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Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 375 (2012) 102–105

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Journal of Colloid and Interface Science

Alternating current electrophoretic deposition (EPD) of TiO2 nanoparticles

in aqueous suspensions
A. Chávez-Valdez, M. Herrmann, A.R. Boccaccini ⇑
Institute of Biomaterials, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, 91058 Erlangen, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: TiO2-nanostructured coatings from aqueous suspensions have been successfully prepared by the applica-
Received 27 December 2011 tion of alternating current (AC) instead of direct current (DC) during electrophoretic deposition (EPD). No
Accepted 18 February 2012 organic additives in suspension were required for successful EPD. The quality of the AC-EPD TiO2 coatings
Available online 3 March 2012
in terms of homogeneity and extent of microcracking, upon drying, observed by SEM, was superior to that
of DC-EPD coatings made from the same type of suspensions. The main difference between AC- and DC-
Keywords: EPD was the suppression of bubble formation. The absence of water electrolysis at the electrodes can be
Electrophoretic deposition
explained by the particular distribution of the electric field during AC mode, which prevents the nucle-
TiO2 nanoparticles
Alternating current
ation of bubbles. The preparation of TiO2 coatings from aqueous suspension and without the aid of
Coatings organic stabilizers opens the possibility for co-deposition of sensitive materials such as biomolecules
and even cells for biomedical applications, given the high biocompatibility of TiO2. The deposition of
TiO2 coatings from aqueous suspensions is also attractive from environmental and economical points
of view.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the formation of gas bubbles in the deposits is eliminated or dras-

tically minimized [19].
Titanium dioxide is a very important material for numerous Several investigations have reported on the EPD of TiO2 nano-
applications such as photocatalysis, sensors, biomedical coatings, particles using organic suspensions [20–23] or mixtures of organic
solar cells, and memory devices [1–4]. In the biomedical field, tita- solvents and water [24–28], but there has been no previous work,
nia is mainly used as coating for orthopedic implants due to its to the authors’ knowledge, on the EPD of TiO2 from pure water
proven biocompatibility and anti-bacterial properties [5–7]. Elec- suspensions, that is, without added organic solvents. The EPD of
trophoretic deposition (EPD) is a widely used technique for the TiO2 nanoparticles without the addition of stabilizers and using
preparation of coatings that can be applied with any powder mate- water–ethanol mixtures has been achieved at low voltages [24].
rial that can be suspended in a suitable solvent [7]. EPD enables Also, the EPD of TiO2 without bubble formation has been possible
coatings to be obtained on both planar and complex shape sub- by using mixed water–alcohol suspensions with the addition of
strates, such as fibers and porous materials [7–10]. The EPD tech- compounds such as (C2H5)4NOH and Tiron molecule [25,26]. The
nique is based on the movement of charged particles in a stable addition of ethanol reduces the zeta potential but prevents water
suspension upon the application of an electric field [11], whereby electrolysis. The preparation of TiO2 coatings from aqueous sus-
organic solvents such as acetone or alcohols are usually preferred pensions with the addition of stabilizers such as carboxylic acids
over water because of the reactions at the electrodes that occur and NaOH has also been reported [27]. In these investigations,
at very low voltages in case of aqueous suspensions [8]. However, DC-EPD has been applied and the use of water and different addi-
the use of aqueous medium not only has economical advantages tives has led to porosity in the coatings.
limiting the environmental problems related to the use of organic In this research, the preparation of TiO2 coatings from suspen-
solvents [11] but also allows the deposition of sensitive materials sions of TiO2 nanoparticles in water without the addition of organic
(such as biomolecules and biological entities) [12–18]. One solu- stabilizers has been achieved by AC-EPD. Although the application
tion to overcome the problem of water electrolysis is the use of of AC-EPD is rapidly emerging [29], surprisingly, there have been
alternating current (AC) instead of direct current (DC) in EPD. no previous reports in the literature on AC-EPD of TiO2 in water.
The use of AC leads to very low decomposition of water, and thus,
2. Materials and methods

