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Sl. No.

Civil Engineering
Conventional Test - 01
17th March 2019

Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 300


Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting
questions :
Answer must be written in ENGLISH only.
There are EIGHT questions divided in TWO sections.
Condidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all.
Questions no. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining THREE are
to be attempted choosing at least ONE question from each section.
The number of marks carried by a question / part is indicated against it.
Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate
which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA)
Booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written in
a medium other than the authorized one.
Wherever any assumptions are made for answering a question, they must be
clearly indicated. Diagrams / figures, wherever required, shall be drawn in the
space provided for answering the question itself.
Unless otherwise mentioned, symbols and notations carry their usual standard
meanings. Attempt of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless
struck off, attempt of a question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any
page or portion of the page left blank in the Question-cum-Answer Booklet
must be clearly struck off.
(2) [CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-1| 17th March 2019

1. (a) Write down the short note on cement stabilisation of soil.
[12 Marks]
1. (b) The bar shown in Figure is subjected to a tensile load of 160
kN. If the stress in the middle portion is limited to 150 N/
mm2, determine the diameter of the middle portion. Find
also the length of the middle portion if the total elongation
of the bar is to be 0.2 mm. Young’s modulus is given as equal
to 2.1 × 105N/mm2.

160 kN 160 kN
6cm Dia 6cm Dia

40 cm
[12 Marks]
1. (c) A 3 m thick clay layer beneath a building is overlain by a
permeable stratum and is underlain by an impervious rock.
The coefficient of consolidation of the clay was found to be
0.025 cm2/minute. The final expected settlement for the layer
is 8 cm.
(a) How much time will it take for 80% of the total settlement
to take place ?
(b) Determine the time required for a settlement of 2.5 cm
to occur.
(c) Compute the settlement that would occur in one year.
[12 Marks]
1. (d) A circle of diameter d = 225 mm is inscribed on an unstressed
aluminum plate of thickness t = 18 mm. Forces acting in the
plane of the plate later cause normal stresses  x  84 MPa and
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[CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-1| 17th March 2019 (3)

z  140 MPa For E = 70 GPa and  
   poisson's ratio ,
determine the change in


380 mm A
B x

(i) The length of diameter AB,
(ii) The length of diameter CD,
(iii) The thickness of the plate,
(iv) The volume of the plate.
[12 Marks]
1. (e) The state of plane stress shown occurs at a critical point of a
steel machine component. As a result of several tensile tests,
it has been found that the tensile yield strength is 1  250 MPa
for the grade of steel used. Determine the factor of safety with
respect to yield using (a) the maximum shearing stress
criterion, and (b) the maximum distortion energy criterion.

40 MPa

80 MPa
25 MPa

[12 Marks]
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(4) [CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-1| 17th March 2019

2. (a) (i) Five different particle sizes are mixed in proportions

shown below and water is added to make the volume of
soil suspension exactly equal to 1000 cc.
Particle size, mm Weight, g
0.060 5
0.020 15
0.010 20
0.005 4
0.001 6
The particles have a specific gravity of 2.65 and the
dynamic viscosity of water is 8.95 millipoises.  w can be
taken as 1.0 g/cc.
The soil suspension was thoroughly shaken and
sedimentation allowed.
(i) What is the largest particle size present at a depth of
10 cm after 8 minutesof the start of sedimentation?
(ii) What is the specific gravity of the soil suspension at
a depth of 10cm after 8 minutes of the start of
[15 Marks]
2. (a) (ii) The minimum and maximum dry unit weight of a sand
were found to be 14.71 and 16.68 kN/m3, respectively.
Calculate the dry unit weight corresponding to a relative
density of 50%.
[5 Marks]
2. (b) A tensile load of 40 kN is acting on a rod of diameter 40 mm
and of length 4m. A bore of diameter 20 mm is made centrally
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[CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-1| 17th March 2019 (5)

on the rod. To what length the rod should be bored so that

the total extension will increase 30% under the same tensile
load. Take E  2  105 N mm 2 .
[20 Marks]
2. (c) A hollow shaft, having an internal diameter 40% of its external
diameter, transmits 562.5 kW power at 100 r.p.m. Determine
the external diameter of the shaft if the shear stress is not
to exceed 60 N/mm2 and the twist in a length of 2.5 m should
not exceed 1.3 degrees. Assume maximum torque = 1.25 mean
torque and modulus of rigidity = 9 × 104 N/mm2.
[20 Marks]
3. (a) The tapered shaft is confined by the fixed supports at A and
B. If a torque T is applied at its midpoint, determine the
reactions at the supports.

