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Defining MUTM projection system

 Create a new shapefile in ArcCatalog to make new projection system.

 New > Projected > Projection Name = Transverse Mercator
 False easting = 5,00,000
 Central Meridian = 81, 84, 87 according to your need ( 81 for Western, 84 for Central, 87
for Eastern zones of Nepal)
 Scale Factor = according to topo map from
 Linear Unit = Meter
 Geographic Co-ordinate system = Spheroid Based > Everest 1830
***These values are mentioned at the bottom of Topographic map of the area of interest.
These Topo maps can be obtained from***
Creating Custom Geographic Transformation
 Input Geographic Co-ordinate System ; which is normally WGS84 for GoogleEarth and
DEM files from USGS website.
***in order to see which Co-ordinate system your input file is in, go to properties of
your input file > source > scroll down to Spatial Reference***
 Output Co-Ordinate System = Import from the Shapefile from first step.
 Method = Molodensky
 Translation Values for WGS84 to MUTM
X Axis Translation (in meters) = -295
Y Axis Translation (in meters) = -736
Z Axis Translation (in meters) = -257
***If you want to transform from MUTM to WGS84, remove the Negative sign in the
translation values***
Projection to other Co-ordinate System
 Search Project in search bar
 Select the appropriate option
 Input your data, select the output co-ordinate system by importing the shapefile, select
the Geotransformation tool that you created, click OK.

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