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Public Political Education Books and Pamphlets No.

Caliphate Colonialism I
The Taproot of the Trouble with Nigeria

The Caliphate is the Taproot of the Problem

Buhari is today’s Political Leader of the Caliphate
Buhari and Caliphate Colonialism Must Go
Corruption and the Caliphate
The average Nigerian who decries corruption is hardly aware of its peculiar
dimension that’s rooted in Caliphate colonialism. Nigerian-style corruption is
actually the constitutionally licensed looting of the public treasury by an official.

What secularist Nigerians regard as immoral looting of the treasury is no such thing
in the feudal ideology of the Caliphate. In feudalism, the appropriation of state
property by an official is not considered theft, but simply his entitlement as the
holder of a fief in exchange for loyalty and services to be rendered to his monarch.
Under Caliphate feudal ideology, a public office is a fief for the life-support of
the official and his retinue, provided he renders allegiance and the prescribed
services to his overlord. If one were sent to administer the Customs or NEPA, one
would be entitled to embezzle its funds to the best of one’s ability and greed. Doing
so is not considered illegal or immoral; it is a practice anchored in feudal ideology
and protected by the constitution. That’s what’s peculiar with Nigerian lootocracy.

Hence the Caliphate-derived Nigerian practice where, once salaries are paid,
and even before they are, a department’s budget allocation is treated as being for
the responsible official to put in his pocket. Which is why the Caliphate-serving
1999 constitution institutionalizes and protects this entitlement with an immunity
clause that licenses a Governor to seize and export his state’s budgetary
allocation, hence the rampant money-laundering by Nigeria’s state governors.
After half a century of unpunished practice, lootocracy has become the norm in
Nigeria, and is imitated by all and sundry; which is why officials, down to the
policeman at the checkpoint and the messenger sent to get a file, brazenly extort (i.e.
loot) money from the public that they are paid to serve.
Nigerian officials have become addicted to lootocracy even though a significant
segment of the population decries it as “corruption”. But it is a gross misnomer to
call lootocracy “corruption” and the error should be rectified: it is like calling a bank
robber a pick-pocket when he has made away with millions.
So long as the Caliphate, with its fake-democratic constitution, directs Nigeria’s
affairs, this Caliphate-introduced and Caliphate-customary practice will endure.

To eradicate Corruption/Lootocracy in Nigeria,

the fake 1999 Constitution
must be replaced with a People’s Constitution
1. Buhari celebrates with Sultan of Sokoto, Supreme Head of the Jihadist
Caliphate and King of Caliphate Colonialism.
2. Bauchi Emir’s Palace: Example of life-style of Caliphate aristos.
3. Emir’s Palace, Kano: Example of life-style of Caliphate aristos.
4. Durbar fantasia, Kano. Example of the feudal retainers of Caliphate aristos.
5. Boko Haram Terrorists: Extra-constitutional Caliphate army.
6. Fulani Herdsmen Terrorists: Extra-constitutional Caliphate army.
7. The Nigerian 1999 Constitution: Basic Instrument of Caliphate Colonialism.
8. President Buhari, Jihadist Political leader of the Caliphate today.
9. Service Chiefs: Heads of the Official Armed Forces of Caliphate Colonialism.
10. PDP and APC: Two of the main Caliphate parties for dominating Nigeria.
11. Kidnapped Chibok Girls, North-East Nigeria.
12. Chief Falae, a former Secretary to the Federal Government, after Fulani
herdsmen attacked his farm and kidnapped him, South-West Nigeria.
13. Mass burial of Christians Massacred by ethnic cleansing Fulani Herdsmen
terrorists in Benue State, North-Central Nigeria.
14. Python Dance: Pro-Biafra demonstrators tortured and drowned in mud by the
Nigerian Army, South-East Nigeria.
15. Niger Delta Oil spill, South-South Nigeria: one of many thousands that have
made the region a physical and economic wasteland, even though it is the
Caliphate’s cash cow.
16. Nigerian child starving in the midst of the Caliphate’s enjoyment of plenty.

