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History of the Origin of English

Joel Kelly C. Mabao

English has turned into the widespread language around the globe. It is a language
wherein we could convey any place we are. In contrast to French, Spanish, or some other
dialects, English is essentially educated in schools, so it is quite helpful currently to calmly
communicate in English. In any case, where does the English language began from?
Furthermore, for what reason is it for the most part spoken by individuals around?

A summary made by OpenLearn from the Open University (2011) says that it all
starts when the Romans began to leave Britain, but then tribes Anglos and Saxons began
to arrive. in terms, we call it now as Anglo-Saxon. Anglo-Saxons are individuals from the
Germanic individuals in which they attacked Britain in fifth Century A.D (Merriam-
Webster, n.d). The 4 days of the week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday)
were even named in honor of the Anglo-Saxon Gods. Along with Vikings, they gave
around 2000 English words to people. The year 1066, William the Conqueror invaded
England. According to Hanson, (2017), He turned into the primary reigning Norman Ruler
of Britain. He administered until his passing 21 years. William was an immediate relative
of the Viking warrior Rollo. He filled in as the Duke of Normandy from 1035. Overall, the
English absorbed 10,000 new words from the Normans. The English nation fought against
the French and lasted about 116 years until English became the language of power. On
the other hand, William Shakespeare, has created 2,000 words. His English poetry shows
how English is rich, unique, limitless expressive and emotional power. Then on the year
1611, King James made a new translation to the bible, and it is called “The King James
Bible”. Its point, it pronounced, was not to make another Interpretation, nor yet to make
of an awful one a decent one, but it is to improve a decent one (TheGuardian,2010) .
From that point onward, seventeenth century researchers aren't perceived to such an
extent, yet then England has as of now individuals brimming with physicists like Robert
Boyle and Isaac Newton, the Illustrious Society was made. Since they found that they
could all communicate in English, they could cooperate. In any case, the find science a
bit excessively quick than they could name them, they made words just to stop their
gatherings and may transform into unlimited pretenses. England chooses to have English
language have a visit around only for land, cash, normal assets, and submission to the
crown in return for exactly couple of English words. In Caribbean, they found bar-b-que,
a canoe and a rum punch, in India, yoga was concocted so as to remain fit as a fiddle, a
cummerbund, and bungalows. In Africa, they got words like "zombie" and "voodoo". In
Australia, they got piece, boomerang, and walkabout. With everything taken into account,
the English realm gobbled up around 10 million square miles, 4 million individuals just to
share English language all around the world. At the point when England arrived in
America, they acquired words like raccoon, squash, and moose from the local Americans
in return for the domain. They sustained America's yearn for words alongside Dutch's
coleslaw and treats, at that point comes Germans selling pretzels and Italians touched
base with their pizza, pasta, and mafia Up to that point America spreads the language of
free enterprise. In 1972, the first email was sent, then comes the web, where we as a
whole offer data and thoughts in one major space. Through web, English changed the
manner in which individuals talk and impart, yet the net brought back sort style and many
instances of redundant strain damage. Discussions are getting shorter than the normal
capacity to focus. At the present time around 1.5 billion individuals communicate in
English, a fourth of it are local speakers, a half of it utilize English as their second
language, the rest, well they considered it.

OpenLearn from the Open Learn University, (2011, November 8). History of Language

(Combined). Retrieved from.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary, (n.d). Anglo-Saxon. Retrieved from https://www.merriam-

Hanson, M. (2017, February 10). William the Conqueror. English History. Retrieved from

McCrum, R. (2010, November 21). How the King James Bible shaped the English

Language: The Guardian. Retrieved from
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