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qfiunal frnpufrlic lredssl $owr,rutunt,
"0ls4ri6h n{
\> - Sosida^o Repu&liue ea Ol ,frtauiltanoa - \*
l4ooii.h Oi$irro qr.d JYqrioflal .i{asstwet, o.t, tlw WoiU
fio*ftuoaLfimwp,m I J$onffrutebt&pd& I nto{th&nodu, I 'gfn Jyatffiqntu'

{ryltdiltifr al t eiltaiaatical AnruUnlion qnd gfrolii ftnurrf al

Qtl .eqnd 9qts*
Date: Time immemorial

We rhe natural" divine. aboriginal. indigenous beings, who are the sovereign. de jure Moorish National
Rep -rbiic Federal Government at North America. are the iaw of the land. We are the executors"
min sters, trustees. claimants. iudges, r,izirs, consuis, heirs and beneficiaries. of our o&,n vast estate. We
are the descendants of the Pharaohs of Kemet and the ancient Moabites and Canaanites. We are in
Prolrria Persona, Sui .Turis" in Proprio Solo and in Proprio Heredes. We are exercisir-rg all of our rights at
this time and at all points in time.

The purpose of this lau,ful Aflldavit is to cancel and aboiish ali claims ro the land by all foreigners here,
at NIorth. Central. South America. and the Adjoining and Americana Islands, having the follorving:
- [-and Patents
- Quit Claims
- rlr-riet Titles
- 'fitles
- )eeds
- Deeds of Trust
- Counter l)eeds oi Trust
- Mofigages
- {ents
- ,i)uit Rent Contacts

All prer,'ious claims of ownership. occupancl,, or othenvise have been superseded by the arithoritl. of the
Mo';rrish National Republic Federal Government. Ail rnho occup),- dwellings on the said lands are
reqi iired to vacate the pren-rises ll,hen a Moorish Amcrican National presents this Affidavit along r,r,itir a
copl' of the Treatv of Peace and Friendship 1785 and 1836 and a copy of the Moorish American
Con sr"rlate Notice of Existence. All tributes" taxes and other pa;-ments in goid and silver backed lar,v fuil
tencler are now due to the Moorish National Republic Federal Govemment. Jurisdiction of all
aforementioned iand is that of the Moorish National Republic Federal Government and no other.

Aboriginal and IndigenoLLs Peoples' Docullrents: Nortlrrvest Amexem i Northrvest Atiica / N-ofih America / 'The Norlh (;ate'icentral
.\mereni/Sourthuest Amerentli\djoining and Americana Islands ' The \.4oroccan Empire - Continental United States; '1-emple of the Moon and
Sun'/ ''TLrrtle Island': \or, - Domestic. Non - I{esident. Nou - Sub-ject:
lvloors / \,,lrrrrrs - Reing the Riqhtfirl ileirs and Prirroqenihrrt'Ridhrisht - inhr:ritors of fhi: I lniJ


In Service To Our Vast Empire,

G;ftL^Imiirah 6ap
Omnia Iura
Mohammedan Vizir, Judge, Minister
u.r,r,u,'.moorishamericanconsul ate. org
Northwest Amexem - Northwest Africa - North America - The North Gate
Central Amexem - Southwest Amexem - Adjoining and Americana Islands

'',A,rren, dico vobis" quaecumque, alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et. quaecumque
solveritis super, terrant
erunt soluta et in caelo"


Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples' llocunrents: Northurest AmevEni i Nnrthwesl Ali,ica i Nor"th Americe,,' "l'he North Gete'l[.errtre]

Sun'i'furtle Island': Non - Domestic. Non - Rcsident. Non - Sub.ject:

- fvloors / \lurrrs - Rcinp thc Righttrrl Fleirs and Prinrogenilrrre Rirlhright - lnlrerirors oftlre I ar:d

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