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Introduction to TVL- Home Economics, Dressmaking NCII

. 1. HOMAPON HIGH SCHOOL Homapon Legazpi City Senior High School Technical -
S NATO Senior High School Teacher
. 2. What will be my opportunity/ ies for Dressmaking NCII as a CAREER?
. 3. SEWER?
. 5. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES • Sewing professional is the most general term for
those who make their living by sewing, teaching, writing about sewing, or retailing
sewing supplies. She or he may work out of her home, a studio, or retail shop, and
may work part-time or full-time. She or he may be any or all or the following sub-
. 6. • A custom clothier makes custom garments one at a time, to order, to meet an
individual customer's needs and preferences. • A custom dressmaker specializes in
women's custom apparel, including day dresses, careerwear, suits, evening or bridal
wear, sportswear, or lingerie.
. 7. • A tailor makes custom menswear-style jackets and the skirts or trousers that go
with them, for men or women. • An alterations specialist or alterationist adjusts the
fit of completed garments, usually ready-to-wear, or restyles them. Note that while
all tailors can do alterations, by no means can all alterationists do tailoring.
. 8. • Designers choose combinations of line, proportion, color, and texture for
intended garments. They may have no sewing or patternmaking skills, and may only
sketch or conceptualize garments. • A wardrobe consultant or fashion advisor
recommends styles and colors for a client.
. 9. • Patternmakers flat draft the shapes and sizes of the numerous pieces of a
garment by hand using paper and measuring tools or by computer using AutoCAD
based software, or by draping muslin on a dressform.
. 10. • A seamstress is someone who sews seams, or in other words, a machine
operator in a factory who may not have the skills to make garments from scratch or
to fit them on a real body. This term is not a synonym for dressmaker. Prior to the
Industrial Revolution, a seamstress did handsewing, especially under the putting-
out system. Older variants are seamster and sempstress.
. 11. • Sewist is a relatively new term, combining the words "sew" and "artist", to
describe someone who creates sewn works of art, which can include clothing or
other items made with sewn elements.
. 12. Dressmaking NCII • Sector: Garments • This qualifications is packaged from the
competency map of the Garment Industry. • It Has three Competetncies – Basic
Competency – Common Competency – Core Competency
. 13. Dressmaking NCII Qualification • Consists of competencies that a person must
achieve to enable him/her to draft and cut pattern, lay out pattern on the
material/fabric, sew material/fbri and apply finishing touches on the ladies casual
apparel. • Casual Apparel consist of casual ladies dress,blouse,skirt, trouser, shorts
and cullotes
. 14. BASIC COMPETENCY • Participate in Workplace communication • Work in a Team
Environment • Practice career Professionalism • Practice occupational health and
safety procedures.
. 15. COMMON COMPETENCIES • Carry out Measurements and calculations • Set up
and Operate Machine • Perform Basic Maintenance • Apply Quality Standards
. 16. CORE COMPETENCIES • Draft and Cut Pattern of Casual Apparel • Prepare and
Cut Materials of Casual Apparel • Sew Casual Apparel • Apply Finishing Touches on
Casual Apparel.
. 17. A person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be: • Dressmaker •
Garment Sewer
. 18. Basic Competencies • Participate in Workplace Communication – This module
covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to obtain, interpret and convey
information in response to workplace requirements. Upon Completion of this module
the students/ trainees will be able to: – L.O.1 Obtain and convey workplace
information – L.O.2 Complete relevant work related documents – L.O.3 Participate in
wrokplace meeting and discussion
. 19. Basic Competencies • Work in A Team Environment – This module covers the
knowledge, skills and attitudes required to relate in a work based environment. –
L.O.1 Describe team role and scope – L.O.2 Identify own role and responsibility
within team – L.O.3 Work as a team member
. 20. Basic Competencies • Practice Career Professionalism – This module covers the
knowledge, skills and attitudes in promoting career growth and advancement,
specifically to integrate personal objectives with organizational goal – L.O.1
Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals – L.O.2 Set and meet work
priorities – L.O.3 Maintain professional growth and development.
. 21. Basic Competencies • Practice Occupational Health and safety Procedures –
this module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to comply with the
regulatory and organizational requirements for occupational health and safety such
as identifying, evaluating and maintaining occupational health and saafety
. 22. • L.O.1 Identify hazards and risks • L.O.2 Evaluate hazards and risks • L.O.3
Control hazards and risks • L.O.4 Maintain occupational health and safety
. 23. Common Competencies • This module covers the knowledge and skills required
in taking accurate measurement of the client and calculating/estimating the
materials requirement cost. – L.O.1 Obtain Measurements – L.O. 2 Peform simple
calculations – L.O.3 Estimate appropriate quantities
. 24. Common Competencies • This module covers the knowledge and skills required
in setting up andoperating machines. – L.O.1 Set Machines – L.O.2 Conduct Sample
Run – L.O.3 Test Machine Output – L.O.4 Re-adjust machine setting to meet
requirements – L.O.5 Maintain Records
. 25. Common Competencies • Performing Basic Maintenance – This module covers
the knowledge,skills and attitudes requird in performing minor maintenance used by
dressmaker. – L.O.1 Opeate machine and assess its performance – L.O.2 Clean and
Lubricate machine – L.O.3 Check Machine Operation
. 26. Common Competencies • Apply Quality Standards – This module covers the
knowledge and skills and attitudes required in applying quality standards to work
operations in the industry. – LO1 Assess own work – LO2 Assess quality of received
component parts – LO3 Record Information – LO4 Study causes of quality deviations
. 27. Core Competencies • This covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes in drafting
and cutting patterns of casual apparel. – LO1 Plan Garment Design – LO2 Take
Clients body Measurements – LO3 Draft basic/ block Pattern – LO4 Manipulate
Pattern – LO5 Cut Final Pattern
. 28. Core Competencies • Prepare and Cut Materials for Casual Apparel – LO1
Prepare materials (fabric) – LO2 Lay-out and mark pattern on material – LO3 Cut
. 29. Core Competencies • Sewing Casual apparel – LO1 Prepare cut parts – LO2
Prepare sewing machine for operation – LO3 Sew and assemble garment parts – LO4
Alter completed garment.
. 30. Core Competencies • Applying Finishing Touches on Casual Apparel – LO1 Apply
finishing touches – LO2 Trim excess threads – LO3 Press finished garment – LO4
Package the finished garment.

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