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Venue: Deputy Commissioner Office Chitral

Date: October 17, 2018
Time: 10:30 PM


1. Muhammad MustaqJadoon, Chief Commissioner,RTS Commission

2. Mr.MinhasUddin, Addll:DeputyCommissioner,Chitral
3. Mr.IftikharUddin, District Health Officer, Chitral
4. Mr.MazharUddin, Settlement Officer, Chitral
5. Mr.QaziFazlRehman, Excise& Taxation Officer, Chitral
6. Mr.Shaukat Aziz, District Forest Officer, Chitral
7. Mr.MasbahUddin, Tehsil Municipal Officer, Drosh
8. Mr.Aftab Ahmad, Incharge Driving license,Chitral
9. Mr.Mumtaz, Incharge Arms license,Chitral
10.Representative of Public Health &Engineering Deptt.Chitral
11.Representative of Zakat and Usher Deptt. Chitral
12.Mr. ShahabHussain, Data Analyst,RTS Commission
13.Mr.Munir Ahmad, District Monitoring Officer,RTS Commission

Vice Chairman of District Steering Committee Mr. Minhas Uddin welcomed

chair of the meeting and appellate authorities of Notified Public Services

The Following Points were discussed:

A. Chief Commissioner, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa RTS Commission chaired the

meeting and briefed the appellate Authorities of notified services about
Right to Public Services act 2014.
B. The chair briefed the participants to ensure transparency, timelines and
Quality for the provision of all demanded Services.
C. Chief Commissioner, RTSC highlighted issues in the provision of pre-
requisite data of FIR, Fard, Wood permit and Garbage Disposal.

D. Chief Commissioner, RTS Commission paid special attention on Clean and

Green Pakistan initiatives of Prime Minister.

E. Chief Commission introduced the role Of District Steering Committees for

batter public Service delivery.

F. Chief Commissioner Said, code of RTS will be issued soon for general
public facilitation


1. Chief Commissioner, RTS Commission directed District Forest Office,

Adll:Supeindent of Police and all TMOs to provide requisite data to RTS
Commission, Chitral on monthly wise and Monthly Activity report of RS1
&RS2 to District Steering Committee for batter evaluation of timely
delivery of services.

2. It was decided and assured all heads of line department that all data will be
submitted in a timely and transparent manner to RTS Commission as per
said performa.

3. Chief Commissioner, RTSC Paid especial attention on Clean and Green

Pakistan initiatives of Prime Minister and it was decided all TMOs specify
Garbage Points and removal schedule and RTS Commission with the
collaboration of TMAs and District Administration will display pan flex or
Bill board at the main garbage points for general public information to
make cleanliness campaign assure.

4. To streamline the Data of FIR, Addll:Superintend of Police nominated

Inspector legal Mr.Muhsin ul Mulk as Focal person.
5. Chair directed District Forest officer to provide all data of wood permit to
RTS was also decided in the meeting District Forest Office
provide wood permit to applicant after when approved building plan from
Tehsil Municipal Administration to make ti more transparent and enhance
its quality.

6. All Heads of Line Departments assured to provide data, services and

monthly progress Report in a timely and transparent manner.

Meeting ended with vote of thanks.

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