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Inside Sales

Cendura Corporation
Inside Sales Team

Business Development Manual 1


COMPANY ................................................................................................................................................... 5
THE CENDURA SALES HIERARCHY ................................................................................................... 5
THE INSIDE SALES PROCESS ................................................................................................................ 6
OUTSIDE SALES TARGETED ACCOUNTS: ..................................................................................................... 6
Objective ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Process for Inside Sales for Outside Sales Rep ...................................................................................... 6
INSIDE SALES TARGETED ACCOUNTS:......................................................................................................... 7
Objective ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Process ................................................................................................................................................... 7
EMAIL CAMPAIGNS ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Objective ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Process ................................................................................................................................................... 7
INSIDE SALES COLD CALLING ..................................................................................................................... 8
Objective ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Process ................................................................................................................................................... 8
ON-GOING RESEARCH ................................................................................................................................. 8
Objective ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Process ................................................................................................................................................... 8
INSIDE SALES COLD CALLING PROCESS AND TACTICS ................................................................................ 9
SALES FORCE.COM ...................................................................................................................................... 9
PROCESS OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................. 12
PROCESS OVERVIEW: INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 13
Scenario I: Voicemail ........................................................................................................................... 13
Scenario II: Gatekeeper........................................................................................................................ 13
Scenario III: Targeted Contact............................................................................................................. 14
A SAMPLE SCRIPT ..................................................................................................................................... 15
PROCESS OVERVIEW: ESTABLISHING CREDIBILITY ................................................................................... 16
PROCESS OVERVIEW: OVERCOMING OBJECTIONS ..................................................................................... 16
PROCESS OVERVIEW: SCHEDULING THE MEETING .................................................................................... 18
PROCESS OVERVIEW: THE RESEARCH ASPECT .......................................................................................... 19
Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 19
Email Campaigns.................................................................................................................................. 19
ALIGNING MESSAGING WITH THE AUDIENCE ............................................................................ 19
EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................................................... 19
Regulatory Compliance ......................................................................................................................... 20
Disaster Readiness ............................................................................................................................... 21
IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) ............................................................................................................ 21
ORGANIZATIONS BELOW EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT ................................................................................ 22
Operations ............................................................................................................................................... 22
Application Support .................................................................................................................................... 22
Planning .................................................................................................................................................. 22
Staging and Verification .............................................................................................................................. 22
TERRITORY DEFINITION..................................................................................................................... 24

Business Development Manual 2

LEAD GENERATION............................................................................................................................... 26
OPERATING GUIDELINES TO SALES................................................................................................ 28
CENDURA PRODUCT ............................................................................................................................. 29
WHAT ARE INTELLIGENT APPLICATION BLUEPRINTS? .............................................................................. 29
COHESION ................................................................................................................................................ 30
WHAT IS COHESION?................................................................................................................................. 30
WHAT LANGUAGE IS COHESION WRITTEN IN? ........................................................................................... 30
WHAT IS THE ARCHITECTURE OF COHESION? ............................................................................................ 30
WHAT ARE THE HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS FOR COHESION? .................................................................. 30
HOW IS USER ACCESS ADMINISTERED IN COHESION? ................................................................................ 30
WHAT OPERATING SYSTEM IS REQUIRED FOR COHESION TO RUN? ........................................................... 30
WHAT DATABASE DOES COHESION REQUIRE TO WORK WITH? .................................................................. 31
WHAT TYPE OF SERVERS OR ITEMS DOES COHESION MANAGE? ................................................................ 31
HOW DOES COHESION DISCOVER/INTERROGATE (COMMUNICATE) THE HOSTS? ....................................... 31
WHAT IS A BLUEPRINT? ............................................................................................................................ 31
IS THERE ENCRYPTION WHEN USING COHESION? ....................................................................................... 32
CAN COHESION MONITOR PERFORMANCE OF MY APPLICATIONS? ............................................................. 32
DOES COHESION DO ASSET MANAGEMENT? ............................................................................................. 32
CAN COHESION KEEP TRACK OF WHERE THE HOST IS LOCATED? ............................................................... 32
DO YOU INTEGRATE WITH ASSET MANAGEMENT PRODUCTS? ................................................................... 33
HOW OFTEN DOES COHESION INTERROGATE THE MANAGED ITEMS? ......................................................... 33
HOW DOES COHESION HELP ME WITH COMPLIANCE (ITIL, SOX)? ............................................................ 33
WHAT KIND OF REPORTS CAN YOU CREATE WITH COHESION?................................................................... 34
OUR BLUEPRINT LIBRARY......................................................................................................................... 34
Enterprise Applications ........................................................................................................................ 34
Applications Platforms:........................................................................................................................ 34
Web Servers .......................................................................................................................................... 35
Messaging Systems ............................................................................................................................... 35
Operating Systems ................................................................................................................................ 35
Relational Databases............................................................................................................................ 36
Networking Devices.............................................................................................................................. 36
PLATFORMS WE SUPPORT .......................................................................................................................... 36
Cohesion Server.................................................................................................................................... 36
Cohesion Database............................................................................................................................... 36
Cohesion Agent..................................................................................................................................... 36
TARGET MARKET? ................................................................................................................................ 37
TARGET AUDIENCE MAPPING ........................................................................................................... 37
Executives............................................................................................................................................. 37
Mid-Level Managers ............................................................................................................................ 38
Deployment and Support ...................................................................................................................... 38
Development and QA............................................................................................................................ 38
WHO IS A QUALIFIED PROSPECT? ................................................................................................... 38

Business Development Manual 3

ACCOUNT CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................................................... 38
CONTACT CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................................................... 39
BAD FIT WARNING SIGNS-REASONS FOR DISQUALIFICATION ...................................................................... 39
QUALIFICATION QUESTIONS............................................................................................................. 39
CENDURA MAILER FORMAT - I ......................................................................................................... 40
CENDURA MAILER FORMAT - II........................................................................................................ 42
POSSIBLE SUBJECT LINES................................................................................................................... 43
FOLLOW UP MAILER FORMAT.......................................................................................................... 44
HOLIDAY MAILER FORMAT............................................................................................................... 44
COMPETITOR ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................................... 45
Direct Competitors ............................................................................................................................... 45
Application & Server Provisioning ...................................................................................................... 45
Traditional Software Distribution ........................................................................................................ 45
Web Performance Monitoring & Management .................................................................................... 45
Traditional System Management .......................................................................................................... 45
INDUSTRY OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 47
TESTIMONIALS ....................................................................................................................................... 49
RESPONSE ANALYSIS............................................................................................................................ 52
CHANGE & CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................ 52
BUSINESS CONTINUITY & DISASTER READINESS ...................................................................................... 52
Compliance & Security Management................................................................................................... 53
SOX Compliance: How?....................................................................................................................... 54
DATABASE SITES .................................................................................................................................... 54
TIME ZONE ............................................................................................................................................... 55
AREA CODE .............................................................................................................................................. 55
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQS) ..................................................................................... 70
GLIMPSES……SOME OF OUR CUSTOMERS ................................................................................... 70

Business Development Manual 4

Headquartered in Mountain View, California, Cendura is a privately held company,
and funded by New Enterprise Associates (NEA), Crosslink Capital, and NeoCarta.

Cendura Corporation was founded in 2002 with the express purpose of helping IT
organizations reduce the escalating costs of managing and supporting complex,
distributed applications. Its core product is Cohesion, a platform for change,
configuration and compliance, which is used by Global 2000 IT organizations to
gain control of their application infrastructure

Its customers are members of the Global 2000 and include VeriSign, Homestore,
Medtronic, Fidelity Investments, HSBC, Volkswagen etc. to name a few.

The Cendura Sales Hierarchy

The Cendura Sales hierarchy is defined as follows:








REP NWBusiness Development
The Inside Sales Process
There are four distinct activities that will take place to generate leads through
inside sales and research. Each activity has a corresponding process and tactics.
The following graphic summarizes the overall workflow with each activity shown
in a different color.

Outside Sales Targeted Accounts:


This activity is shown in green in the above diagram. The goal is to provide
research support to the outside sales representative in support of his or her own
lead generation activities.

Process for Inside Sales for Outside Sales Rep

On a weekly basis, the outside sales rep may provide a list of his or her targeted
accounts that he or she will try to penetrate in the coming weeks. The researcher
will then use that list to focus on the following activities:

Business Development Manual 6

• Create a new account in SalesForce if one does not already exist.

• Make sure that the account information is up-to-date (e.g. headquarters

information, annual revenue, number of employees, etc…)

• Add as many contacts as possible with the appropriate titles

• Note in the account information that this account has been targeted, by
whom, and when

• Notify the outside sales representative when the information for that given
account is complete to the best of the researcher’s capability

• Any account that has been recently (within 2 months time) targeted by an
outside sales representative ideally should not be contacted by email or

Inside Sales Targeted Accounts:


This activity is shown in orange in the above diagram. The goal is to provide
research support to the inside sales representative in support of his or her own
lead generation activities

The process is identical to the Outside Sales Targeted Accounts activity. If there
is overlap between an inside sales and outside sales targeted account list, the
outside sales list has priority.

Email Campaigns

This activity is shown in blue in the above diagram. The goal is to generate
awareness and leads through email campaigns.


• Depending on the MBO’s (Management Business Objectives) outlined, a

researcher will identify new contacts in their territory that are not part of a
targeted list. A personalized email will be sent: the introduction will be
tailored to the recipient while the body of the email maybe standard
Business Development Manual 7
• Any respondent to the email campaign will be referred to the appropriate
inside sales representative for follow-up and qualification. If the inside
sales representative deems the lead to be viable, he or she will schedule a
meeting with the appropriate outside sales representative.

Inside Sales Cold Calling


This activity is shown in red. The goal is to cold call contacts in SalesForce with
the intent to obtain a qualified meeting for an outside sales representative


• The inside sales representative will use contact information contained in

SalesForce to make cold calls to potential prospects.

• No calls should be made to accounts on an outside sales representatives

targeted list (i.e. contacts already approached by an Outside Sales Rep)
unless the targeted account shows no activity for at least 2 months.

• The inside sales representative can use research services to make sure
contact information is up-to-date in SalesForce (his or her targeted
account list).

• The inside sales representative will work his or her way through the
prospective account, find an appropriate interested contact, and qualify
them. Upon qualification, the inside sales representative will schedule a
presentation and demo for the outside sales representative.

On-going Research

This activity is not specifically called out in the above diagram. The goal is to
maintain the current data in SalesForce and increase the database.


As time allows, the researcher (inside Sales rep) will perform the following

• Consolidate duplicate accounts

Business Development Manual 8

• Eliminate out-dated or erroneous data

• Create new contacts within an existing Account

• Create new Accounts and contacts

Inside Sales Cold Calling Process and Tactics

The sales pitch is the most important and crucial phase of generating interest,
qualifying the contact, and scheduling the first meeting. It is very important to
focus on the following:

• Need or pain of the prospect

• Title and scope of responsibility of the prospect

• Prospect’s job role as it pertains to spending authority and decision-


• Infrastructure components such as operating systems, applications, and


• Product procurement process, acquisition timeframe, available budget, and

whether or not there is a set compelling event

Keeping the above in mind, each cold call can be separated into three phases

• Introduction

• Probing

• Closing with a meeting scheduled

Sales is the marketing database that has been adopted by Cendura. Each
inside sales representative is given a log in ID and Password by which she can
access the database. The database provides a comprehensive collection of all of
Cendura’s activities in terms of

• Leads created
• Contacts uploaded with their relevant contact information
• Leads that have been converted into Accounts & Account status
• Events undergone in respect to individual contact/accounts
• Opportunities by the company

Business Development Manual 9

• Report status of inside sales representative

The inside sales rep has to log each and every activity undertaken for a particular
lead/account into SalesForce. This is done under the section “Activity History”. It is
an important source of view for the outside sales rep incase he would like to know
the status on a particular lead/Account.

All emails ideally should be sent through Sales This would not only
present the activities that have been done under a lead, but can also help the
inside sales rep to identify who has/has not taken interest in the email. Pertaining
to the interest level that a contact has taken in the email, the inside sales rep can
target that contact.. has been integrated with Outlook calendars of the outside sales rep
to ensure smooth coordination between inside and outside sales rep. When booking
a meeting/remote demo, the inside sales rep should check the calendar of the
outside sales rep before setting a date. Ideally the inside sales rep can take two
dates for the meeting, which can be confirmed back with the prospect, after
confirmation from the outside sales rep.

All meetings/remote demos shall be logged in SalesForce, under the category of

Open Activities/New Event. The inside sales rep shall click on the relevant section
(whether meeting/Conference Call/Remote Demo/White papers etc.) enter in the
relevant time and date for the same, and invite the Outside Sales rep to the event.
By inviting the outside sales rep, a simultaneous invite goes to the mailbox of the
inside and outside sales rep, thus ensuring that this event has been inputted in the
calendar of the outside sales rep for that particular date.