More Caliphate rulers

1. Emir of Dass’ Palace, Dass, Bauchi State
2. Emir of Dutse’s Palace, Dutse, Jigawa State
3. Emir of Katsina’s Palace Katsina, Katsina State
4. Former Head of State, Gen Gowon, paying courtesy visit to the Sultan of Sokoto

More Caliphate victims

5. Shell oil spills data
6. Oil spill in Bodo community, Ogoniland, Rivers State.
7. A man collecting polluted water near River Nun, Bayelsa State
8. Oil spill in Forcados community, Delta State.
9. Helicopter attack on a village, Akwa Ibom State.
10. Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) fleeing Boko Haram
11. Nigerian IDPs being fed
12. Victims of the helicopter attack, Akwa Ibom state
13. Scene after herdsmen attack, Benue state
14. 14 Year Old Christian Girl abducted and forcibly married by the Emir of Katsina.
15. Anti-Fulani Protest: We can't be funding cattle business with our lives
16. A slum in Nigeria
The Caliphate’s 1999 Constitution and its Frauds
The 1999 Constitution is the codification of the sources of all the vices that plague
Nigeria. Though ostensibly democratic, its frauds make it a fake-democracy
constitution. Two of its frauds are:

#1: The “We the people” fraud:

“We the people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria . . . Do hereby make, enact and
give to ourselves the following Constitution:”
A law suit filed on May 23, 2007, in the Federal High Court, Abuja, is still, due to
recurrent adjournments, “seeking the termination of the operation of the 1999
Constitution on the ground that it is a forgery and a fraud in that it was made via Decree
by one ‘Gen. Abudusalami Abubakar’ who lied in the preamble that ‘We the people of
Nigeria….’ made and enacted it.”
In fact, no Constituent Assembly met to produce it; the public never discussed it;
and it was never submitted to the people to adopt and enact it by referendum. It was
concocted in secrecy and imposed on Nigerians by military decree.

#2: The “Federation” fraud;

The Nigerian Federation is a fraud because:
(a) Nigeria ceased to be a federation in 1966, with the abrogation by the military of the
1963 federal constitution. (b) Its present states, the alleged federating units, have no
constitutions of their own, making them false federating units; (c) It lacks fiscal
federalism: its behemoth Central Government (falsely called “Federal Government”)
takes for itself a lion’s share of the country’s resources and gives crumbs to the 36 states
and the 774 local governments; they are, in effect, mere economic dependents and
administrative agencies of the central government – which is contrary to federalism.
For the other frauds, please see:
All in all, the 1999 Constitution has been, and remains, a guarantor of bad
governance and the Mother of all evils in Nigeria.
And it is probably the most fraudulent constitution in the world.
(The Guinness Book of Records should please take note!)

This fake Constitution Must Go!

How? I suggest 3 non-violent steps:
(a) Publicize the situation widely in Nigeria and globally;
(b) Submit the Constitution to a referendum conducted by the UN; and
(c) Take the frauds to the World Court.

Under British colonialism, Nigerians knew the source of their torment, and
they directed their attacks at it until it withdrew. But with Caliphate
colonialism it has been the opposite: Nigerians generally have not even
been aware of its existence. They knew something was wrong, but not
what exactly was causing them their agonies.
Diagnostics is the queen and servant of the healing arts. A disease
diagnosed is a disease that can be intelligently tackled. Once we know that
our disease is the Caliphate’s Colonialism, we can intelligently go about
finding a true and permanent cure and how to apply it.
Or let’s look at it another way, from the story of the bull and the
matador: Since 1959, when the British rigged the Caliphate into inheriting
their power, the Nigerian bull has been charging at the red flag held up by
the Caliphate matador. In the delusion that its torment is caused by the red
flag, the bull has been charging at a succession of red flags: tribalism,
feudalism, the military, lack of true federalism, corruption etc.
But behind these distracting flags, and holding them up before the bull,
has been the Caliphate. And the tortured, ignorant and deluded bull has
been unable to end its agony these many decades of Nigeria’s so-called
independence. When its horns tore up one flag, the matador simply held
up another flag.
Once the Nigerian bull is shown the Caliphate matador holding up the
red flag, it can charge at the Caliphate. As in the bull fight, the Caliphate’s
days are numbered once the bull stops charging at the flag and goes for the
That’s the message of this exposé essay on Caliphate Colonialism.

