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Planet Ghatary in the Shangra Lambda Sector:

Planet: Ghatary (aka SAIO VIII) GM INFO

System: SAIOA (Avail: nav-rutters NE, SE, S and SE) Boxed

(All points W and N are unknown) text is
GM only!
Atmosphere: Breathable mix

Climate: Temperate (Temp ranges: 10 to 25 degrees C / -1 to 18 degrees C)

Precipitation: 20% to 75% in summer / 50% in winter (snow)
Day cycle: 12/10 hours daylight (summer/winter) / 8/10 hours night (summer/winter)
Storms: 20% to 30% (summer) / 50% to 70% (winter)

Biosphere: Miscible

Population: 500K+
(100k = military under command of “Colonel Charles Grey” & 350k = native humans who have been
subjugated by the Colonel and the tyrannical governor “Marcos Gavras”, the remaining 50k = skilled-
immigrants, and long-term off-world corporate personnel who run the mine, the textile and food
production businesses. Most corporate staff rotate on a yearly basis)

TechLevel: 4

Nav Designation: SAIO VIII

Main Exports:

Rare metal ores needed for Spike Drive construction; mined in Zhimdar and processed in smelters
outlying Bodrin.

Food: local crops and meat processed in factories in Khellarin.

Textiles: harvested and hand-made in the regions around Oliverney.

Main Imports:

Military-grade small spacecraft and light-armoured vehicle parts, weapons and TL4 armour.

Luxury goods including high-grade drugs and jewellery.

Clandestine trading:

Plundered wealth including beautiful toys of the elite & the Regalia of rulership from the Terran
Mandate age have been ‘liberated’ from many of the natives and their families as ‘taxes’.

HIDDEN: TL5 data from a Lost (pre-tech) Archive database: buried in a secret location beneath the
mines of Zhimdar. Only ‘official government-sponsored’ expeditions are allowed to go there. So far,
they have been able to retrieve a miniscule amount of the available data!

Clandestine (non-government) operations:

Secret operation: The Monastery (financed by the CSC and run as a monastery/religious organisation;
only partially as a cover) using Ancient pre-tech teaching equipment to train Psychics. Located in a
hidden base in the mountains south-east of Oliverney) [Principle adepts: “Kazi Karbala“
Preceptor(teacher) Adept missionary who is an inspiring religious leader and “Shi Fang” as roving
Preceptor (teacher) Adept who seeks out the gifted on-world and convinces them to come to the

Oliverney is the town where the CSC interact with their agents and recruits). The leader is “Damian
Koga” a conspiring rebel and off-world scholar, who knows about the secret cache of tech under the
mines but hasn’t managed to mount a (dangerous) expedition there yet....

Towns and cities:

Fort Ghatarion: [A no-fly zone – unauthorised planetary landings or atmospheric craft are
prohibited – ships in breach are impounded or destroyed]

Ground-based defences include oceanic defence, anti-spacecraft and anti-aircraft batteries and
atmospheric capable Fighters and System Patrol spacecraft. Submarine and surface military craft patrol
the shoreline and ground-based armoured fighting vehicles and foot-patrols cover the surrounding hills
and mountains.

Home to “Colonel Charles Grey” (Occupying army officer) - head of planetary security and “Governor
Marcos Gavras” (Soulless government official) and their families.

The tyrant Marcos is a is a figurehead for a cabal of powerful men and women who actually run the

Standing army of 100,000 marines including 2000 commandos and special forces. (well-armed and
armoured TL4/5*) [*Rare tech available to the elite forces ~ 2%]

Local civilian population: 120,000 (mainly families of the army and staff for the fortress).

Khellarin (SMALL CITY): [local atmospheric craft and planetary landings are permitted; but
monitored] Local crops and meat processed in factories in Khellarin.

The highest quality products are either exported off-world or land on the Governor’s table.

