How did Marc Froster’s way as the directors illustrate the family values in the
“Christopher Robin” movie?
2. Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2,
3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.5" +
Indent at: 0.75"
D. The Aims of the Research

The aims of this research are as follows:

1. To classify the type of family values found in the “Christopher Robin” movie.
2. To explain how Marc Froster’s way as the directors illustrate the family values in the
“Christopher Robin” movie.

E. The Benefits of the Research

The benefits of the research could be classified for:

1. The writer
With this research, the writer can better understand the family values in the
“Christopher Robin” movie an also the types.
2. The other students
They are expected to make this research result as a reference for further study on the
same topic.
3. The Lecturer
With this research, the lecturers are expected to makewill be able to use this research
as a basic source to teach about family values in movie.
4. The institution
They are expected to make this research enable to enrich the family value in movie
and literature source in library.
5. Language development
This research can be a reference as the description of family values in English also an
understanding of the family values in the “Christopher Robin” movie for the

F. Assumption of the Research

Based on the aims of the research, the assumptions of the research are:
1. In general, literary works have some kinds of family values such as ion poetriesy,
novels, movies, and many more.
2. In various literary works there are types of family values such as honesty, bravery,
sincerity, and loyalty.
3. A director that has a value message presents the family value through a scene that
included on the movie, dialogues, characteristic, and plot of the movie itself.The
director has a valuable message and presents the family value through scenes,
dialogues, characteristics, and plots that are included on the movie.

G. Methodology of the Research

1. The Method of the Research

Based on the identification of the problems, the research assumptions are:
a. Descriptive Method

According to Gay (1976:71) in “Pengantar Metode Penelitian” book, descriptive

method is a method used to involve collection of data in order to test hypothesis
or to answer questions concerning the current status of the subject of the study.

Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that an appropriate method to

explain The Analysis of Family Values in “Christopher Robinn” Directed by
Marc Froster” is descriptive method.

b. Qualitative Method

According to Bogdan and Taylor (1975:5) in “Metode Penelitian Kualitatif” book,

stated that qualitative method as a research procedure that produces descriptive
data in the form in words written or spoken of the people and behaviors that can
be observed.

Based on the definition, for researching family value in “Christoper Robin”,

qualitative method is regarded as an ideal and appropriate method for this

2. Technique of Collecting Data

Based on the method of the research, the techniques of collecting data are:

a. Library Research

According to Subiyanto, Ibnu (1993:93) in “Metodologi Penelitian”, library

research is a form of methodology of the research that emphasized on book as the
research object.
Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that with library research, the
writer is able to know theories about family value.

b. Internet Browsing

According to Ramdhani (2003) in “Pembelajaran Internet” module, define that

internet browsing is able to provide access for telecommunication and as the
source of information for million users that spread around the world.

Based on that definition, it can be concluded that with internet browsing, the
writer is able to know information about family value.

3. Technique of Data Analysis

Based on the method of the research, the techniques of data analysis are:

a. Inductive

Sutrisno Hadi (1986:42), stated that inductive method is a way of thinking with
taking a conclusion from some data that have a special characteristic.

By the definition above, the conclusion is with inductive method, the writer is
able to take a conclusion about family value easily.

4. Object of the Research

Based on the method of the research, the objects of the research are:

a. Title : Christopher Robin

b. Director : Marc Froster

c. Casts : Ewan McGregor, Hayley Atwell, Bronte Carmichael, Mark

Gatiss, Jim Cummings, Brad Garret, Nick Mohammed, Peter
Capaldi, Sophie Okonedo, Sara Sheen, Toby Jones, etc.

d. Year : 2018

f. Producer : Bringham Taylor and Kristin Burr

g. Writer : A. A. Milne
H. Theoretical Background

1. Definitions of Family Values

According to Merriam-Webster (1828), family values are values especially of a

traditional or conservative kind which are held to promote the sound functioning of
the family and to strengthen the fabric of society.

Susie Duffy in ParentIQ articles, stated that a traditional set of social standards
defined by the family and a history of customs that provide the emotional and
physical basis for raising a family.

As stated in Cambridge Dictionary by The Cambridge University Press (1995),

family values are ideas or beliefs that give great importance to
the traditional family of a mother, a father, and children all living together.

