Sunday Reflection

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Sunday, January 27th

Gospel reflection

Gospel, Luke 4:14-21

Jesus Begins His work in Galilee

There are many times of our life that we do not know that Jesus appeared to us and
unknowingly we reject Him. In this Gospel it says here that Jesus was rejected from his own town. For
me as a simple follower of God because I am a children of God, I observing the Lord what made Him
appeared to me, sometimes my heart tells me that I have something to see or to do with the people
surrounds me.

Sometimes I see Jesus in my way to school, beside the cathedral I see Jesus in the face of the
street children without any shelter, food, clothe, and even family. I felt that my soul is crying towards
them whenever I saw them sleeping at the side of the school, sometimes at the church. And when I
passed by I feel pity for them that even a hand of them that I can give I cannot give. My heart and my
soul slowly walk and passed by towards my way to school, but there’s nothing that I can do.

Most of the time in unexpected way Jesus revealed Himself to us, and simply reject Him.
Towards the end upon realizing It is Him who revealed Himself in front of us and we just reject Him.
Like when we are at the session road there is a guy who gave us a hand for help just simply sharing
our little amount of money for them, sometimes we tend to forget them. Wherein Jesus was showing
us His body for us to have something to do.

In God’s love we should be always to accept the Lord in our daily life and tend to help and
observe where Jesus was there trying to reveal Himself.

Sunday, February 3rd

Gospel reflection

Gospel, Luke 4:21-30

Jesus is rejected at Nazareth

This Sunday’s Gospel is the continuation of the past Gospel reading wherein after Jesus was
reading the Gospel the people in Nazareth rejected Him. In my last Sunday’s reflection
I talk about the face of the Lord in every one of us, that it is he who is appearing to us that He might
saying Something about our daily life. In today’s Sunday’s gospel I will expand more my reflection
where I almost reject Jesus in My life. In spite of my difficulties I was like a no to God, it’s like saying
that I don’t want to see Jesus in my life Because even myself alone He is not helping me to this

Wherein I was wrong, because I always wanting the Lord to revealed Himself From me to see
Him face to face and Hug Him, but the Lord God showing other people for me to have someone to
help me with my difficulties. Which is the other people that I don’t even know. They show me their
smile and I don’t know why? I just snob them because I am struggling I can’t smile because its hard to
smile while you’re sad you are at struggle.

But towards the end, upon realizing it is the face of the Lord telling me that I must not have to
worry because He is always there for me, in many faces of His own body, the one who have faith in
Him and the one who brings Jesus in themselves.

Sunday, February 10th

Gospel reflection

Gospel, Luke 5:1-11

Jesus calls the First Disciples

In today’s gospel it talks about the calling of the first three disciples of Jesus; Peter, James and
his brother John. I still remember when I was first call by Jesus. I was always rejecting Him. Because I
know in myself that I’m not worth of it meaning I’m not for this. I have my family, my parents, my
friends and my love ones, and most especially because I’m a sinful man.

I questioned the Lord of all my beyond thinking, until to the point that I doubt of Him because
why God calling me in the wrong time wherein I found someone that I assure to marry someday. And
that why he is showing like those things, I already fall in love with someone and there He goes calling

It is hard to make a promise that will never to fulfill, I already made a promise which is I will wait
for her until she graduates and here I am. I was calling by my name to God. I was telling you it is hard
to make decisions in life if God already planned your life according to His plan. Until now It is just like
putting ourselves also with Him to accept that God is having His own plan to direct our life according
to Him towards Him. I just put my trust to the Lord and let the Lord will fulfill our promises in life. He
is the master of planning, because He plan our life accordingly to His will.

Sunday, February 17th

Gospel reflection

Gospel,Luke 6:17, 20-26

Happiness and Sorrow

In today’s Gospel it talks about the four beatitudes: happy are you poor the kingdom of god are
yours, happy are you who are hungry now; you will be filled, happy are you who weep now; you will
laugh, happy are you when people hate you, reject you, insult you, and say that you are evil, all
because of the son of man be glad when that happiness and dance for joy, because a great reward is
kept for you in heaven.

This Gospel is very metaphysical in the sense that when we are still here on earth, take the risk
of the difficulties of life and trials for in the end of the life that starts the new life to heaven. There is a
change that may happened because in the real life it says there that God will turn all your sufferings
to happiness.