Inside Sales rep should also remove all duplicate accounts through the use of the
“Find Duplicate” button. By pressing this button, all possible duplicate accounts
shall be revealed. The inside sales rep can check up to maximum three duplicate
accounts and merge the relevant information. Please note that information once
merged and saved cannot be undone. So one has to be very careful while merging

When inputting new contact information one can use the “clone” button to do so,
and change the relevant fields like name, title, phone no, email ID etc. Incase of
further information to an existing contact, use the “Edit” button to input more

The Reports section displays various kinds of reports to the Inside and outside sales
rep. Popular reports are:
• Inbound Web Lead report: all incoming requests made to the company
• Weekly meeting report
• Weekly Demonar/Webinar report 9incase of Demonars / Webinars that are
hosted by the company from time to time)
• HTML email status report (gives an idea of the number of times an email
has been opened by a prospect)

Business Development Manual 10

Business Development Manual 11
Process Overview

info on

Update Docume
contact nt event
info on info in

SF if

Business Development Manual nt info in
Process Overview: Introduction

There are three possible outcomes of a cold call:

• You reach the targeted contact’s voicemail

• You reach the receptionist, administrative assistant, or some other


• You reach the targeted contact

The remainder of this section focuses on how to deal with each of these scenarios

Scenario I: Voicemail

In general, the best practice would be not to leave a voicemail. However, of the
case arises, then follow the practice below.

When you reach voicemail instead of the targeted contact, you should leave a
message. The message should be tailored to the profile of the targeted contact.
For example, if you are calling on a contact with a CIO title, the message will be
very different than calling on a Database Administrator or Director of IT
Operations. Advice on messaging for different audiences follows in a later section.

Regardless of the contact, you should:

• Introduce yourself and the company: “Hello, my name is X with Cendura


• Follow your introduction with something relevant to the contact (above) or

a provocative statement that creates credibility. For example, “Hello, my
name is X with Cendura Corporation. This is regarding our Configuration &
Change Management tool, Cohesion that has been nominated for Best In
Show at the recent Gartner ITxpo Symposium.”

• Tell them what you can do for them and keep in mind the profile of the
contact. For example, “Cohesion can improve the success of moving new
applications and upgrades from testing into production.”

• Ask them to take action. For example, “Please call me back at

650.625.5500 or drop me an email at” Update all
details into Sales Force.

Scenario II: Gatekeeper

When you reach a receptionist, administrative assistant, or other gatekeeper, you

should take the following actions:
Business Development Manual 13
• Ask to speak with the target contact. You may need to explain the reason
for your call. If so, you should communicate with the gatekeeper in much
the same fashion as outlined above in the voicemail section. If you get
through to the contact, then refer to the following section.

If you cannot get past the gatekeeper, consider the following actions:

• Ask for the contact’s voicemail

• Ask for the contact’s email, and then follow-up by email as described in a
later section

• Ask for a good time to call again

• Ask the gatekeeper to pass the message along asking for a return call

If after you explain the intent of the call, the gatekeeper says your target contact
will be uninterested or has different responsibilities, then ask the gatekeeper who
is the best person to contact. The same is true if the gatekeeper tells you the
target contact is no longer with the company or has moved into another position.
In either case probe for the following:

• CIO, CTO, VP, MIS Director, Director of IT Operations

• Ask for the targeted contact’s superior

In any gatekeeper scenario, be sure to express gratitude to the gatekeeper –

building a relationship with this person may help you in any variety of ways in
penetrating the target account.

Scenario III: Targeted Contact

When you finally make contact with the target, you follow a similar process as is
described in the voicemail section of this document. Start with the introduction,
and proceed. The key difference is agilely reacting to the contact to keep the
momentum of the conversation and continue to generate interest. If the contact
tries to put you off, some of the following may be good strategies:

• Offer to call the contact back at a time of their choosing

• If the contact claims to be the wrong person, ask who the right person is

• Offer to send some marketing materials and their permission to follow up

in a few days

If you can engage in a productive discussion with the contact, it is important to

keep the goal in mind: first is to qualify the contact, and then if they are qualified,
Business Development Manual 14
schedule the first meeting. Don’t go into a detailed product or technical
discussion with the contact about Cohesion; instead, focus on the value
proposition. If the contact continues to push you about the product or technology,
you should use that as an excuse to schedule the first meeting. In essence, you
may claim ignorance and use the offer of a meeting as a way to answer the
contact’s questions.

A Sample Script

From experience, we know that a live contact will never let your get through a
script, so the following three examples are starting points. By internalizing what
problems Cohesion solves and the value it delivers, you will be able to react to
the target contact. The following is a guide of key points to make in your
discussion with the target contact:

Cendura Corporation is the pioneer of Application Blueprinting and is currently

helping several Fortune 500 companies more effectively manage their mission-
critical applications. Cendura’s flagship product, the Cohesion Application
Management Suite, is a Blueprint-based application state management solution
that automates the labor-intensive tasks necessary to efficiently maintain
complex, distributed applications. Cohesion offers out-of-the-box value with its
extensive Blueprint Library, allowing customers to begin managing their
distributed applications immediately without lengthy configuration and integration.
Blueprints enable automatic discovery of applications and their components, and
eliminate the mystery of complex relationships and dependencies. With Cohesion
Blueprints, customers can:

• Establish policies that reflect best practices or operational standards, such

as regulatory compliance, security, and performance

• Regularly audit for adherence to these policies

• Automatically detect and analyze the impact of changes to the application


• Accelerate mean-time-to-repair when applications slowdown or fail

• Modify the application state to restore application integrity without

software distribution

• Report on key, business-aligned management metrics surrounding change,

policy violations, and the speed with which those violations are resolved

Cohesion reduces escalating application support costs, improves operational

efficiency, and maximizes application stability, reliability, and performance.

Business Development Manual 15

Process Overview: Establishing Credibility

There are two ways to establish credibility when you reach the target contact.
The first is to reference our impressive customer list. The second is to refer to
recent coverage by the media or analysts.

It is important to note that some of our customers do not want to be referenced

on our website or by us in external marketing programs; however, we can use the
complete list in one-on-one phone conversations. Using well-recognized names is
best, for example: Fidelity, Digital Insight, Verisign, and Medtronic.

The most current features and mentions by media and analysts are referenced on
our website. It should become habit to look at the website on a regular basis, so
that you can use the most recent coverage. Another strategy is to cite ROI. This
can drag you into a discussion of “how.” Since Cendura’s strategy is not to
engage in the “how” and use that as the impetus to schedule the first meeting,
you should avoid using ROI as a means to establish credibility.

Process Overview: Overcoming Objections

The underlying objective to all of the above is to eventually schedule a web-based

or face-to-face meeting with an outside sales representative. While you are
taking the target contact through the probing process, he or she may raise
objections which are time-based, budget-based, strategy-based, etc… You must
be well prepared to address these objections. Following are some objections that
are common, including suggested strategies for overcoming them:

Scenario I: “Call me back in six months.”

• Try to understand what will be different in six month’s time. The answer is
very important.

• If the target contact indicates that this is when budget will become
available or a compelling event will occur (such as the start of a project),
then it is likely that a re-engagement could lead to a prospective lead. In
this event, it is still important to probe as much as possible. For example,
staff and responsibilities change over time, especially in six months;
therefore, having several qualified contacts within the target account offers
a higher probably of success for future follow-up.

• If there is no reasonable answer provided (as suggested above), then the

target contact is just trying to put you off.

Scenario II: “I’m too busy to talk right now. Send me some literature.”

• A good strategy here is to agree to send the literature, ask for the email
address, and continue to probe. For example, you might suggest that

Business Development Manual 16

Cendura has a variety of marketing materials, and if you understood more
about the account, you could better select the materials that would be
most informative.

• If the target contact pushes back on probing, then try to get a

commitment from him or her as to when you could phone again. Send the
literature with a customized cover letter/email.

• If the target is unwilling to commit to a follow-up, you can try to probe for
another contact that would have time in the nearer term.

Scenario III: “I’ve not heard of Cendura.”

Establish credibility with our customer list or recent media/analyst coverage.

Scenario IV: “My Company doesn’t have the problems that Cohesion

This is very unlikely based on our experiences in the field. In a later section of
this document, we focus on messages and value propositions related to different
organizations within IT, so when this objection arises, probe on other propositions.

Business Development Manual 17

Scenario V: “I don’t have any budget for your kind of solution.”

Most of our prospects do not have budget allocated, so consider the following

• Acknowledge that many of Cendura’s customers didn’t have budget, but

when they saw the cost-savings of using Cohesion, they justified the
purchase based on their anticipated savings.

• Argue that they should evaluate Cohesion for possible inclusion in the next
budgeting cycle.

• Regardless of the outcome, be sure to gather as much information about

budgeting cycles, process, etc… as possible about the account.

Scenario VI: “I’m not the right person.”

Try to determine who is by probing further.

Process Overview: Scheduling the Meeting

The following process should be followed for scheduling the meeting:

• Use Outlook/SalesForce Calendar to determine the availability of the

outside sales representative and find a mutually convenient time with the
target contact.

• Tentatively schedule a one-hour meeting with the target contact, and

indicate that you will speak personally with the Account Executive to
confirm, after which you will be back in touch with the target contact.

• Schedule the meeting in Outlook and send a meeting reminder through


• Follow-up with the target contact after the meeting is confirmed: 24-48
hours prior to the meeting, phone the target contact and remind them of
the meeting.

Business Development Manual 18

Process Overview: The Research Aspect
The Inside Sales Rep also acts as Researchers. Researchers support the outside
sales representatives in penetrating an organization. In addition to pure research
activities to augment the contact database, researchers play a lead generation
role in the form of email campaigns.


There are three possible outcomes to an email:

• You receive a positive response, indicating interest in learning more about

Cendura and Cohesion. This lead should be flagged for follow-up by the
inside sales representative, who will call the respondent and qualify them.

• You receive a negative response, indicating the recipient no longer wishes

to be contacted. This should be documented in SalesForce.

• You receive no response for which you may call the contact with a follow
up message to your email

Email Campaigns

The following are good rules of thumb when creating an email campaign:

• Do not send bulk emails. Tailor them to the target contact. Through
research, you should be able to determine something about the account or
even the contact.

• “Sign” the email. This is important for the live follow-up phone call

• Tailor the body of the email to the target contact. As discussed earlier,
there are certain messages that will resonate with different audiences. This
is discussed in a later section. You can begin with some of the sample
scripts mentioned in this document and place differing degrees of
emphasis depending on the target contact.

Aligning Messaging with the Audience

Depending on the target contact, you should align your message so that it
resonates best.

Executive Management

Executive management is the C- or SVP-level contact. This audience is very

Business Development Manual 19
solution-oriented, caring little about features and functions. They care about
ways to reduce costs, increase revenue, do more with less, better oversee IT, and
ensure that strategic initiatives are successful.

• By analyst estimates, 60-70% of IT budgets are spent on application

support and operations – executive management is interested in solutions
that contain or reduce these costs

• Solutions that maintain or improve application performance, availability,

and on-time deployments of new features, functions, or services are of
interest because customer satisfaction and new customer acquisition lead
to increase revenue and profitability

• Cohesion can support a variety of strategic initiatives that are on the

forefront of the executive’s mind: outsourcing, regulatory compliance,
disaster readiness, and ITIL, for example

• Timely IT intelligence that allows the executive to better manage their


For example, a possible email strategy would be to use one of our management
reports as part of the email, and ask the target contact “if getting a daily report
like this one would help them stay on top of Security Policy Compliance.”

Regulatory Compliance

• Automating key regulatory requirements to ensure compliance by

incorporating best practices for risk management, auditing, change
detection, contingency readiness, and configuration management.

• Focus on Sarbanes-Oxley, Gramm-leach-Bliley, and the Health Insurance

Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) – a white paper positions
Cohesion relative to Regulatory Compliance, and makes a good “offer” to
make when on the phone or in email.

