Minutes of The Meeting - 2nd Mancom

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of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
City of Balanga


Pan Resort and Event Place
June 6, 2016
The Division Management Committee Meeting (ManCom) presided by SDS Jessie D. Ferrer was called to order at 9:27 AM with the usual preliminaries. The record of attendance is
in Attachment No. 1. The total number of attendees is 188 out of the expected 229. The proposed agenda was read by OIC - ASDS Dr. Roland M. Fronda which was approved and


1. Oplan Balik Eskwela Preparations SDS Ferrer narrated two problems re: OBE, first, the chaos during the 2
opening of classes, this is minor and be resolved through an 3
orientation; second, the collection. He reminded everyone to 4
abide the DepEd Order concerning No Collection Policy from June- 5
July, signages must be posted to keep as a reminder for everyone 6
to follow. 7
ASDS Fronda added that schools must declare that they are not 8
collecting any cent, furthermore, he announced that regular classes 9
start on June 13. 10
2. Brigada Eskwela Implementation of BE SGOD Chief Perez read the DepEd Memo. No. 25, 2016 and reminded 12
school heads with the following: 13
June 24 - submission of entries in soft and hard copies to district 14
supervisors 15
June 29 - submission of entries by the Secondary and District to SDO 16
c/o Mam Alma Garcia, SEPS SocMob 17
July 4-15- selection of BE Best Implementing Schools 18
Moreover, he reiterated that funds coming from SEF, MOOE, DepEd 19
are not included in the computation of funds generated by each 20
school. 21
SDS Ferrer added, that one of the agenda in the PSB, 22
regarding request for donation, every school will be given allocation 23
for physical facilities (repair) pro rata depending on school enrolment 24
consolidated and submitted to PSB beginning next year. He added 25
that everything will be properly regulated. 26
Educational Tour SDS Ferrer proposed a Division Policy on conducting Educational Tour, 28
every school can have an educational tour once a year provided that 29
DepEd guidelines must be strictly followed and the places that will be 30
visited are educational. Majority agreed with the policy being raised 31
by SDS Ferrer. 32
Teachers' Cooperative SDS Ferrer don't want any school official to engage in selling school 34
uniforms and the like but instead will ask somebody from the SDO to 35
assist in establishing teachers' cooperatives and let these 36
cooperatives manage the school canteen. In that way, SDS Ferrer 37
believed that no teachers will leave the teaching profession. 38
SDS Ferrer mentioned that he will let the principal association to 40
discuss on OP Testing 41
Also, SDS Ferrer said that guidelines on the use of mobile phones will 43
be issued soon. 44
Regional Monitoring of Schools Monitoring of public schools Monitoring of public schools in Region 3 will begin on June 6 - 10 46
prepare the folowing data: 47
enrolment 48
available classrooms 49
conduct dialogue on SHS contingency measures 50
Kidergarten Cut-off age Admission Mam Mila mentioned that pupils must be 5 years old as of June 52
(see Memo) 53
Beyond 5 years old, pupil must be assessed and seek the approval of 54
SDS Ferrer. 55
SDS Ferrer believed that the problem is not really with the public 56
schools but more on the private, so he asked Mrs. Evelyn Mendoza, EPS 57
for Private with the help of PSDSs to conduct monitoring and gathered 58
best practices and share them with the media, SDS Ferrer even 59
commended the practice of Limay NHS in terms of its active 60
engagement with local media. 61
NAT Preparations SDS Ferrer requested the schools heads to report the status of NAT 63
Review/Remediation and other enrichment activities. Elementary and 64
Secondary school heads must submit plan regarding the matter. 65
Mam Escalada shared that her school is conducting 4 days review for 66
NAT. 67
SDS Ferrer was very happy to know that Hermosa NHS through the 68
initiatives of its principal and teachers are conducting review classes 69
and even encourage other school heads to advocate the same. He 70
informed everyone that review materials are available in every 71
district and asked the supervisors to monitor the opening of classes 72
as well as the preparations being made in connection to NAT (G3 and G6) 73
Ma'am Gemma claimed that Morong NHS is conducting pre-test. 74
Deployment of Newly Hired Teachers Deployment ASDS Fronda informed that 257 items for SHS plus 1 item from DOST 76