⇑ Corresponding author. Fax: +49 9131 8528602. The suspensions for EPD were prepared using fresh deionized
E-mail address: (A.R. Boccaccini). water and commercially available TiO2 nanoparticles (P25, Evonik

0021-9797/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A. Chávez-Valdez et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 375 (2012) 102–105 103

Industries, particle size of 21 nm) in the concentration of 1 wt.%. terms of microstructural homogeneity, can be observed in Fig. 1A
The suspensions were magnetically stirred for 5 min followed by and B for AC- and DC-EPD coatings, respectively. The AC coating
15 min ultrasonification, subsequently followed by 5 min of stir- shows a very homogeneous and smooth microstructure with lim-
ring. The zeta potential of these TiO2 nanoparticles in water has ited surface damage, while the DC coating shows considerable
been documented in the literature [30]. In this work, the nanopar- damage due to the gas bubble formation in aqueous suspensions,
ticles acquired a positive surface charge at pH  4 and deposited which occurs even at short deposition times of 1 min. The different
on the cathode. The substrates used as electrodes were planar extent of microcracking can be clearly appreciated by direct com-
316 L stainless steel foils separated by a distance of 1 cm in the parison of the images in Fig. 1A0 and B0 . AC-EPD coatings show
AC-EPD cell. For AC-EPD tests, a programmable function generator some small cracks on the surface which occur during the drying
(HP 3314A) was used to generate the asymmetric AC signal. A stage of nanoparticulate coatings but the surface quality is similar
Piezo Driver/Power amplifier (PZD 700A) with a maximum voltage to that of DC-EPD coatings obtained from organic solvents, for
of 700 V in DC or peak AC was used to amplify the signal. The signal example, in acetylacetone (see Refs. [20,31,32]). On the other hand,
was monitored with a digital oscilloscope (Fluke). Different fre- in addition to exhibiting greater extent of microcracking, DC-EPD
quencies from 30 to 1000 Hz, peak-to-peak voltages from 5 to coatings show also localized damage, which is ascribed to the ef-
20 V, and times from 1 to 5 min were considered to obtain electro- fect of water electrolysis. Microcracking and hydrolysis in continu-
phoretic coatings. The waveform of the asymmetrical signal was of ous DC-EPD coatings thus have a detrimental effect on the deposit
rectangular shape, and the asymmetry factor of the signal used was surface quality and structural integrity, and the pores formed will
set to 4. For comparison purposes, the same conditions were used reduce the mechanical properties of the deposits. It is unlikely that
for the same suspensions in conventional DC-EPD experiments. To such relatively large microcracks will be closed during a post-EPD
prepare samples for SEM observations, TiO2-coated foils were bent high-temperature sintering stage.
and the coatings were detached from the substrates. The top sur- Increasing the voltage was seen to increase the amount and size
face and cross-section of deposits were analyzed by SEM (Quanta of cracks in the coatings in AC and DC fields, as shown in Fig. 2. In
200, FEI) equipped with secondary electron and back-scattered AC-EPD coatings (Fig. 2A and A0 ), some cracks were visible on the
electron detectors. A working distance of 10.8 mm and voltage of surface when using 10 V and deposition time of 5 min but no other
20 kV were used. The deposition yield (deposited mass/covered structural damage was observed, for example, due to electrochem-
area) was evaluated for AC-EPD coatings in dependence of varying ical reactions at the electrodes. The degree of severity of bubble
deposition time, frequency, and voltage. formation and cracking in coatings obtained by DC-EPD at 10 V
can be appreciated in Fig. 2B and B0 .
The suppression of bubble formation during AC-EPD can be ex-
3. Results and discussion plained by considering the distribution of electric field between
the positive and negative side of the rectangular signal during alter-
Fig. 1 shows the surface SEM images of coatings obtained by AC- nating current mode, so that the amount of bubbles generated is less
EPD at 5 V and 1000 Hz frequency during 5 min and by continuous in AC fields than when using DC fields, as discussed by Neirinck et al.
DC-EPD at 5 V during 1 min. The different quality of the deposits, in [19]. They demonstrated the suppression of bubble formation in