The Value Offering:

• Risk assessment: compare current system configurations to configurations

dictated by best practices and corporate standards (gold standards)

• Change detection: regular, historical comparisons can meet the

requirement of “on-going vigilance in maintaining the security and
integrity of systems”

• Contingency planning: recurring state-to-state comparisons of disaster

recovery site(s) with production site(s)

Business Development Manual 20

• Configuration management: the Configuration Management Module
addresses many concerns centered around “insecure configuration

Disaster Readiness

The Goal

• Ensure the readiness of existing disaster readiness site(s) to immediately

take over production operations following a catastrophic event

• Build or augment a disaster recovery site(s)

The Value Offering:

• Use recurring state-to-state comparisons to ensure on-going change in

production is always synchronized with the disaster readiness site

• Use the Configuration Management Module to perform the synchronization

• Use reports and/or exported snapshots to capture and share the sate of
the production environment; this can serve as the basis for disaster
readiness planning

IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)

The Goal:

Optimize best practices, business processes, organization-wide planning and

management to become more efficient and effective at supporting business

The Value Offering:

• Capture best practices and report on compliance

• Use Cohesion as a structured repository for best practices and


• Enable organization-wide participation in ITIL processes; Cohesion offers a

sophisticated security overlay that utilizes a customer’s directory services

• This allows role-, group-, and user-based access control across the
enterprise, exposing selected subsets of Cohesion data to all

Business Development Manual 21

• This allows all participants in the ITIL process (service support, service
delivery, planning, application management, infrastructure management,
security management, and business owners) to share a “common view”
and structured documentation repository for ITIL information, all based in
Cohesion Blueprints

Organizations below Executive Management

The following is a breakdown of the value propositions that resonate with different
audiences within a typical IT organization. An understanding of these will allow
you to target your message to your audience.


Availability and performance, specifically the ability to proactively prevent

problems – establishing policies, performing regular audits, and detecting change
automatically: Improved productivity through automation and collaboration

Application Support

• Reduce the number of trouble tickets by eliminating recurring problems

and virtually eliminating human error

• Reduce escalations through the use of the Blueprint knowledgebase

• Improve mean-time-to-repair by rapidly isolating the root cause of

application slowdowns and outages


• Regulatory and standards compliance

• Disaster readiness

Staging and Verification

• On-time deployment: use Cohesion to improve the success of new

applications or upgrades

• Check for compatibilities between staging and production

• Determine if all required components present in staging are present in


Business Development Manual 22

• Ensure that the staged application or upgrade complies with production

• Capture the desired state of the application or upgrade in staging; use that

• Blueprint to manage it in production

• Backlog reduction: through predictable and successful deployments,

budget overruns are minimized and backlogs are reduced

Business Development Manual 23

Territory Definition
East Central West
Northeast Midwest Northwest
Sales Sales Sales
Peter Greg
Nash Moessinger
DE IL (Northern)

NF Canada Canada

Business Development Manual 24

Southeast Central Southwest
Sales Sales Sales
Tony Dave Darryl
Johnson AL Karlson Hughes
VA OK Codes
WV TX 213
DC 310
Chicago 323
874 562
773 626
Canada 619
ON 661

Business Development Manual 25

Lead Generation
To generate a lead, the following information has to be kept in mind:

1. Key officials:
CIO (Chief Information Officer), Director/VP of IT, QA, Application Support,
Application Architecture, Operations (web based firms, whose operations are web
based), MIS etc. A few more are listed under the section ”Target Audience”

Generally only some high ranking officials like CIO and few directors might be
listed in company’s website (corporate sections or Investor Relations or Annual

For other officials, search using Google. Key words to be used in Google:
- Company name + official designation

If the key official is sought out from site other than the Company’s own website,
then do take note of the date of the source where the information is being
retrieved from. If the information is from an old source then the person might not
be in the same position as indicated

The following permutation combinations can be done to find our information on

• Company name + Information Technology Director (e.g.: abcd Information
Technology Director)
• Company name + CIO
• Company name + chief information officer
• Company name + server environment
• Company name + servers
• Company name + backend
• Company name + infrastructure
• “Company name + IT infrastructure”
• “Company name + configuration”

List of Companies
• Lead generation document containing Fortune 1000 list of companies
• – Fortune 500 list, old list.
• List of CIO’s and other key officials

2. Addresses:
Addresses and phone numbers:
Company’s web site, their Annual Reports - You will get lots of other information regarding the
company from this.
Business Development Manual 26
3. Email address of the officials:
Search for any email address in company’s website to get an idea of the format
used for assigning email addresses. Email addresses can be found in the following
locations in any site:
• Press releases
• News releases
• Contact
• Investor relations
• Careers

Once the format has been found out, it is easy to ascertain the email Id of the
concerned person. Google can also be used to find out the format of the personal
email ID. Once can directly type in the format on Google, to find out the email ID.

The results usually follow up after second or third result page. If there are no
results then try the “Search within results” in Google. Use the same search - again when searching within results.

The company may also use different email formats like: or or or etc. Try to find out alternative
email addresses, by going through the company’s web site or randomly searching
in Google.

Some examples of searching email formats:

• LastName.FirstName
• FirstNameInitial +
• FirstName +
• Eg: Name: Amit Singh: email:
• Name: Mike Mat: email:
• Often nick names may be used in email addresses or vice versa
Few examples:
• Robert = Bob
• Eugene = Gene
• Lawrence = Larry
• Thomas = Tom
• Richard = Dick

Email address formats:
• Company’s web site; PR/News section; Annual Reports
• - You will get lots of other information
regarding the company from this.

Business Development Manual 27

4. IT Infrastructure in use by the company:
It is important to have some background information on the IT Infrastructure of
the company. This information may also be required to customize the email sent
to the key officials in the company.

To retrieve this information, extensive search on Google is required. Try the

following searches on Google:
• Company name + server environment
• Company name + servers
• Company name + backend
• Company name + infrastructure
• “Company name + IT infrastructure”
• “Company name + configuration”

Company’s IT environment:, gives the info about the web servers used for
the company’s website.

Operating Guidelines to Sales

As part of the ongoing efforts to set up a process oriented Inside Sales team, a
few guidelines have been set in place. These are as follows:

• All leads within a territory should be managed by the Inside Sales Rep
assigned to that territory. This holds true even though the headquarters
location for that company may be located out of territory.

• All meetings generated by an Inside Sales Rep within a territory are to be

distributed to the field rep assigned to that territory, even though the
headquarters for that company may be located out of territory.

• As part our ongoing effort to build our corporate asset – SaleForce.Com

Database, each Inside Sales Rep is required to log all sales calls, where
a conversation ( or activity )occurred with the prospect ( or their
assistant ), into There are multiple reasons for this, not
the least of which is, the importance of keeping accurate records and to
maintain effective account coordination with the field team.

The following policy and procedures is intended to clarify the rules for prospecting
for Inside Sales, outside ones defined territory.

• Customarily, Inside Sales prospects within the defined territories of their

corresponding field team reps (s). When referred to contacts and
opportunities out of territory, that information shall be forwarded to the
corresponding Inside Sales Representative and documented in Sales Force.

Business Development Manual 28

• If in the process of prospecting, an employee is temporarily located out of
territory, but maintains a base in territory, and the opportunity is in
territory, the Inside Sales Rep shall notify the Inside Sales Rep
corresponding to the territory where the prospect is temporarily located,
maintain ownership of the lead, prospect it themselves, and document the
opportunity in Sales Force.

• When prospecting for an in territory opportunity, whereby the Inside Sales

Rep is referred to certain additional employees involved in the project who
are physically located out of territory, the Inside Sales Rep shall notify the
corresponding in territory Inside Sales Rep, but follow up with the prospect

• Additionally the Inside Sales Rep shall document in Sale Force and note in
the Description Field of the Lead that the contact is part of an out of
territory project. Both Inside Sales Reps shall share this information with
their corresponding field reps.

• If however, the Inside Sales rep discovers, in the process of qualifying the
out of territory contact that there is another project, and in the territory of
this prospect, then the inside sales would notify the corresponding Inside
Sales of such and hand ownership of that opportunity to that rep.If these
out of territory contacts require out of territory selling then the field rep
will engage the other field rep.

Cendura Product
What are Intelligent Application Blueprints?

The Cohesion Application Management Suite is a Blueprint based Configuration,

Change & compliance Management Solution that automates the labor intensive
tasks necessary to efficiently maintain complex distributed applications. It helps
you to track IT assets, ensure policy compliance, enable standardization and
detect and correct changes before they become problems.

Cohesion offers out of the box value with its extensive Blueprint library, allowing
you to begin managing your distributed applications immediately without lengthy
configuration integration.

Blueprints enable automatic discovery of applications and their components, and

eliminate the mystery of complex relationships and their dependencies.

With Cohesion blueprints you can:

• Audit the entire application enterprise for compliance with best practices
and operational standards (Gold Standard Configuration)
• Detect change: planned or unplanned

Business Development Manual 29

• Accelerate troubleshooting when applications slowdown or fail
• Restore application integrity
• Cohesion reduces your escalating application support costs and maximizes
application stability, reliability & performance.

What is Cohesion?

It is a

• CMDB (SMDB) Repository which provides…..

• Inventory of All applications from a Business Service View.
• It is also used as a comparative analysis tool.
• Helps in Validation
• Helps in Pro-active and Re-active troubleshooting

What language is Cohesion written in?

Cohesion is written in Java, and is running on top of a Servlet Engine, Tomcat to

be specific.

What is the architecture of Cohesion?

The Cohesion architecture is the application itself, with a JDBC compliant DB. The
application can be run as a multi-tiered application, with a web server, app server,
and a DB server.

What are the Hardware requirements for Cohesion?

We recommend that you have 1GB of RAM for the Cohesion server and follow the
Vendor recommended requirements for the DB.

How is user access administered in Cohesion?

Cohesion has built in user access with individual rights and responsibilities. The
user access can be managed through Cohesion, or the can be integrated with
LDAP or active directory for single point of Administration.

What Operating System is required for Cohesion to run?

Since Cohesion is written in Java, it can run on a Windows, Linux, or Sun based

Business Development Manual 30

What Database does Cohesion require to work with?

The backend Database is a JDBC compliant DB such as Oracle or MS SQL.

What type of servers or items does Cohesion Manage?

Cohesion can mange the following Operating Systems:

• Windows
• Linux
• Sun
• Network Components via SNMP
• Any Components via SNMP

How does Cohesion Discover/Interrogate (communicate) the


Cohesion interrogates hosts and network equipment via 2 different methods.

• The first is via SNMP, this will allow Cohesion to get a limited amount of
• The second is via a small Cohesion Service or Daemon, which runs on the
hosts. This service/Daemon is written in C++ and has a very small
footprint. In addition the service/Daemon has no intelligence so it just
fetches information and sends it to the Cohesion Server.

Can Cohesion communicate through Firewalls or with hosts in


Cohesion can communicate with hosts which are located in different subnets, or
across firewalls. This is done via:

• Direct Communication
• Port-Forwarding
• SSH through a Port
• Pass-through Agents (one agent communicates with others in the DMZ,
and only it communicates with the server)

What is a Blueprint?

A Cohesion Blueprint is an Organizational Object model. Each Blueprint has all of

the intelligence on the following information:

• How to discover if a Component Exists

Business Development Manual 31
• How to discover multiple instances of a Component
• What files to manage on a Date and time Stamp basis, in addition to the
Creation/Modification date, and the file permissions?
• What files have information on how the component is configured?
• How to interpret and what the meanings of the configurations settings are.

Is there encryption when using Cohesion?

All web access (for applications such as Cohesion) is through a 128-bit SSL
connection over HTTP. This mechanism encrypts all the user requests and
responses between the Cendura system and the Web client.

Is there authentication with communication between Cohesion

and the Hosts?

The communication with hosts enforces message authentication through MD5

Hashed Message Authentication Codes (HMAC). In order to authenticate a
message, a receiver applies the MD5 HMAC calculation to the same buffer content.
If the calculated MD5 digest matches that in the message, the message passes
authentication; otherwise the message is ignored.

Can Cohesion monitor performance of my applications?

Cohesion is not a performance monitoring product. Most companies already have

a monitoring product which tells IT what is up and down (green light vs. red light).
What Cohesion does is DIAGNOSE what caused the red light, this is down to the
file and the configuration in the file that has changed. This helps find that “needle
in the haystack”.

Cohesion will integrate with your monitoring products. This is in a Bi-directional

integration. First is where the monitoring product will notify us with an error. Via
a CLI (command line interface) the monitoring product can enact us to diagnose
the problem and send a response with the result. The second is where we can find
the changes and send an SNMP alert to the monitoring product.

Does Cohesion do Asset Management?

Cohesion collects every detail about a host in your environment. All of the detail
(CMOS version of a Host) is real and comes directly from the source, by doing this
we have complied a DB with all of the information necessary for asset
management. What Cohesion provides is reporting capabilities and integration
capabilities which can help in managing your asset management.

Can Cohesion keep track of where the host is located?

Business Development Manual 32

Cohesion has business attributes which allow IT to manage each host. Those
business attributes specify the following:

• Where the item is located

• Who owns the item
• Who/What the business owner is

Do you integrate with Asset management products?