Local civilian population: 75,000

Oliverney (LARGE TOWN): [local atmospheric craft & planetary landings are permitted; but
monitored] Fine textiles are grown/harvested and hand-made in the regions around Oliverney.

The best are ‘purchased’ at highly-discounted rates by powerful merchant families on-world and
exported off-world at a high profit margin.

Local civilian population: 30,000

Bodrin Spaceport (MEDIUM CITY):

A well-maintained and smoothly-functioning spaceport with a large local military peace-keeping
presence. Atmospheric-capable traders and ship-to-surface shuttles ferry goods and the occasional off-
world traveller here 24 hours a day.

A TL4 facility which encompasses all ‘legal’ off-world trade charging high port fees and duties on all
imports. All planetary exports arrive and are shipped off-world from here. It is illegal to trade directly
with any other inhabitants without the Governor’s approval.

Government-controlled anti-spacecraft and anti-aircraft batteries and atmospheric capable Fighters and
System Patrol spacecraft defend the port. Submarine and surface military craft patrol the shoreline and
ground-based armoured fighting vehicles and foot-patrols cover the surrounding city streets and local
wilderness as well as the highways from the port to Fort Ghatarion, Khellarin and the northern road
which sweeps west to Oliverney.

Twice daily-hydrofoils ferry goods and VIPs to/from Zhimdar, but civilians are not permitted to cross the
bay. Anyone wishing to travel to/from Zhimdar by land must do so through the dense wilderness west
of Oliverney.

Local civilian population: 130,000

Zhimdar (LARGE TOWN – mainly a collection of villages clustered into a segmented, walled-
compounds with a central administration sector)

[staffed by corporate security forces – rudimentary – non-public landing facilities for shuttles and
VTOL aircraft only]

[A no-fly zone – unauthorised planetary landings or atmospheric craft are prohibited – ships in breach
are impounded or destroyed]

An Impoverished village of natives (10,000 total pop) who work for the pittance paid by Mr Shah (see
below) mining rare metal ores from the poorly-run (read: dangerous) mines the nearby island mountain
range. Ruled by “Theodore Shah” (A rich, previously off-world Merchant who wants the natives kept
ignorant). He is one of the cabal who run the planet via the puppet tyrant “Governor Marcos Gavras”.

There is a TL5 data Lost (pre-tech) Archive database buried in a secret location beneath the mines of
Zhimdar. Only ‘official government-sponsored’ expeditions are allowed to go there. So far, they have
been able to retrieve a miniscule amount of the available data! A lot of the natives miner know of it’s
existence, but have kept quiet fearing execution and/or torture.

Local civilian population: 10,000

World Map (planetary circumference = ~40000km)

SCALE: 6500 km
 

APPENDIX A – Original generated attribs:


Luddite native, Offworld Merchant who wants the natives kept ignorant, Religious zealot,
Corrupted First Speaker who wants to keep a monopoly on learning; Debauched autocrat,
Sneering bully-boy, Soulless government official, Occupying army officer


Preceptor(teacher) Adept missionary, Off-world scholar, Reluctant student, Roving Preceptor

(teacher) Adept; Conspiring rebel, Oppressed merchant, Desperate peasant, Inspiring religious


The hidden Psychic training institute ‘aka Monastery’ has taken a very religious and mystical
attitude toward their teaching, The Archive has maintained some replicable pretech science, The
Archive has been corrupted and their teaching is incorrect; The tyrant rules with vastly superior
technology, The tyrant is a figurehead for a cabal of powerful men and women, The people are
resigned to their suffering, The tyrant is hostile to "meddlesome outworlders".


Archive, Experimental laboratory, Student-local riot; Impoverished village, Protest rally

massacre, Decadent palace, Religious hospital for the indigent


Lost Archive database, Ancient pretech teaching equipment, Hidden cache of theologically
unacceptable tech; Plundered wealth, Beautiful toys of the elite, Regalia of rulership

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