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Duct Line for Maze Powder

Feed Mill Factory

Supervised By : - Eng Mr. Amith Pushpakumara

Project Done By: - Mechatronics Engineering Trainees

The Open University of Sri Lanka

Mr. M.I.M.Ifran

Mr.U.D.D. vijayanga


In Feed mill plant the main production is done by Feed processing unit. In feed
processing system there are main three stages. Loading ingredients , Mixing
and Milling ingredients , palletization feed. In this project is proposed to
develop the Mixing and Milling process to reduce the operating time and
increase the production rate with big electricity saving.
Presently General feed 1 Ton takes 25 minutes averagely to complete the
Milling and Mixing process. High feed 1 Ton also takes 25minutes to
complete the Milling and Mixing process.
After developing this system , the general feed production time can be reduced
to 15 minutes . The High feed production time can be reduced by 22 minutes.
This duct Line system can save 20.95% of present Electricity usage for Mixing
and Milling process. Pay back period of this project is 4 month with minimum
Feed production of 200 Tons.

Table of Content

1.1 Introduction………………………………………………….. 03
1.2 Aim…………………………………………………………... 03
1.3 Design Specifications………………………………………... 03
1.4 Design Introduction………………………………………….. 03
2.0 Duct Designs And Measurements……………………..…...... 04
3.0 Methodology……………………………………………...…. 10
4.0 Standard operation procedure…………………….………….. 11
5.0 Advantages and Final designing ...….………………..........… 12
6.0 Budget……………………………..….……………….....…... 13
7.0 Pay back period and profits ……….…...……….……………..14

1.1. Introduction
This project is proposed for the Feed Mill of Pelwatte Dairy Industries Ltd. The
duct line is designed to carry the maze powder from the milling machine to the
storage silo. Duct line should be connected between the end of Hammer mill
elevator and the start point of maze storage elevator. When the Maze milling
process is started, Maze flow through the elevators and mill the Maze with 3mm
cutting plate and store in Maze store.

Present feed production is milled with 3mm cutting plate and required 25min per
Ton. But the feed mix( Maze , rice and other) requires 5mm cutting plate can mill
within 8 min per Ton. If the Feed mix mill with 5mm cutting plate the final feed
includes big Maze particles which reduce the Feed quality. To overcome this
problems the duct line system is designed.

1.2. Aim
Increase the production rate and reduce production life time.

1.3. Design Specifications

The duct line will consist following design specification:-

 Capability to carry the maze powder from milling hammer to storage silo.

1.4. Design Introduction

This design has only a hardware part. This hardware part includes duct line and a
damper. Duct line carries the maze powder and damper will switch the maze powder
flow direction between two duct lines in the junction of the 3 rd floor. The duct line
dampers are powered by compressed air. It is controlled by electro pneumatic valve
with a control panel.

2. Duct Designs and Measurements

There are two possible methods are identified to complete the duct system. They are

1. Single bend duct system

2. Dual bend duct system

2.1 Design - single bend duct system

Front view

Figure 1.1.0 Front View of single bend duct system

Right view

Figure 1.1.1 Right View of single bend duct system

Duct line design measurements

Figure 1.1.2 Measurement of Single bend duct system

2.2 Design - dual bend duct system

Front view

Figure 1.2.0 Front view of dual bend duct system

Right view

Figure 1.2.1 Right side view of dual bend duct system

Duct Line Design Measurements

Figure 1.2.2 Measurements of dual bend duct system

3. Methodology

When using the duct line, the process steps are change by few steps. There is
a new activity added to the present process. That is Maze milling and store

In this method ,The first stage is milling Maze until fill the Maze storage silo
,To this firstly load the empty Yellow silo with Maze and change the cutting plate as
3mm cutting in hammer mill. Then the new duct line switch should be powered ON
to turn the flowing maze powder to the Maze flour storage(green silo Then Start the
hammer mill and crush maze, until them turn in to powder. Powder will store in the
Maze storage.

Then using designed duct line, powdered maze carries in to the maze storage
silo and store in it for the next mixing process.

