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Rosita : Assalamualaikum wr wb. Good morning everyone.

We are from group

presentation 1 want present about determine strategy to increase product sales of
PT. Garuda Food Indonesia.

Firstly let me introduce our member. I am Diah Vararosita as moderator and

presentator 3. The sweet girl Sarah as Presentator 1, next is the pretty girl Gias as
presentator 2, and then the girl with beautiful smile Martha as presentator 4.

Now I will explain about the illustration. PT. Garuda Food is an Indonesian food
and beverage company owned by Tudung business group. PT. Garuda Food
wants to increase sales in the following year. To achieve the target of increasing
sales, the marketing department of PT. Garuda Food analyzes the sales data in
the previous year. So in January 4 2019 a "Marketing Division Annual Meeting"
was held.

Before we start our presentation we will show you guys a profil video of PT.
Garuda Food

To shorten the time, now I will give the time to Sarah as presentation 1.

Sarah : Thank you, Rosita, for a warm welcome. Now, I would like to refer to the first
graph about chart of Kacang Garuda sales. As you can see this is bar graph
measuring net sales over the first twelve months of the year.

From January to February, sales of Kacang Garuda experienced rose steadly,

from 900 to 1000. There were marked increases in March as much 250, then in
April there were fell slightly. In May there was a rose sharply then back down in
June, there was rose slightly in July. In July until September there was a
significant decrease as much 200. Then there was rose sharply in October, fell
slightly occurred in October to November and fell sharply in November to

So the conclusions is, in 2018 sales of Kacang Garuda experienced stability (up
and down) in sales. In June until July there was a very significant increase in
sales, because consumers in July bought this product for Eid al-Fitr parcels. In
March to April product sales declined due to competitors who issued similar
products and lower selling prices.

Thank you, this all my presentation I will give the time back to moderator

Rosita : Okey, next presentation 2 will be presented by Gias. Gias, the time is yours

Gias : Thank you miss Rosita for the opportunity. Here I will present about Chocolatos
sales in 2018. If I could direct your attention to the graph. From January to
February fell slightly happened as much 300. In February to April a significant
increase until 200. Then, in April to May sales have fells sharply. In May to July
sales have rose slightly between 200 to 800. In July to October sales have fallen
considerably between 200 to 400. In October to November rose sharply until 200.
Then in October to December fell sharply around 100.

In the sale of Chocolatos in 2018, as well as Kacang Garuda, Chocolatos also

experienced sales increases in March-April and June-July due to consumers
buying for Eid al-Fitr. There is also a decline in sales that occurred in April-May
because of competitors who issued the same product. But in the following month
Chocolatos sales increased again.

Thank you, this all my presentation I will give the time back to moderator

Rosita : next presentation 3 will be presented by me. I will present about Gery sales in
2018. If we look to the graph, In January to March sales have dramatically
decreased to 230. In March to April experienced rose sharply to the tune of 150.
In April to May, experienced fell sharply until 200. In May to Juny have a rose
sharply as much 50. Juny to July sales have increase market to 200. In July to
August fell slightly until 30. And in August to September grow up to the tune of
100. In September to October rose steadly as much 25. In October to November
fell slightly to 100. Then in November to December rose slightly until 250. In the
retail sales in November to December there was a drastic increase of 250
products, but in January to February and April until May it also decreased by 200

Okay I think it is enough to explain the last year’s chart of Gery sales that I
submitted. And the next part will be presented by miss Martha, please.

Martha : Thank you miss Rosita. Here I will present about contribution sales from each
product. If we look to the pie graph, the biggest sales contribution is from Kacang
Garuda, which reaches 13,900, because beans have many enthusiasts, namely
from various ages. The second largest contribution is from Chocolatos with sales
of 12,050 units. And the last is the contribution from Gery with sales of 8,850
units. What I am analyzing here is that Gery is increasingly fading from the
market, because there is no innovation from the product so people get bored and
finally forget about Gery. From me so that the product has increased sales this
year, the strategy is that :

1. Making new variants and innovations from Kacang Garuda, Chocolatos and Gery.

2. Increase the size or size of the product for each packaging or product.

3. Expand market reach and increase promotions especially for products that have
faded from the market.
Okay. I will read the conclusion. PT. Garuda Food has set quality standards and
has implemented product quality control in its production process to control the
quality of finished products by measuring the quality standards set by the
company. Quality control in the company also includes adding more value to the
results of sales made. With existing product quality standards, consumers are
interested in buying their products. Companies should always innovate in
products and promotions that are more productive. This is to increase product
sales and increase consumer confidence amid increasing competition.”

Okey, thats all my presentation. I will return the time to moderator

Rosita : Thank you Martha. That’s all our presentation. Now we open QnA session.
There are 4 questions. If you have question please rise your hand.

Closing : Okey thank you for your attention. If there any mistakes we are sorry.
Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb.

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