After discovering all of the detail on a host, we can provide reports in HTML, CSV,
or XML. The data collect can be exported directly or integrated through an API
(currently custom) into your asset management product.

How often does Cohesion interrogate the managed items?

There is a job scheduler built into the Cohesion, which allows the user to specify
the how often they would like to update our DB.
Cendura recommends that clients “refresh” the data on a nightly basis, during a
maintenance window (12am – 4am).

How does Cohesion help me with compliance (ITIL, SOX)?

Cohesion validates all of the processes you internally have.

ITIL and SOX are standards on following specific processes in you IT environment.
(i.e.)Release Management: Validating that the proper files were or were not
deployed to the hosts.

Business Development Manual 33

What kind of reports can you create with Cohesion?

Cohesion has a reporting framework, which allows us to create any report on the
data which we have collected. In addition all information in the CMDB is
exportable, in HTML, CSV, or XML.

Does Cohesion provision or deploy applications in my


Cohesion is not a deployment or Provisioning tool. Most people already have a

deployment or provisioning tool. What we do is allow you to quickly diagnose
what has changed and allow you to take corrective action on configurations which
have changed. Cohesion validates that an application was properly deployed

Is Cohesion able to report who owns or what service each host

is part of?

Cohesion has business attributes which allow IT to manage each host. Those
business attributes specify the following and can be customized:

• Where the item is located

• Who owns the item
• Who/What the business owner is
• These can be customized

Our Blueprint Library

Cohesion has approximately 150 + blueprints that have been built into it. New
blueprints are added regularly and existing blueprints are kept in tandem with the
latest software releases. Some of the most common blueprints are:

Enterprise Applications

• PeopleSoft 8
• Microsoft Active Directory Server
• Microsoft Exchange
• Siebel
• Sun Java Directory Server

Applications Platforms:

• BEA Tuxedo

Business Development Manual 34

• BEA Web logic 5
• BEA Web logic 6
• BEA Web logic 7
• BEA Web logic 8
• IBM Websphere 4
• IBM Websphere 5
• J2EE Enterprise Application
• Java Web Application
• JBoss Application Server
• Java Development Kit
• Java Runtime environment
• Log 4J
• Sun Java Application Server 7

Web Servers

• Apache WebServer 1.3 +

• Apache WebServer 2.0
• Apache Tomcat Servlet Engine
• IBM HTTP Server 1.3 +
• IBM HTTP Server 2.0
• Microsoft IIS 5.0
• Microsoft 6.0
• Sun Java Web Server 6

Messaging Systems

• Microsoft MQ Server
• IBM Websphere MQ Series 5

Operating Systems

• IBM AIX 4.3.3+
• IBM AIX 5.1+
• Red Hat Linux 7
• Red Hat Linux 8
• Sun Solaris 2.6
• Sun Solaris 7
• Sun Solaris 8
• Sun Solaris 9
• Microsoft Windows NT 4
• Microsoft Windows 2000
• Microsoft Windows 2003
Business Development Manual 35
Relational Databases

• IBM DB2 Universal database

• IBM Informix Database Server 7
• Microsoft SQL Server 2000
• Microsoft SQL Server Client
• Oracle Enterprsie Server 8i
• Oracle Enterprise Server 9i
• Oracle Database Client
• Sybase Adaptive Server 12

Networking Devices

• Cisco Content Smart Switch

• Cisco Local Director
• F5 Big IP Application Traffic Management
• Foundry Server Iron
• Nortel Alteon Web Switch

Platforms we support
Cohesion Server

• Sun Solaris 8
• Red hat Linux 7.2x and 7.3x
• Microsoft Windows 2000 server (with SP3 or higher)

Cohesion Database

• Oracle 8i (UNIX and Windows)

• Microsoft SQL Server 8 (with current patches)

Cohesion Agent

• Solaris 7,8, 9
• Linux
• AIX 4.3.3
• AIX 5L V5.1
• AIX 5.2 (64 bits)
• HP-UX11i
• Windows NT 4.0
Business Development Manual 36
• Windows 2000
• Windows 2003

Target market?
Cohesion supports heterogeneous and dynamic IT environments. Therefore
organizations that comply with such kind of environments are potential buyers for
Cohesion. The Cohesion product fits into almost every vertical industry that is in
the business place today. Some popular verticals may be as follows (please note
that this list is not comprehensive)

• Healthcare & Pharmaceutical

• Finance & Banking
• Insurance
• Telecommunication
• Online retail
• Security
• Entertainment
• Consumer & Industrial Goods
• Manufacturing
• Federal Accounts
• Education

The Target market needs to be identified around the following two guidelines
(please note that these are guidelines and intuition and gut feeling also plays an
important role in determining a target organization)

Organizations with an average revenue > $1 Billion

Organizations with average employee strength> 3000

Target audience mapping

Since Cohesion is designed to save IT related issues, our target audience revolves
around the IT Department. Some popular target Titles/functions are as follows:
(please keep in mind, that while the list is not comprehensive, one must exercise
one’s judgment in identifying key decision makers, and issue identifiers within the


• VP of IT
• VP of Architecture
• VP of Application Development
• Chief Security Officer
• VP of Security
• VP Enterprise Operations

Business Development Manual 37

• VP of Infrastructure
• VP of IT Strategy (Calling the shots on ITIL)

Mid-Level Managers

• Director of IT
• Dir of Architecture
• Director of Infrastructure
• Dir/ Manager of Business Continuity
• Applications Architect
• Manager System Architecture
• Director of Security
• Dir or Manager of Disaster Recovery
• Dir of IT Strategy (Calling the shots on ITIL)

Deployment and Support

• Director of Web Applications

• Architect
• Applications Architect
• Applications Administrator (Fortune 500 Companies Only)
• Applications and Support Engineer
• Applications Services Manager
• Production Support Manager

Development and QA

• Director or Manager of Applications Development

• Director or Manager of QA

Who is a Qualified Prospect?

Account Characteristics

A qualified account will have a majority of the following characteristics

• One or more revenue generating or customer facing characteristics

• Infrastructure characteristics
• Heterogeneous-consisting of a mixture of Windows, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris
and Linux
• Size-At least 100 hosts underlying the applications(s) to be managed
• Complexity-applications(S) are comprised of multiple third party
infrastructure components (databases, web servers, application severs,
Business Development Manual 38
messaging systems, load balancers etc)
• The applications or its underlying components undergo change at least
once each day
• The prospect is currently using manual processes or custom scripts to
manage the state of their applications and/or underlying infrastructure

Contact Characteristics

A qualified contact will have all of the following characteristics:

• Have significant responsibility for the applications described above (this is
often director level or above, but not in all circumstances)
• Have decision making authority or play the primary role in recommending
acquiring of third party technologies

Bad fit warning signs-reasons for disqualification

• Revenue generating or customer facing applications are monolithic or
• Environment on which the application are deployed is small
• Environment on which the applications are deployed is static
• Contact area’s of responsibility is focused on client related problems as
opposed to the server
• Primary sources of application slowdowns and outages is application
• Pain point stems from:
• Asset management or tracking
• Hardware or software provisioning
• Real time system, or network management, Managing web services is the
principal concern
• A major component of the infrastructure is mainframe, As/400 or other
currently unsupported platforms

Qualification Questions
• How are they managing their complex distributed applications today?
• Do they have a heterogeneous mix of servers? What types?
• How are these servers and applications developed, tested and then
deployed into production?
• How many changes are made to these applications per month/annum?
• How do they manage changes to these applications?
• How long does it take them to identify and resolve miss-configured
parameters within a complex application today?
• What about a 5, 10, 50, 500 server web application environment?
• Can they automatically identify exactly where the changes are?
• What is the failure rate for newly deployed environments?
• Would they like to reduce this and save money and time?
• What about monitoring their installed software licenses?

Business Development Manual 39

• Can they easily audit and track software license usage?
• Do they get the executive management information they need?
• Can they get the reports they need today - instantly?
• How easy is it to interpret this information? Is the information useful".
• Do you know how adding new customers, servers and applications will
affect the infrastructure?
• Do you know how changing servers and applications will affect the
• Do you know how to prepare the infrastructure for new customers, servers
and applications?
• Can you determine how the existing application infrastructure will perform
under load?
• Do you accurately deploy the right resources when troubleshooting?
• Do you know where the problem resides- network, application, server?
• How do you ensure that new servers function as specified by the
customer’s requirements
• How do you ensure that new servers work in secure production
• How useful would it be to be able to optimize the management of their
distributed, complex applications?
• How useful would it be to them to know that they can fully test
disaster/recovery environment before switching over in times of
• Do you have or plan to have SLAs?
• Do you know what your current service levels for application recovery
times are?
• How will you know if your ability to recover a major web application is
affecting service level agreements?
• How do you baseline recovery times?
• Do you have to pay penalties if you don't deliver a certain response time?
• When last did you upgrade your servers to enhance application
performance? What were the reasons?
• How do you plan for future capacity planning requirements?
• Can you attach a solid business/cost justification to Purchase Orders for
new servers?
• Do you ever need to recover major applications in a hurry to meet SLA’s?

Cendura Mailer format - I

Dear _____________,

Hello and Wish you a Very good Morning!

A brief introduction to myself. My name is _________________

and I look after the Business Development activities at Cendura Corporation
(, a company that is having significant success in the
Enterprise Intelligent Configuration Management space.
Business Development Manual 40
Cendura has developed an Intelligent Configuration Management solution called
Cohesion, which utilizes Application Blueprinting at its core. Cohesion has been
licensed to several Fortune 1000 companies including Medtronics, Verisign,
Fidelity Investments, Homestore, PlanetAsia, HSBC,, Volkswagen Credit

Cendura recently took part in the Gartner IT Expo held at Florida, to showcase its
innovative foray into Application & Configuration Management.

As per Gartner Reports, Cohesion has been identified as a solution that can really
help organizations reduce operational and management costs through its
Configuration Management applications. To add to that, is the fact, that Cohesion
has been nominated as an "innovative, impactful and intriguing solution" to meet
new market demands and requirements. Cohesion with is innovative ICM
(Intelligent Configuration Management) engine, is built to provide all levels of
active change and configuration management, enabling on-the-spot problem
correction and management across a heterogeneous infrastructure."

Cohesion was designed to save time and reduce costs within the enterprise IT
organizations by significantly improving application reliability, availability and
performance, reducing application down time and maximizing the staff associated
with managing complex, distributed applications by:

- Automatically discovering and identifying all instances of distributed applications,

their associated components and all dependencies throughout the environment.

- Building dynamic Blueprints of these applications.

- Providing in-depth knowledge of each component (operating system, application

module database, etc.) and what their configuration and parameter settings are.

When using Cohesion our clients are able to:

- Improve application reliability, availability and performance.

- Automate labor-intensive tasks to save time and money.

- Audit for policy compliance (security, regulatory, performance)

- Ensure consistency with gold standard configurations.

- Detect change and rollback.

- Rapidly identify and resolve complex application slowdowns or outages

associated with configurations that drift out of conformity.

Cohesion is flexible and additive within your environment. Cohesion complements

Business Development Manual 41

existing change control systems, network management systems, trouble ticketing
systems and event correlation engines.

We would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to present our company
and our technology in greater detail. In this regard, please let me know on a
suitable date and time when we can meet you or have a discussion with you via

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Cendura Mailer Format - II

Please allow me to introduce myself - my name is _______; I am a National
Account Manger for Cendura Corporation a company that is gaining tremendous
traction in the Application Configuration space.

Gartner states: “[Application Configuration Management] tools are

prerequisites for achieving success with service-level, change, problem, and
availability and performance management”.1Gartner also picked Cendura as one
of the “Cool Vendors in Configuration Management”?2

Areas of concern, and how Cendura fits:

• Operational efficiency: Cendura answers the question: “The application

worked yesterday….what changed?”
• Business Continuity Plans: Cendura can confirm or deny that the
application’s configuration in Production matches that of D/R.
• Policy compliance: Cendura answers questions by Auditors, such as
validating that best practices and processes are working, thereby
eliminating SOX risk.
• Business Impact Analysis: Cendura provides the application information
required to make effective decisions, i.e. consolidation or changing
• ITIL / Balanced Scorecard, et al: Cendura automates Change and
Configuration management portions of ITL, and feeds information into
• Architectural standards: Establish and ensure “gold standards” are
followed by QA, Dev/Test and Prod teams.

A brief overview can be found here:

Gartner, “Cool Vendors in Configuration Management”, Donna Scott et al.,
March 2004.
Business Development Manual 42

Current customers in production include GM, Fidelity, Medtronic,,

Verisign and others.

I would really appreciate the opportunity to meet with you or one of your staff
members to determine if you have any interest in learning more about Application
Configuration Management, our company and our solutions. Either way, as a
professional courtesy would you mind contacting me at either 630.400.5030 or .

