Passengers: Author: Jon Spaihts Director: Morten Tyldum

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Author: Jon Spaihts

Director: Morten Tyldum

Prepared by: Jaymica Badillo

Submitted to: Mrs. Elva Allid Ador
I. Main Character (Give description each)

Aurora Lane- a journalist and writer she is also the main love interest of Jim Preston.
Jim Priston- a mechanical engineer
Arthur- an android bartender on the Avalon

II. My Thoughts

1. How much of the movie agree or clash with you view of the world , and what consider right
or wrong?

The movie we watch affects to our view on Earth it shows the comparison of the two
Homestead I and Homestead II by identifying the capabilities of each homestead as you
can see Homesead II shows the different opportunity but it take a lot of time 90 years
travelling is hard to wait there are 5000 passengers but one of them woke up ahead in first
he’s excited to go that Homestead because it has a lot of opportunity but after he discover
he’s alone he wants to go back to Homestead I but unfortunately there’s no way that he can
go back so he accept his faith. In my view why so suddenly want the captain go that
Homestead instead staying in Earth there’s a lot of place in Earth but we can’t see it,
looking a place but not sure in you can reach it is hard to believe 90 years travelling I can’t
imagine the people live in that place yet comfortable but temporary. In my belief God
create the Earth for the people to live comfortable and create good things I can say
changing our habitar or seeking for more for own needs and wants is not healthy in the
movie it shows that people are not contented to their life because they seek more by the
taught and act going in the Homestead II. In the movie it shows that Homestead II is a
terrestrial planet but in my view and knowledge about astronomy other planets doesn’t
have bodies of water, good quality of soil for plantation and it has some gasses around it so
people can’t live because one of the needs of a man is water because our body is made up
of atleast 80% of water and if we don’t take our drink water our body won’t function well,
Lastly stopping of humans life for a years because even through we have improve science
that kind of event won’t happen as we look to those who’s in comatose stage when they
sleep over years their body well come to maturity so that it means they won’t stay young.
2. How the film agrees or disagrees write what you think about the world, history, technology
and about right or wrong.

For me, world is something that can’t be explain in an easy way, maybe even the most
intelligent person can’t even explain every parts or mysteries of this world. This world is
full of mysteries that even scientist would spend their whole lifetime studying it they
won’t be able to explain the worls mysteries. This world is too vast for our kind, there’s a
lot of things in this worls that we still don’t know, for me out of 100% are only knew 40%
of the world, the 60% left is too far from us to study or even it takes a hundred years we
can’t explain a certain things in this world. Overall for me, this world have nothing but
mysteries within itself. The next one is my view about history, history is one of the most
interesting topic that our ancestors gave to us. History keeps everything within itself.
History is not boring for it tell us something about our part, It gives us information about
an event in our world that are shouldn’t forget. But the thing about history is, it didn’t tell
us some dark events that happen for hundred or thousand of years ago, based on what
I’ve used there’s a book called History which gives importance to women contribution fo
this world, according to it some of a well-known personality back then have some dirty
secrets. History didn’t tell us some discoveries that our ancestor made when they we’re
still alive, some people keeps some important event to us, for it may cause chaos to
everyone, like our universe our history is too vast to be known, well for me, we can’t even
say if they give us the right information about our past, whatever happens in our past is
not only written in the books but also in the note witnesses of the past events like
establishment, the sun, the moon and the oceans. I’m hoping that someday, every
questions we have about our history will be answered properly without us giving follow
up question. Lastly the technology, for me it is the most important things that our kind
discovers and improved. Technology makes us live our life in the world easiest way we
can. Technology help us a lot in our daily lives for it is what we use in the moment we
wake up at the morning and before are sleep at night. But admit of the good benefits of
technology it also has negative effects to human like for example is addiction of teenage
youth or even the lost of files by some companies because of hacking. I think the film
disagree with my views for I don’t believe that the technology can make us travel over
many decades because even the current study we have how is telling us that it is
3. How were your views and opinions challenge or change by the movie, if at all? Why? Why
not? Give your view; might have change or been strengthened (or perhaps of what the text
failed to convince you the way it is)

The movie is very challenging it has a lot of impossible happen, Homestead II defined as a
well place and consider as a terrestrial planet but I don’t think so because in my knowledge
about astronomy other planets doesn’t have bodies of water, good quality of soil for
plantation and it has some gasses around it so people can’t live because one of the needs of
a man is water because our body is made up of atleast 80% of water and if we don’t take
our drink water our body won’t function well, Lastly stopping of humans life for a years
because even through we have improve science that kind of event won’t happen as we look
to those who’s in comatose stage when they sleep over years their body well come to
maturity so that it means they won’t stay young. Lastly how come they produce and make
food even they are in the surface for years and how come that the food won’t spoil for
almost years that question makes me curious and bothered during I watch the movie. In
my opinion the movie is very unrealistic a lot of scenes can’t explain but awesome and
pretty interesting. Passengers is a movie that starts out intriguing enough before
descending towards some of the creepiest storytelling decisions in a long time but with a
desperate need to somehow justify the unjustifiable. The special effects make for a visually
stunning movie, and the film's complicated themes make it a knotty, interesting watch. But
the film's problematic nature does distract from its strengths. The story is unique, and
something I've never seen before. It's always a good sign. It was impressive and this movie
works to switch between a love story and some action sequences. Passengers is a truly
brilliant movie, it's hard to place it into a genre, but it is very much a sci fi love story. The
concept is a great one, and it poses a fabulous question, could you force someone to spend
their life with you, or live a solitary life. The idea is very original and very clever, the
special effects are breathtaking, and the cinematography is first class.
5. To sum up what your overall reaction to the movie? Would you watch something else line
this again? Why or why not?