are available, as of end of May, 184 teachers were assigned to schools 77
offering SHS program and still need to deploy 74. Since the number of 78
teachers are not sufficient, the office announced for a supplemental 79
hiring of ranking last May 31 - June 2. The suplemental hiring was done 80
ASAP to comply for the preparations in SHS such as the orientation and 81
trainings that need to be attended in Baguio. May 15 was the 82
appointment of the SHS teachers and June 6 for the supplemental 83
teachers. SHS teachers are expected to report in their respective 84
school and no school heads are allowed to make any changes without 85
consulting the ASDS and SDS. 86
SDS Ferrer emphasized that any teacher who will not report in his 87
school assignment and will go to other school without an order is a 88
violation. There are TVL teachers will go for a 1-day orientation at CLSU, 89
they will be given CG 90
SHS Classrooms In terms of classroom, according to Engr. Bryan, everything were 91
prepared, except for Luakan NHS, B. Camacho and Samal NHS but they 92
already have alternative plans. Classrooms of P. Roman NHS will be 93
completed on June 30. SDS Ferrer asked the OIC to set a meeting with 94
the PSDS in charge for the district to look for an elementary school that 95
could temporarily accommodate SHS students. 96
Updates As of May 18, SMAW equipments will not be delivered on time, separate 98
meeting for the contingency on SMAW related. MOOE-SHS to be 99
discussed by Budget Estioco, 1.77 B in 2016, September 2015 will be 100
the basis for the computation of SHS MOOE, shall be released to SDO 101
Office depending if the SHS is an implementing of non-implementing 102
unit. SDS Ferrer emphasized that provisions on MOOE, IM's, teacher's 103
table are not allowed. 104
SDS Ferrer said that supplemental hiring exceeded the total number of 105
SHS teachers. 106
ASDS Fronda shared his experienced with one applicant who tampred 107
and forged his documents. 108
Sir Agrado made an announcement that SHS enrolment must be updated 109
with that, schools offering SHS program need to submit the third and 110
final report. 111
DepEd uniform Wearing of prescribed uniform SDS Ferrer confirmed that every DepEd Personnel who received 113
clothing allowance must wear the prescribed DepEd uiform. 114
Uniforms can be negotiated from any supplier. 115
Assignment of EPS SDS Ferrer mentioned the following assignments: 117
Sir Edgie Garcia is the EPS in-charge for Hermosa District 118
Sir Agrado for SHS 119
Flow of Communication SDS Ferrer informed everyone that the flow of communication as stated 121
in the RAT Program from school to SDO. For practical purposes, SDS said 122
that the office of the PSDS will not be called district office but instead 123
SDO-Bataan Annexes. At present, the Office is calibrating the RQA for 124
Junior HS. 125
Hiring of PSB/LSB SDS Ferrer recalled that about 3 years ago when DepEd hired 60, 000 127
teachers for one school so that teachers' backlog will be zero. 128
Elementary to Junior High Schools, Zero Backlog to phase out school 129
board teachers but in reality, local school board teachers items are 130
still available. At present, Bataan does not need LSB teachers, 131
Kinder - 35 132
Grades 1-3 - 40-50 133
Grades 4-10- 55 134
Based on the data, elementary has 22 excess teachers, but the problem 135
is the deployment of teachers, transfer of the excess teachers to those 136
schools who need teacher/s. SDS Ferrer is aware that there are 137
municipalities that prefer an ideal class size to better adhere with 138
quality education. There will be no any problem if the DepEd Secretary 139
approves the request. But this SY 2016-2017, the Division will not 140
hire any school board teacher. 141
The Regional Office had paid all the services rendered and has the final 142
decision regarding the cut-off. 143
Our planning officer, Ma'am Josie Naguit showed the analysis of 144
elementary teachers. 145
Ranking of SHS Non-Teaching In terms of ranking of SHS non-teaching personnel, the Office had 146
Personnel disseminated the information relative to those who would be 147
included in the ranking, the ranking was postponed inasmuch as the 148
NOSCA is not yet available. As soon as the NOSCA is received, 149
information will be disseminated. 150
Length of Stay of School Heads Refer to DepEd. Order #7, s. 1999. 152
Adjournment There being no more queries, the meeting was adjourned at ______ PM. 154

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