I appreciate your time.

Best Regards,

Possible Subject Lines

• IT Infrastructure Solutions from Cendura Corporation
• Application Blueprinting Solutions from Cendura Corporation
• Cendura Corporation & Live Meeting Demo
• IT Change & Configuration Management Solutions from Cendura
• IT Control Solutions from Cendura Corporation
• Change Management Solutions from Cendura Corporation
• ITIL & SOX Management Solutions from Cendura Corporation
• Cendura Corporation: Managing your IT Security Compliance

Business Development Manual 43

Follow up mailer format
Dear ______________,

Hello and wish you a very Good Morning! I hope you have received our earlier
mail, outlining our company, Cendura Corporation (www. and
products and services.

Cendura has developed an Intelligent Configuration Management solution called

Cohesion, which utilizes Application Blueprinting at its core. Cohesion has been
licensed to several Fortune 1000 companies including Medtronics, Verisign,
Fidelity Investments, Homestore, PlanetAsia etc.

As per Gartner Reports, Cohesion has been identified as a solution that can really
help organizations reduce operational and management costs through its
Configuration Management applications.

Cohesion is flexible and additive within your environment. Cohesion complements

existing change control systems, network management systems, trouble ticketing
systems and event correlation engines.

We would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to present our company
and our technology in greater detail. In this regard, please let me know on a
suitable date and time when we can meet you or have a discussion with you via

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards

Holiday Mailer Format

Dear _______ ,

Cendura would like to wish you and yours the very best this holiday season and
hope you have a prosperous new year at ________________ .

We are excited about the coming advances to our Cohesion platform next year as
we extend our leadership in providing continuous IT control. I personally look
forward to furthering our relationship.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Once again, wish you a Great Year ahead!

Business Development Manual 44

Best regards

Competitor Analysis
Direct Competitors

• Relicore
• Troux
• Moonlight
• Cyanea
• CompassAI
• Covalent

Application & Server Provisioning

• BladeLogic
• PlateSpin
• Opsware
• ProvisionSoft
• CenterRun
• Amphus
• Ejacent

Traditional Software Distribution

• Marimba
• Novadigm

Web Performance Monitoring & Management

• Dirig
• Wily
• Mercury
• Tonic

Traditional System Management

• IBM Tivoli
• HP OpenView
• CA Unicenter

Business Development Manual 45

• NetIQ

Business Development Manual 46

Industry Overview
Traditional Management Vendors

(with (with
BMC Marimba) Remedy)

HP/Openview Novadigm)
Mercury Appilog)


Datacenter Modeling Vendors
Change Management & Operational Tool Vendors

Configuratio Datacenter Patch Applicatio Traditional Help Desk
n Modeling Distributio n Manageme
Managemen n Performan nt Console
t ce

Business Development Manual 47

Synopsis Strengths Weaknesses Comments

The Mapping People

Collation - Collect infrastructure Application As with all remote- Collation is more like
level information (Identity, visualization appears collection or Relicore except that
relationships, etc.) live - it receives events agentless Relicore also gathers
- Form a reference model from Mgt Consoles and technologies, the deeper configuration
from the collected data propogates them within depth of the data information
- Correlate events from the map to change a that is available is
other consoles with the color. limited, as is the
reference model reliability of the
nlayers automatically discovers, - niche product - very - Undefined future Competes most
maps, & tracks application unique or past (web site is directly with Mercury
resource utilization and not working)
usage patterns in a time-
based application behavior
model, to provide
optimized application
resource allocation

Business Development Manual 48

Synopsis Strengths Weaknesses Comments

The Sys Admin Tool / NOC Tool People

ConfigureSoft - Deep discovery and - Very Mature product - they only support By far the closest
collection of Windows - lots of great features windows product to Cohesion.
based information for a windows heavy - many of their core
- relationships mapping shop oncepts and They only cover
within windows - very windows-y and methodologies do Windows though…
- Patch deployment user friendly UI not carry over to
- General sys admin other operating
functions and fixes systems
Appilog (Mercury) Mercury acquired appilog - Seems like a nice - extremely limited This acquisition was
to fill in their application discovery tool for feature set (except entirely focused on
level knowledge. Appilog creating a more when pared with filling a gap in
is a tool that talks to JMX physical application Mercury) Mercury's Topaz
and application servers map product (they needed
and collects information discovery technology
about J2EE applications. in order to know what
to monitor). This has
effectively eliminated
Appilog from the
competition in
Relicore - Discover application (via Real-time change - Real-time only Of these vendors,
JMX) and some high-level detection works with the use Relicore has the best
host information (like the of their agent, which chance of competing
modeling people) is quite large and with us directly.
- Create an applicatin not scalable
topology map - change detection Their change
- With agents they can only does changes detection is real-time
collect named on a specific named - which means that
configuration files element over a they are not using
- Monitor for changes and given time period change detection as
alert in any of the named (e.g. not host to an analytic tool like
parts host differences) we do - they only
store the changes.

Synopsis Strengths Weaknesses Comments

The CMDB / Infrastructure Mgt People
Cendura - Deepest, broadest - One of the only
CMDB cendors who do
- Automatic snapshots what we do and so
of environtment we get compared to
- Extremely flexible for other guys that are
custom environments not like us
- Due to above, UI
visualization is
perceived to be

Business Development Manual 49

Company Contact Overview/Challenge Value of Cohesion
Homestore, Inc. Marty Frame Complex Impressed by Senior Vice President, Website depth of blueprint
Product and Technology powered by 70+ Web knowledge
Homestore, Inc. servers running IIS Flexibility to
30700 Russell Ranch Dedicated team customize
Road running blueprints to
Westlake Village, CA scripts/changing establish standards
91362 configurations weekly Looking to
(805) 557-2633 50% of hosts being Cohesion to map managed nightly dependencies
snapshots to ensure Will help them
config integrity attain operational
Servers are and hard asset
updated once a week efficiencies
with new application Ability to
components quickly push
Had to manage by configuration
manually deploying change; versioning
scripts; labor intensive and patch
verify; Identified management
problems by script for
EACH server
inconsistencies across
Charged with
standardizing acquired

Fidelity Gavin Goldman Managing very large Selected over Vice President, Systems 401K site for ConfigureSoft
and Technology employers; each view Ability to
Fidelity Investments into application is provide deep info
400 Puritan Way, M2B specific to client on IIS (into
Marlborough, MA 01752 (different application) directory)
(508) 787-7685 Windows Ability to build environment on over custom blueprints
500 servers; Registry Using to audit,
of DLLs a major detect change and
problem troubleshoot
Typical application Looking to
drift; config changes deploy product
with no notification enterprise-wide
Scripts used but not

Business Development Manual 50

100% effective
Lack of QA
resources results in

VeriSign, Inc. Joe Green Large, Cendura used QA Director heterogeneous testing for proactive
VeriSign, Inc. environment; 200-300 prevention and
487 East Middlefield servers problem isolation
Road Homegrown apps; and resolution
Mountain View, CA BEA Weblogic and Able to set
94043 other third party configuration
(650) 426-3481 software standards for Time wasted on specific
debugging test applications
environments and Use for patch
setting server management
configuration (MSFT)
Difficult to maintain Discovery leads
inventory of available to re-use of
resources resources and
ability to control
Using to
monitor and

Business Development Manual 51

Response analysis
Change & Configuration Management

Cohesion is the leading solution for overcoming the challenges involved in

managing configuration changes across your application infrastructure. It
provides visibility into your servers and applications.

With Cohesion you can:

• Discover and view your applications’ configuration settings
• Track and compare configuration changes
• View relationships and dependencies
• Set and enforce policies at file and parameter levels

Cohesion Configuration Management Database (CMDB) consists of the largest

inventory of packaged application Blueprints spanning Linux, Windows, Solaris,
AIX, and HP-UX platforms. Moreover, Cohesion conforms with structured process
improvement frameworks such as ITIL and COBIT to promote ongoing IT quality
and regulatory efforts.

Application Configuration Lifecycle Mgmt

» Discover: Discover servers, operating systems, applications and their

respective configuration settings.

» Control: Track and validate changes at OS and component layers, as well as

file and parameter levels. Notifies you of configuration changes via e-mail and
SNMP alerts.

» Optimize: setup and enforce change management and compliance rules. View
application dependencies. Correct or re-configure applications to meet new
business requirements

Business Continuity & Disaster Readiness

Business Continuity and Disaster Readiness are about taking proactive measures
to make sure that business-critical applications and systems are stable and highly
available. Cendura is differentiated by covering virtually all hardware platforms,
operating systems, software stacks, and business applications used across the
Fortune 2000.

This single view into your heterogeneous environment provides you the unmated
ability to control what happens across your infrastructure. Disaster readiness not
only drives the need for having a perfect configuration state of your application or
service but having the ability to rollback to that perfect state. Cendura is the

Business Development Manual 52

only vendor with intelligent configuration management that allows you to view,
isolate, manage and make changes to configuration and registry elements.

To ensure business continuity and disaster readiness, Cendura gives you the
power to:
• Isolate potential problems,
• Enforce rules and policies that mitigate disaster,
• Undo unwanted changes,
• Compare against a perfectly configured state
• Actively make changes on the server
• Schedule changes in a batch job
• Detect and correct changes between
o points in time (what changed in the last week, day or hour)
o application states (compare my web servers across the
o hosts (compare two servers and all the applications that run on
o operating systems (compare two Linux environments)

Compliance & Security Management

As you’re aware, regulatory compliance is a regular topic of conversation and has

become a new business reality. The downside of non-compliance is significant and
difficult to measure. For most organizations non-compliance just isn’t an option,
even though they can’t answer the question – “Are you 100% compliant?”

The greatest challenge IT departments face is that today’s heterogeneous,

application-driven datacenter is a moving target. Made up of multi-vendor, multi-
tier components, glued together with custom code, and distributed across several
network nodes and platforms, the very nature of IT updates, change and
optimization is the cause for its “drift” out of compliance.

Manually trying to detect and enforce the IT compliance portions of Sarbanes-

Oxley, SB1386, GLBA, HIPAA, Patriot Act for all access, privacy, security, data
recovery, business availability, risk assessment, personnel controls, reporting and
records retention requirements is not really possible to any degree of confidence
most executives would accept.

Many companies are using IT service delivery processes such as ITIL and CMM as
the first step in getting compliant; however, process improvement will only take a
company so far and will not ensure that after IT configurations and changes occur
that applications and systems are still compliant.

Just waiting for the quarterly compliance audit is really too late – companies need
a proactive solution. In this environment, quickly detecting when IT systems and
applications become non-compliant and correcting it is essential.

Business Development Manual 53

A proactive solution – the Cohesion compliance platform takes the guess work out
of compliance. Cohesion is the only Continuous Compliance platform that delivers
continuous risk control, continuous auditing and continuous assurance that your
infrastructure is compliant.

Not only can you use Cohesion to quickly attain ‘compliance assurance’ for your
IT controls, but the IT group can add policies to enhance and extend IT Controls
to cover your enterprise’s best practices and respond to new rules and regulations.

Cohesion automates the process of continuous compliance by…

• Discovery of and tracking of all application files and parameters that

govern it’s compliance
• Automating, policy-based enforcement of compliance rules
• 24x7 auditing and compliance assurance
• Detailed Reporting for all services, applications, and hosts
• Snapshot repository for records retention and environment recreation
• Supporting custom in-house application configuration

Using Cohesion you’ll have enterprise-wide accurate information, detailed

compliance visibility and active policy-driven control.

SOX Compliance: How?

Cohesion helps you to automatically discover and inventory all of the software,
configuration, and settings on their servers AND keep it up to date without
manual intervention. (Let us Imagine the power of having an organization’s entire
servers configuration information systematically collected and stored in a single
repository for everyone from the CIO to the Sys Admin to reach.")

With that level of data at one’s fingertips, one could query for nearly any type of
information about their servers: patch levels, software versions, numbers of hosts,
security consistency, etc.