(A) (A’)

1 mm 100 µm

(B) (B’)

1 mm 100 µm

Fig. 1. AC-EPD (A and A0 ) and DC-EPD (B and B0 ) TiO2 coatings obtained at 5 V showing different extent of microcracking formation (images at different magnifications).
(Deposition times were 5 min and 1 min for AC-EPD and DC-EPD, respectively.)
104 A. Chávez-Valdez et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 375 (2012) 102–105

(A) (A’)

1 mm 100 µm

(B) (B’)

1 mm 300 µ m
Fig. 2. AC-EPD (A and A0 ) and DC-EPD (B and B0 ) coatings obtained at 10 V during 5 and 1 min, respectively, showing marked differences in the extent of microcracking and
structural damage (images at different magnifications).

Al2O3 coatings in AC-EPD from aqueous suspensions. Also, the fre- increasing trend of deposition yield with increasing deposition time
quency of the AC signal has an effect on the bubble formation. at different applied frequencies and at a fixed voltage of 10 V. As in
Increasing the AC signal frequency means that the complete cycle regular DC-EPD, the deposition yield increases linearly with time.
of the wave will repeat a higher number of times per time unit, so It is also seen that deposition slightly increases as the frequency in-
there will be a higher number of periods of ‘‘on’’ and ‘‘off’’ current creases up to 500 Hz. Using higher frequencies (1000 Hz) results in
during deposition. Therefore, the absence of bubble formation dur- lower deposition yield considering that the direction of the electric
ing AC fields may be ascribed to the fact that the reaction of water is field is reversed every millisecond and deposition starts to slow
minimized and the nucleation of bubbles can be prevented, as re- down. This effect could be due to particle inertia; however, a quan-
flected in the microstructures of the AC coatings. titative confirmation of this phenomenon was not further attempted
Fig. 3 shows the deposition yield curves for coatings obtained by here. Thus, the selection of frequency in AC-EPD will have to con-
AC-EPD at different conditions. Fig. 3a shows the deposition yield sider both aspects related to the final coating quality, that is, highest
increasing with increasing deposition time and voltage at a fixed possible suppression of bubbles and adequate deposition yield.
frequency of 500 Hz. The deposition yield increases linearly with Fig 4 shows cross-section morphologies of TiO2 coatings
time at each applied voltage, which is expected at low deposition produced by AC-EPD from nanocrystalline titania particles in aque-
times. This is a typical behavior in DC-EPD [11]. Fig. 3b shows the ous suspension (AC frequency of 1000 Hz). For comparison, SEM

6 4
(a) Fixed Frequency 500 Hz
20 V (b) Fixed Voltage 10 V
Deposition yield (mg/cm 2)

Deposition yield (mg/cm2)

3 500 Hz
4 30 Hz
1000 Hz

3 10 V

1 5V

0 0
1 3 5
1 3 5
Time (min) Time (min)

Fig. 3. Deposition yield for AC-EPD coatings showing the expected increased deposition with time at fixed frequency or voltage.
A. Chávez-Valdez et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 375 (2012) 102–105 105

(a ) (b)

50 µm 20 µm

Fig. 4. Cross-section areas of TiO2 electrophoretic coatings obtained by AC-EPD (5 V, 5 min, 1000 Hz frequency); (a) as-deposited and (b) presintered at 550 °C. (In (a), the
deposit was purposely detached from the substrate to prepare the cross-section image.)

images of ‘‘green’’ deposits (as-deposited) and after heat treatment Acknowledgment

at 550 °C are shown. From microstructural SEM observations of
deposits obtained at different EPD conditions, 5 min was chosen A. Chavez gratefully acknowledges Conacyt, Mexico, for finan-
as the optimum deposition time at deposition voltage of 5 V and cial support (Grant Number 146879).
frequency of 1000 Hz. The cross-section of the green coating shows
a thickness of approximately 16 lm. After the presintering treat- References
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