The movie is very interesting the dilemma that a lot of people can't seem to grasp and
that's the entirety of the overall picture , Yes woking up Aurora seems so selfish and
irreversible. But the irony behind his actions become so apparent as the space craft
starts it's path in destruction the fact that if Jim did not awake Aurora the entire space
craft and all of it's passenger would died as it took the both of them trying together to
get back the ship and avoid complete destruction. In conclusion I feel that this movie
really hit's home, it has chemistry, romance, fear, love, action and undeniable way of
reaching out the watcher. The lines of a movie for what is time it's about sacrifice we
make for our love no matter what is cost. I suppose all it takes is a moment of utter
desperation and weakness in the face of decades. The production design is this movie is
quite exceptional. Aurora battling in a swimming pool of water in it's anti gravity state is
visually just so striking that I forgive most other aspects of the movie. The scenes, space
walks are beautiful, the space craft looks elegant an incredible. I really enjoy the movie
so anytime I would watch again something like Passengers because it's really interesting
even some of the scene is unrealistic and won't happen, the script and the flow of the
story is very well organize and lastly the cast suit for the role.
6. Why do you think Jim woke up ahead from everybody? Is it planned or not?

In my own opinion, Jim woke up ahead of time is planned, Because as we go watching

the movie it shows that everyone inside that space craft should be asleep and the aging
of their body should stop until they wake up again. So how come that over 50000 people
only Jim woke up ahead of time, how come that there's only one person who woke up,
another thing is his profession, which is being Mechanical Engineer, we know that every
space craft has its own machines that is responsible to everything inside and outside of
that ship, and him being a mechanical engineer is a big help to that matter, imagine if
something happen at the space craft at everyone is asleep, and theres no one their to
mend the problem, then they will all die inside the space craft. Another thing is, the pilot
of all why would NASA or what ever agency it is, would choose someone what not
physically healthy? aren't them afraid for the sake of 5,000 passengers? Is that an
unsure plan?. If we choose to see the different order of the story we can say that its not
because of something like miracle that he woke up, it's all nothing but a planned,
because if he didn't woke up ahead of 88 or more years im The outer spaces? It was all
planned to be able or atleast to last long for 88 years, and if possible for them to be able
to reach the Homestead II.
7. Were they able to reach the Homestead II ?

If we we're going to based our answer on the film yes, they are able to reach the
Homestead II. Based on the last minute of the film it was 88 years after. They travel
when all the passengers come to their senses, according to the introduction it will only
takes 90 years, the 2 years left of their travel period will just by for they don't have any
way of knowing the time. The capsule where they are, is programmed to reach and
safety land to the Homestead II so it is not impossible for them to reach it.

But basing on my own opinion, there's a possibility that they may not reach the
Homestead II. First of all, for me the movie is all impossible, our current science is
telling that there's only a low possibility of us living outside our atmosphere for a long
time, and if we were going to go outside, or in the universe our body will still
experience the aging, then our current scientist also telling us that there is no suitable
planet for us to live in like how we live in the earth, for the others planet doesn't have
same needed characteristic that the Earth have. Secondly, their 90 years of travel may
encounter different problem at space like bumping into celestial body, lack of supply of
power and such. With these I guess they won't be able to reach the Homestead II, even
if they only have 2 years left, that certain two may have difficult or challenge along the
III. Favorite parts/scenes in the movie? Give atleast 3 and explain why.

- When Jim woking up Aurora.

- Jim sacrifice his self to get back the space craft into right condition.
- Jim dind’t not fail to amused Aurora

Those scenario’s make a thrill to a movie because of love of Jim to Aurora it saves
them to avoid destroy the space craft and died, as you think if Jim didn’t woke up
Aurora do you think he will save the space craft he even not care to his self for those
year he spent in the ship but because of Aurora he motivate his self to be better
again and get back the ship. They said if you love a person you sacrifice no matter
what is cost like in movie Jim sacrifice his self to save Aurora and the other
passengers that makes the movie interesting .

IV. Favorite lines in the movie. Explain why?

"If you live an ordinary life, all you'll have are ordinary stories. You have to live a life of

There are too many problems of life that might deny you access to miracles.

I think we tell each other stories to know that we're not alone.

We're always starting over in every way, you'll have to figure out where to live, how to
live, who your friends will be. You feel like you're supposed to be somewhere else.

Well, say you could snap your fingers and be wherever you wanted to be, I bet you'll
still feel this way not in the right place.

The point is, you can't get so hung up on where you'd rather be, that you forget to make
the most of where you are.

Take a break from worrying about what you can't control lie a little.

Don't be cut up or lost in SPACE, make use of the little GRAVITY you have within and

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