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Scene 1
Sound – Quiet music plays in the background.
Visual Effects – A slow zoom in on the background image as the text fades on and off screen.
Font – American Typewriter
Colour of Text – White
Duration – 6 seconds

Scene 2
Smoker stands by his cake looking gloomy as people sing happy birthday.
Sound – People signing happy birthday
Visual Effects – Saturation/tone of the colour has been changed to make the scene look dull
and reflect the negativity of smoking
Camera angle – Mid-shot
Transitions –I have used the ‘Fade in white’ transition. This is because I wanted the scene to
show a difference between this scene and the previous one. As I used the ‘Fade to black’ in
the previous scene it made sense to use the ‘Fade to white’ as it is the opposite and shows a
Duration - 18 seconds

Scene 3
Sound – Ominous music plays in the background
Visual Effects – Background image of a black sky with stars
Font – American Typewriter
Colour of Text – White
Transitions – I have used the ‘Fade in black’ transition. This is because I wanted the effect to
be serious and dramatic, which I feel is the effect this transition gives.
Duration – 6 seconds

Scene 4
Smoker blows out the candle on the cake, coughing as he does so.
Sound – Man coughing
Visual Effects - Saturation/tone of the colour has been changed to make the scene look dull
and reflect the negativity of smoking
Camera angle – Close up shot
Transitions – I have used the ‘Fade in white’ transition. This is because I wanted the scene to
show a difference between this scene and the previous one. As I used the ‘Fade to black’ in
the previous scene it made sense to use the ‘Fade to white’ as it is the opposite and shows a
Duration – 4 seconds

Scene 5
Sound – Ominous music plays in the background
Visual Effects – Background image with a background of stars
Font – American Typewriter
Colour of Text – White
Transitions – I have used the ‘Fade in black’ transition. This is because I wanted the effect to
be serious and dramatic, which I feel is the effect this transition gives.
Duration – 6 seconds

Scene 6
Non-smoker looks happy as people sing happy birthday to him
Sound – People signing happy birthday to the non-smoker
Visual Effects – Colour has been changed slightly to make the scene brighter to reflect the
positive effects of not smoking
Camera angle – Mid-shot
Transitions – I have used the ‘Fade in white’ transition. This is because I wanted the scene to
appear brighter and happier, and fading to white gives this effect.
Duration – 15 seconds

Scene 7
Sound – Ominous music plays in the background
Visual Effects – Background image of a black sky with stars
Font – American Typewriter
Colour of Text – White
Transitions – I have used the ‘Fade in black’ transition. This is because I wanted the effect to
be serious and dramatic, which I feel is the effect this transition gives.
Duration – 7 seconds

Scene 8
Non-smoker blows out the candles looking happy
Visual Effects - Colour has been changed slightly to make the scene brighter to reflect the
positive effects of not smoking
Sound – Blowing out a candle
Camera angle – Close up shot
Transitions – I have used the ‘Fade in white’ transition. This is because I wanted the scene to
appear brighter and happier, and fading to white gives this effect.
Duration – 4 seconds

Scene 9
Sound – Ominous music plays in the background
Visual Effects – Background image of a black sky with stars
Font – American Typewriter
Colour of Text – White
Transitions –I have used the ‘Fade in black’ transition. This is because I wanted the effect to
be serious and dramatic, which I feel is the effect this transition gives.
Duration – 8 seconds

Scene 10 (Credits)
Visual Effects – Plain black background as text moves upwards from the bottom of the screen
to the top.
Font - American Typewriter
Colour of Text – White
Transitions –I have used the ‘Fade in black’ transition. This is because I wanted the effect to
be serious and dramatic, which I feel is the effect this transition gives.
Duration – 8 seconds

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