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sl no question

1 SS to check for particular pattern in particular file

2 SS to display present directory,list of files,date,calendar using
3 switch
SS to cut specific columns of a specific file
4 SS to replace word 'ann' with 'meera' in a particular file
5 SS to sort a file
6 SS to display calendar of any year. Year accepted from keyword.
SS that takes a command –line argument and reports
on whether it is directory ,a file,or something else

8 SP to find area and perimeter of a circle , square and rectangle

9 SP to generate progress card for a student
10 SP to find square of 1 to n Numbers
11 SP to check whether a no is prime or not
12 SP to perform mathematic operation using switch
13 SP to print the following pattern
2 1
3 2 1
14 Write a script to prepare multiplication table of a given number to any order
15 SP to print fibonacci series upto a limit
16 SP to find factorial of a number
17 SP to find length and reverse of a no. and check whether it is
palindrome or not
18 SP to find ncr. N and c accepted through commandline
19 find sum of digits of a number. Number accepted from commandline
20 Write Script to find out biggest number from given three nos.
Nos are
supplied as command line arguments. Print error if sufficient
arguments are not supplied.

admin commands
part 4 chmod
symbolic mode and absolute mode
ber to any order

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