L/2 L/2 [20 Marks]

3. (b) A 8m depth of sand overlies a 6m layer of clay, below which
is an impermeable stratum. The water table is 2m below the
surface of the sand. Over a period of 1 year a 3m depth of fill
(unit weight 20 kN/m3) is to be dumped on the surface over
an extensive area. The saturated unit weight of the sand is
19 kN/m3 and that of the clay 20 kN/m3; above the water
table the unit weight of the sand is 17 kN/m3. For the clay,
the relationship between void ratio and effective stress (units
kN/m2) can be represented by the equation
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(6) [CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-1| 17th March 2019




CC = 0.32
Clay 4.5m
6m 2.25m

1.5m (2)
(a) (b)

e = 0.88  0.32 log
and the coefficient of consolidation is 4.0 × 10–8 m2/s.
The time of full load application may be taken as
 dumping time 
t =   time after the dumping time 
 2 
(i) Calculate the final settlement of the area due to
consolidation of the clay and the settlement after a period
of 3 years from the start of dumping.
(ii) If a very thin layer of sand, freely draining, existed 1.5
m above the bottom of the clay layer, what would be the
value of the final and 3 year settlements?
[20 Marks]
3. (c) (i) The rosette shown has been used to determine the
following strains at a point on the surface of a crane book:
1  420 2  45 4  165
(a) What should be the reading of gauge 3?
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[CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-1| 17th March 2019 (7)

(b) Determine the principal strains and the maximum

in-plane shearing strain.
45° 45°
4 2

1 x

[12 Marks]
3. (c) (ii) Calculate the average shear stress in a thin walled tube
h a v i n g a c i r c u l a r c r o s s s e c t i o n o f m e a n r a d i u s r m and
thickness t, which is subjected to a torque T. Also
what is the relative angle of twist if the tube has a
length L ?
[8 Marks]
4. (a) (i) A circular steel rod AB (Diameter, d1 = 15 mm, Length
L1 = 1100 mm) has a bronze sleeve (outer diameter
d2 = 21 mm, Length L2 = 400 mm) shrunk onto it so that
the two parts are securely bonded. Calculate the total
elongation, ‘  ’ of the steel bar due to a temperature rise
T  350 .
Es  210 GPa,  s  12  10 6 / C
Eb = 110 GPa,  b  20  10 6 / C
A d1 C d2 D B


[12 Marks]
4. (a) (ii) Find the maximum allowable value of P for the column.
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(8) [CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-1| 17th March 2019

The cross sectional areas and limiting stress (  ) are shown

in figure.

P A = 500 mm2
 = 120 MPa
4P A = 2000 mm2
 = 12 MPa

A = 8000 mm2
 = 16 MPa
[8 Marks]
4. (b) The given state of plane stress is known to exist on the
surface of a machine component. Knowing that E = 200 GPa
and G = 77 GPa, determine the direction and magnitude of
principal strains.
(a) By determining the corresponding state of strain and
than using the Mohr’s circle for strain
(b) By using Mohr’s circle for stress to determine the principal
planes and principal stresses and then determining the
corresponding strains.


[20 Marks]
4. (c) A footing 1.5 m square is located 1.5 m below the surface of
a uniform soil deposit of density 20 kN/m3. The void ratio of
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[CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-1| 17th March 2019 (9)

the soil is 0.8 and its compression index is 0.07. If the total
thickness of the deposit, which is underlain by rock strata is
3.5m, compute the primary consolidation settlement of the
footing when it carries a load of 225 kN. Use trapezoidal
stress distribution ( 2 : 1, horizontal is to vertical) and consider
four layers. [20 Marks]
5. (a) Explain the following in respect of expansive soils :
(i) Swelling potential
(ii) Swelling pressure
(iii) Free Swell
(iv) Swell Index
(v) Expansion Index [12 Marks]
5. (b) Write the significance of preconsolidation pressure in soil.
How would you determine the preconsolidation pressure using
Cassagrande method ?
[12 Marks]
5. (c) The beam has a rectangular cross-section as shown. Determine
the largest load P that can be supported on its over hanging
ends so that the bending stress does not exceed max  10 MPa .

1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 150mm


[12 Marks]
5. (d) A cantilever beam of circular cross section has the dimensions
shown below. Determine the peak bending stress in the beam
due to the concentrated force applied at the tip A.
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(10) [CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-1| 17th March 2019

.2.5d d

L [12 Marks]
5. (e) A clay layer, 10 m thick, doubly drained, is expected to have a
final settlement of 10 cm. The coefficient of consolidation of
the clay soil is 10–3 cm2/s for the relevant stress-range. Assume
after 4 years, an additional identical load is placed causing an
additonal 10 cm of consolidation settlement. Assuming
‘instantaneous’ load placement. Plot the consolidation
settlement versus time curve. [12 Marks]
6. (a) (i) What do you understand by “index properties of soil”?
Explain and list the properties under different categories.
[8 Marks]
6. (a) (ii) The atterberg limits of a clay are : LL = 60%, PL = 45%
and SL = 25%. The specific gravity of soil solids is 2.70
and the natural moisture content is 50%
(i) What is its state of consistency in nature?
(ii) Calculate the volume to be expected in the sample when
moisture content is reduced by evaporation to 20%. Its
volume at liquid limit is 10 cm3. [12 Marks]
6. (b) A rectangular strip 50  15mm deep of brass is placed on top
of another strip 50  15mm deep of steel to form a beam of
50  30 mm deep cross-section. The beam is supported across
a span of 100 cm. Determine the magnitude of a point load
that may be placed at its midspan if
(a) The strips separate and bend independently
(b) The strips are bonded together and bend as a single unit
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[CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-1| 17th March 2019 (11)