This is extremely valuable for SOX reporting, compliance analysis, asset tracking,

Database sites
Business Development Manual 54
• Database provided by Peter Nash
• (free registration)

Time Zone

Area code

Region Offset Description
MX -6 Mexico: Mexico City area (country code + city code)
N New Jersey: Jersey City, Hackensack (see split 973,
201 NJ -5
overlay 551)
202 DC -5 Washington, D.C.
Connecticut: Fairfield County and New Haven County;
203 CT -5
Bridgeport, New Haven (see 860)
204 MB -6 Canada: Manitoba
Central Alabama (including Birmingham; excludes the
205 AL -6 southeastern corner of Alabama and the deep south; see
splits 256 and 334)
W Washington state: Seattle and Bainbridge Island (see
206 WA -8
splits 253, 360, 425; overlay 564)
207 ME -5 Maine
208 ID -7/-8 Idaho
209 CA -8 Cent. California: Stockton (see split 559)
210 TX -6 S Texas: San Antonio (see also splits 830, 956)
211 -- -- Local community info / referral services
212 NY -5 New York City, New York (Manhattan; see 646, 718)
213 CA -8 S California: Los Angeles (see 310, 323, 626, 818)
214 TX -6 Texas: Dallas Metro (overlays 469/972)
215 PA -5 SE Pennsylvania: Philadelphia (see overlays 267)

Business Development Manual 55

216 OH -5 Cleveland (see splits 330, 440)
217 IL -6 Cent. Illinois: Springfield
218 MN -6 N Minnesota: Duluth
219 IN -6/-5* NW Indiana: Gary (see split 574, 260)
Northern NE Illinois: Evanston, Waukegan, Northbrook
224 IL -6
(overlay on 847, eff 1/5/2002)
Louisiana: Baton Rouge, New Roads, Donaldsonville, Albany,
225 LA -6
Gonzales, Greensburg, Plaquemine, Vacherie (split from 504)
228 MS -6 S Mississippi (coastal areas, Biloxi, Gulfport; split from 601)
SW Georgia: Albany (split from 912; see also 478; perm
229 GA -5
W Michigan: Northwestern portion of lower Peninsula;
231 MI -5
Traverse City, Muskegon, Cheboygan, Alanson
234 OH -5 NE Ohio: Canton, Akron (overlaid on 330; perm 10/30/00)
236 VA -5 Virginia (region unknown) / Unassigned?
Florida (Lee, Collier, and Monroe Counties, excl the Keys; see
239 FL -5
305; eff 3/11/02; mand 3/11/03)
W Maryland: Silver Spring, Frederick, Gaithersburg (overlay,
240 MD -5
see 301)
242 -- -5 Bahamas
246 -- -4 Barbados
248 MI -5 Michigan: Oakland County (split from 810; see overlay 947)
250 BC -8 Canada: British Columbia (see 604)
S Alabama: Mobile and coastal areas, Jackson, Evergreen,
251 AL -6
Monroeville (split from 334, eff 6/18/01; see also 205, 256)
252 NC -5 E North Carolina (Rocky Mount; split from 919)
Washington: South Tier - Tacoma, Federal Way (split from
253 WA -8
206, see also 425; overlay 564)
254 TX -6 Central Texas (Waco, Stephenville; split, see 817, 940)
E and N Alabama (Huntsville, Florence, Gadsden; split from
256 AL -6
205; see also 334)
260 IN -5* NE Indiana: Fort Wayne (see 219)
SE Wisconsin: counties of Kenosha, Ozaukee, Racine,
262 WI -6
Walworth, Washington, Waukesha (split from 414)
264 -- -4 Anguilla (split from 809)
267 PA -5 SE Pennsylvania: Philadelphia (see 215)
268 -- -4 Antigua and Barbuda (split from 809)
269 MI -5 SW Michigan: Kalamazoo, Saugatuck, Hastings, Battle Creek,
Business Development Manual 56
Sturgis to Lake Michigan (split from 616)
270 KY -6 W Kentucky: Bowling Green, Paducah (split from 502)
S and SW Virginia: Bristol, Stuart, Martinsville (split from
276 VA -5
540; perm 9/1/01, mand 3/16/02)
278 MI -5 Michigan (overlaid on 734, SUSPENDED)
281 TX -6 Texas: Houston Metro (split 713; overlay 832)
283 OH -5 SW Ohio: Cincinnati (cancelled: overlaid on 513)
284 -- -4 British Virgin Islands (split from 809)
Canada: S Cent. Ontario: Greater Toronto Area -- Durham,
Halton, Hamilton-Wentworth, Niagara, Peel, York, and
289 ON -5
southern Simcoe County (excluding Toronto -- overlaid on
905, eff 6/9/01)
W Maryland: Silver Spring, Frederick, Camp Springs, Prince
301 MD -5
George's County (see 240)
302 DE -5 Delaware
303 CO -7 Central Colorado: Denver (see 970, also 720 overlay)
304 WV -5 West Virginia
305 FL -5 SE Florida: Miami, the Keys (see 786, 954; 239)
306 SK -6/-7 Canada: Saskatchewan
307 WY -7 Wyoming
308 NE -6/-7 W Nebraska: North Platte
309 IL -6 W Cent. Illinois: Peoria
S California: Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, West Los Angeles
310 CA -8
(see split 562; overlay 424 -- approval denied)
311 -- -- Reserved for special applications
Illinois: Chicago (downtown only -- in the loop; see 773;
312 IL -6
overlay 872)
313 MI -5 Michigan: Detroit and suburbs (see 734, overlay 679)
SE Missouri: St Louis city and parts of the metro area only
314 MO -6
(see 573, 636, overlay 557)
315 NY -5 N Cent. New York: Syracuse
316 KS -6 S Kansas: Wichita (see split 620)
317 IN -5* Cent. Indiana: Indianapolis (see 765)
N Louisiana: Shreveport, Ruston, Monroe, Alexandria (see
318 LA -6
split 337)
319 IA -6 E Iowa: Cedar Rapids (see split 563)
Cent. Minnesota: Saint Cloud (rural Minn, excl St.
320 MN -6
Business Development Manual 57
Florida: Brevard County, Cape Canaveral area; Metro
321 FL -5
Orlando (split from 407)
S California: Los Angeles (outside downtown: Hollywood;
323 CA -8
split from 213)
Central Texas: Abilene, Sweetwater, Snyder, San Angelo
325 TX -6
(split from 915)
NE Ohio: Akron, Canton, Youngstown; Mahoning County,
330 OH -5 parts of Trumbull/Warren counties (see splits 216, 440,
overlay 234)
W NE Illinois, western suburbs of Chicago (part of what used
331 IL -6
to be 708; overlaid on 630; assigned but not in use)
S Alabama: Auburn/Opelika, Montgomery and coastal areas
334 AL -6
(part of what used to be 205; see also 256, split 251)
336 NC -5 Cent. North Carolina: Greensboro (split from 910)
337 LA -6 SW Louisiana: Lake Charles, Lafayette (see split 318)
Massachusetts: Boston surburbs, to the south and west (see
339 MA -5
splits 617, 508; overlaid on 781, eff 5/2/2001)
340 -- -4* US Virgin Islands (see also 809)
341 CA -8 (overlay on 510; SUSPENDED)
345 -- -5 Cayman Islands
347 NY -5 New York (overlay for 718: NYC area, except Manhattan)
Massachusetts: north of Boston to NH, 508, and 781
351 MA -5
(overlaid on 978, eff 4/2/2001)
Florida: Gainesville area, Ocala, Crystal River (split from
352 FL -5
W Washington State: Olympia, Bellingham (except Seattle
360 WA -8
area; part of what used to be 206; see overlay 564)
361 TX -6 S Texas: Corpus Christi (split from 512; eff 2/13/99)
369 CA -8 Solano County (perm 12/02/00, mand 06/02/01)
380 OH -5 Ohio: Columbus (overlaid on 614; assigned but not in use)
Utah: Salt Lake City Metro (split from 801, eff 3/30/02
385 UT -7
POSTPONED; see also 435)
N central Florida: Lake City (split from 904, perm 2/15/01,
386 FL -5
mand 11-05-01)
401 RI -5 Rhode Island
402 NE -6 E Nebraska: Omaha, Lincoln
403 AB -7 Canada: Southern Alberta (see 780, 867)
404 GA -5 N Georgia: Atlanta and suburbs (see overlay 678, split 770)
405 OK -6 W Oklahoma: Oklahoma City (see 580)
Business Development Manual 58
406 MT -7 Montana
Central Florida: Metro Orlando (see overlay 689, eff 7/02;
407 FL -5
split 321)
408 CA -8 Cent. Coastal California: San Jose (see overlay 669)
409 TX -6 SE Texas: Galveston, Port Arthur (splits 936, 979)
E Maryland: Baltimore, Annapolis, Chesapeake Bay area,
410 MD -5
Ocean City (see 443)
411 -- -- Reserved for special applications
412 PA -5 W Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh (see split 724, overlay 878)
413 MA -5 W Massachusetts: Springfield
414 WI -6 SE Wisconsin: Milwaukee County (see splits 920, 262)
California: San Francisco County and Marin County on the
415 CA -8 north side of the Golden Gate Bridge, extending north to
Sonoma County (see 650)
Canada: S Cent. Ontario: Toronto (see overlay 647, eff
416 ON -5
417 MO -6 SW Missouri: Springfield
418 QC -5/-4 Canada: NE Quebec: Quebec
419 OH -5 NW Ohio: Toledo (see overlay 567, perm 1/1/02)
E Tennessee, except Knoxville metro area: Chattanooga,
423 TN -5 Bristol, Johnson City, Kingsport, Greeneville (see split 865;
part of what used to be 615)
S California: Los Angeles (see split 562; overlaid on 310
424 CA -8
Washington: North Tier - Everett, Bellevue (split from 206,
425 WA -8
see also 253; overly 564)
430 TX -6 NE Texas: Tyler (overlaid on 903, eff 7/20/02)
W Texas: Big Spring, Midland, Odessa (split from 915, eff
432 TX -7/-6
E Virginia: Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, South
434 VA -5 Boston, and Emporia (split from 804, eff 6/1/01; see also
435 UT -7 Rural Utah outside Salt Lake City metro (see split 801)
Canada: SW Quebec: Montreal city (overlaid on 514,
438 QC -5
[delayed until 2005] eff 10/10/03, mand 2/7/04)
Ohio: Cleveland metro area, excluding Cleveland (split from
440 OH -5
216, see also 330)
441 -- -4 Bermuda (part of what used to be 809)
442 CA -8 Far north suburbs of San Diego (Oceanside, Escondido,

Business Development Manual 59

SUSPENDED -- originally perm 10/21/00, mand 04/14/01)
E Maryland: Baltimore, Annapolis, Chesapeake Bay area,
443 MD -5
Ocean City (overlaid on 410)
Canada: Southeastern Quebec; suburbs outside metro
450 QC -5/-4
456 -- -- Inbound International
464 IL -6 Illinois: south suburbs of Chicago (see 630; overlaid on 708)
469 TX -6 Texas: Dallas Metro (overlays 214/972)
Georgia: Greater Atlanta Metropolitan Area (overlaid on
470 GA -5
404/770/678; mand 9/2/01)
473 -- -4 Grenada ("new" -- split from 809)
Connecticut: New Haven, Greenwich, southwestern
475 CT -5
(postponed; was perm 01/06/01; mand 03/01/01???)
Central Georgia: Macon (split from 912; see also 229; perm
478 GA -5
08/01/00; mand 08/01/01)
NW Arkansas: Fayetteville, Springdale, Bentonville (split
479 AR -6
from 501, perm 01/19/02, mand 07/20/02)
480 AZ -7* Arizona: East Phoenix (see 520; also Phoenix split 602, 623)
SE Pennsylvania: Allentown, Bethlehem, Reading, West
484 PA -5
Chester, Norristown (see 610)
500 -- -- Personal Communication Service
Central Arkansas: Little Rock, Hot Springs, Conway (see split
501 AR -6
502 KY -5 N Central Kentucky: Louisville (see 270)
503 OR -8 Oregon (see 541, 971)
504 LA -6 E Louisiana: New Orleans metro area (see splits 225, 985)
505 NM -7 New Mexico
506 NB -4 Canada: New Brunswick
507 MN -6 S Minnesota: Rochester, Mankato, Worthington
Cent. Massachusetts: Framingham; Cape Cod (see split 978,
508 MA -5
overlay 774)
509 WA -8 E Washington state: Spokane
510 CA -8 California: Oakland, East Bay (see 925)
511 -- -- Nationwide travel information
512 TX -6 S Texas: Austin (see split 361; overlay 737, perm 11/10/01)
513 OH -5 SW Ohio: Cincinnati (see split 937; overlay 283 cancelled)
Canada: SW Quebec: Montreal city (see overlay 438, eff
514 QC -5
10/10/03, mand 2/7/04)
Business Development Manual 60
515 IA -6 Cent. Iowa: Des Moines (see split 641)
New York: Nassau County, Long Island; Hempstead (see split
516 NY -5
517 MI -5 Cent. Michigan: Lansing (see split 989)
518 NY -5 NE New York: Albany
519 ON -5 Canada: SW Ontario: Windsor
520 AZ -7* SE Arizona: Tucson area (split from 602; see split 928)
NE California: Eldorado County area, excluding Eldorado Hills
530 CA -8 itself: incl cities of Auburn, Chico, Redding, So. Lake Tahoe,
Marysville, Nevada City/Grass Valley (split from 916)
Western and Southwest Virginia: Shenandoah and Roanoke
540 VA -5 valleys: Fredericksburg, Harrisonburg, Roanoke, Salem,
Lexington and nearby areas (see split 276; split from 703)
Oregon: Eugene, Medford (split from 503; 503 retains NW
541 OR -8/-7 part [Portland/Salem], all else moves to 541; eastern oregon
is UTC-7)
551 NJ -5 N New Jersey: Jersey City, Hackensack (overlaid on 201)
555 -- ? Reserved for directory assistance applications
SE Missouri: St Louis metro area only (cancelled: overlaid on
557 MO -6
559 CA -8 Central California: Fresno (split from 209)
S. Central Florida: Palm Beach County (West Palm Beach,
561 FL -5 Boca Raton, Vero Beach; see split 772, eff 2/11/02; mand
562 CA -8 California: Long Beach (split from 310 Los Angeles)
563 IA -6 E Iowa: Davenport, Dubuque (split from 319, eff 3/25/01)
W Washington State: Olympia, Bellingham (overlaid on 360;
564 WA -8
see also 206, 253, 425; assigned but not in use)
567 OH -5 NW Ohio: Toledo (overlaid on 419, perm 1/1/02)
NE and N Central Pennsylvania: Wilkes-Barre, Scranton (see
570 PA -5
Northern Virginia: Arlington, McLean, Tysons Corner (to be
571 VA -5
overlaid on 703 3/1/2000; see earlier split 540)
SE Missouri: excluding St Louis metro area, includes
573 MO -6 Central/East Missouri, area between St. Louis and Kansas
574 IN -5* N Indiana: Elkhart, South Bend (split from 219)
W Oklahoma (rural areas outside Oklahoma City; split from
580 OK -6