Oxford Advances Learner’s Dictionary by Hornby (2010: 1649), defines that value is
a belief about what is right and wrong and what is important in life.

Linda and Richard Eyre (1997: xxiv), argue that value which is accepted universally
is value that results the positive behavior for the person who do it in order to get clam.
It has benefit for the person who acts the value and the other people.

According to Webster (1981: 2350), value is a principle, quality, or quantity which is


Daroeso (1986: 20), states that it is appreciation which is based on person’s behavior
because the matter is pleasurable, satisfactory, and advantageous.

In conclusion, family value is universally accepted right opinion or behavior that

rules the day in family living. It determines Showed whether somethingich is good or
bad, right or false to be done. Family values are usually communal and shared by the
family in general, thus if there is no agreement among family members no family
values will be established.
2. Kinds of Family Values

There are some kinds of family values, such as:

a. Bravery
Bravery is willing to things which are difficult (Hornby, 2010: 169).

b. Humbleness
Humbleness means showing that we do not think if we are as important as other
people (Hornby, 2010: 734).

c. Honesty
Honesty is the quality of being honest. It always tells the truth and does not hide the
rightness (Hornby, 2010: 721).

d. Steadfastness
Steadfastness means that our attitudes and aims are not changed (Hornby, 2010:

e. Sympathetic to others
Sympathetic is the feeling of being sorry for somebody. It shows that we understand
and care about the problems of the other people. (Hornby, 2010: 1514).

f. Cooperativeness
Cooperativeness involves the fact of doing something together or working together
toward a shared aim (Hornby, 2010: 323).

g. Thankfulness
Thankfulness is word or action that shows that we are grateful to somebody for
something (Hornby, 2010).

h. Kind-hearted
The kind-hearted is the quality of being kind (Hornby, 2010: 822).

i. Trustworthiness
Trustworthiness is that the action that we can rely on to be good, honest, sincere, etc
(Hornby, 2010: 1602).

j. Sincerity
Sincerity shows the feeling, belief, or behavior that we really think or feel (Hornby,
2010: 1385).
k. Love and affection
Love is a strong feeling or deep affection for somebody or something, especially a
member of family or friend (Hornby, 2010: 884). Affection is the emotional state of
liking or loving somebody or something very much and caring about them (Hornby,
2010: 24).

3. Definitions of Movie

Based on Grolier Academic Encyclopedia F Volume 8 (183:80), Movie is considered

the youngest art form and has in inherited much from the older and more traditional

According to Merriam-Webster (2006:1197), movie is a type of visual

communication which uses moving pictures and sound to tell stories or inform people.

Morehover Howe (1978:2) stated that movie is made with camera, the print consist of
a certain number of “frames” which, if run at a certain speed, make “moving picture”.
The movie should be shown in a dark place, it goes on certain length of time, and so
forth. The movie itself provides a series of visual images within give span of time,
and these images are so arranged as to tell a story, yield information, or present a
lyrical impression”.

So it can be concluded that movie is one kind of art that used for entertainment,
conveying messages, or inform something in more interesting way.

I. Schedule of the Research

Completion Time/ Month

No Activity March April May

5 12 19 26 2 19 18 23 7 14 21 28

1 Proposal Preparation

2 Guidance

3 Chapter I Writing
4 Chapter II Writing

5 Chapter III Writing

6 Data Collection

7 Data Processing

8 Chapter IV Writing
Synopsis and Abstract
10 Final Completion

J. The Cost of Research

1 Operating Costs
a. Pulse Rp. 100.000

2 Data Processing Costs

a. Typing Rp. 50.000
b. Multiplication Rp. 20.000

3 Office Stationary
a. Paper Rp. 40.000
b. Ink Rp. 80.000
c. Stationary Rp. 25.000

TOTAL Rp. 315.000

K. Bibliography

Bogdan, Taylor, 1975, “Metode Penelitian Kualitatif”, Bandung: Remaja Karya.

Gay, Lorraine R, 1976, “Pengantar Metode Penelitian”, London: Macmillan Publishing.

Hadi, Sutrisno, 1986,”Metodologi Research”, Yogyakarta: Andi Offset.

Ramdhani, Graifan, 2003, “Modal Pengenalan Internet” (online). Available:

Subiyanto, Ibnu, 1993,”Metodologi Penelitian”, Yogyakarta: STIE YKPN.

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