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Why Electric Cars Are The Future.

By Jason Ramamutar

A long lasting battery

Why you should switch

Hi, I am here to tell you Why electric cars An Electric car has a battery that supplies it with
are the future. Did you know that when you energy to move. A battery in a tesla could go about
drive in a car, the gasoline burns and the 514 miles at 45mph on a single charge. The new
fumes come out of the exhaust which affects model 3 is able to travel 215 miles per charge as
the environment because it pollutes the air? standard or up to 310 miles with an extended range
Do you like driving to a far place if so, switch battery option, which costs more, and don't worry
to electric because it uses less gas..
there’s charging stations to charge your car The
whole point of why tesla is making electric cars is
because they want a better environment. “Electric
vehicle emissions are clearly dependent on the
electricity source. With a theoretical all coal
electricity grid, they would emit more greenhouse
gases than today's gasoline cars. With natural gas
electrics fare much better, and with renewable
electricity better yet.”
(41.2%= gas 58.8=electric battery.) %E2%80%9D&rlz=1CAACBB_enUS821&oq=Electric+vehicle+emissions+are+clearly+d
( A chart showing how many people would ter+yet.%E2%80%9D&aqs=chrome..69i57.897j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-
drive an electric car to have autopilot.) 8&safe=active Info for the quotes

<-( A chart showing how many people would switch

to electric) Red= Gas Blue=electric to save the
( It was a survey from my class)

“We're running the most dangerous experiment in history right now,

which is to see how much carbon dioxide the atmosphere... can handle
before there is an environmental catastrophe.” (by Elon Musk) (website)
(A graph showing how many people think the price is
too high,for gasoline)

{not shown to real amount)

What Can You Do to make our world

Let's talk about gasoline a better place?
Gasoline is one of the things that cost about 50 dollars
a tank just to fill up your car only for 12 gallons, That's
You can make our world a better place by
expensive. Gasoline is a toxic and highly flammable
switching to electric cars, because it is better for
liquid. The vapors given off when gasoline
evaporates and the substances produced when the whole entire earth and the atmosphere because
gasoline is burned (carbon monoxide, nitrogen the sooner you know it the faster you get the whole
oxides, particulate matter, and unburned world to not let out pollution but instead let out
hydrocarbons) contribute to air pollution. Burning nothing that's bad for the earth and everything else
gasoline also produces carbon dioxide, which is a that is living. “American drivers log about 3
greenhouse gas. Do you think that the price of trillion miles per year, consuming more than 170
gasoline is too high and you don't want to pay for it billion gallons of gasoline and diesel in the
anymore? Then switch to electric it has a long process. Converting all those road miles to
lasting battery and you could save the earth
electricity would place new demands on the
because with too much pollution roaming the
nation’s system for producing and delivering
earth. 58.3% think the gasoline price is too high
because of how many people have petrol or
electricity. <-
gasoline cars that roam the earth, because on earth
it's a 78% percent that most people's cars run on
gasoline, and a 22% percent for electric cars that
roam on the earth.

(A photo showing all of the charging stations for tesla’s.)

I hope you have learned why you should switch to electric
cars because, “if everyone switched the CO2 level would
( these are all of the charging stations in America, both drop by 8.4%.” The world is going up everyday by pollution
level 1 and 2 charging stations) for tesla’s and other in the air. I hope you learned by now to switch to electric,
electric cars. to save the earth from A LOT of pollution. The reasons why
you should switch to because electric is less expensive
than gasoline because for an electric cars are 13 or 14
because it depends on the models for the x is 13 dollars for
a charge and 14 for the model s witch is 14 dollars per

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