Business Development Manual 61

585 NY -5 NW New York: Rochester (split from 716)
Michigan: Macomb County (split from 810; perm 9/22/01,
586 MI -5
mand 3/23/02)
600 -- -- Canadian Services
Mississippi: Meridian, Jackson area (see splits 228, 662;
601 MS -6
overlay 769)
602 AZ -7* Arizona: Phoenix (see 520; also Phoenix split 480, 623)
603 NH -5 New Hampshire
Canada: British Columbia: Greater Vancouver (overlay 778,
604 BC -8
perm 11/3/01; see 250)
605 SD -6/-7 South Dakota
606 KY -5/-6 E Kentucky: area east of Frankfort: Ashland (see 859)
607 NY -5 S Cent. New York: Ithaca, Binghamton; Catskills
608 WI -6 SW Wisconsin: Madison
609 NJ -5 S New Jersey: Trenton (see 856)
SE Pennsylvania: Allentown, Bethlehem, Reading, West
610 PA -5
Chester, Norristown (see overlays 484, 835)
611 -- -- Reserved for special applications
Cent. Minnesota: Minneapolis (split from St. Paul, see 651;
612 MN -6
see splits 763, 952)
613 ON -5 Canada: SE Ontario: Ottawa
614 OH -5 SE Ohio: Columbus (see overlay 380)
Northern Middle Tennessee: Nashville metro area (see 423,
615 TN -6
W Michigan: Holland, Grand Haven, Greenville, Grand
616 MI -5
Rapids, Ionia (see split 269)
617 MA -5 Massachusetts: greater Boston (see overlay 857)
618 IL -6 S Illinois: Centralia
619 CA -8 S California: San Diego (see split 760; overlay 858, 935)
620 KS -6 S Kansas: Wichita (split from 316; perm 2/3/01)
623 AZ -7* Arizona: West Phoenix (see 520; also Phoenix split 480, 602)
626 CA -8 E S California: Pasadena (split from 818 Los Angeles)
627 CA -8 Napa, Sonoma counties (perm 10/13/01, mand 04/13/02)
628 CA -8 (Region unknown; perm 10/21/00)
W NE Illinois, western suburbs of Chicago (part of what used
630 IL -6
to be 708; overlay 331)
631 NY -5 New York: Suffolk County, Long Island; Huntington,

Business Development Manual 62

Riverhead (split 516)
Missouri: W St. Louis metro area of St. Louis county, St.
636 MO -6 Charles County, Jefferson County area south (between 314
and 573)
Iowa: Mason City, Marshalltown, Creston, Ottumwa (split
641 IA -6
from 515; perm 07/09/00)
646 NY -5 New York (overlay 212/917) NYC: Manhattan only
Canada: S Cent. Ontario: Toronto (overlaid on 416; eff
647 ON -5
649 -- -5 Turks & Caicos Islands
California: Peninsula south of San Francisco -- San Mateo
650 CA -8
County, parts of Santa Clara County (split from 415)
651 MN -6 Cent. Minnesota: St. Paul (split from Minneapolis, see 612)
California: North and Central Orange County (overlaid on
657 CA -8
714; assigned but not in use)
660 MO -6 N Missouri (split from 816)
California: N Los Angeles, Mckittrick, Mojave, Newhall,
661 CA -8 Oildale, Palmdal, Taft, Tehachapi, Bakersfield, Earlimart,
Lancaster (split from 805)
662 MS -6 N Mississippi: Tupelo, Grenada (split from 601)
664 -- -4 Montserrat (split from 809)
Cent. Coastal California: San Jose (rejected was: overlaid on
669 CA -8
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI, US
670 MP +10
671 GU +10 Guam
678 GA -5 N Georgia: metropolitan Atlanta (overlay; see 404, 770)
Michigan: Dearborn area (overlaid on 313; assigned but not
679 MI -5/-6
in use)
682 TX -6 Texas: Fort Worth areas (perm 10/7/00, mand 12/9/00)
684 -- -11 American Samoa
Central Florida: Metro Orlando (see overlay 321; overlaid on
689 FL -5
407, assigned but not in use)
700 -- -- Interexchange Carrier Services
701 ND -6 North Dakota
702 NV -8 Nevada: Clark County, incl Las Vegas (see 775)
Northern Virginia: Arlington, McLean, Tysons Corner (see
703 VA -5
split 540; overlay 571)
704 NC -5 W North Carolina: Charlotte (see split 828, overlay 980)
Business Development Manual 63
Canada: NW Ontario: Sault Ste. Marie/N Ontario: N Bay,
705 ON -5
706 GA -5 N Georgia: Columbus, Augusta
NW California: Santa Rosa, Napa, Vallejo, American Canyon,
707 CA -8
Illinois: southern and western suburbs of Chicago (see 630;
708 IL -6
overlay 464)
709 NL Canada: Newfoundland
710 -- ? US Government
711 -- -- Telecommunications Relay Services
712 IA -6 W Iowa: Council Bluffs
713 TX -6 Mid SE Texas: central Houston (split, 281; overlay 832)
North and Central Orange County (see split 949; overlay
714 CA -8
715 WI -6 N Wisconsin: Eau Claire, Wausau, Superior
716 NY -5 NW New York: Buffalo (see split 585)
717 PA -5 E Pennsylvania: Harrisburg (see split 570)
New York City Metro Area, New York (Queens, Staten Island,
718 NY -5
The Bronx, and Brooklyn; see 212, 347)
719 CO -7 SE Colorado: Pueblo, Colorado Springs
720 CO -7 Central Colorado: Denver (overlaid on 303)
SW Pennsylvania (areas outside metro Pittsburgh; split from
724 PA -5
Florida Tampa Metro: Saint Petersburg, Clearwater (Pinellas
727 FL -5
and parts of Pasco County; split from 813)
W Tennessee: outside Memphis metro area (split from 901,
731 TN -6
perm 2/12/01, mand 9/17/01)
Cent. New Jersey: Toms River, New Brunswick, Bound Brook
732 NJ -5
(see overlay 848)
SE Michigan: west and south of Detroit -- Ann Arbor, Monroe
734 MI -5
(split from 313)
737 TX -6 S Texas: Austin (overlaid on 512, suspended; see also 361)
740 OH -5 SE Ohio (rural areas outside Columbus; split from 614)
S California: Los Angeles, Agoura Hills, Calabasas, Hidden
747 CA -8 Hills, and Westlake Village (see 818; implementation
Florida: Broward County area, incl Ft. Lauderdale (overlaid
754 FL -5
on 954; perm 8/1/01, mand 9/1/01)

Business Development Manual 64

E Virginia: Tidewater / Hampton Roads area -- Norfolk,
757 VA -5 Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Hampton, Newport
News, Suffolk (part of what used to be 804)
758 -- -4 St. Lucia (split from 809)
California: San Diego North County to Sierra Nevada (split
760 CA -8
from 619)
Minnesota: Minneapolis metro area (split from 612; see also
763 MN -6
764 CA -8 (overlay on 650; SUSPENDED)
765 IN -5* Indiana: outside Indianapolis (split from 317)
767 -- -4 Dominica (split from 809)
Mississippi: Meridian, Jackson area (overlaid on 601; perm
769 MS -6
7/19/04, mand 3/14/05)
Georgia: Atlanta suburbs: outside of I-285 ring road (part of
770 GA -5
what used to be 404; see also overlay 678)
S. Central Florida: St. Lucie, Martin, and Indian River
772 FL -5
counties (split from 561; eff 2/11/02; mand 11/11/02)
Illinois: city of Chicago, outside the loop (see 312; overlay
773 IL -6
Cent. Massachusetts: Framingham; Cape Cod (see split 978,
774 MA -5
overlaid on 508, eff 4/2/2001)
775 NV -8 Nevada: Reno (all of NV except Clark County area; see 702)
Canada: British Columbia: Greater Vancouver (overlaid on
778 BC -8
604, per 11/3/01; see also 250)
780 AB -7 Canada: Northern Alberta, north of Lacombe (see 403)
Massachusetts: Boston surburbs, to the north and west (see
781 MA -5
splits 617, 508; overlay 339)
784 -- -4 St. Vincent & Grenadines (split from 809)
785 KS -6 N & W Kansas: Topeka (split from 913)
786 FL -5 SE Florida, Monroe County (Miami; overlaid on 305)
787 PR -4 Puerto Rico (see overlay 939, perm 8/1/01)
800 -- ? US/Canada toll free (see 888, 877, 866, 855, 844, 833, 822)
Utah: Salt Lake City Metro (see split 385, eff 3/30/02; see
801 UT -7
also split 435)
802 VT -5 Vermont
803 SC -5 South Carolina: Columbia, Aiken, Sumter (see 843, 864)
804 VA -5 E Virginia: Richmond (see splits 757, 434)
S Cent. and Cent. Coastal California: Ventura County, Santa
805 CA -8
Barbara County: San Luis Obispo, Thousand Oaks,
Business Development Manual 65
Carpinteria, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria, Lompoc, Santa
Ynez Valley / Solvang (see 661 split)
806 TX -6 Panhandle Texas: Amarillo, Lubbock
807 ON -5/-6 Canada: W Ontario: Thunder Bay
808 HI -10* Hawaii
Dominican Republic (see splits 264, 268, 284, 340, 441, 473,
809 -- -4
664, 758, 767, 784, 868, 876; overlay 829)
810 MI -5 E Michigan: Flint, Pontiac (see 248; split 586)
811 -- -- Reserved for special applications
S Indiana: Evansville, Cincinnati outskirts in IN, Columbus,
812 IN -6/-5*
Bloomington (mostly GMT-5*)
SW Florida: Tampa Metro (splits 727 St. Petersburg,
813 FL -5
Clearwater, and 941 Sarasota)
814 PA -5 Cent. Pennsylvania: Erie
815 IL -6 NW Illinois: Rockford, Kankakee
816 MO -6 N Missouri: Kansas City (see split 660, overlay 975)
817 TX -6 N Cent. Texas: Fort Worth area (see 254, 940)
S California: Los Angeles: San Fernando Valley (see 213,
818 CA -8
310, 562, 626, 747)
NW Quebec: Trois Rivieres, Outaouais (Gatineau, Hull), and
819 QC -5
the Laurentians (up to St Jovite / Tremblant) (see 867)
822 -- ? US/Canada toll free (proposed, may not be in use yet)
828 NC -5 W North Carolina: Asheville (split from 704)
Dominican Republic (perm 1/31/2005; mand 8/1/2005;
829 -- -4
overlaid on 809)
830 TX -6 Texas: region surrounding San Antonio (split from 210)
California: central coast area from Santa Cruz through
831 CA -8
Monterey County
832 TX -6 Texas: Houston (overlay 713/281)
833 -- ? US/Canada toll free (proposed, may not be in use yet)
SE Pennsylvania: Allentown, Bethlehem, Reading, West
835 PA -5 Chester, Norristown (overlaid on 610, eff 5/1/01; see also
South Carolina, coastal area: Charleston, Beaufort, Myrtle
843 SC -5
Beach (split from 803)
844 -- ? US/Canada toll free (proposed, may not be in use yet)
New York: Poughkeepsie; Nyack, Nanuet, Valley Cottage,
845 NY -5 New City, Putnam, Dutchess, Rockland, Orange, Ulster and
parts of Sullivan counties in New York's lower Hudson Valley
Business Development Manual 66
and Delaware County in the Catskills (see 914; perm
Northern NE Illinois: northwestern suburbs of chicago
847 IL -6
(Evanston, Waukegan, Northbrook; see overlay 224)
Cent. New Jersey: Toms River, New Brunswick, Bound Brook
848 NJ -5
(see overlay 732)
Florida panhandle, from east of Tallahassee to Pensacola
850 FL -6/-5 (split from 904); western panhandle (Pensacola, Panama
City) are UTC-6
855 -- ? US/Canada toll free (proposed, may not be in use yet)
SW New Jersey: greater Camden area, Mt Laurel (split from
856 NJ -5
Massachusetts: greater Boston (overlaid on 617, eff
857 MA -5
858 CA -8 S California: San Diego (see split 760; overlay 619, 935)
N and Central Kentucky: Lexington; suburban KY counties of
859 KY -5 Cincinnati OH metro area; Covington, Newport, Ft. Thomas,
Ft. Wright, Florence (split from 606)
Connecticut: areas outside of Fairfield and New Haven
860 CT -5
Counties (split from 203, overlay 959)
862 NJ -5 N New Jersey: Newark Paterson Morristown (overlaid on 973)
863 FL -5 Florida: Polk County (split from 941)
South Carolina, upstate area: Greenville, Spartanburg (split
864 SC -5
from 803)
E Tennessee: Knoxville, Knox and adjacent counties (split
865 TN -5
from 423; part of what used to be 615)
866 -- ? US/Canada toll free
Canada: Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut (split from
867 YT -8/-9
868 -- -4 Trinidad and Tobago ("new" -- see 809)
869 -- -4 St. Kitts & Nevis
870 AR -6 Arkansas: areas outside of west/central AR: Jonesboro, etc
Illinois: Chicago (downtown only -- in the loop; see 773;
872 IL -6
overlaid on 312 and 773)
876 -- -5 Jamaica (split from 809)
877 -- ? US/Canada toll free
Pittsburgh, New Castle (overlaid on 412, perm 8/17/01,
878 PA -5
mand t.b.a.)
880 -- -- Paid Toll-Free Service