4. SOP of the Duct Line Controlling

1. Check the Yellow silo is Empty

2. Turn off the hammer mill
3. Check the feed pelleting valve is open.
4. Turn Off the Pallet valve
5. Turn on the duct line valve switch
6. Check the position of Storage valves
7. Change the position of storage valves as green and yellow silo
8. Start loading Maze to Green Silo
9. Start the hammer mill
10. Check the storage of Maze storage
11. When the Storage is completed stop the Hammer mill
12. Turn off the duct line Damper

5. Advantages and Final Design

After Designing two types of duct line we decide to choose the single
bend duct line system as our Final Design. It has ability to make good angle to
flow the Maze without stuck. And the design has low cost to develop.

Advantages of Design

 Increase the rate of feed production

 Decrease the current feed milling time
 Reduce the Feed production activity time
 Reduce the availability of big Maze particles
 Increase the Milk Prodction
 Gain the quality of feed
 Reduce the CEB bill
 Reduce the working Hours

6. Budget

No Part Name Model Price Quantity Cost

01. Steel Sheet 6m - Rs.21000.00 14 meters Rs.49000.00

02. Electro Pneumatic Valve Omron Rs. 17500.00 1 Rs.17500.00

03. Pneumatic cylinder Festo Rs . 24 750.00 1 Rs. 24 750.00

04. Electro mechanical Relay Omron Rs 1500.00 2 Rs. 3000.00

On-Off Start Stop

05. - Rs. 3654.00 1 Rs.3654.00

06. Panel board box - Rs.2000.00 1 Rs.2000.00

07. -
Electrical Wire Rs.500.00 10 m Rs.500.00

08. Indicators (red /green) AD103-16CS/23G Rs.1120.00 Rs.3360.00


09. Damper unit - Rs 10 000 1 Rs. 10 000.00

10. Labor cost

- - Rs.5000.00

Total Cost Rs.118 764.00

7. Pay Back Period And Profits

In the feed plant there are two main types of Feeds are produced. They are

1. High Feed
2. General Feed

High feed is produced by 475kg Maze per Ton. General feed is produced by Maze
240kg per Ton. In whole feed production, the general feed is produced 65% and
High feed is produced 35%.Present operation the hammer mill uses the 3mm cutting
plate. It takes averagely 25 minutes to produce 1 Ton of feed. Hammer mill takes 30
minutes to mill 1 Ton of Maze. The requirement of feed production the feed mix
should mill with 5mm cutting plate. When the hammer mill uses 5mm cutting plate
without milling maze separately, then the feed contain big maze particles. That
reduce the milk production of Cow and the cow digesting system doesn’t happen
properly. Big Maze particles doesn’t rots properly. When the hammer mill uses
5mm cutting plate with milled Maze, it takes 8 min to produce 1Ton of feed.

So the best way to prevent this problem is to develop a duct system.


Present time to produce 1 Ton of High Feed = 25 min

Present time to produce 1 Ton of General Feed = 25 min

After develop time to produce 1 Ton of Maze = 30 min

High Feed Calculation

High feed production Maze amount per Ton = 475Kg

Time to mill 475kg Maze = 475

= 14.25 min

Time taken to produce High feed = 14.25 min + 8 min

= 22.25 min

Time save = 25 min – 22.25 min

= 2.75 min

Monthly production of feed = 200 Ton

High feed monthly production = 35

= 70 Ton
High Feed time save to cover monthly production = 70 2.75 min
= 192.5 min

General Feed Calculation

General feed production Maze amount per Ton = 240Kg

Time to mill 240kg Maze = 240

= 7.2 min

Time taken to produce General feed = 7.2 min + 8 min

= 15.2 min

Time save = 25 min – 15.2 min

= 9.8 min

General feed monthly production = 65

= 130 Ton
General Feed time save to cover monthly production = 130 9.8 min
= 1274min

Profit From Electricity Saving

Total time save = 1466.5 min

= 24.441Hours

Total time to produce 200 feed present = 200 35 min

= 7000 min

Profit of Developing new duct line = 100 %

= 20.95%

After adding duct line the cost of feed per monthly can be reduced by 20.95%.

Monthly feed mill Electricity usage = Wh

= 13 255Kwh

Monthly Electricity cost for feed mill = 13255 Rs 12.00

= Rs. 159 071.00

The CEB Electricity save per month = Rs.159 071.00 20.95%

= Rs. 33 325.374

Pay back period

Total Cost = Rs. 118 764.00

Monthly Profit = Rs. 33 325.374

Payback Time Period = 4 Months


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