All that are negative you think is, the Lord will even more Bless us because we are is people. It
means He cares for our sufferings we cares for our sorrows and pain in life that he is always there for
us making us happy with Him. Because whenever there is suffering there will be a happiness towards
the end.

Sunday, February 24th

Gospel reflection

Gospel, Luke 6:27-38

Love for enemies

This Sundays Gospel reading is towards the love of enemies. To be honest to love our enemies is
to a very difficult way to do. Especially on today’s situation in life we have many enemies, not only to
the physical word but mostly in virtual world also. This is the major cause of the spreading of our
enemies, even our friends now a day, they became our famous enemies already.

But in today’s gospel it reminds us that in spite of our ongoing enemies we have to love them. By
in what manner? By not simply doing action that against them because I was informed and believed
that the best winning action towards your opponent is to simply following the flow of their flow and
not on the part that contradicts them. Meaning to say to defeat hatred, because they hate you is to
hate them also by their evil acts, and simply pray for them of what kind of evilness they have done to

We can love our enemies in praying for them, meaning if we pray for them we are concerned of
them and if we are concern about them meaning we are showing our love for them. For the love of
God endures forever. It is the Love of God who bring salvation if we pray for the people and even for
those who hate us.

Sunday, March 3rd

Gospel reflection

Gospel,Luke 6:39-45

Judging others
In today’s gospel reading talks about our attitudes of judging towards other people. I was crying
when they judge me, it is still on my mind in my childhood days. I don’t want to judge because I know
how it feels when you are being judged by others. It is awful for me to hear of peoples who are
judging their fellow people. Meaning to say they are also judging themselves, because they were
looking at their same human that has body mind and spirit.

I am much offended when others are becoming judgmental according to what they see. It is not
the physical appearance but more on the external rather. Because we are all the same that has mind
body and spirit. Sometimes they just judge us and comparing ourselves like the animals. Is it because
they also have body mind and spirit? Of course not.

We are humans a merely image and likeness of God. Meaning to say if we judge others we
already judge our merely image that is God who created us. It is the Lord who will take refuge from
our judgmental deeds in the day comes because the way we judge others we already judge the one of
our merely image and at the same manner will judge upon us if we judge others.

Sunday, March 10th

Gospel reflection

Gospel, Luke 4:1-13

The temptation of Jesus

This Sunday’s gospel was all about the temptation of Jesus from the dessert in forty days. In our
daily life there are many temptations around us that we have to surpass.

The great temptation was happened to Jesus, first the turning of stone into bread which
represents if we look into it the temptation of bringing up his power and forget to serve. In such way
that Jesus is the Son of God he can do anything according to his wants. The second temptation was
the temptation of wealth that we all know to ourselves that if we have much of money we can rule
according to what does the money can. And lastly is the temptation of being boast the same with the
first temptation that Jesus is the Son of God and that All of His angels are protecting Him. But Jesus
Humbled Himself for He knows that it is not good to higher our pride and just stay as humble you are.

The great three temptation are power/authority, wealth, and boast/pride. These three major
things happen to our life also whenever we are even still to the end of our life there will be still a
temptation trying to separate us from God so that we are not able to be with Him in an appropriate
time but in prolonging the agony.

Sunday, March 17th

Gospel reflection

Gospel, Luke 9:28-36

The transfiguration
In this gospel of today it talks about the transfiguration of Jesus as the Son of God in the
Kingdom of His Father. We are so much in the way and looking forward for the happiness of ourselves.
Like peter who said that it is good to be here as if they don’t want to leave anymore and they will
build a tents for themselves and for Moses and Elijah.

In our life we are much like peter who always look for the goodness and happiness of life
without realizing that towards happiness there will be suffering, or vice versa if there’s a suffering
there will be happiness afterwards. We tend to forget our life that, towards happiness is a short-term
for all of us. In such celebration like wedding birth day and the other. We celebrated the wedding as if
it will be always like this, but we forget the meaning of such a big celebration towards happiness it
will come to an end that the days to come after the celebration will be the day of obligation already if
we are really truth to the calling. Trails will come and come to until it will leads us to say that I am in
pain. And think that there will no more happiness in our life.

In putting our trust to God whether it is happiness or suffering we must still have to call God’s
presence in our life that whenever we’re down or happy, he still holds our life. For the good and the
good for all his people.

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