Business Development Manual 67

881 -- -- Paid Toll-Free Service
882 -- -- Paid Toll-Free Service
888 -- ? US/Canada toll free
898 -- ?
900 -- ? US toll calls -- prices vary with the number called
901 TN -6 W Tennessee: Memphis metro area (see 615, 931, split 731)
902 NS -4 Canada: Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island
903 TX -6 NE Texas: Tyler (see overlay 430, eff 7/20/02)
904 FL -5 N Florida: Jacksonville (see splits 352, 386, 850)
Canada: S Cent. Ontario: Greater Toronto Area -- Durham,
Halton, Hamilton-Wentworth, Niagara, Peel, York, and
905 ON -5
southern Simcoe County (excluding Toronto -- see overlay
289 [eff 6/9/01], splits 416, 647)
Upper Peninsula Michigan: Sault Ste. Marie, Escanaba,
906 MI -6/-5
Marquette (UTC-5 towards the WI border)
907 AK -9 Alaska
Cent. New Jersey: Elizabeth, Basking Ridge, Somerville,
908 NJ -5
California: Inland empire: San Bernardino (see overlay 752,
909 CA -8
split 951), Riverside
910 NC -5 S Cent. North Carolina: Fayetteville, Wilmington (see 336)
911 -- -- Emergency
912 GA -5 SE Georgia: Savannah (see splits 229, 478)
913 KS -6 Kansas: Kansas City area (see 785)
914 NY -5 S New York: Westchester County (see 845)
W Texas: El Paso (see splits 325 eff 4/5/03; 432, eff
915 TX -7/-6
NE California: Sacramento, Walnut Grove, Lincoln, Newcastle
916 CA -8
and El Dorado Hills (split to 530)
917 NY -5 New York: New York City (cellular, see 646)
918 OK -6 E Oklahoma: Tulsa
919 NC -5 E North Carolina: Raleigh (see split 252, overlay 984)
NE Wisconsin: Appleton, Green Bay, Sheboygan, Fond du Lac
920 WI -6 (from Beaver Dam NE to Oshkosh, Appleton, and Door
County; part of what used to be 414)
California: Contra Costa area: Antioch, Concord, Pleasanton,
925 CA -8
Walnut Creek (split from 510)

Business Development Manual 68

Central and Northern Arizona: Prescott, Flagstaff, Yuma (split
928 AZ -7*
from 520)
Middle Tennessee: semi-circular ring around Nashville (split
931 TN -6
from 615)
S California: San Diego (see split 760; overlay 858, 619;
935 CA -8
assigned but not in use)
SE Texas: Conroe, Lufkin, Nacogdoches, Crockett (split from
936 TX -6
409, see also 979)
937 OH -5 SW Ohio: Dayton (part of what used to be 513)
939 PR -4 Puerto Rico (overlaid on 787, perm 8/1/01)
940 TX -6 N Cent. Texas: Denton, Wichita Falls (split from 254, 817)
SW Florida: Sarasota and Manatee counties (part of what
941 FL -5
used to be 813; see split 863)
947 MI -5/-6 Michigan: Oakland County (overlays 248, perm 5/5/01)
949 CA -8 California: S Coastal Orange County (split from 714)
951 CA -8 California: W Riverside County (split from 909; eff 7/17/04)
Minnesota: Minneapolis metro area, Bloomington (split from
952 MN -6
612; see also 763)
Florida: Broward County area, incl Ft. Lauderdale (part of
954 FL -5
what used to be 305, see overlay 754)
Texas: Valley of Texas area; Harlingen, Laredo (split from
956 TX -6
957 NM -7 New Mexico (pending; region unknown)
Connecticut: Hartford, New London (postponed; was overlaid
959 CT -5
on 860 perm 1/6/01; mand 3/1/01???)
969 MD -5 Maryland: Severn area (eff ???)
970 CO -7 N and W Colorado (part of what used to be 303)
Oregon: Metropolitan Portland, Salem/Keizer area, incl
971 OR -8
Cricket Wireless (see 503; perm 10/1/00)
972 TX -6 Texas: Dallas Metro (overlays 214/469)
N New Jersey: Newark Paterson Morristown (see overlay
973 NJ -5
862; split from 201)
975 MO -6 N Missouri: Kansas City (overlaid on 816)
976 -- -- Pay services
Massachusetts: north of Boston to NH (see split 978 -- this is
978 MA -5
the northern half of old 508; see overlay 351)
SE Texas: Galveston, Port Arthur, Bryan, College Station
979 TX -6
(split from 409, see also 936)
980 NC -5 North Carolina: (overlay on 704; perm 5/1/00, mand 3-15-
Business Development Manual 69
E North Carolina: Raleigh (overlaid on 919, perm 8/1/01,
984 NC -5
mand 2/5/02 POSTPONED)
E Louisiana: SE/N shore of Lake Pontchartrain: Hammond,
Slidell, Covington, Amite, Kentwood, area SW of New
985 LA -6
Orleans, Houma, Thibodaux, Morgan City (split from 504;
perm 02/12/2001; mand 10/22/01)
Upper central Michigan: Mt Pleasant, Saginaw (split from
989 MI -5
517; perm 4/7/01)
Often used by carriers to indicate that the area code
999 -- -- information is unavailable for CNID, even though the rest of
the number is present

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Glimpses……Some of our Customers

Medtronic, Inc., headquartered in Minneapolis, is the world's leading medical

technology company, providing lifelong solutions for people with chronic disease.

VeriSign, Inc. delivers critical infrastructure services that make the Internet and
telecommunications networks more intelligent, reliable, and secure. Every day,
VeriSign helps thousands of businesses and millions of consumers connect,
communicate, and transact with confidence.

"Cohesion's ability to automatically discover and track the state of our application
development environment allows us to make decisions based on facts, not
assumptions. We can quickly identify attributes of our applications and hosts,
isolate unplanned configuration changes, re-allocate and more effectively re-
deploy our IT assets. To us, knowledge is efficiency and with Cendura, we can
now do more with our current resources." — Joe Green, Quality Assurance
Director VeriSign, Inc.

Business Development Manual 70

Homestore, Inc. is the leading provider of real estate media and technology
solutions. The company operates the number one network of home and real
estate Web sites including its flagship site®, the official Web site of
the National Association of Realtors®;™, the official new homes
site of the National Association of Home Builders; Homestore® Apartments &
Rentals; Senior Housing; and®, a home information resource.

"In the past, we had to dedicate a team of engineers to manually run scripts on
each server each week to identify and resolve configuration inconsistencies.
During our growth over the past seven years, we have acquired many different
technologies to support our sites. It is our policy to standardize our large
environment to serve our market. With Cendura, we now have the confidence in
knowing what we have, maintaining standard operational policies and efficiencies,
and easily resolving any issues that arise – automatically." — Marty Frame,
Senior Vice President of Product and Technology Homestore, Inc.

Last Minute Travel is a global marketplace of time-sensitive, just released travel

and entertainment offers. The site employs "dynamic commerce" by scientifically
merging real-time consumer demand with sophisticated revenue management
systems. Both consumers and travel providers benefit from this "d-commerce"
model that powers the right offer, at the right price, to the right customer, at the
right time.

"Over the past year, visitors to have tripled. This increased
customer demand has driven us to scale our software and hardware infrastructure,
and issue new site releases approximately once a week. Open source products
have allowed us to deploy quickly, but the environment becomes more complex
with a wide and varied array of application components. With its application
discovery and problem identification capabilities, Cohesion from Cendura gives us
the ability to set Web and application server configuration standards. We have
spent 20% less time troubleshooting and have redirected those resources to
develop new products for our customers." — Chris Meystrik, Chief Technology
Officer Last Minute Travel, Inc.

Business Development Manual 71

Planetasia is a global solutions and services provider with its headquarters in
Bangalore, India. Planetasia focuses on Enterprise Middleware/Internet
Technologies and builds externalized applications that help transform and
integrate legacy systems for extended "real time" enterprise requirements.
Planetasia combines its proven competencies in software engineering, innovative
architecture and design, as well as usability engineering to define, design and
build these externalized applications. Planetasia's key solution areas are Web
Services & EAI, Extended Supply Chain Management, Enterprise Information
Portals & Content Management, Outsourced Product Development and eJuvenate
(Assessment, Maintenance, Enhancement and Redevelopment of existing
Middleware/Internet applications).

Digital Insight® Corporation (Nasdaq:DGIN) is the leading online banking

provider for visionary financial institutions. Through its comprehensive portfolio of
outsourced, Internet-based financial products and services, Digital Insight enables
banks and credit unions to become the trusted transaction hub for their retail and
commercial customers.

Fidelity Investments is an international provider of financial services and

investment resources that help individuals and institutions meet their financial

Once known primarily as a mutual fund company, Fidelity has adapted and
evolved over the years to meet the changing needs of its customers. Today, that
evolution is reflected in its menu of products and services. In addition to more
than 300 Fidelity mutual funds, they also offer discount brokerage services,
retirement services, estate planning, wealth management, securities execution
and clearance, life insurance and much, much more.

General Motors Corporation (GM) participates in the automotive industry through

the activities of General Motors Automotive, which consists of four regions: GM
North America (GMNA), GM Europe (GME), GM Latin America/Africa/Mid-East
(GMLAAM) and GM Asia Pacific (GMAP). GMNA designs, manufactures and/or
markets vehicles, primarily in North America under the following nameplates:
Chevrolet, Pontiac, GMC, Oldsmobile, Buick, Cadillac, Saturn and Hummer. GME,
GMLAAM and GMAP meet the demands of customers outside North America with
Business Development Manual 72
vehicles under the following nameplates: Opel, Vauxhall, Holden, Saab, Buick,
Chevrolet, GMC and Cadillac. GM's financing and Insurance Operations primarily
relate to General Motors Acceptance Corporation. It provides consumer vehicle
financing, automotive dealership and other commercial financing, residential and
commercial mortgage services, automobile service contracts, personal automobile
insurance coverage and selected commercial insurance coverage.

Quintiles Transnational helps improve healthcare worldwide by providing a broad

range of professional services, information and partnering solutions to the
pharmaceutical, biotechnology and healthcare industries. Headquartered near
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, Quintiles has about 16,000 employees,
offices in 49 countries and is a member of the Fortune 1000

Business Development Manual 73

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