Esteel  2  105 MPa , Ebrass  0.9  105 MPa , Permissible

stress are  steel  150 MPa and  brass  100 MPa

[20 Marks]
100 cm
6. (c) The shaft ABC shown in figure is driven by a motor that
delivers 300 kW at a rotational speed of 32 Hz. The gears at
B and C take out 120 and 180 kW respectively. The length
of the two parts of the shaft are L1 = 1.5 m and L2 = 0.9 m.
Determine the required diameter ‘d’ of the shaft if the
allowable shear stress is 50 MPa, the allowable angle of
twist between points A and C is 4° and G = 75 GPa.
300kW 120kW
A L1 L2
[20 Marks]
7. (a) The rectangular beam as shown below is subject to loads that
create a bending moment of 2711.5 N m acting in a plane
oriented at 30° to the y-axis. Determine the peak tensile and
compressive stresses in the beam.

Plane of loads

0.0762 m

0.0762 m

z 30° x

0.0381 m
. 038
0 [20 Marks]
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(12) [CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-1| 17th March 2019

7. (b) (i) A sample of soil was prepared by mixing a quantity of

dry soil with 10% by mass of water. Find the mass of this
wet mixture required to produce a cylindrical, compacted
specimen of 15 cm diameter and 12.5 cm deep and having
6% air content. Find also the void ratio and the dry
density of the specimen if G = 2.68.
[15 Marks]
7. (b) (ii) The following observations were taken during a pipette
analysis for the determination of particle size distribution
of a soil sample.
(i) Depth below the water surface at which the sample
was taken = 100 mm
(ii) Capacity of pipette = 10 ml
(iii) Mass of sample when dried = 0.3 gm
(iv) Time of taking sample = 7 minutes after the start
(v) Volume of soil suspension in the sedementation tube
= 500 ml.
(vi) Dry mass of soil used in making suspension = 25 gm.
Determine the coordinate of the point on the particle
size distribution curve corresponding to above
Take G = 2.70 and  = 10.09 millipoise,  w  1gm ml .
[5 Marks]
7. (c) A load P of 5000 Kg on the crank pin of the crank shaft as
shown in figure is required to turn the shaft at constant
speed. The crank shaft is made of ductile steel having yield
strength of 2800 Kg/cm2 as determined in simple tensile test.
Calculate the diameter of the shaft based on a factor of safety
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[CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-1| 17th March 2019 (13)

of 2.5. Use maximum shear stress theory. Consider section

m-n as critical section.

m A

[20 Marks]
8. (a) (i) A compacted fill is to be constructed using one of the two
potential borrow areas A and B. The in situ properties of
soil at these sites are as follows:
B or r ow a r ea A : en = 0.80; wn = 17.5%, Gs = 2.65
Borrow area B: en = 0.68; wn = 14.0%, Gs = 2.65
The compacted volume of the embankment will be
50,000 m3, its unit weight 20kN/m3 at a placement water
content of 20%.
Soil from the borrow area is to be excavated and
transported to the site in trucks of 10m3 capacity. During
excavation and dumping of soil in the trucks, the soil
increases in volume by 10 per cent. At the site, the required
additional amount of water is added to the soil and
compacted to the desired extent by pneumatic rubber
tyred rollers. The cost of excavation, transportation and
compaction is Rs 400 per truck for borrow area A and Rs
500 per truck for borrow area B. Water charges per truck
is Rs 150.
Which of the two borrow areas is more economical?
[13 Marks]
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(14) [CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-1| 17th March 2019

8. (a) (ii) The total unit weight (  t ) of soil is 18.8 kN/m3, the specific
gravity (G) of the solid particles of the soil is 2.67 and the
water content (w) of the soil is 12%. Calculate the dry unit
weight (  d ), void ratio (e) and the degree of saturation(S)
[7 Marks]
8. (b) Prove that the moment of a resistance of a beam of square
section, with its diagonal in the plane of bending is increased
by flatting top and bottom corners as shown in Figure and
that the moment of resistance is a maximum when y = 8a/9.
Find the percentage increase in moment of resistance also.
y a

C [20 Marks]
8. (c) (i) A box frame is constructed from four boards nailed
together as shown in figure. If each nail can support a
shear force of 120 kN, determine the maximum spacing
S of the nails at B and at C so that beam will support the
force of 350 kN.





150mm [12 Marks]

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[CE], ESE Conventional Test Series Program |Test-1| 17th March 2019 (15)

8. (c) (ii) Draw shear flow diagram & locate shear centre for the
channel section as shown below:
50 mm
10 mm

100mm 10 mm

10 mm

[8 Marks]

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