The Caliphate is the taproot of the trouble with Nigeria

Caliphate domination must go!

with leadership qualities. The Yoruba man knows how to earn a

living and has diplomatic qualities. The Igbo is gifted in
commerce, trade and technological innovation. God so created
us individually for a purpose and with different gifts. Others are
created as kings, students and doctors. We all need each other.
If there are no followers, a king will not exist, if there are no
students a teacher will not be required, etc.” 26
– 1992, Alhaji Maitama Sule in an address which was written and
spoken in Arabic during the launching of The Power of
Knowledge authored by Alhaji Isa Kaita, at Durbar Hotel, Kaduna
on December 22, 1992.
{26 Ayoada, J. A. A. Nigeria and the Squandering of Hope, Ibadan:
University of Ibadan Press, 1997, p. 14}
In other words, in the Caliphate’s feudal version of Nigeria the peoples have been
divided into castes, or hereditary occupational classes: Hausa rulers, Yoruba
diplomatic messengers and Igbo traders and technicians.
C] In 2009, the Caliphate’s genocidal mentality was publicly displayed in the
following statement to the House of Representatives by a Caliphate legislator:
Q4) 2009
“What is happening in the Niger Delta is pure criminality of the
highest order, arising from total disregard for constituted
authority. In Iraq, thousands of people lost their lives because of
an insurrection against the government during the reign of former
Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein. We can do away with 20 million
militants for the rest 120 million Nigerians to live.” (emphasis
added by Chinweizu)
–2009 An incitement to genocide by Bala Ibn N’Allah of Kebbi
State, a Caliphate member of the Nigerian House of
Representatives. (The Guardian, Thursday, May 28, 2009). [See
also Q26 below]

Had the 1950s leaders of Nigeria’s West, East and Middle Belt (Obafemi
Awolowo, Nnamdi Azikiwe, and Joseph Tarka)–-whose parties later formed the
United Progressive Grand Alliance (UPGA) in 1964–-glimpsed or understood the
Caliphate’s Nigeria Project, they would have seen reason to make a united escape
from Caliphate colonialism, instead of committing themselves to independence in
an un-examined “One Nigeria”, and allowing their peoples to be used serially
against one another for the benefit of the Caliphate.




Having described his project to his people, the Sardauna, the leader of the
Caliphate politicians, started his campaign to aggrandize Caliphate power in other
parts of Nigeria. He began his moves in Western Nigeria by sparking the Western
Crisis in 1962. The political resistance to this effort led to the trial and
imprisonment of the Yoruba leader, Chief Obafemi Awolowo (a.k.a. Awo)18; and
the flight abroad of his political lieutenant, Anthony Enahoro, as a “fugitive
offender”. The resistance then took the form of the AG-NCNC-UMBC alliance,
named the United Progressive Grand Alliance (UPGA), that unsuccessfully
contested the rigged December 1964 Federal elections against the Caliphate-led
Nigerian National Alliance (NNA), and then the October 1965 Western regional
elections where the UPGA’s Action Group (AG) vied with the Caliphate-backed
Nigerian National Democratic Party (NNDP) of Samuel L. Akintola, the then
Western regional premier. When that election was rigged by the Caliphate’s
“Federal might”, and Akintola was declared the winner and sworn in for another
term as Premier, it sparked the violent civil unrest called Operation wetie, which
triggered the January 15, 1966 coup that swept the Caliphate politicians from
power at the federal level and in their Northern Region bastion.
The Caliphate struck back with the pogroms of May 1966, which led to the
overthrow of the Ironsi military regime in the Caliphate counter-coup of July 1966.
The Caliphate counter offensive continued with the pogroms that sought to drive
from the North those fellow Nigerians that Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa had, in
1948, called “invaders” of the North. [See Q15 below] The crisis of the pogroms
led to Biafra’s secession in 1967; and that, in turn, triggered the Civil War to
forcibly drag Biafrans back into the Caliphate colony that Nigeria had become.
The Caliphate’s military conquest of Nigeria was completed in January 1970 with
the defeat of Biafra.
Thereafter a period of unalloyed Caliphate colonialism began. The Caliphate
ruled through civilian and military governments that were led sometimes by its
own members and sometimes by trusted non-Caliphate agents.
By 1999, the Caliphate had evolved a peculiar federal system that they entrenched
through the 1999 constitution, a system that allows them to dominate and exploit
other Nigerians behind a façade of democracy. But while they were evolving that


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