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what are engines that use carburetor and that use inductor ?

difference between them

only Petrol Engine used Carborater it is used for mixing

fuel with air and also control tae ratio of air and fuel.

and inductor is used to ignite the air fuel mixture in


carburetors are used by SI engines to prepare uniform fuel air mixture.

there is a problem in the question actually...
the INJECTORS are used in CI engines in association of a fuel pump to inject fuel into the combustion chamber.

how can one check wheather a gear and pinion are properly
aligned or not for both running and static condition?

For running we use Cooper sulphate or red/blue Dykem , and

for static we may use Prussian blue.
The aim is to see the length of contact , the criterion for
deciding the alignment.
Noise and smoothness of running can also help serve as
indicators if the misalignment is gargantuan.

the shaft(axis) of the pinion and gear must in 90 degree

1. At Toyota we seek to hire individuals who have a keen interest in the

automobile industry. What interests you most about what we do?
2. At Toyota we like to hire those who see a future in the automobile
industry. Where do you see this position taking you in the future?
3. At Toyota we like to train our employees in their particular areas of
interest. If you could have training in any specific area, which topic would
you choose?
4. I see that you have recently worked for one of our direct competitors. Do
you have a non-compete agreement in place?
5. What has been your biggest sale, to date?
6. At Toyota we set daily, weekly, and monthly targets for all of our sales
employees. Have you worked with very specific KPI's as of late?
7. At Toyota we have many competitors. Why do you want to work for us?
8. Tell me about your sales performance this year.
9. Many positions in our company are fully commissioned. Are you
confident enough in your sales abilities to work on 100% commission?
10. Walk me through your automobile industry experience.
11. In your opinion, what sets our product apart from our competitors?
12. The automobile industry is competitive. Are you comfortable
working in a competitive environment?
13. At Toyota we put a lot of pride in our customer service. How do
you go above and beyond for your clientele?
14. Are you experienced in warm and cold calling?
15. Have you ever had a conflict with a boss or professor? How was it
16. We are moving quickly into second interviews. What is your
availability like over the next few days?
17. How do you motivate others on your team?
18. Looking at your resume, I see multiple gaps between
employments, what were you doing during those gaps?
19. What would you do if you were made aware of a co-worker being
dishonest or stealing from the company?
20. How would you prefer to be compensated?
21. When a problem arises, what are your first reactions?
22. How competitive are you?
23. How do you organize your day?
24. Why do you believe you will have success at this position?
25. Describe the worst manager you've had.
26. How can we motivate you on the job?
27. List the top 3 skills that you have acquired in your last role.
28. Tell me about a time when you took the initiative to improve work
related procedures.
29. Would you consider yourself a creative person?
30. What experience do you have using team-based messaging
six sigma:-

The basics of Six Sigma are actually designed to improve the performance of manufacturing industry.
It was originally developed as a kind of quality control especially for large scale manufacturing
companies. The main purpose of this quality control system was to improve the manufacturing
processes along with eliminating the number of defects found in them. Later on the methodology of
Six Sigma was extended to various other types of industries irrespective of their size all over the
world. In order to understand the role of Six Sigma in manufacturing industry you must be familiar with
this concept.

Introduction to Six Sigma

The concept of Six Sigma was developed in 1986 by Motorola as a set of tools and techniques to
improve the processes. In 1995 this concept was used by Jack Welch as the main concept of the
business strategy of General Electric which is used by a number of industrial sectors these days.

Six Sigma identifies and removes the defect causing elements along with reducing the changeability
of the business and manufacturing processes to improve the quality of outputs of a manufacturing
process. In this methodology, a set of quality management methods is used to create within the
organization for a special infrastructure of the people who can use these methods like experts. An
organization follows a defined set of steps to quantify the targeted value of the project while using
each project of Six Sigma. For instance the organization can reduce pollution, reduce time cycle of a
process and reduce cost of production for increasing profits and satisfaction level of its customers.

Working of Six Sigma

The terminologies linked with manufacturing industry like the terms linked with statistical modeling of
manufacturing processes originated the term Six Sigma. A sigma rating can describe the maturity of a
manufacturing process by indicating its percentage of defect free products created or its yield. Almost
100% products manufactured through Six Sigma process are statistically expected to be defect free
even of the level of their defect is equal to 4.5. A goal of Six Sigma was set by Motorola for all of its
manufacturing processes and all of its engineering and management practices take this goal by-word
for its achievement.

In 1980s when the methodology of Six Sigma was originated by Motorola an association between
decrease in cost of production and increase in quality of products was recognized by the company.
Earlier it was believed by the management of various manufacturing industries that higher quality can
increase the cost of production which in fact was not true.

According to the basics of the doctrine of Six Sigma the success of a company vitally depends upon
continuous efforts for achieving stable manufacturing processes. The factors of these processes are
also important to be measured statistically so that they can be improved by analyzing them. In fact all
the members of an organization, especially managers of top level, have to be committed for any kind
of improvement in the organization as the methodology of Six Sigma is highly based on team efforts.

Features of Six Sigma

The main features of Six Sigma for improvement in manufacturing industry include:
A clear focus on quantifying and measuring the financial returns of any project. The passionate
commitment and support of the managers of an organization about their leadership Creation of
infrastructure of professionals similar to the levels of martial arts. All these features allow clearly
define the responsibilities and role of every individual within the team for improving the manufacturing
process of the organization.
Goals of Six Sigma

The prime goal of Six Sigma methodology is to make sure that the manufacturing process has
minimum defects. The occurrence of 3.4 defects per million chances is the ultimate goal of this
system. Though it seems to be an unachievable task but most of the manufacturing companies
achieve this final goal by adopting this technique of producing quality products.

Consequential Results of Six Sigma

Motorola had reported some astonishing facts about the benefits Six Sigma has offered to its
organization after registering it as the mark of their service. Company has disclosed to have saved
over $17 billion by the end of 2006 with the help of quality improvement processes offered by this
unique system. Almost half of the Fortune 500 companies have adopted this process for their
organizations by the end of twentieth century.

Availability of various levels of training and certification is another hallmark of the process of Six
Sigma. As martial arts practitioners are labeled the managements adapting this system are also
certified. The different levels of training and certification offered by Six Sigma are organized into
different levels of belt’ like green belt, yellow belt, black belt and master black belt etc. The employees
are enrolled in the training programs held by Six Sigma so that they can be certified employees after
completing the necessary training and use the methodology for saving money of their organization.

While practicing the goals of Six Sigma in an organization then it is almost impossible to find any
defect in the production of their products and services. In fact it is designed for the improvement in the
quality of production of the organizations by improving their manufacturing processes.
In large organizations where clear communication channels and extensive management infrastructure
is available most effective results are shown by this type of programs. Most of the companies which
have adopted this quality control system for improving their products and services are among the
most successful ventures of the world. The comments of these companies reveal the fact that by
embracing Six Sigma they have saved lots of money than earlier. But before adopting this system for
you manufacturing company it is recommended that you should spend some time for researching
about Six Sigma as the success of this process is questioned by some of the experts of
manufacturing industry.

But still the comment and reviews of most of the successful companies reveal that Six Sigma plays an
important role in the success of Manufacturing Industry and it will continue to do so in future as well.

Just-in-Time Manufacturing

Before JIT was introduced by Toyota, most manufacturers kept large amounts of inventory available just in case they needed

it. Taiichi Ohno of the Toyota corporation developed a production system in which parts would be ordered in small

quantities based on short-term needs. The process was designed to ensure that a part would arrive just in time to be used,

eliminating the need to keep it in inventory. Toyota found that the just-in-time system reduced lead time on orders by one

third and reduced production costs by 50 percent, and the system eventually spread to many other companies.

Lean Manufacturing
Lean manufacturing takes the concept of JIT and reexamines it from the perspective of customer value. The first step in the
lean manufacturing process is to consider what aspects of the product add real value for the customer. For instance, if a
customer is buying a stereo speaker, he might be looking for sound quality, durability and affordability. The first principle of
lean manufacturing is that every step in the production process must add something of value that the customer actually

20) Explain what are the approach used in manufacturing for QA?

For QA in manufacturing techniques used are

 Acceptance sampling: In this testing, a random sample is picked from the batch rather than testing the whole
 Statistical process control: Through the use of control charts and data collected for the samples at the
various stages of production a manufacturing product can be monitored
 Troubleshooting studies: At the end of the line product, a trouble-shooting study can be carried out to see
whether the changes in the inputs are associated with the output variables.

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